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/** * @file * @copyright Copyright 2017 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved. * @author Sergey Khabarov - sergeykhbr@gmail.com * @brief Generic Plot drawer widget. */ #include <math.h> #include "PlotWidget.h" #include "moc_PlotWidget.h" namespace debugger { static const int MARGIN = 5; static const char *PLOTS_COLORS[LINES_PER_PLOT_MAX] = { "#007ACC", // nice blue color (msvc) "#40C977", // green/blue color "#CA5100", // nice orange color (msvc) "#BD63C5", // violet "#FFFFFF", // white color "#FFFFFF", // white color "#FFFFFF", // white color "#FFFFFF" // white color }; PlotWidget::PlotWidget(IGui *igui, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { igui_ = igui; selectedEpoch = 0; epochStart = 0; epochTotal = 0; lineTotal = 0; trackLineIdx = 0; pressed = Qt::NoButton; waitingResp_ = false; setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); contextMenu = new QMenu(this); contextMenu->addAction( tr("Clear zoom"), this, SLOT(slotActionZoomClear())); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), SLOT(slotRightClickMenu(const QPoint &))); connect(this, SIGNAL(signalCmdResponse()), SLOT(slotCmdResponse())); bkg1 = QColor(Qt::black); cmd_.make_string("cpi"); groupName = QString("NoGroupName"); groupUnits = QString("clocks"); defaultLineCfg.from_config("{" "'Name':'NoName'," "'Format':'%.1f'," "'RingLength':256," "'Color':'#FFFFFF'," "'FixedMinY':true," "'FixedMinYVal':0.0," "'FixedMaxY':false," "'FixedMaxYVal':0.0}"); } CpiPlot::CpiPlot(IGui *igui, QWidget *parent) : PlotWidget(igui, parent) { cmd_.make_string("cpi"); groupName = QString("CPI"); groupUnits = QString("clocks"); defaultLineCfg["Color"].make_string(PLOTS_COLORS[0]); defaultLineCfg["Name"].make_string("CPI"); defaultLineCfg["Format"].make_string("%.2f"); line_[0] = new LineCommon(defaultLineCfg); lineTotal = 1; } BusUtilPlot::BusUtilPlot(IGui *igui, QWidget *parent) : PlotWidget(igui, parent) { cmd_.make_string("busutil"); groupName = QString("Bus Utilization"); groupUnits = QString("percentage"); defaultLineCfg["FixedMaxY"].make_boolean(true); defaultLineCfg["FixedMaxYVal"].make_floating(100.0); } PlotWidget::~PlotWidget() { for (int i = 0; i < lineTotal; i++) { delete line_[i]; } } void PlotWidget::handleResponse(AttributeType *req, AttributeType *resp) { response_ = *resp; emit signalCmdResponse(); waitingResp_ = false; } void CpiPlot::slotCmdResponse() { if (!response_.is_list() || response_.size() != 5) { return; } line_[0]->append(response_[4].to_float()); epochTotal = line_[0]->size(); update(); } void BusUtilPlot::slotCmdResponse() { if (!response_.is_list()) { return; } int mst_total = static_cast<int>(response_.size()); if (lineTotal < mst_total) { char tstr[64]; for (int i = lineTotal; i < mst_total; i++) { RISCV_sprintf(tstr, sizeof(tstr), "mst[%d]", i); defaultLineCfg["Name"].make_string(tstr); defaultLineCfg["Color"].make_string(PLOTS_COLORS[i]); line_[i] = new LineCommon(defaultLineCfg); line_[i]->setPlotSize(rectPlot.width(), rectPlot.height()); } lineTotal = mst_total; } double wr, rd; for (int i = 0; i < mst_total; i++) { const AttributeType &mst = response_[i]; if (!mst.is_list() || mst.size() != 2) { continue; } wr = mst[0u].to_float(); rd = mst[1].to_float(); line_[i]->append(wr + rd); } epochTotal = line_[0]->size(); update(); } void PlotWidget::slotUpdateByTimer() { if (waitingResp_ || pressed) { return; } igui_->registerCommand(static_cast<IGuiCmdHandler *>(this), &cmd_, true); waitingResp_ = true; } void PlotWidget::renderAll() { pixmap.fill(bkg1); QPainter p(&pixmap); renderAxis(p); p.translate(rectPlot.topLeft()); for (int lineIdx = 0; lineIdx < lineTotal; lineIdx++) { renderLine(p, line_[lineIdx]); } renderMarker(p); renderInfoPanel(p); p.translate(-rectPlot.topLeft()); renderSelection(p); p.end(); } void PlotWidget::renderAxis(QPainter &p) { p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); p.setPen(QPen(QColor(0x48,0x3D,0x8B))); // Color Dark State Blue: #483D8B p.drawLine(rectPlot.bottomLeft(), rectPlot.bottomRight()); p.drawLine(rectPlot.bottomLeft(), rectPlot.topLeft()); /** Draw Group name: */ QSize groupTextSize = p.fontMetrics().size(Qt::TextDontClip, groupName); QPoint groupTextPos = QPoint((width() - groupTextSize.width())/2, 0); QRect groupTextRect = QRect(groupTextPos, groupTextSize); p.setPen(QPen(QColor("#BFBFBF"))); p.drawText(groupTextRect, Qt::AlignLeft, groupName); /** Draw Y-axis units: */ p.rotate(-90.0); groupTextSize = p.fontMetrics().size(Qt::TextDontClip, groupUnits); groupTextPos = QPoint(-(height() + groupTextSize.width())/2, 2); groupTextRect = QRect(groupTextPos, groupTextSize); p.drawText(groupTextRect, Qt::AlignLeft, groupUnits); p.rotate(90.0); } void PlotWidget::renderLine(QPainter &p, LineCommon *pline) { bool draw_line = false; int x, y; QPoint ptA, ptB; QRect box(0, 0, 4, 4); p.setPen(QColor(pline->getColor())); pline->selectData(epochStart, epochTotal); for (int i = epochStart; i < epochStart + epochTotal; i++) { if (!pline->getNext(x, y)) { draw_line = false; continue; } box.moveTo(x - 2, y - 2); p.drawRect(box); if (!draw_line) { draw_line = true; ptA = QPoint(x, y); } else { ptB = QPoint(x, y); p.drawLine(ptA, ptB); ptA = ptB; } } } void PlotWidget::renderMarker(QPainter &p) { if (!lineTotal) { return; } LineCommon *pline = line_[trackLineIdx]; int x, y; p.setPen(Qt::red); QRect box(0, 0, 6, 6); if (pline->getXY(selectedEpoch, x, y)) { /** Vertial Marker line: */ p.setPen(QPen(QColor(0xff, 0, 0, 0xa0))); QPoint ptA(x, 0); QPoint ptB(x, rectPlot.height()); p.drawLine(ptA, ptB); // Marker box box.moveTo(x - 3, y - 3); p.drawRect(box); } } void PlotWidget::renderSelection(QPainter &p) { /** Highlight selection when mouse pressed */ if (pressed == Qt::MiddleButton) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Difference); QRect rect(QPoint(pressStart.x(), rectPlot.top()), QPoint(pressEnd.x(), rectPlot.bottom())); p.fillRect(rect, Qt::white); } } void PlotWidget::renderInfoPanel(QPainter &p) { char bufName[256]; QFont fontPos; // Save previous values: QBrush oldBrush = p.brush(); QPen oldPen = p.pen(); QFont oldFont = p.font(); fontPos.setPixelSize(10); p.setFont(fontPos); QSize infoNameSize; QString name; QString fullString; fullString.sprintf("idx: %d\n", selectedEpoch); // Find the longest 'name : value' string among lines: int NAME_WIDTH_MAX = rectPlot.width() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < lineTotal; i++) { LineCommon *pLine = line_[i]; if (!pLine->getAxisValue(1, selectedEpoch, bufName, sizeof(bufName))) { continue; } name.sprintf("%s: %s\n", pLine->getName(), bufName); fullString += name; } infoNameSize = p.fontMetrics().size(Qt::TextDontClip, fullString); /** Guard: to avoid wrong formatted string value */ if (infoNameSize.width() > NAME_WIDTH_MAX) { infoNameSize.setWidth(NAME_WIDTH_MAX); } QPoint posPanel(rectPlot.width() - infoNameSize.width() - 5, 5); p.setPen(QPen(QColor("#450020"))); p.