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[/] [riscv_vhdl/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [gnsslib/] [rf3b/] [axi_rfctrl.vhd] - Rev 5
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! @file --! @copyright Copyright 2015 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved. --! @author Sergey Khabarov - sergeykhbr@gmail.com --! @brief This file implements RF-controller entity axi_rfctrl. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library commonlib; use commonlib.types_common.all; --! AMBA system bus specific library library ambalib; --! AXI4 configuration constants. use ambalib.types_amba4.all; --! @brief RF-front controller based on MAX2769 ICs. --! @details This unit implements SPI interface with MAX2769 ICs --! and interacts with the antenna control signals. entity axi_rfctrl is generic ( xaddr : integer := 0; xmask : integer := 16#fffff# ); port ( nrst : in std_logic; clk : in std_logic; o_cfg : out nasti_slave_config_type; i_axi : in nasti_slave_in_type; o_axi : out nasti_slave_out_type; i_gps_ld : in std_logic; i_glo_ld : in std_logic; --! @name Synthezator's SPI interface signals: --! @brief Connects to MAX2769 IC. --! @{ outSCLK : out std_logic; outSDATA : out std_logic; outCSn : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); --! @} --! @name Antenna control signals: --! @brief RF front-end IO analog signals. --! @{ inExtAntStat : in std_logic; inExtAntDetect : in std_logic; outExtAntEna : out std_logic; outIntAntContr : out std_logic --! @} ); end; architecture rtl of axi_rfctrl is constant xconfig : nasti_slave_config_type := ( descrtype => PNP_CFG_TYPE_SLAVE, descrsize => PNP_CFG_SLAVE_DESCR_BYTES, irq_idx => 0, xaddr => conv_std_logic_vector(xaddr, CFG_NASTI_CFG_ADDR_BITS), xmask => conv_std_logic_vector(xmask, CFG_NASTI_CFG_ADDR_BITS), vid => VENDOR_GNSSSENSOR, did => GNSSSENSOR_RF_CONTROL ); type local_addr_array_type is array (0 to CFG_WORDS_ON_BUS-1) of integer; type registers is record bank_axi : nasti_slave_bank_type; conf1 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); conf2 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); conf3 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); pllconf : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); div : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); fdiv : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); strm : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); clkdiv : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); test1 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); test2 : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); scale : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); load_run : std_ulogic; select_spi : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); loading : std_ulogic; ScaleCnt : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); SClkPosedge : std_ulogic; SClkNegedge : std_ulogic; SCLK : std_ulogic; BitCnt : integer range 0 to 33; CS : std_ulogic; --!! not inversed!! WordSelector : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); SendWord : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); ExtAntEna : std_ulogic; IntAntContr : std_ulogic; end record; signal r, rin : registers; begin comblogic : process(nrst, r, i_axi, i_glo_ld, i_gps_ld, inExtAntStat, inExtAntDetect) variable raddr_reg : local_addr_array_type; variable waddr_reg : local_addr_array_type; variable rdata : std_logic_vector(CFG_NASTI_DATA_BITS-1 downto 0); variable tmp : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable wstrb : std_logic_vector(CFG_ALIGN_BYTES-1 downto 0); variable v : registers; variable readdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable wNewWord : std_ulogic; begin v := r; v.load_run := '0'; procedureAxi4(i_axi, xconfig, r.bank_axi, v.bank_axi); -- read registers: for n in 0 to CFG_WORDS_ON_BUS-1 loop raddr_reg(n) := conv_integer(r.bank_axi.raddr(n)(11 downto 2)); tmp := (others => '0'); case raddr_reg(n) is when 0 => tmp := "0000" & r.conf1; when 1 => tmp := "0000" & r.conf2; when 2 => tmp := "0000" & r.conf3; when 3 => tmp := "0000" & r.pllconf; when 4 => tmp := "0000" & r.div; when 5 => tmp := "0000" & r.fdiv; when 6 => tmp := "0000" & r.strm; when 7 => tmp := "0000" & r.clkdiv; when 8 => tmp := "0000" & r.test1; when 9 => tmp := "0000" & r.test2; when 10 => tmp := r.scale; when 11 => tmp(9 downto 0):= conv_std_logic_vector(r.BitCnt,6) & '0' & r.loading & i_glo_ld & i_gps_ld; when 15 => tmp(5 downto 0) := inExtAntStat & inExtAntDetect & "00"& r.IntAntContr & r.ExtAntEna; when others => end case; rdata(8*CFG_ALIGN_BYTES*(n+1)-1 downto 8*CFG_ALIGN_BYTES*n) := tmp; end