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;                                                                *
;               Tiny BASIC for the Motorola MC68000                          *
;                                                                *
; Derived from Palo Alto Tiny BASIC as published in the May 1976 *
; issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal.  Adapted to the 68000 by:         *
;       Gordon Brandly                                               *
;       12147 - 51 Street                                            *
;       Edmonton AB  T5W 3G8                                         *
;       Canada                                                       *
;       (updated mailing address for 1996)                           *
;                                                                *
; This version is for MEX68KECB Educational Computer Board I/O.  *
;                                                                *
;    Copyright (C) 1984 by Gordon Brandly. This program may be   *
;    freely distributed for personal use only. All commercial    *
;                      rights are reserved.                              *
;                                                                *
; Some Modifications by: Robert Finch                            *
; This version running on a Diligent Nexys2 board XC3S1200e      *
; Running TG68 for a processor                                   *
; - two character variable names                                 *
; - TICK variable                                                *
; -                                                *
;                                                                *
; Vers. 1.0  1984/7/17  - Original version by Gordon Brandly
;       1.1  1984/12/9  - Addition of '$' print term by Marvin Lipford
;       1.2  1985/4/9   - Bug fix in multiply routine by Rick Murray

;       OPT     FRS,BRS         forward ref.'s & branches default to short
RANDOM          EQU             0xFFDC0C00      ; Hardware random# gen. address
GRAPHICS        EQU             0xFFDAE000      ; graphics (line draw) acceelerator address
SPRCTRL         EQU             0xFFDAD000      ; sprite controller address

BUFLEN  EQU     80      ;       length of keyboard input buffer

;* Internal variables follow:
        ORG             0x600
        DC.L    START   ;       random number pointer
        DC.L    1               ;Current line pointer
        DC.L    1               ;Saves stack pointer in 'GOSUB'
        DC.L    1               ;Saves stack pointer during 'INPUT'
        DC.L    1               ;'FOR' loop save area
        DC.L    1               ;increment
        DC.L    1               ;limit
        DC.L    1               ;line number
        DC.L    1               ;text pointer
        DC.L    1               ;points to unfilled text area
        DC.L    1               ;points to variable area
        DC.L    1               ;holds lower limit for stack growth
        FILL.B  BUFLEN,0x00     ;       Keyboard input buffer

TXT     EQU     $               ;Beginning of program area

        ORG     0xFFFF2400

; Tell the outside world about these symbols
; only needed for the assembler, since this file is included from another file
public START
public ENDMEM
public PRTNUM
public AUXIN

;* Standard jump table. You can change these addresses if you are
;* customizing this interpreter for a different environment.
                BRA.L   CSTART          ;Cold Start entry point
GOWARM: BRA.L   WSTART          ;Warm Start entry point
GOOUT:  BRA.L   OUTC            ;Jump to character-out routine
GOIN:   BRA.L   INC             ;Jump to character-in routine
GOAUXO: BRA.L   AUXOUT          ;Jump to auxiliary-out routine
GOAUXI: BRA.L   AUXIN           ;Jump to auxiliary-in routine
GOBYE:  BRA.L   BYEBYE          ;Jump to monitor, DOS, etc.
;* Modifiable system constants:
; Give Tiny Basic 3MB
TXTBGN  DC.L    0xC00000        ;beginning of program memory
ENDMEM  DC.L    0xF00000        ;       end of available memory
;* The main interpreter starts here:
        LEA             START,A0
        MOVE.L  A0,RANPNT
        MOVE.L  ENDMEM,SP       ;initialize stack pointer
        LEA             INITMSG,A6      ;tell who we are
        BSR.L   PRMESG
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,TXTUNF   ;init. end-of-program pointer
        MOVE.L  ENDMEM,D0       ;get address of end of memory
        SUB.L   #2048,D0        ;reserve 2K for the stack
        MOVE.L  D0,STKLMT
        SUB.L   #4104,D0        ;reserve variable area (27 long words)
        MOVE.L  D0,VARBGN
        CLR.L   D0              ;initialize internal variables
        MOVE.L  D0,LOPVAR
        MOVE.L  D0,STKGOS
        MOVE.L  D0,CURRNT       ;current line number pointer = 0
        MOVE.L  ENDMEM,SP       ;init S.P. again, just in case
        LEA     OKMSG,A6        ;display "OK"
        BSR.L   PRMESG
        MOVE.B  #'>',D0  ;       Monitor with a '>' and
        BSR.L   GETLN   ;       read a line.
        BSR.L   TOUPBUF ;       convert to upper case
        MOVE.L  A0,A4   ;       save pointer to end of line
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       ;point to the beginning of line
        BSR.L   TSTNUM  ;       is there a number there?
        BSR.L   IGNBLK  ;       skip trailing blanks
        TST     D1              ;does line no. exist? (or nonzero?)
        BEQ.L   DIRECT  ;       if not, it's a direct statement
        CMP.L   #0xFFFF,D1      ;see if line no. is <= 16 bits
        BCC.L   QHOW            ;if not, we've overflowed
        MOVE.B  D1,-(A0)        ;store the binary line no.
        ROR     #8,D1           ;(Kludge to store a word on a
        MOVE.B  D1,-(A0)        ;possible byte boundary)
        ROL     #8,D1
        BSR.L   FNDLN   ;       find this line in save area
        MOVE.L  A1,A5   ;       save possible line pointer
        BNE     ST4                             ;       if not found, insert
        BSR.L   FNDNXT          ;find the next line (into A1)
        MOVE.L  A5,A2           ;pointer to line to be deleted
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A3       ;points to top of save area
        BSR.L   MVUP            ;move up to delete
        MOVE.L  A2,TXTUNF       ;update the end pointer
        MOVE.L  A4,D0           ;calculate the length of new line
        SUB.L   A0,D0
        CMP.L   #3,D0           ;is it just a line no. & CR?
        BEQ     ST3                             ;if so, it was just a delete
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A3       ;compute new end
        MOVE.L  A3,A6
        ADD.L   D0,A3
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       ;see if there's enough room
        CMP.L   A3,D0
        BLS.L   QSORRY          ;if not, say so
        MOVE.L  A3,TXTUNF       ;if so, store new end position
        MOVE.L  A6,A1           ;points to old unfilled area
        MOVE.L  A5,A2           ;points to beginning of move area
        BSR.L   MVDOWN          ;move things out of the way
        MOVE.L  A0,A1           ;set up to do the insertion
        MOVE.L  A5,A2
        MOVE.L  A4,A3
        BSR.L   MVUP            ;do it
        BRA     ST3             ;go back and get another line

