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[/] [riscv_vhdl/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [ethlib/] [greth_tx.vhd] - Rev 5
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This file is a part of the GRLIB VHDL IP LIBRARY -- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2008, Gaisler Research -- Copyright (C) 2008 - 2014, Aeroflex Gaisler -- Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016, Cobham Gaisler -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Entity: greth_tx -- File: greth_tx.vhd -- Author: Marko Isomaki -- Description: Ethernet transmitter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library commonlib; use commonlib.types_common.all; library ethlib; use ethlib.types_eth.all; entity greth_tx is generic( ifg_gap : integer := 24; attempt_limit : integer := 16; backoff_limit : integer := 10; nsync : integer range 1 to 2 := 2; rmii : integer range 0 to 1 := 0; gmiimode : integer range 0 to 1 := 0 ); port( rst : in std_ulogic; clk : in std_ulogic; txi : in host_tx_type; txo : out tx_host_type ); end entity; architecture rtl of greth_tx is function mirror2(din : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is variable do : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin do(3) := din(0); do(2) := din(1); do(1) := din(2); do(0) := din(3); return do; end function; function init_ifg( ifg_gap : in integer; rmii : in integer) return integer is begin if rmii = 0 then return log2(ifg_gap); else return log2(ifg_gap*20); end if; end function; constant maxattempts : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(attempt_limit, 5); --transmitter constants constant ifg_bits : integer := init_ifg(ifg_gap, rmii); constant ifg_p1 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector((ifg_gap)/3, ifg_bits); constant ifg_p2 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector((ifg_gap*2)/3, ifg_bits); constant ifg_p1_r100 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector((ifg_gap*2)/3, ifg_bits); constant ifg_p2_r100 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(rmii*(ifg_gap*4)/3, ifg_bits); constant ifg_p1_r10 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(rmii*(ifg_gap*20)/3, ifg_bits); constant ifg_p2_r10 : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) := conv_std_logic_vector(rmii*(ifg_gap*40)/3, ifg_bits); function ifg_sel( rmii : in integer; p1 : in integer; speed : in std_ulogic) return std_logic_vector is begin if p1 = 1 then if rmii = 0 then return ifg_p1; else if speed = '1' then return ifg_p1_r100; else return ifg_p1_r10; end if; end if; else if rmii = 0 then return ifg_p2; else if speed = '1' then return ifg_p2_r100; else return ifg_p2_r10; end if; end if; end if; end function; --transmitter types type tx_state_type is (idle, preamble, sfd, data1, data2, pad1, pad2, fcs, fcs2, finish, calc_backoff, wait_backoff, send_jam, send_jam2, check_attempts); type def_state_type is (monitor, def_on, ifg1, ifg2, frame_waitingst); type tx_reg_type is record --deference process def_state : def_state_type; ifg_cycls : std_logic_vector(ifg_bits-1 downto 0); deferring : std_ulogic; was_transmitting : std_ulogic; --tx process main_state : tx_state_type; transmitting : std_ulogic; tx_en : std_ulogic; txd : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); icnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); crc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); crc_en : std_ulogic; byte_count : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); slot_count : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); random : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); delay_val : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); retry_cnt : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); status : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); data : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); --synchronization read : std_ulogic; done : std_ulogic; restart : std_ulogic; start : std_logic_vector(nsync downto 0); read_ack : std_logic_vector(nsync-1 downto 0); crs : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); col : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); fullduplex : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --rmii crs_act : std_ulogic; crs_prev : std_ulogic; speed : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); rcnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); switch : std_ulogic; txd_msb : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); zero : std_ulogic; rmii_crc_en : std_ulogic; end record; --transmitter signals signal r, rin : tx_reg_type; signal txrst : std_ulogic; signal vcc : std_ulogic; begin vcc <= '1'; tx_rst : eth_rstgen port map(rst, clk, vcc, txrst, open); tx : process(txrst, r, txi) is variable collision : std_ulogic; variable frame_waiting : std_ulogic; variable index : integer range 0 to 7; variable start : std_ulogic; variable read_ack : std_ulogic; variable v : tx_reg_type; variable crs : std_ulogic; variable col : std_ulogic; variable tx_done : std_ulogic; begin v := r; frame_waiting := '0'; tx_done := '0'; v.rmii_crc_en := '0'; --synchronization v.col(1) := r.col(0); v.col(0) := txi.rx_col; v.crs(1) := r.crs(0); v.crs(0) := txi.rx_crs; v.fullduplex(0) := txi.full_duplex; v.fullduplex(1) := r.fullduplex(0); v.start(0) := txi.start; v.read_ack(0) := txi.readack; if nsync = 2 then v.start(1) := r.start(0); v.read_ack(1) := r.read_ack(0); end if; start := r.start(nsync) xor r.start(nsync-1); read_ack := not (r.read xor r.read_ack(nsync-1)); --crc generation if (r.crc_en = '1') and ((rmii = 0) or (r.rmii_crc_en = '1')) then v.crc := calccrc(r.txd, r.crc); end if; --rmii if rmii = 0 then col := r.col(1); crs := r.crs(1); tx_done := '1'; else v.crs_prev := r.crs(1); if (r.crs(0) and not r.crs_act) = '1' then v.crs_act := '1'; end if; if (r.crs(1) or r.crs(0)) = '0' then v.crs_act := '0'; end if; crs := r.crs(1) and not ((not r.crs_prev) and r.crs_act); col := crs and r.tx_en; v.speed(1) := r.speed(0); v.speed(0) := txi.speed; if r.tx_en = '1' then v.rcnt := r.rcnt - 1; if r.speed(1) = '1' then v.switch := not r.switch; if r.switch = '1' then tx_done := '1'; v.rmii_crc_en := '1'; end if; if r.switch = '0' then v.txd(1 downto 0) := r.txd_msb; end if; else v.zero := '0'; if r.rcnt = "0001" then v.zero := '1'; end if; if r.zero = '1' then v.switch := not r.switch; v.rcnt := "1001"; if r.switch = '0' then v.txd(1 downto 0) := r.txd_msb; end if; end if; if (r.switch and r.zero) = '1' then tx_done := '1'; v.rmii_crc_en := '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; collision := col and not r.fullduplex(1); --main fsm case r.main_state is when idle => v.transmitting := '0'; if rmii = 1 then v.rcnt := "1001"; v.switch := '0'; end if; if (start and not r.deferring) = '1' then v.main_state := preamble; v.transmitting := '1'; v.tx_en := '1'; v.byte_count := (others => '1'); v.status := (others => '0'); v.read := not r.read; v.start(nsync) := r.start(nsync-1); elsif start = '1' then frame_waiting := '1'; end if; v.txd := "0101"; v.cnt := "1110"; when preamble => if tx_done = '1' then v.cnt := r.cnt - 1; if r.cnt = "0000" then v.txd := "1101"; v.main_state := sfd; end if; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when sfd => if tx_done = '1' then v.main_state := data1; v.icnt := (others => '0'); v.crc_en := '1'; v.crc := (others => '1'); v.byte_count := (others => '0'); v.txd := txi.data(27 downto 24); if (read_ack and txi.valid) = '0' then v.status(0) := '1'; v.main_state := finish; v.tx_en := '0'; else v.data := txi.data; v.read := not r.read; end if; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when data1 => index := conv_integer(r.icnt); if tx_done = '1' then v.byte_count := r.byte_count + 1; v.main_state := data2; v.icnt := r.icnt + 1; case index is when 0 => v.txd := r.data(31 downto 28); when 1 => v.txd := r.data(23 downto 20); when 2 => v.txd := r.data(15 downto 12); when 3 => v.txd := r.data(7 downto 4); when others => null; end case; if v.byte_count = txi.len then v.tx_en := '1'; if conv_integer(v.byte_count) >= 60 then v.main_state := fcs; v.cnt := (others => '0'); else v.main_state := pad1; end if; elsif index = 3 then if (read_ack and txi.valid) = '0' then v.status(0) := '1'; v.main_state := finish; v.tx_en := '0'; else v.data := txi.data; v.read := not r.read; end if; end if; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when data2 => index := conv_integer(r.icnt); if tx_done = '1' then v.main_state := data1; case index is when 0 => v.txd := r.data(27 downto 24); when 1 => v.txd := r.data(19 downto 16); when 2 => v.txd := r.data(11 downto 8); when 3 => v.txd := r.data(3 downto 0); when others => null; end case; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when pad1 => if tx_done = '1' then v.main_state := pad2; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when pad2 => if tx_done = '1' then v.byte_count := r.byte_count + 1; if conv_integer(v.byte_count) = 60 then v.main_state := fcs; v.cnt := (others => '0'); else v.main_state := pad1; end if; if collision = '1' then v.main_state := send_jam; end if; end if; when fcs => if tx_done = '1' then v.cnt := r.cnt + 1; v.crc_en := '0'; index := conv_integer(r.cnt); case index is when 0 => v.txd := mirror2(not v.crc(31 