Subversion Repositories rsa_512
[/] [rsa_512/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [rsa_top.vhd] - Rev 3
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Company: -- Engineer: -- -- Create Date: 16:01:04 12/13/2009 -- Design Name: -- Module Name: rsa_top - Behavioral -- Project Name: -- Target Devices: -- Tool versions: -- Description: -- -- Dependencies: -- -- Revision: -- Revision 0.01 - File Created -- Additional Comments: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; -- synthesis translate_off library UNISIM; use UNISIM.VCOMPONENTS.all; -- synthesis translate_on ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity rsa_top is port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; valid_in : in std_logic; x : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- estos 3 son x^y mod m y : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); m : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); r_c : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --constante de montgomery r^2 mod m n_c : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --constante necesaria en la multiplicacion s : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0); valid_out : out std_logic; bit_size : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) --tamano bit del exponente y (log2(y)) ); end rsa_top; architecture Behavioral of rsa_top is --Multiplicador de Montgomery que sera instanciado 2 veces component montgomery_mult is port( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; valid_in : in std_logic; a : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); b : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); n : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); s_prev : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); n_c : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); s : out std_logic_vector( 15 downto 0); valid_out : out std_logic -- es le valid out TODO : cambiar nombre ); end component; --Memoria para guardar el exponente y el modulo component Mem_b port ( clka : in std_logic; wea : in std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); addra : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); dina : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); douta : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); end component; --fifos para los resultados de las mult parciales component res_out_fifo port ( clk : in std_logic; rst : in std_logic; din : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); wr_en : in std_logic; rd_en : in std_logic; dout : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); full : out std_logic; empty : out std_logic); end component; signal valid_in_mon_1, valid_in_mon_2, valid_out_mon_1, valid_out_mon_2, fifo_1_rd, fifo_1_wr : std_logic; signal a_mon_1, b_mon_1, n_mon_1, s_p_mon_1, s_out_mon_1, a_mon_2, b_mon_2, n_mon_2, s_p_mon_2, s_out_mon_2, fifo_1_in, fifo_2_in, fifo_1_out, exp_out, n_out : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal fifo_out, fifo_in : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal addr_exp, addr_n, next_addr_exp, next_addr_n : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); type state_type is (wait_start, prepare_data, wait_constants, writting_cts_fifo, processing_data_0, processing_data_1, wait_results, transition, prepare_next, writting_results, final_mult, show_final, prepare_final, wait_final); signal state, next_state : state_type; signal w_numb, next_w_numb : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --Seņales registradas signal n_c_reg, next_n_c_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); --Cuenta los datos que se van metiendo al multiplicador para generar el padding por si solo. signal count_input, next_count_input, bit_counter, next_bit_counter : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal bsize_reg, next_bsize_reg : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); signal write_b_n : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); begin mon_1 : montgomery_mult port map( clk => clk, reset => reset, valid_in => valid_in_mon_1, a => a_mon_1, b => b_mon_1, n => n_mon_1, s_prev => s_p_mon_1, n_c => n_c_reg, s => s_out_mon_1, valid_out => valid_out_mon_1 ); mon_2 : montgomery_mult port