;* *** Tables *** DIRECT *** EXEC ***
;* This section of the code tests a string against a table. When
;* a match is found, control is transferred to the section of
;* code according to the table.
;* At 'EXEC', A0 should point to the string, A1 should point to
;* the character table, and A2 should point to the execution
;* table. At 'DIRECT', A0 should point to the string, A1 and
;* A2 will be set up to point to TAB1 and TAB1.1, which are
;* the tables of all direct and statement commands.
;* A '.' in the string will terminate the test and the partial
;* match will be considered as a match, e.g. 'P.', 'PR.','PRI.',
;* 'PRIN.', or 'PRINT' will all match 'PRINT'.
;* There are two tables: the character table and the execution
;* table. The character table consists of any number of text items.
;* Each item is a string of characters with the last character's
;* high bit set to one. The execution table holds a 16-bit
;* execution addresses that correspond to each entry in the
;* character table.
;* The end of the character table is a 0 byte which corresponds
;* to the default routine in the execution table, which is
;* executed if none of the other table items are matched.
;* Character-matching tables:
        DC.B    'LIS',('T'+0x80) ;        Direct commands
        DC.B    'LOA',('D'+0x80)
        DC.B    'NE',('W'+0x80)
        DC.B    'RU',('N'+0x80)
        DC.B    'SAV',('E'+0x80)
        DC.B    'CL',('S'+0x80)
        DC.B    'NEX',('T'+0x80)  ;       Direct / statement
        DC.B    'LE',('T'+0x80)
        DC.B    'I',('F'+0x80)
        DC.B    'GOT',('O'+0x80)
        DC.B    'GOSU',('B'+0x80)
        DC.B    'RETUR',('N'+0x80)
        DC.B    'RE',('M'+0x80)
        DC.B    'FO',('R'+0x80)
        DC.B    'INPU',('T'+0x80)
        DC.B    'PRIN',('T'+0x80)
        DC.B    'POK',('E'+0x80)
        DC.B    'STO',('P'+0x80)
        DC.B    'BY',('E'+0x80)
        DC.B    'CAL',('L'+0x80)
        DC.B    'LIN',('E'+0x80)
        DC.B    'POIN',('T'+0x80)
        DC.B    'PENCOLO',('R'+0x80)
        DC.B    'FILLCOLO',('R'+0x80)
        DC.B    'SPRPO',('S'+0x80)
        DC.B    0
        DC.B    'PEE',('K'+0x80)   ;      Functions
        DC.B    'RN',('D'+0x80)
        DC.B    'AB',('S'+0x80)
        DC.B    'SIZ',('E'+0x80)
        DC.B    'TIC',('K'+0x80)
        DC.B    'TEM',('P'+0x80)
        DC.B    'SG',('N'+0x80)
        DC.B    0
        DC.B    'T',('O'+0x80)      ;     "TO" in "FOR"
        DC.B    0
        DC.B    'STE',('P'+0x80)     ;    "STEP" in "FOR"
        DC.B    0
        DC.B    '>',('='+0x80)        ;   Relational operators
        DC.B    '<',('>'+0x80)
        DC.B    ('>'+0x80)
        DC.B    ('='+0x80)
        DC.B    '<',('='+0x80)
        DC.B    ('<'+0x80)
        DC.B    0
;       DC.B    0        ;<- for aligning on a word boundary
;* Execution address tables:
        DC.W    LIST_                   ;Direct commands
        DC.W    LOAD
        DC.W    NEW
        DC.W    RUN
        DC.W    SAVE
        DC.W    CLS
        DC.W    NEXT                    ;Direct / statement
        DC.W    LET
        DC.W    IF
        DC.W    GOTO
        DC.W    GOSUB
        DC.W    RETURN
        DC.W    REM
        DC.W    FOR
        DC.W    INPUT
        DC.W    PRINT
        DC.W    POKE
        DC.W    STOP_
        DC.W    GOBYE
        DC.W    CALL
        DC.W    LINE
        DC.W    POINT
        DC.W    PENCOLOR
        DC.W    FILLCOLOR
        DC.W    SPRPOS
        DC.W    DEFLT
        DC.W    PEEK                    ;Functions
        DC.W    RND
        DC.W    ABS
        DC.W    SIZE_
        DC.W    TICK
        DC.W    TEMP
        DC.W    SGN
        DC.W    XP40
        DC.W    FR1             ;       "TO" in "FOR"
        DC.W    QWHAT
        DC.W    FR2             ;       "STEP" in "FOR"
        DC.W    FR3
        DC.W    XP11;   >=              Relational operators
        DC.W    XP12    ;<>
        DC.W    XP13    ;>
        DC.W    XP15    ;=
        DC.W    XP14    ;<=
        DC.W    XP16    ;<
        DC.W    XP17
        LEA     TAB1,A1
        LEA     TAB1_1,A2
        BSR.L   IGNBLK;         ignore leading blanks
        MOVE.L  A0,A3           ;save the pointer
        CLR.B   D2              ;clear match flag
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0;       get the program character
        MOVE.B  (A1),D1         ;get the table character
        BNE     EXNGO           ;If end of table,
        MOVE.L  A3,A0   ;;      restore the text pointer and...
        BRA     EXGO            ;execute the default.
        MOVE.B  D0,D3   ;       Else check for period...
        AND.B   D2,D3           ;and a match.
        CMP.B   #'.',D3
        BEQ     EXGO            ;if so, execute
        AND.B   #0x7F,D1 ;      ignore the table's high bit
        CMP.B   D0,D1   ;       is there a match?
        BEQ     EXMAT
        ADDQ.L  #2,A2   ;       if not, try the next entry
        MOVE.L  A3,A0   ;       reset the program pointer
        CLR.B   D2              ;sorry, no match
        TST.B   (A1)+   ;       get to the end of the entry
        BPL     EX1
        BRA     EXLP            ;back for more matching
        MOVEQ   #-1,D2;         we've got a match so far
        TST.B   (A1)+   ;       end of table entry?
        BPL     EXLP            ;if not, go back for more
        LEA             0xFFFF0000,A3   ;       execute the appropriate routine
        move.w  (a2),a2
        JMP     (A3,A2.W)

        jsr             ClearScreen
        clr.w   CursorRow
        clr.w   CursorCol
        bra             WSTART
;* What follows is the code to execute direct and statement
;* commands. Control is transferred to these points via the command
;* table lookup code of 'DIRECT' and 'EXEC' in the last section.
;* After the command is executed, control is transferred to other
;* sections as follows:
;* For 'LIST', 'NEW', and 'STOP': go back to the warm start point.
;* For 'RUN': go execute the first stored line if any; else go
;* back to the warm start point.
;* For 'GOTO' and 'GOSUB': go execute the target line.
;* For 'RETURN' and 'NEXT'; go back to saved return line.
;* For all others: if 'CURRNT' is 0, go to warm start; else go;
;* execute next command. (This is done in 'FINISH'.)
;* *** NEW *** STOP *** RUN (& friends) *** GOTO ***
;* 'NEW<CR>' sets TXTUNF to point to TXTBGN
;* 'STOP<CR>' goes back to WSTART
;* 'RUN<CR>' finds the first stored line, stores its address
;* in CURRNT, and starts executing it. Note that only those
;* commands in TAB2 are legal for a stored program.
;* There are 3 more entries in 'RUN':
;* 'RUNNXL' finds next line, stores it's address and executes it.
;* 'RUNTSL' stores the address of this line and executes it.
;* 'RUNSML' continues the execution on same line.
;* 'GOTO expr<CR>' evaluates the expression, finds the target
;* line, and jumps to 'RUNTSL' to do it.
        BSR.L   ENDCHK
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,TXTUNF   ;set the end pointer

