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[/] [riscv_vhdl/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [riverlib/] [core/] [csr.vhd] - Rev 5
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! @file --! @copyright Copyright 2018 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved. --! @author Sergey Khabarov - sergeykhbr@gmail.com --! @brief CSR registers module. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library commonlib; use commonlib.types_common.all; --! RIVER CPU specific library. library riverlib; --! RIVER CPU configuration constants. use riverlib.river_cfg.all; entity CsrRegs is port ( i_clk : in std_logic; -- CPU clock i_nrst : in std_logic; -- Reset. Active LOW. i_xret : in std_logic; -- XRet instruction signals mode switching i_addr : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- CSR address, if xret=1 switch mode accordingly i_wena : in std_logic; -- Write enable i_wdata : in std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); -- CSR writing value o_rdata : out std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); -- CSR read value i_break_mode : in std_logic; -- Behaviour on EBREAK instruction: 0 = halt; 1 = generate trap i_breakpoint : in std_logic; -- Breakpoint (Trap or not depends of mode) i_trap_ena : in std_logic; -- Trap pulse i_trap_code : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- bit[4] : 1=interrupt; 0=exception; bits[3:0]=code i_trap_pc : in std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);-- trap on pc o_ie : out std_logic; -- Interrupt enable bit o_mode : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- CPU mode o_mtvec : out std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);-- Interrupt descriptors table i_dport_ena : in std_logic; -- Debug port request is enabled i_dport_write : in std_logic; -- Debug port Write enable i_dport_addr : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- Debug port CSR address i_dport_wdata : in std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0);-- Debug port CSR writing value o_dport_rdata : out std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0)-- Debug port CSR read value ); end; architecture arch_CsrRegs of CsrRegs is type RegistersType is record mtvec : std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); mscratch : std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); mbadaddr : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); mode : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); uie : std_logic; -- User level interrupts ena for current priv. mode mie : std_logic; -- Machine level interrupts ena for current priv. mode mpie : std_logic; -- Previous MIE value mpp : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Previous mode mepc : std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); trap_irq : std_logic; trap_code : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); end record; signal r, rin : RegistersType; procedure procedure_RegAccess( iaddr : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); iwena : in std_logic; iwdata : in std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); ir : in RegistersType; ov : out RegistersType; ordata : out std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0)) is begin ov := ir; ordata := (others => '0'); case iaddr is when CSR_misa => --! Base[XLEN-1:XLEN-2] --! 1 = 32 --! 2 = 64 --! 3 = 128 --! ordata(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto RISCV_ARCH-2) := "10"; --! BitCharacterDescription --! 0 A Atomic extension --! 1 B Tentatively reserved for Bit operations extension --! 2 C Compressed extension --! 3 D Double-precision Foating-point extension --! 4 E RV32E base ISA (embedded) --! 5 F Single-precision Foating-point extension --! 6 G Additional standard extensions present --! 7 H Hypervisor mode implemented --! 8 I RV32I/64I/128I base ISA --! 9 J Reserved --! 10 K Reserved --! 11 L Tentatively reserved for Decimal Floating-Point extension --! 12 M Integer Multiply/Divide extension --! 13 N User-level interrupts supported --! 14 O Reserved --! 15 P Tentatively reserved for Packed-SIMD extension --! 16 Q Quad-precision Foating-point extension --! 17 R Reserved --! 18 S Supervisor mode implemented --! 19 T Tentatively reserved for Transactional Memory extension --! 20 U User mode implemented --! 21 V Tentatively reserved for Vector extension --! 22 W Reserved --! 23 X Non-standard extensions present --! 24 Y Reserved --! 25 Z Reserve --! ordata(8) := '1'; ordata(12) := '1'; ordata(20) := '1'; ordata(2) := '1'; when CSR_mvendorid => when CSR_marchid => when CSR_mimplementationid => when CSR_mhartid => when CSR_uepc => -- User mode program counter when CSR_mstatus => -- Machine mode status register ordata(0) := ir.uie; ordata(3) := ir.mie; ordata(7) := ir.mpie; ordata(12 downto 11) := ir.mpp; if iwena = '1' then ov.uie := iwdata(0); ov.mie := iwdata(3); ov.mpie := iwdata(7); ov.mpp := iwdata(12 downto 11); end if; when CSR_medeleg => -- Machine exception delegation when CSR_mideleg => -- Machine interrupt delegation when CSR_mie => -- Machine interrupt enable bit when CSR_mtvec => ordata := ir.mtvec; if iwena = '1' then ov.mtvec := iwdata; end if; when CSR_mtimecmp => -- Machine wall-clock timer compare value when CSR_mscratch => -- Machine scratch register ordata := ir.mscratch; if iwena = '1' then ov.mscratch := iwdata; end if; when CSR_mepc => -- Machine program counter ordata := ir.mepc; if iwena = '1' then ov.mepc := iwdata; end if; when CSR_mcause => -- Machine trap cause ordata(63) := ir.trap_irq; ordata(3 downto 0) := ir.trap_code; when CSR_mbadaddr => -- Machine bad address ordata(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := ir.mbadaddr; when CSR_mip => -- Machine interrupt pending when others => end case; end; begin comb : process(i_nrst, i_xret, i_addr, i_wena, i_wdata, i_break_mode, i_breakpoint, i_trap_ena, i_dport_ena, i_dport_write, i_dport_addr, i_dport_wdata, i_trap_code, i_trap_pc, r) variable v : RegistersType; variable wb_rdata : std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); variable wb_dport_rdata : std_logic_vector(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto 0); variable w_ie : std_logic; variable w_dport_wena : std_logic; begin v := r; w_dport_wena := i_dport_ena and i_dport_write; procedure_RegAccess(i_addr, i_wena, i_wdata, v, v, wb_rdata); procedure_RegAccess(i_dport_addr, w_dport_wena, i_dport_wdata, v, v, wb_dport_rdata); if i_addr = CSR_mepc and i_xret = '1' then -- Switch to previous mode v.mie := r.mpie; v.mpie := '1'; v.mode := r.mpp; v.mpp := PRV_U; end if; if (i_trap_ena and (i_break_mode or not i_breakpoint)) = '1' then v.mie := '0'; v.mpp := r.mode; v.mepc(RISCV_ARCH-1 downto BUS_ADDR_WIDTH) := (others => '0'); v.mepc(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0) := i_trap_pc; v.mbadaddr := i_trap_pc; v.trap_code := i_trap_code(3 downto 0); v.trap_irq := i_trap_code(4); v.mode := PRV_M; case r.mode is when PRV_U => v.mpie := r.uie; when PRV_M => v.mpie := r.mie; when others => end case; end if; w_ie := '0'; if (r.mode /= PRV_M) or r.mie = '1' then w_ie := '1'; end if; if i_nrst = '0' then v.mtvec := (others => '0'); v.mscratch := (others => '0'); v.mbadaddr := (others => '0'); v.mode := PRV_M; v.uie := '0'; v.mie := '0'; v.mpie := '0'; v.mpp := (others => '0'); v.mepc := (others => '0'); v.trap_code := (others => '0'); v.trap_irq := '0'; end if; o_rdata <= wb_rdata; o_ie <= w_ie; o_mode <= r.mode; o_mtvec <= r.mtvec(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); o_dport_rdata <= wb_dport_rdata; rin <= v; end process; -- registers: regs : process(i_clk) begin if rising_edge(i_clk) then r <= rin; end if; end process; end;