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[/] [riscv_vhdl/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [work/] [tb/] [riscv_soc_tb.vhd] - Rev 5

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--! @file
--! @copyright Copyright 2015 GNSS Sensor Ltd. All right reserved.
--! @author    Sergey Khabarov -
--! @brief     Testbench file for the SoC top-level implementation
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
library std;
use std.textio.all;
library commonlib;
use commonlib.types_util.all;
library rocketlib;
--use rocketlib.types_rocket.all;
entity riscv_soc_tb is
  constant INCR_TIME : time := 3571 ps;--100 ns;--3571 ps;
end riscv_soc_tb;
architecture behavior of riscv_soc_tb is
  -- input/output signals:
  signal i_rst : std_logic := '1';
  signal i_sclk_p : std_logic;
  signal i_sclk_n : std_logic;
  signal i_dip : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal o_led : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal i_uart1_ctsn : std_logic := '0';
  signal i_uart1_rd : std_logic := '1';
  signal o_uart1_td : std_logic;
  signal o_uart1_rtsn : std_logic;
  signal i_uart2_ctsn : std_logic := '0';
  signal i_uart2_rd : std_logic := '1';
  signal o_uart2_td : std_logic;
  signal o_uart2_rtsn : std_logic;
  signal o_emdc    : std_logic;
  signal io_emdio  : std_logic;
  signal i_rxd  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
  signal i_rxdv : std_logic := '0';
  signal o_txd  : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  signal o_txdv : std_logic;
  signal uart_wr_str : std_logic;
  signal uart_instr : string(1 to 256);
  signal uart_busy : std_logic;
  signal uart_bin_data : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
  signal uart_bin_bytes_sz : integer;
  signal jtag_test_ena : std_logic;
  signal jtag_test_burst : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal jtag_test_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal jtag_test_we : std_logic;
  signal jtag_test_wdata : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
  signal jtag_tdi : std_logic;
  signal jtag_tdo : std_logic;
  signal jtag_tms : std_logic;
  signal jtag_tck : std_logic;
  signal jtag_ntrst : std_logic;
  signal clk_cur: std_logic := '1';
  signal check_clk_bus : std_logic := '0';
  signal iClkCnt : integer := 0;
  signal iErrCnt : integer := 0;
  signal iErrCheckedCnt : integer := 0;
  signal iEdclCnt : integer := 0;
component riscv_soc is port 
  i_rst     : in std_logic; -- button "Center"
  i_sclk_p  : in std_logic;
  i_sclk_n  : in std_logic;
  i_dip     : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  o_led     : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  --! JTAG signals:
  i_jtag_tck : in std_logic;
  i_jtag_ntrst : in std_logic;
  i_jtag_tms : in std_logic;
  i_jtag_tdi : in std_logic;
  o_jtag_tdo : out std_logic;
  o_jtag_vref : out std_logic;
  -- uart1
  i_uart1_ctsn : in std_logic;
  i_uart1_rd   : in std_logic;
  o_uart1_td   : out std_logic;
  o_uart1_rtsn : out std_logic;
  -- uart2 (debug port)
  i_uart2_ctsn : in std_logic;
  i_uart2_rd   : in std_logic;
  o_uart2_td   : out std_logic;
  o_uart2_rtsn : out std_logic;
  -- Ethernet
  i_gmiiclk_p : in    std_ulogic;
  i_gmiiclk_n : in    std_ulogic;
  o_egtx_clk  : out   std_ulogic;
  i_etx_clk   : in    std_ulogic;
  i_erx_clk   : in    std_ulogic;
  i_erxd      : in    std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  i_erx_dv    : in    std_ulogic;
  i_erx_er    : in    std_ulogic;
  i_erx_col   : in    std_ulogic;
  i_erx_crs   : in    std_ulogic;
  i_emdint    : in std_ulogic;
  o_etxd      : out   std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
  o_etx_en    : out   std_ulogic;
  o_etx_er    : out   std_ulogic;
  o_emdc      : out   std_ulogic;
  io_emdio    : inout std_logic;
  o_erstn     : out   std_ulogic
end component;
  component uart_sim is 
  generic (
    clock_rate : integer := 10;
    binary_bytes_max : integer := 8;
    use_binary : boolean := false
  port (
    rst : in std_logic;
    clk : in std_logic;
    wr_str : in std_logic;
    instr : in string;
    bin_data : in std_logic_vector(8*binary_bytes_max-1 downto 0);
    bin_bytes_sz : in integer;
    td  : in std_logic;
    rtsn : in std_logic;
    rd  : out std_logic;
    ctsn : out std_logic;
    busy : out std_logic
  end component;
  component ethphy_sim is 
  port (
    rst : in std_logic;
    clk : in std_logic;
    o_rxd  : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    o_rxdv : out std_logic
  end component;
  component jtag_sim is 
  generic (
    clock_rate : integer := 10;
    irlen : integer := 4
  port (
    rst : in std_logic;
    clk : in std_logic;
    i_test_ena : in std_logic;
    i_test_burst : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    i_test_addr : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    i_test_we : in std_logic;
    i_test_wdata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
    i_tdi  : in std_logic;
    o_tck : out std_logic;
    o_ntrst : out std_logic;
    o_tms : out std_logic;
    o_tdo : out std_logic
  end component;
  -- Process of reading
  procReadingFile : process
    variable clk_next: std_logic;
    wait for INCR_TIME;
    while true loop
      clk_next := not clk_cur;
      if (clk_next = '1' and clk_cur = '0') then
        check_clk_bus <= '1';
      end if;
      wait for 1 ps;
      check_clk_bus <= '0';
      clk_cur <= clk_next;
      wait for INCR_TIME;
      if clk_cur = '1' then
        iClkCnt <= iClkCnt + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;
    report "Total clocks checked: " & tost(iErrCheckedCnt) & " Errors: " & tost(iErrCnt);
    wait for 1 sec;
  end process procReadingFile;
  i_sclk_p <= clk_cur;
  i_sclk_n <= not clk_cur;
  procSignal : process (i_sclk_p, iClkCnt)
    if rising_edge(i_sclk_p) then
      --! @note to make sync. reset  of the logic that are clocked by
      --!       htif_clk which is clock/512 by default.