        BSR.L   ENDCHK
        BRA     WSTART

        BSR.L   ENDCHK
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0       ;set pointer to beginning
        MOVE.L  A0,CURRNT

        TST.L   CURRNT  ;       executing a program?
        BEQ.L   WSTART          ;if not, we've finished a direct stat.
        CLR.L   D1              ;else find the next line number
        MOVE.L  A0,A1
        BSR.L   FNDLNP
        BCS     WSTART          ;if we've fallen off the end, stop

        MOVE.L  A1,CURRNT       ;set CURRNT to point to the line no.
        MOVE.L  A1,A0           ;set the text pointer to
        ADDQ.L  #2,A0           ;the start of the line text

        BSR.L   CHKIO   ;       see if a control-C was pressed
        LEA     TAB2,A1         ;find command in TAB2
        LEA     TAB2_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC            ;and execute it

        BSR.L   EXPR    ;       evaluate the following expression
        BSR.L   ENDCHK          ;must find end of line
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        BSR.L   FNDLN           ;find the target line
        BNE.L   QHOW            ;no such line no.
        BRA     RUNTSL          ;go do it

;* *** LIST *** PRINT ***
;* LIST has two forms:
;* 'LIST<CR>' lists all saved lines
;* 'LIST #<CR>' starts listing at the line #
;* Control-S pauses the listing, control-C stops it.
;* PRINT command is 'PRINT ....:' or 'PRINT ....<CR>'
;* where '....' is a list of expressions, formats, back-arrows,
;* and strings. These items a separated by commas.
;* A format is a pound sign followed by a number.  It controls
;* the number of spaces the value of an expression is going to
;* be printed in.  It stays effective for the rest of the print
;* command unless changed by another format.  If no format is
;* specified, 11 positions will be used.
;* A string is quoted in a pair of single- or double-quotes.
;* An underline (back-arrow) means generate a <CR> without a <LF>
;* A <CR LF> is generated after the entire list has been printed
;* or if the list is empty.  If the list ends with a semicolon,
;* however, no <CR LF> is generated.

        BSR.L   TSTNUM  ;       see if there's a line no.
        BSR.L   ENDCHK          ;if not, we get a zero
        BSR.L   FNDLN           ;find this or next line
        BCS     WSTART          ;warm start if we passed the end
        BSR.L   PRTLN   ;       print the line
        BSR.L   CHKIO   ;       check for listing halt request
        BEQ     LS3
        CMP.B   #CTRLS,D0       ;pause the listing?
        BNE     LS3
        BSR.L   CHKIO           ;if so, wait for another keypress
        BEQ     LS2
        BSR.L   FNDLNP          ;find the next line
        BRA     LS1

        MOVE    #11,D4  ;       D4 = number of print spaces
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;if null list and ":"
        DC.B    ':',PR2-$
        BSR.L   CRLF1           ;give CR-LF and continue
        BRA     RUNSML          ;execution on the same line
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;if null list and <CR>
        DC.B    CR,PR0-$
        BSR.L   CRLF1           ;also give CR-LF and
        BRA     RUNNXL          ;execute the next line
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;else is it a format?
        DC.B    '#',PR1-$
        BSR.L   EXPR            ;yes, evaluate expression
        MOVE    D0,D4           ;and save it as print width
        BRA     PR3             ;look for more to print
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;is character expression? (MRL)
        DC.B    '$',PR4-$
        BSR.L   EXPR            ;yep. Evaluate expression (MRL)
        BSR     GOOUT           ;print low byte (MRL)
        BRA     PR3             ;look for more. (MRL)
        BSR.L   QTSTG   ;       is it a string?
        BRA.S   PR8             ;if not, must be an expression
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       if ",", go find next
        DC.B    ',',PR6-$
        BSR.L   FIN             ;in the list.
        BRA     PR0
        BSR.L   CRLF1   ;       list ends here
        BRA     FINISH
        MOVE    D4,-(SP)        ;save the width value
        BSR.L   EXPR            ;evaluate the expression
        MOVE    (SP)+,D4        ;restore the width
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        BSR.L   PRTNUM          ;print its value
        BRA     PR3             ;more to print?

        BSR.L   FIN     ;       Check end of command
        BRA.L   QWHAT   ;       print "What?" if wrong

;* *** GOSUB *** & RETURN ***
;* 'GOSUB expr:' or 'GOSUB expr<CR>' is like the 'GOTO' command,
;* except that the current text pointer, stack pointer, etc. are
;* saved so that execution can be continued after the subroutine
;* 'RETURN's.  In order that 'GOSUB' can be nested (and even
;* recursive), the save area must be stacked.  The stack pointer
;* is saved in 'STKGOS'.  The old 'STKGOS' is saved on the stack.
;* If we are in the main routine, 'STKGOS' is zero (this was done
;* in the initialization section of the interpreter), but we still
;* save it as a flag for no further 'RETURN's.
;* 'RETURN<CR>' undoes everything that 'GOSUB' did, and thus
;* returns the execution to the command after the most recent
;* 'GOSUB'.  If 'STKGOS' is zero, it indicates that we never had
;* a 'GOSUB' and is thus an error.
        BSR.L   PUSHA   ;       save the current 'FOR' parameters
        BSR.L   EXPR            ;get line number
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        ;save text pointer
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        BSR.L   FNDLN           ;find the target line
        BNE.L   AHOW            ;if not there, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,-(SP)    ;found it, save old 'CURRNT'...
        MOVE.L  STKGOS,-(SP)    ;and 'STKGOS'
        CLR.L   LOPVAR          ;load new values
        BRA     RUNTSL

        BSR.L   ENDCHK  ;       there should be just a <CR>
        MOVE.L  STKGOS,D1       ;get old stack pointer
        BEQ.L   QWHAT           ;if zero, it doesn't exist
        MOVE.L  D1,SP           ;else restore it
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,STKGOS    ;and the old 'STKGOS'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT    ;and the old 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        ;and the old text pointer
        BSR.L   POPA            ;and the old 'FOR' parameters
        BRA     FINISH          ;and we are back home

