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[/] [riscv_vhdl/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [riverlib/] [core/] [fetch.vhd] - Rev 5
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --! @file --! @copyright Copyright 2018 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved. --! @author Sergey Khabarov - sergeykhbr@gmail.com --! @brief CPU Fetch Instruction stage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; library commonlib; use commonlib.types_common.all; --! RIVER CPU specific library. library riverlib; --! RIVER CPU configuration constants. use riverlib.river_cfg.all; entity InstrFetch is port ( i_clk : in std_logic; i_nrst : in std_logic; i_pipeline_hold : in std_logic; i_mem_req_ready : in std_logic; o_mem_addr_valid : out std_logic; o_mem_addr : out std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); i_mem_data_valid : in std_logic; i_mem_data_addr : in std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); i_mem_data : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); o_mem_resp_ready : out std_logic; i_e_npc : in std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); i_predict_npc : in std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); o_predict_miss : out std_logic; o_mem_req_fire : out std_logic; -- used by branch predictor to form new npc value o_valid : out std_logic; o_pc : out std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); o_instr : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); o_hold : out std_logic; -- Hold due no response from icache yet i_br_fetch_valid : in std_logic; -- Fetch injection address/instr are valid i_br_address_fetch : in std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Fetch injection address to skip ebreak instruciton only once i_br_instr_fetch : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- Real instruction value that was replaced by ebreak o_instr_buf : out std_logic_vector(DBG_FETCH_TRACE_SIZE*64-1 downto 0) -- trace last fetched instructions ); end; architecture arch_InstrFetch of InstrFetch is type RegistersType is record wait_resp : std_logic; pipeline_init : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); pc_z1 : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); raddr_not_resp_yet : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); br_address : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); br_instr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); instr_buf : std_logic_vector(DBG_FETCH_TRACE_SIZE*64-1 downto 0); end record; signal r, rin : RegistersType; begin comb : process(i_nrst, i_pipeline_hold, i_mem_req_ready, i_mem_data_valid, i_mem_data_addr, i_mem_data, i_e_npc, i_predict_npc, i_br_fetch_valid, i_br_address_fetch, i_br_instr_fetch, r) variable v : RegistersType; variable wb_o_addr_req : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable w_predict_miss : std_logic; variable w_o_req_valid : std_logic; variable w_o_req_fire : std_logic; variable w_resp_fire : std_logic; variable w_o_hold : std_logic; variable w_o_mem_resp_ready : std_logic; variable wb_o_pc : std_logic_vector(BUS_ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); variable wb_o_instr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin v := r; w_o_req_valid := i_nrst and not i_pipeline_hold and not (r.wait_resp and not i_mem_data_valid); w_o_req_fire := w_o_req_valid and i_mem_req_ready; w_o_mem_resp_ready := not i_pipeline_hold; w_resp_fire := i_mem_data_valid and w_o_mem_resp_ready; w_predict_miss := '1'; if (i_e_npc = r.pc_z1) or (i_e_npc = r.raddr_not_resp_yet) then w_predict_miss := '0'; end if; if w_predict_miss = '1' then wb_o_addr_req := i_e_npc; else wb_o_addr_req := i_predict_npc; end if; -- Debug last fetched instructions buffer: if w_o_req_fire = '1' then v.instr_buf(DBG_FETCH_TRACE_SIZE*64-1 downto 64) := r.instr_buf((DBG_FETCH_TRACE_SIZE-1)*64-1 downto 0); if w_resp_fire = '1' then v.instr_buf(95 downto 64) := i_mem_data; end if; v.instr_buf(63 downto 32) := wb_o_addr_req; v.instr_buf(31 downto 0) := (others => '0'); elsif w_resp_fire = '1' then v.instr_buf(31 downto 0) := i_mem_data; end if; if w_o_req_fire = '1'then v.wait_resp := '1'; v.pc_z1 := r.raddr_not_resp_yet; v.raddr_not_resp_yet := wb_o_addr_req; -- Address already requested but probably not responded yet. -- Avoid marking such request as 'miss'. v.pipeline_init := r.pipeline_init(3 downto 0) & '1'; elsif (i_mem_data_valid and not w_o_req_fire and not i_pipeline_hold) = '1' then v.wait_resp := '0'; end if; if i_br_fetch_valid = '1' then v.br_address := i_br_address_fetch; v.br_instr := i_br_instr_fetch; end if; if i_mem_data_addr = r.br_address then wb_o_pc := r.br_address; wb_o_instr := r.br_instr; if w_resp_fire = '1' then v.br_address := (others => '1'); end if; else wb_o_pc := i_mem_data_addr; wb_o_instr := i_mem_data; end if; if i_nrst = '0' then v.wait_resp := '0'; v.pipeline_init := (others => '0'); v.pc_z1 := (others => '0'); v.raddr_not_resp_yet := (others => '0'); v.br_address := (others => '1'); v.br_instr := (others => '0'); v.instr_buf := (others => '0'); end if; o_mem_addr_valid <= w_o_req_valid; o_mem_addr <= wb_o_addr_req; o_mem_req_fire <= w_o_req_fire; o_valid <= w_resp_fire; o_pc <= wb_o_pc; o_instr <= wb_o_instr; o_predict_miss <= w_predict_miss; o_mem_resp_ready <= w_o_mem_resp_ready; o_hold <= not w_resp_fire; o_instr_buf <= r.instr_buf; rin <= v; end process; -- registers: regs : process(i_clk) begin if rising_edge(i_clk) then r <= rin; end if; end process; end;