Subversion Repositories rtf65002
[/] [rtf65002/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [rtf65002_tb.v] - Rev 30
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module rtf65002_tb(); integer n; reg rst; reg clk; reg nmi; wire wr; wire [5:0] bl; wire [3:0] sel; wire [33:0] a; tri [31:0] d; wire [31:0] dato; wire [31:0] dati; wire [2:0] cti; wire cyc; wire stb; wire ack; wire [7:0] udo; wire btrm_ack; wire [31:0] btrm_dato; initial begin clk = 1; rst = 0; nmi = 0; #100 rst = 1; #100 rst = 0; #500 nmi = 1; #10 nmi = 0; end always #1 clk = ~clk; // 500 MHz rtf65002d cpu0 ( .rst_i(rst), .clk_i(clk), .nmi_i(nmi), .irq_i(1'b0), .bte_o(), .cti_o(cti), .bl_o(bl), .lock_o(), .cyc_o(cyc), .stb_o(stb), .ack_i(ack), .we_o(wr), .sel_o(sel), .adr_o(a), .dat_i(dati), .dat_o(dato) ); wire uartcs = cyc && stb && a[33:8]==26'h00000CF; wire romcs = ~(cyc && stb && a[33:28]==6'h0F); wire ramcs = ~(cyc && stb && (a[33:15]==19'h00 || (a[33:28]!=6'hF && a[33:28]!=6'h0))); wire romcs1 = ~(cyc && stb && a[33:13]==21'h07); // E000 assign d = wr ? dato : 32'bz; assign dati = ~romcs ? btrm_dato : 32'bz; assign dati = ~ramcs ? d : 32'bz; assign dati = uartcs ? {4{udo}} : 32'bz; assign dati = ~romcs1 ? d : 32'bz; assign ack = btrm_ack | ~ramcs | ~romcs1 | uartcs ; //rom2Kx32 #(.MEMFILE("t65c.mem")) rom0(.ce(romcs), .oe(wr), .addr(a[12:2]), .d(d)); rom2Kx32 #(.MEMFILE("t65c.mem")) rom1(.ce(romcs1), .oe(wr), .addr(a[12:2]), .d(d)); ram8Kx32 ram0 (.clk(clk), .ce(ramcs), .oe(wr), .we(~wr), .sel(sel), .addr(a[14:2]), .d(d)); uart uart0(.clk(clk), .cs(uartcs), .wr(wr), .a(a[2:0]), .di(dato[7:0]), .do(udo)); bootrom ubr1 (.rst_i(rst), .clk_i(clk), .cti_i(cti), .cyc_i(cyc), .stb_i(stb), .ack_o(btrm_ack), .adr_i(a), .dat_o(btrm_dato), .perr()); always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) n = 0; else n = n + 1; if ((n & 7)==0) $display("t n cti cyc we addr din adnx do re vma wr ird sync vma nmi irq PC IR A X Y SP nvmdizcb\n"); $display("%d %d %b %b %b %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %b%b%b%b%b%b%b%b %d %b %b %b %b %b %b", $time, n, cpu0.cti_o, cpu0.cyc_o, cpu0.we_o, cpu0.adr_o, cpu0.dat_i, cpu0.dat_o, cpu0.res, cpu0.res8, cpu0.pc, cpu0.ir, cpu0.acc, cpu0.x, cpu0.y, cpu0.isp, cpu0.sp, cpu0.nf, cpu0.vf, cpu0.df, cpu0.im, cpu0.zf, cpu0.cf, cpu0.bf, cpu0.em, cpu0.state, cpu0.imiss, cpu0.ihit,cpu0.hit0,cpu0.hit1,cpu0.imiss,ubr1.cs); end endmodule /* --------------------------------------------------------------- rom2kx32.v -- external async 8Kx8 ROM Verilog model (simulation only) Note this module is a functional model, with no timing, and is only suitable for simulation, not synthesis. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ module rom2Kx32(ce, oe, addr, d); parameter MEMFILE = "t65002d.mem"; input ce; // active low chip enable input oe; // active low output enable input [10:0] addr; // byte address output [31:0] d; // tri-state data I/O tri [31:0] d; reg [7:0] mem [0:8191]; initial begin $readmemh (MEMFILE, mem); // $readmemh ("t65c.mem", mem); $display ("Loaded t65002d.mem"); $display (" 000000: %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h", mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], mem[3], mem[4], mem[5], mem[6], mem[7]); end assign d = (~oe & ~ce) ? {mem[{addr,2'b11}],mem[{addr,2'b10}],mem[{addr,2'b01}],mem[{addr,2'b00}]} : 32'bz; /* always @(oe or ce or addr) begin // $display (" 000000: %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h", // mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], mem[3], mem[4], mem[5], mem[6], mem[7], mem[8], mem[9]); $display (" read %h: %h", addr, mem[addr]); end */ endmodule /* --------------------------------------------------------------- ram32kx8.v -- external sync 32Kx8 RAM Verilog model (simulation only) Note this module is a functional model, with no timing, and is only suitable for simulation, not synthesis. --------------------------------------------------------------- */ module ram8Kx32(clk, ce, oe, we, sel, addr, d); input clk; input ce; // active low chip enable input oe; // active low output enable input we; // active low write enable input [3:0] sel; // byte lane selects input [12:0] addr; // byte address output [31:0] d; // tri-state data I/O tri [31:0] d; reg [31:0] mem [0:8191]; integer nn; initial begin for (nn = 0; nn < 8192; nn = nn + 1) mem[nn] <= 32'b0; end assign d = (~oe & ~ce & we) ? mem[addr] : 32'bz; always @(posedge clk) begin if (clk) begin if (~ce & ~we) begin if (sel[0]) mem[addr][7:0] <= d[7:0]; if (sel[1]) mem[addr][15:8] <= d[15:8]; if (sel[2]) mem[addr][23:16] <= d[23:16]; if (sel[3]) mem[addr][31:24] <= d[31:24]; $display (" wrote: %h with %h", addr, d); end if (~ce & we & ~oe) $display (" read: %h val %h", addr, d); end end /* always @(we or oe or ce or addr) begin if (ce==0) $display (" 000000: %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h %h", mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], mem[3], mem[4], mem[5], mem[6], mem[7], mem[8], mem[9]); end */ endmodule module uart(clk, cs, wr, a, di, do); input clk; input cs; input wr; input [2:0] a; input [7:0] di; output reg [7:0] do; // reg [7:0] do; reg [127:0] msg; integer msgn; integer logf,r; initial begin msgn <= 0; end always @(posedge clk) if (cs & wr) begin if (di==8'h0A) begin $display(" "); $display("%s", msg); $display (" "); $stop; msgn <= 0; msg <= 0; end else begin case(msgn) 0: msg[127:120] <= di; 1: msg[119:112] <= di; 2: msg[111:104] <= di; 3: msg[103:96] <= di; 4: msg[95:88] <= di; 5: msg[87:80] <= di; 6: msg[79:72] <= di; 7: msg[71:64] <= di; endcase msgn <= msgn + 1; end end // always @(posedge clk) // if (cs & wr) begin // logf = $fopen("uart_in", "a"); // r = $fdisplay(logf, "%h", di); // $fclose(logf); // end always @(a) begin case(a) default: do <= 8'h00; endcase end // assign do = 8'h00; endmodule
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