;* *** FOR *** & NEXT ***
;* 'FOR' has two forms:
;* 'FOR var=exp1 TO exp2 STEP exp1' and 'FOR var=exp1 TO exp2'
;* The second form means the same thing as the first form with a
;* STEP of positive 1.  The interpreter will find the variable 'var'
;* and set its value to the current value of 'exp1'.  It also
;* evaluates 'exp2' and 'exp1' and saves all these together with
;* the text pointer, etc. in the 'FOR' save area, which consisits of
;* 'LOPVAR', 'LOPINC', 'LOPLMT', 'LOPLN', and 'LOPPT'.  If there is
;* already something in the save area (indicated by a non-zero
;* 'LOPVAR'), then the old save area is saved on the stack before
;* the new values are stored.  The interpreter will then dig in the
;* stack and find out if this same variable was used in another
;* currently active 'FOR' loop.  If that is the case, then the old
;* 'FOR' loop is deactivated. (i.e. purged from the stack)
;* 'NEXT var' serves as the logical (not necessarily physical) end
;* of the 'FOR' loop.  The control variable 'var' is checked with
;* the 'LOPVAR'.  If they are not the same, the interpreter digs in
;* the stack to find the right one and purges all those that didn't
;* match.  Either way, it then adds the 'STEP' to that variable and
;* checks the result with against the limit value.  If it is within
;* the limit, control loops back to the command following the
;* 'FOR'.  If it's outside the limit, the save area is purged and
;* execution continues.
        BSR.L   PUSHA           ;save the old 'FOR' save area
        BSR.L   SETVAL          ;set the control variable
        MOVE.L  A6,LOPVAR       ;save its address
        LEA     TAB5,A1         ;use 'EXEC' to test for 'TO'
        LEA     TAB5_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC
        BSR.L   EXPR            ;evaluate the limit
        MOVE.L  D0,LOPLMT       ;save that
        LEA     TAB6,A1         ;use 'EXEC' to look for the
        LEA     TAB6_1,A2       ;word 'STEP'
        BRA     EXEC
        BSR.L   EXPR    ;       found it, get the step value
        BRA     FR4
        MOVEQ   #1,D0   ;       not found, step defaults to 1
        MOVE.L  D0,LOPINC       ;save that too
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,LOPLN    ;save address of current line number
        MOVE.L  A0,LOPPT        ;and text pointer
        MOVE.L  SP,A6           ;dig into the stack to find 'LOPVAR'
        BRA     FR7
        ADD.L   #20,A6          ;look at next stack frame
        MOVE.L  (A6),D0         ;is it zero?
        BEQ     FR8             ;if so, we're done
        CMP.L   LOPVAR,D0       ;same as current LOPVAR?
        BNE     FR6             ;nope, look some more
        MOVE.L  SP,A2   ;       Else remove 5 long words from...
        MOVE.L  A6,A1   ;       inside the stack.
        LEA     20,A3
        ADD.L   A1,A3
        BSR.L   MVDOWN
        MOVE.L  A3,SP   ;       set the SP 5 long words up
        BRA     FINISH          ;and continue execution

        BSR.L   TSTV;           get address of variable
        BCS.L   QWHAT   ;       if no variable, say "What?"
        MOVE.L  D0,A1   ;       save variable's address
        MOVE.L  LOPVAR,D0;      If 'LOPVAR' is zero, we never...
        BEQ.L   QWHAT   ;       had a FOR loop, so say "What?"
        CMP.L   D0,A1   ;;      else we check them
        BEQ     NX3     ;       OK, they agree
        BSR.L   POPA    ;       nope, let's see the next frame
        BRA     NX0
        MOVE.L  (A1),D0 ;       get control variable's value
        ADD.L   LOPINC,D0;      add in loop increment
        BVS.L   QHOW    ;       say "How?" for 32-bit overflow
        MOVE.L  D0,(A1) ;       save control variable's new value
        MOVE.L  LOPLMT,D1;      get loop's limit value
        TST.L   LOPINC
        BPL     NX1     ;       branch if loop increment is positive
        EXG     D0,D1
        CMP.L   D0,D1;          test against limit
        BLT     NX2;            branch if outside limit
        MOVE.L  LOPLN,CURRNT    ;Within limit, go back to the...
        MOVE.L  LOPPT,A0        ;saved 'CURRNT' and text pointer.
        BRA     FINISH
        BSR.L   POPA            ;purge this loop
        BRA     FINISH

;* *** REM *** IF *** INPUT *** LET (& DEFLT) ***
;* 'REM' can be followed by anything and is ignored by the
;* interpreter.
;* 'IF' is followed by an expression, as a condition and one or
;* more commands (including other 'IF's) separated by colons.
;* Note that the word 'THEN' is not used.  The interpreter evaluates
;* the expression.  If it is non-zero, execution continues.  If it
;* is zero, the commands that follow are ignored and execution
;* continues on the next line.
;* 'INPUT' is like the 'PRINT' command, and is followed by a list
;* of items.  If the item is a string in single or double quotes,
;* or is an underline (back arrow), it has the same effect as in
;* 'PRINT'.  If an item is a variable, this variable name is
;* printed out followed by a colon, then the interpreter waits for
;* an expression to be typed in.  The variable is then set to the
;* value of this expression.  If the variable is preceeded by a
;* string (again in single or double quotes), the string will be
;* displayed followed by a colon.  The interpreter the waits for an
;* expression to be entered and sets the variable equal to the
;* expression's value.  If the input expression is invalid, the
;* interpreter will print "What?", "How?", or "Sorry" and reprint
;* the prompt and redo the input.  The execution will not terminate
;* unless you press control-C.  This is handled in 'INPERR'.
;* 'LET' is followed by a list of items separated by commas.
;* Each item consists of a variable, an equals sign, and an
;* expression.  The interpreter evaluates the expression and sets
;* the variable to that value.  The interpreter will also handle
;* 'LET' commands without the word 'LET'.  This is done by 'DEFLT'.
        BRA     IF2             ;skip the rest of the line

        BSR.L   EXPR    ;       evaluate the expression
        TST.L   D0              ;is it zero?
        BNE     RUNSML          ;if not, continue
        MOVE.L  A0,A1
        CLR.L   D1
        BSR.L   FNDSKP  ;       if so, skip the rest of the line
        BCC     RUNTSL          ;and run the next line
        BRA.L   WSTART  ;       if no next line, do a warm start

        MOVE.L  STKINP,SP;      restore the old stack pointer
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT;   and old 'CURRNT'
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        ;and old text pointer