downto 28)); when 1 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(27 downto 24)); when 2 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(23 downto 20)); when 3 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(19 downto 16)); when 4 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(15 downto 12)); when 5 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(11 downto 8)); when 6 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(7 downto 4)); when 7 => v.txd := mirror2(not r.crc(3 downto 0)); v.main_state := fcs2; when others => null; end case; end if; when fcs2 => if tx_done = '1' then v.main_state := finish; v.tx_en := '0'; end if; when finish => v.tx_en := '0'; v.transmitting := '0'; v.main_state := idle; v.retry_cnt := (others => '0'); v.done := not r.done; when send_jam => if tx_done = '1' then v.cnt := "0110"; v.main_state := send_jam2; v.crc_en := '0'; end if; when send_jam2 => if tx_done = '1' then v.cnt := r.cnt - 1; if r.cnt = "0000" then v.main_state := check_attempts; v.retry_cnt := r.retry_cnt + 1; v.tx_en := '0'; end if; end if; when check_attempts => v.transmitting := '0'; if r.retry_cnt = maxattempts then v.main_state := finish; v.status(1) := '1'; else v.main_state := calc_backoff; v.restart := not r.restart; end if; v.tx_en := '0'; when calc_backoff => v.delay_val := (others => '0'); for i in 1 to backoff_limit-1 loop if i < conv_integer(r.retry_cnt)+1 then v.delay_val(i) := r.random(i); end if; end loop; v.main_state := wait_backoff; v.slot_count := (others => '1'); when wait_backoff => if conv_integer(r.delay_val) = 0 then v.main_state := idle; end if; v.slot_count := r.slot_count - 1; if conv_integer(r.slot_count) = 0 then v.slot_count := (others => '1'); v.delay_val := r.delay_val - 1; end if; when others => v.main_state := idle; end case; --random values; v.random := r.random(8 downto 0) & (not (r.random(2) xor r.random(9))); --deference case r.def_state is when monitor => v.was_transmitting := '0'; if ( (crs and not r.fullduplex(1)) or (r.transmitting and r.fullduplex(1)) ) = '1' then v.deferring := '1'; v.def_state := def_on; v.was_transmitting := r.transmitting; end if; when def_on => v.was_transmitting := r.was_transmitting or r.transmitting; if r.fullduplex(1) = '1' then if r.transmitting = '0' then v.def_state := ifg1; end if; v.ifg_cycls := ifg_sel(rmii, 1, r.speed(1)); else if (r.transmitting or crs) = '0' then v.def_state := ifg1; v.ifg_cycls := ifg_sel(rmii, 1, r.speed(1)); end if; end if; when ifg1 => v.ifg_cycls := r.ifg_cycls - 1; if r.ifg_cycls = zero32(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) then v.def_state := ifg2; v.ifg_cycls := ifg_sel(rmii, 0, r.speed(1)); elsif (crs and not r.fullduplex(1)) = '1' then v.ifg_cycls := ifg_sel(rmii, 1, r.speed(1)); end if; when ifg2 => v.ifg_cycls := r.ifg_cycls - 1; if r.ifg_cycls = zero32(ifg_bits-1 downto 0) then v.deferring := '0'; if (r.fullduplex(1) or not frame_waiting) = '1' then v.def_state := monitor; elsif frame_waiting = '1' then v.def_state := frame_waitingst; end if; end if; when frame_waitingst => if frame_waiting = '0' then v.def_state := monitor; end if; when others => v.def_state := monitor; end case; if rmii = 1 then v.txd_msb := v.txd(3 downto 2); end if; if txrst = '0' then v.main_state := idle; v.random := (others => '0'); v.def_state := monitor; v.deferring := '0'; v.tx_en := '0'; v.done := '0'; v.restart := '0'; v.read := '0'; v.start := (others => '0'); v.read_ack := (others => '0'); v.icnt := (others => '0'); v.delay_val := (others => '0'); v.ifg_cycls := (others => '0'); v.crs_act := '0'; v.slot_count := (others => '1'); v.retry_cnt := (others => '0'); v.cnt := (others => '0'); end if; rin <= v; txo.tx_er <= '0'; txo.tx_en <= r.tx_en; txo.txd <= r.txd; txo.done <= r.done; txo.read <= r.read; txo.restart <= r.restart; txo.status <= r.status; end process; gmiimode0 : if gmiimode = 0 generate txregs0 : process(clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then r <= rin; if txrst = '0' then r.icnt <= (others => '0'); r.delay_val <= (others => '0'); r.cnt <= (others => '0'); else r.icnt <= rin.icnt; r.delay_val <= rin.delay_val; r.cnt <= rin.cnt; end if; end if; end process; end generate; gmiimode1 : if gmiimode = 1 generate txregs0 : process(clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then if (txi.datavalid = '1' or txrst = '0') then r <= rin; end if; if txrst = '0' then r.icnt <= (others => '0'); r.delay_val <= (others => '0'); r.cnt <= (others => '0'); else if txi.datavalid = '1' then r.icnt <= rin.icnt; r.delay_val <= rin.delay_val; r.cnt <= rin.cnt; end if; end if; end if; end process; end generate; end architecture;