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0xff, 0xef, 0xd5, 0x80))); QRect rectPanel(posPanel, infoNameSize); QRect textPanel = rectPanel; rectPanel.setWidth(rectPanel.width() + 4); rectPanel.setLeft(rectPanel.left() - 2); p.drawRoundedRect(rectPanel, 2, 2); p.drawText(textPanel, Qt::AlignLeft, fullString); // Restore: p.setBrush(oldBrush); p.setPen(oldPen); p.setFont(oldFont); } int PlotWidget::pix2epoch(QPoint pix) { pix -= rectPlot.topLeft(); if (pix.x() > rectPlot.width()) { pix.setX(rectPlot.width()); } return line_[trackLineIdx]->getNearestByX(pix.x()); } void PlotWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *ev) { int w = ev->size().width(); int h = ev->size().height(); if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return; } QSize pixmapSingleSize = QSize(w, h); rectMargined.setTopLeft(QPoint(MARGIN, MARGIN)); rectMargined.setBottomRight(QPoint(w - MARGIN, h - MARGIN)); QFontMetrics fm(font()); int font_h = fm.height() + 4; rectPlot = rectMargined; rectPlot.setLeft(rectMargined.left() + font_h); rectPlot.setTop(rectMargined.top() + font_h); for (int i = 0; i < lineTotal; i++) { line_[i]->setPlotSize(rectPlot.width(), rectPlot.height()); } pixmap = QPixmap(pixmapSingleSize); } void PlotWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { renderAll(); QPainter p(this); QPoint pos(0,0); p.drawPixmap(pos, pixmap); p.end(); } void PlotWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { setFocus(); /** There're 2 methods: buttons() and button(): buttons() is a multiple flag of button() */ pressed = event->button(); if (pressed != Qt::LeftButton && pressed != Qt::MiddleButton) { pressed = Qt::NoButton; return; } selectedEpoch = pix2epoch(event->pos()); pressStart = event->pos(); } void PlotWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (!event->buttons()) { return; } if (pressed != Qt::NoButton) { selectedEpoch = pix2epoch(event->pos()); pressEnd = event->pos(); update(); } } void PlotWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { if (pressed == Qt::MiddleButton) { /** Warning: changing of epochStart before epochEnd computed * will raise an errors */ int tmpStart = pix2epoch(pressStart); int tmpEnd = pix2epoch(pressEnd); if (tmpStart < tmpEnd) { epochStart = tmpStart; epochTotal = tmpEnd - epochStart + 1; } else if (tmpStart > tmpEnd) { epochStart = tmpEnd; epochTotal = tmpStart - epochStart + 1; } } pressed = Qt::NoButton; update(); } void PlotWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Left: if (selectedEpoch > epochStart) { selectedEpoch--; update(); } break; case Qt::Key_Right: if (selectedEpoch < (epochStart + epochTotal) - 1) { selectedEpoch++; update(); } break; default:; } } void PlotWidget::slotRightClickMenu(const QPoint &p) { QPoint globalPos = mapToGlobal(p); contextMenu->popup(globalPos); } void PlotWidget::slotActionZoomClear() { epochStart = 0; epochTotal = line_[trackLineIdx]->size(); update(); } double PlotWidget::borderUpValue(double v) { double tmp; if (v == 0) { return 0; } //double border = 1.0; double x10 = 1.0; if (v > 1.0) { tmp = v; while (tmp > 1.0) { tmp /= 10.0; x10 *= 10.0; } tmp *= 10.0; tmp = (double)((int)tmp + 1); x10 *= tmp; } else if (v < 1.0) { } return 0.0; } } // namespace debugger