        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP);       save in case of error
        BSR.L   QTSTG           ;is next item a string?
        BRA.S   IP2             ;nope
        BSR.L   TSTV    ;       yes, but is it followed by a variable?
        BCS     IP4             ;if not, branch
        MOVE.L  D0,A2   ;       put away the variable's address
        BRA     IP3             ;if so, input to variable
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP);       save for 'PRTSTG'
        BSR.L   TSTV    ;       must be a variable now
        BCS.L   QWHAT   ;       "What?" it isn't?
        MOVE.L  D0,A2   ;       put away the variable's address
        MOVE.B  (A0),D2 ;       get ready for 'PRTSTG'
        CLR.B   D0
        MOVE.B  D0,(A0)
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1
        BSR.L   PRTSTG  ;       print string as prompt
        MOVE.B  D2,(A0) ;       restore text
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP);       save in case of error
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,-(SP)    ;also save 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  #-1,CURRNT      ;flag that we are in INPUT
        MOVE.L  SP,STKINP       ;save the stack pointer too
        MOVE.L  A2,-(SP)        ;save the variable address
        MOVE.B  #':',D0     ;    print a colon first
        BSR.L   GETLN           ;then get an input line
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       ;point to the buffer
        BSR.L   EXPR    ;       evaluate the input
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A2        ;restore the variable address
        MOVE.L  D0,(A2)         ;save value in variable
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,CURRNT    ;restore old 'CURRNT'
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0;       and the old text pointer
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP   ;       clean up the stack
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       is the next thing a comma?
        DC.B    ',',IP5-$
        BRA     INPUT   ;       yes, more items
        BRA     FINISH

        CMP.B   #CR,(A0);       empty line is OK
        BEQ     LT1             ;else it is 'LET'

        BSR.L   SETVAL          ;do the assignment
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;check for more 'LET' items
        DC.B    ',',LT1-$
        BRA     LET
        BRA     FINISH          ;until we are finished.

;* *** LOAD *** & SAVE ***
;* These two commands transfer a program to/from an auxiliary
;* device such as a cassette, another computer, etc.  The program
;* is converted to an easily-stored format: each line starts with
;* a colon, the line no. as 4 hex digits, and the rest of the line.
;* At the end, a line starting with an '@' sign is sent.  This
;* format can be read back with a minimum of processing time by
;* the 68000.
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0       ;set pointer to start of prog. area
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          ;For a CP/M host, tell it we're ready...
        BSR     GOAUXO          ;by sending a CR to finish PIP command.
        BSR     GOAUXI  ;       look for start of line
        BEQ     LOD1
        CMP.B   #'@',D0  ;       end of program?
        BEQ     LODEND
        CMP.B   #':',D0   ;      if not, is it start of line?
        BNE     LOD1                    ;if not, wait for it
        BSR     GBYTE                   ;get first byte of line no.
        MOVE.B  D1,(A0)+        ;store it
        BSR     GBYTE                   ;get 2nd bye of line no.
        MOVE.B  D1,(A0)+        ;       store that, too
        BSR     GOAUXI  ;       get another text char.
        BEQ     LOD2
        MOVE.B  D0,(A0)+        ;store it
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          ;is it the end of the line?
        BNE     LOD2            ;if not, go back for more
        BRA     LOD1            ;if so, start a new line
        MOVE.L  A0,TXTUNF       ;set end-of program pointer
        BRA     WSTART          ;back to direct mode

        MOVEQ   #1,D2   ;               get two hex characters from auxiliary
        CLR     D1                      ;and store them as a byte in D1
        BSR     GOAUXI          ;       get a char.
        BEQ     GBYTE1
        CMP.B   #'A',D0
        BCS     GBYTE2
        SUBQ.B  #7,D0   ;       if greater than 9, adjust
        AND.B   #0xF,D0         ;strip ASCII
        LSL.B   #4,D1           ;put nybble into the result
        OR.B    D0,D1
        DBRA    D2,GBYTE1       ;get another char.

        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A0;      set pointer to start of prog. area
        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A1       ;set pointer to end of prog. area
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0  ;       send out a CR & LF (CP/M likes this)
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0
        BSR     GOAUXO
        CMP.L   A0,A1           ;are we finished?
        BLS     SAVEND
        MOVE.B  #':',D0      ;   if not, start a line
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D1        ;send first half of line no.
        BSR     PBYTE
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D1        ;and send 2nd half
        BSR     PBYTE
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0;       get a text char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          ;is it the end of the line?
        BEQ     SAVE1           ;if so, send CR & LF and start new line
        BSR     GOAUXO          ;send it out
        BRA     SAVE2           ;go back for more text
        MOVE.B  #'@',D0 ;        send end-of-program indicator
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0  ;       followed by a CR & LF
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0
        BSR     GOAUXO
        MOVE.B  #0x1A,D0        ;and a control-Z to end the CP/M file
        BSR     GOAUXO
        BRA     WSTART          ;then go do a warm start

        MOVEQ   #1,D2   ;       send two hex characters from D1's low byte
        ROL.B   #4,D1   ;       get the next nybble
        MOVE.B  D1,D0
        AND.B   #0xF,D0 ;       strip off garbage
        ADD.B   #'0',D0   ;      make it into ASCII
        CMP.B   #'9',D0
        BLS     PBYTE2
        ADDQ.B  #7,D0           ;adjust if greater than 9
        BSR     GOAUXO          ;send it out
        DBRA    D2,PBYTE1       ;then send the next nybble

;* *** POKE *** & CALL ***
;* 'POKE expr1,expr2' stores the byte from 'expr2' into the memory
;* address specified by 'expr1'.
;* 'CALL expr' jumps to the machine language subroutine whose
;* starting address is specified by 'expr'.  The subroutine can use
;* all registers but must leave the stack the way it found it.
;* The subroutine returns to the interpreter by executing an RTS.
        BSR     EXPR            ;get the memory address
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;it must be followed by a comma
        DC.B    ',',PKER-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        ;save the address
        BSR     EXPR            ;get the byte to be POKE'd
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        ;get the address back
        MOVE.B  D0,(A1)         ;store the byte in memory
        BRA     FINISH
        BRA.L   QWHAT   ;       if no comma, say "What?"