loop; -- write registers if i_axi.w_valid = '1' and r.bank_axi.wstate = wtrans and r.bank_axi.wresp = NASTI_RESP_OKAY then for n in 0 to CFG_WORDS_ON_BUS-1 loop waddr_reg(n) := conv_integer(r.bank_axi.waddr(n)(11 downto 2)); tmp := i_axi.w_data(32*(n+1)-1 downto 32*n); wstrb := i_axi.w_strb(CFG_ALIGN_BYTES*(n+1)-1 downto CFG_ALIGN_BYTES*n); if conv_integer(wstrb) /= 0 then case waddr_reg(n) is when 0 => v.conf1 := tmp(27 downto 0); when 1 => v.conf2 := tmp(27 downto 0); when 2 => v.conf3 := tmp(27 downto 0); when 3 => v.pllconf := tmp(27 downto 0); when 4 => v.div := tmp(27 downto 0); when 5 => v.fdiv := tmp(27 downto 0); when 6 => v.strm := tmp(27 downto 0); when 7 => v.clkdiv := tmp(27 downto 0); when 8 => v.test1 := tmp(27 downto 0); when 9 => v.test2 := tmp(27 downto 0); when 10 => if tmp(31 downto 1) = zero32(31 downto 1) then v.scale := conv_std_logic_vector(2,32); else v.scale := tmp; end if; when 11 => v.load_run := '1'; v.ScaleCnt := (others => '0'); v.BitCnt := 0; if tmp = zero32 then v.select_spi := "01"; elsif tmp = conv_std_logic_vector(1,32) then v.select_spi := "10"; else v.select_spi := "00"; end if; when 15 => v.ExtAntEna := tmp(0); v.IntAntContr := tmp(1); when others => end case; end if; end loop; end if; -- loading procedure: if((r.SClkNegedge='1') and (r.BitCnt=33)) then wNewWord := '1'; else wNewWord := '0'; end if; if(r.load_run='1') then v.loading := '1'; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector="000000000")) then v.loading := '0'; end if; if((r.loading and r.SClkNegedge)='1') then v.ScaleCnt := (others => '0'); elsif(r.loading='1') then v.ScaleCnt := r.ScaleCnt+1; end if; -- scaler pulse: if((r.scale/=zero32)and(r.ScaleCnt=r.scale)) then v.SClkNegedge := '1'; else v.SClkNegedge := '0'; end if; if((r.scale/=zero32)and(r.ScaleCnt=('0'& r.scale(31 downto 1)))) then v.SClkPosedge := '1'; else v.SClkPosedge := '0'; end if; -- SCLK former: if(r.SClkPosedge='1') then v.SCLK := '1'; elsif(r.SClkNegedge='1') then v.SCLK := '0'; end if; -- Not inversed CS signal: if((r.SClkNegedge='1')and(r.BitCnt=33)) then v.BitCnt := 0; elsif(r.SClkNegedge='1') then v.BitCnt := r.BitCnt + 1; end if; if((r.BitCnt=0)or((r.BitCnt=33))) then v.CS := '0'; else v.CS := '1'; end if; -- Word multiplexer: if(r.load_run='1') then v.WordSelector := "000000001"; elsif(wNewWord='1') then v.WordSelector := r.WordSelector(7 downto 0) & '0'; end if; if(r.load_run='1') then v.SendWord := r.conf1 & "0000"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(0)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.conf2 & "0001"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(1)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.conf3 & "0010"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(2)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.pllconf & "0011"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(3)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.div & "0100"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(4)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.fdiv & "0101"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(5)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.strm & "0110"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(6)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.clkdiv & "0111"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(7)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.test1 & "1000"; elsif((wNewWord='1')and(r.WordSelector(8)='1')) then v.SendWord := r.test2 & "1001"; elsif((r.SClkNegedge='1')and(r.BitCnt/=0)and(r.BitCnt/=33)) then v.SendWord := r.SendWord(30 downto 0)&'0'; end if; -- reset operation if nrst = '0' then v.bank_axi := NASTI_SLAVE_BANK_RESET; v.load_run := '0'; v.conf1 := (others => '0'); v.conf2 := (others => '0'); v.conf3 := (others => '0'); v.pllconf := (others => '0'); v.div := (others => '0'); v.fdiv := (others => '0'); v.strm := (others => '0'); v.clkdiv := (others => '0'); v.test1 := (others => '0'); v.test2 := (others => '0'); v.scale := (others => '0'); v.SCLK := '0'; v.BitCnt := 0; v.CS := '0'; v.select_spi := (others => '0'); v.ExtAntEna := '0'; v.SendWord := (others=>'0'); v.loading := '0'; v.ScaleCnt := (others => '0'); v.WordSelector := (others => '0'); v.IntAntContr := '0'; end if; rin <= v; o_axi <= functionAxi4Output(r.bank_axi, rdata); end process; o_cfg <= xconfig; outSCLK <= r.SCLK; outCSn(0) <= not(r.CS and r.select_spi(0)); outCSn(1) <= not(r.CS and r.select_spi(1)); outSDATA <= r.SendWord(31); outExtAntEna <= r.ExtAntEna; outIntAntContr <= r.IntAntContr; -- registers: regs : process(clk) begin if rising_edge(clk) then r <= rin; end if; end process; end;