      if iClkCnt = 15 then
        i_rst <= '0';
      end if;
    end if;
  end process procSignal;
  i_dip <= "0001";
  udatagen0 : process (i_sclk_n, iClkCnt)
    if rising_edge(i_sclk_n) then
        uart_wr_str <= '0';
        if iClkCnt = 82000 then
           uart_wr_str <= '1';
           uart_instr(1 to 4) <= "ping";
           uart_instr(5) <= cr;
           uart_instr(6) <= lf;
        elsif iClkCnt = 108000 then
           uart_wr_str <= '1';
           uart_instr(1 to 3) <= "pnp";
           uart_instr(4) <= cr;
           uart_instr(5) <= lf;
        end if;
        jtag_test_ena <= '0';
        if iClkCnt = 3000 then
           jtag_test_ena <= '1';
           jtag_test_burst <= (others => '0');
           jtag_test_addr <= X"10000000";
           jtag_test_we <= '0';
           jtag_test_wdata <= (others => '0');
        elsif iClkCnt = 5000 then
           jtag_test_ena <= '1';
           jtag_test_burst <= (others => '0');
           jtag_test_addr <= X"fffff004";
           jtag_test_we <= '1';
           jtag_test_wdata <= X"12345678";
        elsif iClkCnt = 7000 then
           jtag_test_ena <= '1';
           jtag_test_burst <= X"01";
           jtag_test_addr <= X"10000004";
           jtag_test_we <= '0';
           jtag_test_wdata <= (others => '0');
        elsif iClkCnt = 10000 then
           jtag_test_ena <= '1';
           jtag_test_burst <= X"02";
           jtag_test_addr <= X"FFFFF004";
           jtag_test_we <= '1';
           jtag_test_wdata <= X"DEADBEEF";
       end if;    
    end if;
  end process;
  uart0 : uart_sim generic map (
    clock_rate => 2*20
  ) port map (
    rst => i_rst,
    clk => i_sclk_p,
    wr_str => uart_wr_str,
    instr => uart_instr,
    bin_data => uart_bin_data,
    bin_bytes_sz => uart_bin_bytes_sz,
    td  => o_uart1_td,
    rtsn => o_uart1_rtsn,
    rd  => i_uart1_rd,
    ctsn => i_uart1_ctsn,
    busy => uart_busy
  phy0 : ethphy_sim port map (
    rst => i_rst,
    clk  => i_sclk_p,
    o_rxd  => i_rxd,
    o_rxdv => i_rxdv
  jsim0 : jtag_sim  generic map (
    clock_rate => 4,
    irlen => 4
  ) port map (
    rst => i_rst,
    clk => i_sclk_p,
    i_test_ena => jtag_test_ena,
    i_test_burst => jtag_test_burst,
    i_test_addr => jtag_test_addr,
    i_test_we => jtag_test_we,
    i_test_wdata => jtag_test_wdata,
    i_tdi => jtag_tdi,
    o_tck => jtag_tck,
    o_ntrst => jtag_ntrst,
    o_tms => jtag_tms,
    o_tdo => jtag_tdo
  -- signal parsment and assignment
  tt : riscv_soc port map
    i_rst     => i_rst,
    i_sclk_p  => i_sclk_p,
    i_sclk_n  => i_sclk_n,
    i_dip     => i_dip,
    o_led     => o_led,
    i_jtag_tck => jtag_tck,
    i_jtag_ntrst => jtag_ntrst,
    i_jtag_tms => jtag_tms,
    i_jtag_tdi => jtag_tdo,
    o_jtag_tdo => jtag_tdi,
    o_jtag_vref => open,
    i_uart1_ctsn => i_uart1_ctsn,
    i_uart1_rd   => i_uart1_rd,
    o_uart1_td   => o_uart1_td,
    o_uart1_rtsn => o_uart1_rtsn,
    i_uart2_ctsn => i_uart2_ctsn,
    i_uart2_rd   => i_uart2_rd,
    o_uart2_td   => o_uart2_td,
    o_uart2_rtsn => o_uart2_rtsn,
    i_gmiiclk_p => '0',
    i_gmiiclk_n => '1',
    o_egtx_clk  => open,
    i_etx_clk   => i_sclk_p,
    i_erx_clk   => i_sclk_p,
    i_erxd      => i_rxd,
    i_erx_dv    => i_rxdv,
    i_erx_er    => '0',
    i_erx_col   => '0',
    i_erx_crs   => '0',
    i_emdint    => '0',
    o_etxd      => o_txd,
    o_etx_en    => o_txdv,
    o_etx_er    => open,
    o_emdc      => o_emdc,
    io_emdio    => io_emdio,
    o_erstn     => open
  procCheck : process (i_rst, check_clk_bus)
    if rising_edge(check_clk_bus) then
      if i_rst = '0' then
        iErrCheckedCnt <= iErrCheckedCnt + 1;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process procCheck;

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