map( clk => clk, reset => reset, valid_in => valid_in_mon_2, a => a_mon_2, b => b_mon_2, n => n_mon_2, s_prev => s_p_mon_2, n_c => n_c_reg, s => s_out_mon_2, valid_out => valid_out_mon_2 ); fifo_mon_out : res_out_fifo port map ( clk => clk, rst => reset, din => fifo_in, wr_en => fifo_1_wr, rd_en => fifo_1_rd, dout => fifo_out ); exp : Mem_b port map ( clka => clk, wea => write_b_n, addra => addr_exp, dina => y, douta => exp_out); n_mod : Mem_b port map ( clka => clk, wea => write_b_n, addra => addr_n, dina => m, douta => n_out); process(clk, reset) begin if(clk = '1' and clk'event) then if(reset = '1')then state <= wait_start; n_c_reg <= (others => '0'); w_numb <= (others => '0'); count_input <= (others => '0'); addr_exp <= (others => '0'); addr_n <= (others => '0'); bit_counter <= (others => '0'); bsize_reg <= (others => '0'); else state <= next_state; n_c_reg <= next_n_c_reg; w_numb <= next_w_numb; count_input <= next_count_input; addr_exp <= next_addr_exp; addr_n <= next_addr_n; bit_counter <= next_bit_counter; bsize_reg <= next_bsize_reg; end if; end if; end process; process(state, bsize_reg, n_c_reg, valid_in, x, n_c, r_c, m, y, w_numb, count_input, addr_exp, addr_n, s_out_mon_1, s_out_mon_2, bit_size, valid_out_mon_1, bit_counter, exp_out, fifo_out, n_out) variable mask : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); begin --Registers update next_state <= state; next_n_c_reg <= n_c_reg; next_w_numb <= w_numb; next_count_input <= count_input; next_bsize_reg <= bsize_reg; --Entradas de los montgomerys. valid_in_mon_1 <= '0'; valid_in_mon_2 <= '0'; a_mon_1 <= (others => '0'); b_mon_1 <= (others => '0'); n_mon_1 <= (others => '0'); a_mon_2 <= (others => '0'); b_mon_2 <= (others => '0'); n_mon_2 <= (others => '0'); s_p_mon_1 <= (others => '0'); s_p_mon_2 <= (others => '0'); --Control de las fifos fifo_1_rd <= '0'; fifo_in <= (others => '0'); fifo_1_wr <= '0'; --Control de memorias de exp y modulo write_b_n <= b"0"; next_addr_exp <= addr_exp; next_addr_n <= addr_n; next_bit_counter <= bit_counter; --Outputs valid_out <= '0'; s <= (others => '0'); case state is when wait_start => valid_in_mon_1 <= valid_in; valid_in_mon_2 <= valid_in; if(valid_in = '1') then a_mon_1 <= x; b_mon_1 <= r_c; n_mon_1 <= m; a_mon_2 <= x"0001"; b_mon_2 <= r_c; n_mon_2 <= m; next_w_numb <= x"23"; --Se extiende en 3 para poder usar las multiplicaciones modulares next_n_c_reg <= n_c; next_state <= prepare_data; next_count_input <= x"0001"; write_b_n <= b"1"; --Notificamos que hay que guardar el exponente y modulo next_addr_exp <= "000001"; next_addr_n <= "000001"; next_bsize_reg <= bit_size-1; end if; when prepare_data => next_count_input <= count_input+1; valid_in_mon_1 <= '1'; valid_in_mon_2 <= '1'; --Esto es solo mientras los datos en la entrada son validos, cuando no lo son --se meten 0s para la extension de 3 palabras en los montgomerys if(valid_in = '1') then a_mon_1 <= x; b_mon_1 <= r_c; n_mon_1 <= m; b_mon_2 <= r_c; n_mon_2 <= m; write_b_n <= b"1"; next_addr_exp <= addr_exp+1; next_addr_n <= addr_n+1; end if; if(count_input = w_numb) then next_state <= wait_constants; next_addr_n <= (others => '0'); next_addr_exp <= bsize_reg(9 downto 4); --Decodificador para establecer la mascara mask := bsize_reg(3 downto 0); case (mask) is when "0000" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000000001"; when "0001" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000000010"; when "0010" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000000100"; when "0011" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000001000"; when "0100" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000010000"; when "0101" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000000100000"; when "0110" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000001000000"; when "0111" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000010000000"; when "1000" => next_bit_counter <= "0000000100000000"; when "1001" => next_bit_counter <= "0000001000000000"; when "1010" => next_bit_counter <= "0000010000000000"; when "1011" => next_bit_counter <= "0000100000000000"; when "1100" => next_bit_counter <= "0001000000000000"; when "1101" => next_bit_counter <= "0010000000000000"; when "1110" => next_bit_counter <= "0100000000000000"; when "1111" => next_bit_counter <= "1000000000000000"; when others => end case; next_count_input <= (others => '0'); end if; --Esperamos los valores validos de la salida de los montgomery when wait_constants => --Comienzo a escribir en la fifo de datos if(valid_out_mon_1 = '1') then fifo_1_wr <= '1'; fifo_in <= s_out_mon_1 & s_out_mon_2; next_count_input <= count_input+1; next_state <= writting_cts_fifo; end if; --Escribimos las dos constantes iniciales en las fifos when writting_cts_fifo => fifo_1_wr <= valid_out_mon_1; next_count_input <= count_input+1; if(count_input < x"20") then fifo_in <= s_out_mon_1 & s_out_mon_2; end if; --Pedimos el siguiente input para la multiplicacion if(valid_out_mon_1 = '0') then next_count_input <= (others => '0'); next_state <= transition; end if; when transition => next_count_input <= count_input+1; if(count_input > 2) then next_count_input <= (others => '0'); --fifo_1_rd <= '1'; --next_addr_n <= addr_n+1; if((bit_counter and exp_out) = x"0000") then next_state <= processing_data_0; else next_state <= processing_data_1; end if; end if; --se van ejecutando las multiplicaciones sucesivas when processing_data_1 => if(count_input > x"0000")then valid_in_mon_1 <= '1'; valid_in_mon_2 <= '1'; end if; fifo_1_rd <= '1'; a_mon_1 <= fifo_out(31 downto 16); b_mon_1 <= fifo_out(15 downto 0); n_mon_1 <= n_out; a_mon_2 <= fifo_out(31 downto 16); b_mon_2 <= fifo_out(31 downto 16); n_mon_2 <= n_out; next_addr_n <= addr_n+1; next_count_input <= count_input +1; --Cuando llego al final cambio de estado a esperar resultados if(count_input = w_numb) then next_state <= wait_results; end if; when processing_data_0 => if(count_input > x"0000")then valid_in_mon_1 <= '1'; valid_in_mon_2 <= '1'; end if; fifo_1_rd <= '1'; a_mon_1 <= fifo_out(15 downto 0); b_mon_1 <= fifo_out(15 downto 0); n_mon_1 <= n_out; a_mon_2 <= fifo_out(31 downto 16); b_mon_2 <= fifo_out(15 downto 0); n_mon_2 <= n_out; next_addr_n <= addr_n+1; next_count_input <= count_input +1; --Cuando llego al final cambio de estado a esperar resultados if(count_input = w_numb) then next_state <= wait_results; next_count_input <= (others => '0'); end if; when wait_results => --Comienzo a escribir en la fifo de datos if(valid_out_mon_1 = '1') then fifo_1_wr <= '1'; fifo_in <= s_out_mon_2 & s_out_mon_1; next_count_input <= x"0001"; next_state <= writting_results; end if; when writting_results => next_addr_n <= (others => '0'); fifo_1_wr <= valid_out_mon_1; next_count_input <= count_input+1; if(count_input < x"20") then fifo_in <= s_out_mon_2 & s_out_mon_1; end if; --Pedimos el siguiente input para la multiplicacion if(valid_out_mon_1 = '0') then next_count_input <= (others => '0'); next_state <= prepare_next; --Calculo del siguiente bit del exponente --Shifto uno la mascara next_bit_counter <= '0'&bit_counter(15 downto 1); if(bit_counter = x"0001") then next_addr_exp <= addr_exp -1; next_bit_counter <= "1000000000000000"; end if; if((bit_counter = x"0001") and addr_exp = "000000000") then next_state <= final_mult; next_count_input <= (others => '0'); next_addr_exp <= (others => '0'); end if; end if; when prepare_next => next_state <= transition; next_count_input <= (others => '0'); fifo_1_rd <= '0'; when final_mult => next_count_input <= count_input+1; if(count_input > 2) then next_count_input <= (others => '0'); next_state <= prepare_final; end if; when prepare_final => if(count_input > x"0000")then valid_in_mon_1 <= '1'; end if; fifo_1_rd <= '1'; a_mon_1 <= fifo_out(15 downto 0); if(count_input = x"0001") then b_mon_1 <= x"0001"; end if; n_mon_1 <= n_out; next_addr_n <= addr_n+1; next_count_input <= count_input +1; --Cuando llego al final cambio de estado a esperar resultados if(count_input = w_numb) then next_state <= wait_final; next_count_input <= (others =>'0'); end if; when wait_final => if(valid_out_mon_1 = '1') then valid_out <= '1'; s <= s_out_mon_1; next_state <= show_final; next_count_input <= count_input +1; end if; when show_final => valid_out <= '1'; s <= s_out_mon_1; next_count_input <= count_input +1; --Cuando llego al final cambio de estado a esperar resultados if(count_input = x"20") then valid_out <= '0'; next_state <= wait_start; end if; end case; end process; end Behavioral;
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