;* Graphics Commands added R. Finch

        BSR EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',PKER-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        MOVE.L  D0,D2
        BSR DrawPixel
        BRA FINISH

        BSR     EXPR
        MOVE.L  d0,GRAPHICS
        BRA FINISH
        BSR     EXPR
        MOVE.L  d0,GRAPHICS+4
        BRA FINISH

        BSR EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',LINEERR1-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',LINEERR2-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        MOVE.L  D1,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  8(SP),D1        ; D1 = sprite number
        ANDI.L  #7,D1
        ASL.L   #4,D1           ; D1 * 16
        ADD.L   #SPRCTRL,D1     ; D1 = register base
        MOVE.L  A1,-(SP)        ; save off A1
        MOVE.L  D1,A1           ; A1 = register base
        MOVE.W  D0,2(A1)        ; set Y position
        MOVE.L  8(SP),D0
        MOVE.W  D0,0(A1)        ; set X position
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        ; get back A1
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1        ; get D1 back
        ADD.L   #8,SP           ; pop stack
        BRA     FINISH

        BSR     EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',LINEERR1-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',LINEERR2-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        BSR     TSTC
        DC.B    ',',LINEERR3-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR
        MOVE.W  d0,GRAPHICS+14
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,d0
        MOVE.W  d0,GRAPHICS+12
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,d0
        MOVE.W  d0,GRAPHICS+10
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,d0
        MOVE.W  d0,GRAPHICS+8
        BRA             FINISH
        BRA.L   QWHAT
        ADDQ    #4,SP
        BRA.L   QWHAT
        ADD.L   #8,SP
        BRA.L   QWHAT

        BSR     EXPR            ;get the subroutine's address
        TST.L   D0              ;make sure we got a valid address
        BEQ.L   QHOW    ;       if not, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP);       save the text pointer
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        JSR     (A1)            ;jump to the subroutine
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        ;restore the text pointer
        BRA     FINISH
;* *** EXPR ***
;* 'EXPR' evaluates arithmetical or logical expressions.
;* <EXPR>::=<EXPR2>
;*         <EXPR2><rel.op.><EXPR2>
;* where <rel.op.> is one of the operators in TAB8 and the result
;* of these operations is 1 if true and 0 if false.
;* <EXPR2>::=(+,-,&,|)<EXPR3>(+,-,&,|)<EXPR3>(...
;* where () are optional and (... are optional repeats.
;* <EXPR3>::=<EXPR4>( <* or /><EXPR4> )(...
;* <EXPR4>::=<variable>
;*          <function>
;*          (<EXPR>)
;* <EXPR> is recursive so that the variable '@' can have an <EXPR>
;* as an index, functions can have an <EXPR> as arguments, and
;* <EXPR4> can be an <EXPR> in parenthesis.
        BSR     EXPR2
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP);       save <EXPR2> value
        LEA     TAB8,A1         ;look up a relational operator
        LEA     TAB8_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC            ;go do it

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it ">="?
        BLT     XPRT0           ;no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it "<>"?
        BEQ     XPRT0           ;no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it ">"?
        BLE     XPRT0           ;no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it "<="?
        BGT     XPRT0           ;no, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it "="?
        BNE     XPRT0           ;if not, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        BSR     XP18    ;       is it "<"?
        BGE     XPRT0           ;if not, return D0=0
        BRA     XPRT1           ;else return D0=1

        CLR.L   D0      ;       return D0=0 (false)

        MOVEQ   #1,D0;          return D0=1 (true)

        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D0        ;it's not a rel. operator
        RTS                     ;return D0=<EXPR2>

        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D0        ;reverse the top two stack items
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  D1,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR2           ;do second <EXPR2>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        CMP.L   D0,D1   ;       compare with the first result
        RTS                     ;return the result

        BSR.L   TSTC            ;negative sign?
        DC.B    '-',XP20-$
        CLR.L   D0      ;       yes, fake '0-'
        BRA     XP26
        BSR.L   TSTC
        DC.B    '!',XP21-$
        CLR.L   D0
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR             EXPR3
        NOT.L   D0
        JMP             XP24
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       positive sign? ignore it
        DC.B    '+',XP22-$
        BSR     EXPR3           ;first <EXPR3>
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       add?
        DC.B    '+',XP25-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        ;yes, save the value
        BSR     EXPR3           ;get the second <EXPR3>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D0   ;       add it to the first <EXPR3>
        BVS.L   QHOW    ;       branch if there's an overflow
        BRA     XP23    ;       else go back for more operations
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;subtract?
        DC.B    '-',XP27-$      ; was XP42-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        ;yes, save the result of 1st <EXPR3>
        BSR     EXPR3           ;get second <EXPR3>
        NEG.L   D0              ;change its sign
        JMP     XP24            ;and do an addition
        BSR.L   TSTC
        DC.B    '&',XP28-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR3
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        AND.L   D1,D0
        BRA             XP23
        BSR.L   TSTC
        DC.B    '|',XP42-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)
        BSR     EXPR3
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        OR.L    D1,D0
        BRA             XP23

        BSR     EXPR4           ;get first <EXPR4>
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       multiply?
        DC.B    '*',XP34-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP);       yes, save that first result
        BSR     EXPR4           ;get second <EXPR4>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        BSR.L   MULT32  ;       multiply the two
        BRA     XP31            ;then look for more terms
        BSR.L   TSTC;           divide?
        DC.B    '/',XP42-$
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP);       save result of 1st <EXPR4>
        BSR     EXPR4           ;get second <EXPR4>
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1
        EXG     D0,D1
        BSR.L   DIV32   ;       do the division
        BRA     XP31            ;go back for any more terms

        LEA     TAB4,A1 ;       find possible function
        LEA     TAB4_1,A2
        BRA     EXEC
        BSR     TSTV    ;       nope, not a function
        BCS     XP41            ;nor a variable
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        CLR.L   D0
        MOVE.L  (A1),D0 ;       if a variable, return its value in D0
        BSR.L   TSTNUM  ;       or is it a number?
        MOVE.L  D1,D0
        TST     D2              ;(if not, # of digits will be zero)
        BNE     EXP4RT  ;       if so, return it in D0
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       else look for ( EXPR )
        DC.B    '(',XP43-$
        BSR     EXPR
        BSR.L   TSTC
        DC.B    ')',XP43-$
        BRA.L   QWHAT   ;       else say "What?"

;* ===== Test for a valid variable name.  Returns Carry=1 if not
;*      found, else returns Carry=0 and the address of the
;*      variable in D0.

        BSR.L   IGNBLK
        CLR.L   D0
        MOVE.B  (A0),D0 ;       look at the program text
        SUB.B   #'@',D0
        BCS     TSTVRT  ;       C=1: not a variable
        BNE     TV1             ;branch if not "@" array
        ADDQ    #1,A0   ;       If it is, it should be
        BSR     PARN            ;followed by (EXPR) as its index.
        ADD.L   D0,D0
        BCS.L   QHOW    ;       say "How?" if index is too big
        ADD.L   D0,D0
        BCS.L   QHOW
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP)        ;save the index
        BSR.L   SIZE_           ;get amount of free memory
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,D1        ;get back the index
        CMP.L   D1,D0           ;see if there's enough memory
        BLS.L   QSORRY          ;if not, say "Sorry"
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       ;put address of array element...
        SUB.L   D1,D0           ;into D0
        CMP.B   #27,D0          ;if not @, is it A through Z?
        EOR     #1,CCR
        BCS     TSTVRT          ;if not, set Carry and return
        ADDQ    #1,A0   ;       else bump the text pointer
        CLR.L   D1
        MOVE.B  (a0),D1
        BSR             CVT26
        cmpi.b  #0xff,d1
        beq             tv2
        ADDQ    #1,A0   ; bump text pointer
        asl.l   #5,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D0
        ADD     D0,D0           ;compute the variable's address
        ADD     D0,D0
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D1
        ADD     D1,D0           ;and return it in D0 with Carry=0

        cmpi.b  #'A',d1
        blo             CVT26a
        cmpi.b  #'Z',d1
        bhi             CVT26a
        subi.b  #'A',d1
        moveq   #-1,d1
;* ===== Multiplies the 32 bit values in D0 and D1, returning
;*      the 32 bit result in D0.
        MOVE.L  D1,D4
        EOR.L   D0,D4   ;       see if the signs are the same
        TST.L   D0              ;take absolute value of D0
        BPL     MLT1
        NEG.L   D0
        TST.L   D1      ;       take absolute value of D1
        BPL     MLT2
        NEG.L   D1
        CMP.L   #0xFFFF,D1      ;is second argument <= 16 bits?
        BLS     MLT3    ;       OK, let it through
        EXG     D0,D1   ;       else swap the two arguments
        CMP.L   #0xFFFF,D1      ;and check 2nd argument again
        BHI.L   QHOW            ;one of them MUST be 16 bits
        MOVE    D0,D2   ;       prepare for 32 bit X 16 bit multiply
        MULU    D1,D2           ;multiply low word
        SWAP    D0
        MULU    D1,D0           ;multiply high word
        SWAP    D0
;*** Rick Murray's bug correction follows:
        TST     D0              ;if lower word not 0, then overflow
        BNE.L   QHOW    ;       if overflow, say "How?"
        ADD.L   D2,D0   ;       D0 now holds the product
        BMI.L   QHOW    ;       if sign bit set, it's an overflow
        TST.L   D4              ;were the signs the same?
        BPL     MLTRET
        NEG.L   D0              ;if not, make the result negative

;* ===== Divide the 32 bit value in D0 by the 32 bit value in D1.
;*      Returns the 32 bit quotient in D0, remainder in D1.
        TST.L   D1              ;check for divide-by-zero
        BEQ.L   QHOW            ;if so, say "How?"
        MOVE.L  D1,D2
        MOVE.L  D1,D4
        EOR.L   D0,D4           ;see if the signs are the same
        TST.L   D0              ;take absolute value of D0
        BPL     DIV1
        NEG.L   D0
        TST.L   D1      ;       take absolute value of D1
        BPL     DIV2
        NEG.L   D1
        MOVEQ   #31,D3  ;       iteration count for 32 bits
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        CLR.L   D0
        ADD.L   D1,D1   ;       (This algorithm was translated from
        ADDX.L  D0,D0           ;the divide routine in Ron Cain's
        BEQ     DIV4            ;Small-C run time library.)
        CMP.L   D2,D0
        BMI     DIV4
        ADDQ.L  #1,D1
        SUB.L   D2,D0
        DBRA    D3,DIV3
        EXG     D0,D1   ;       put rem. & quot. in proper registers
        TST.L   D4      ;       were the signs the same?
        BPL     DIVRT
        NEG.L   D0      ;       if not, results are negative
        NEG.L   D1

;* ===== The PEEK function returns the byte stored at the address
;*      contained in the following expression.
        BSR     PARN    ;       get the memory address
        MOVE.L  D0,A1
        CLR.L   D0              ;upper 3 bytes will be zero
        MOVE.B  (A1),D0 ;       get the addressed byte
        RTS                     ;and return it

;* ===== The RND function returns a random number from 1 to
;*      the value of the following expression in D0.
;*  Uses hardware rand# generator R. Finch
        BSR     PARN    ;       get the upper limit
        TST.L   D0      ;       it must be positive and non-zero
        BEQ.L   QHOW
        BMI.L   QHOW
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        MOVE.W  RANDOM+2,D0
        SWAP    D0
        MOVE.W  RANDOM,D0
        BCLR    #31,D0  ;       make sure it's positive
        BSR     DIV32           ;RND(n)=MOD(number,n)+1
        MOVE.L  D1,D0   ;       MOD is the remainder of the div.
        ADDQ.L  #1,D0

;* ===== The ABS function returns an absolute value in D0.
        BSR     PARN            ;get the following expr.'s value
        TST.L   D0
        BPL     ABSRT
        NEG.L   D0              ;if negative, complement it
        BMI.L   QHOW    ;       if still negative, it was too big

;* RTF
;* ===== The SGN function returns the sign value in D0.
        BSR             PARN    ;get the following expr.'s value
        TST.L   D0
        BEQ             SGNRT
        BMI             SGNMI
        MOVEQ   #1,d0
        MOVEQ   #-1,d0

;* ===== The SIZE function returns the size of free memory in D0.
        MOVE.L  VARBGN,D0       ;get the number of free bytes...
        SUB.L   TXTUNF,D0       ;between 'TXTUNF' and 'VARBGN'
        RTS                     ;return the number in D0

;* RTF
;* ===== return the millisecond time value
        move.l  Milliseconds,d0
        bsr             ReadTemp
        andi.l  #0xffff,d0

;* *** SETVAL *** FIN *** ENDCHK *** ERROR (& friends) ***
;* 'SETVAL' expects a variable, followed by an equal sign and then
;* an expression.  It evaluates the expression and sets the variable
;* to that value.
;* 'FIN' checks the end of a command.  If it ended with ":",
;* execution continues. If it ended with a CR, it finds the
;* the next line and continues from there.
;* 'ENDCHK' checks if a command is ended with a CR. This is
;* required in certain commands, such as GOTO, RETURN, STOP, etc.
;* 'ERROR' prints the string pointed to by A0. It then prints the
;* line pointed to by CURRNT with a "?" inserted at where the
;* old text pointer (should be on top of the stack) points to.
;* Execution of Tiny BASIC is stopped and a warm start is done.
;* If CURRNT is zero (indicating a direct command), the direct
;* command is not printed. If CURRNT is -1 (indicating
;* 'INPUT' command in progress), the input line is not printed
;* and execution is not terminated but continues at 'INPERR'.
;* Related to 'ERROR' are the following:
;* 'QWHAT' saves text pointer on stack and gets "What?" message.
;* 'AWHAT' just gets the "What?" message and jumps to 'ERROR'.
;* 'QSORRY' and 'ASORRY' do the same kind of thing.
;* 'QHOW' and 'AHOW' also do this for "How?".
        BSR     TSTV    ;       variable name?
        BCS     QWHAT           ;if not, say "What?"
        MOVE.L  D0,-(SP);       save the variable's address
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       get past the "=" sign
        DC.B    '=',SV1-$
        BSR     EXPR    ;       evaluate the expression
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6
        MOVE.L  D0,(A6) ;       and save its value in the variable
        BRA     QWHAT   ;       if no "=" sign

        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       *** FIN ***
        DC.B    ':',FI1-$
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP   ;       if ":", discard return address
        BRA     RUNSML  ;       continue on the same line
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       not ":", is it a CR?
        DC.B    CR,FI2-$
        ADDQ.L  #4,SP   ;       yes, purge return address
        BRA     RUNNXL          ;execute the next line
        RTS                     ;else return to the caller

        BSR.L   IGNBLK
        CMP.B   #CR,(A0);       does it end with a CR?
        BNE     QWHAT   ;       if not, say "WHAT?"

        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)
        LEA     WHTMSG,A6
        BSR.L   PRMESG  ;       display the error message
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A0        ;restore the text pointer
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,D0       ;get the current line number
        BEQ     WSTART          ;if zero, do a warm start
        CMP.L   #-1,D0          ;is the line no. pointer = -1?
        BEQ     INPERR          ;if so, redo input
        MOVE.B  (A0),-(SP)      ;save the char. pointed to
        CLR.B   (A0)            ;put a zero where the error is
        MOVE.L  CURRNT,A1       ;point to start of current line
        BSR.L   PRTLN           ;display the line in error up to the 0
        MOVE.B  (SP)+,(A0)      ;restore the character
        MOVE.B  #'?',D0     ;    display a "?"
        BSR     GOOUT
        CLR     D0
        SUBQ.L  #1,A1           ;point back to the error char.
        BSR.L   PRTSTG          ;display the rest of the line
        BRA     WSTART          ;and do a warm start
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)
        LEA     SRYMSG,A6
        BRA     ERROR
        MOVE.L  A0,-(SP)        ;Error: "How?"
        LEA     HOWMSG,A6
        BRA     ERROR
;* *** GETLN *** FNDLN (& friends) ***
;* 'GETLN' reads in input line into 'BUFFER'. It first prompts with
;* the character in D0 (given by the caller), then it fills the
;* buffer and echos. It ignores LF's but still echos
;* them back. Control-H is used to delete the last character
;* entered (if there is one), and control-X is used to delete the
;* whole line and start over again. CR signals the end of a line,
;* and causes 'GETLN' to return.
        BSR     GOOUT           ;display the prompt
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0      ;   and a space
        BSR     GOOUT
        LEA     BUFFER,A0;      A0 is the buffer pointer
        BSR.L   CHKIO;          check keyboard
        BEQ     GL1     ;       wait for a char. to come in
        CMP.B   #CTRLH,D0       ;delete last character?
        BEQ     GL3     ;       if so
        CMP.B   #CTRLX,D0;      delete the whole line?
        BEQ     GL4     ;       if so
        CMP.B   #CR,D0  ;       accept a CR
        BEQ     GL2
        CMP.B   #' ',D0  ;       if other control char., discard it
        BCS     GL1
        MOVE.B  D0,(A0)+;       save the char.
        BSR     GOOUT           ;echo the char back out
        CMP.B   #CR,D0  ;       if it's a CR, end the line
        BEQ     GL7
        CMP.L   #(BUFFER+BUFLEN-1),A0   ;any more room?
        BCS     GL1     ;       yes: get some more, else delete last char.
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0       ;delete a char. if possible
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        CMP.L   #BUFFER,A0      ;any char.'s left?
        BLS     GL1             ;if not
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0;      if so, finish the BS-space-BS sequence
        BSR     GOOUT
        SUBQ.L  #1,A0   ;       decrement the text pointer
        BRA     GL1             ;back for more
        MOVE.L  A0,D1   ;       delete the whole line
        SUB.L   #BUFFER,D1;     figure out how many backspaces we need
        BEQ     GL6             ;if none needed, branch
        SUBQ    #1,D1   ;       adjust for DBRA
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0       ;and display BS-space-BS sequences
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        MOVE.B  #CTRLH,D0
        BSR     GOOUT
        DBRA    D1,GL5
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       ;reinitialize the text pointer
        BRA     GL1             ;and go back for more
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0  ;       echo a LF for the CR
        BSR     GOOUT

;* *** FNDLN (& friends) ***
;* 'FNDLN' finds a line with a given line no. (in D1) in the
;* text save area.  A1 is used as the text pointer. If the line
;* is found, A1 will point to the beginning of that line
;* (i.e. the high byte of the line no.), and flags are NC & Z.
;* If that line is not there and a line with a higher line no.
;* is found, A1 points there and flags are NC & NZ. If we reached
;* the end of the text save area and cannot find the line, flags
;* are C & NZ.
;* 'FNDLN' will initialize A1 to the beginning of the text save
;* area to start the search. Some other entries of this routine
;* will not initialize A1 and do the search.
;* 'FNDLNP' will start with A1 and search for the line no.
;* 'FNDNXT' will bump A1 by 2, find a CR and then start search.
;* 'FNDSKP' uses A1 to find a CR, and then starts the search.
        CMP.L   #0xFFFF,D1      ;line no. must be < 65535
        BCC     QHOW
        MOVE.L  TXTBGN,A1       ;init. the text save pointer

        MOVE.L  TXTUNF,A2       ;check if we passed the end
        SUBQ.L  #1,A2
        CMPA.L  A1,A2
        BCS     FNDRET  ;       if so, return with Z=0 & C=1
        MOVE.B  (A1),D2 ;if not, get a line no.
        LSL.W   #8,D2
        MOVE.B  1(A1),D2
        CMP.W   D1,D2           ;is this the line we want?
        BCS     FNDNXT          ;no, not there yet
        RTS                     ;return the cond. codes

        ADDQ.L  #2,A1;          find the next line

        CMP.B   #CR,(A1)+       ;try to find a CR
        BNE     FNDSKP          ;keep looking
        BRA     FNDLNP          ;check if end of text

;* *** MVUP *** MVDOWN *** POPA *** PUSHA ***
;* 'MVUP' moves a block up from where A1 points to where A2 points
;* until A1=A3
;* 'MVDOWN' moves a block down from where A1 points to where A3
;* points until A1=A2
;* 'POPA' restores the 'FOR' loop variable save area from the stack
;* 'PUSHA' stacks for 'FOR' loop variable save area onto the stack
        CMP.L   A1,A3   ;       see the above description
        BEQ     MVRET
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,(A2)+
        BRA     MVUP

        CMP.L   A1,A2   ;       see the above description
        BEQ     MVRET
        MOVE.B  -(A1),-(A3)
        BRA     MVDOWN

        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6        ;A6 = return address
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPVAR    ;restore LOPVAR, but zero means no more
        BEQ     PP1
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPINC    ;if not zero, restore the rest
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPLMT
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPLN
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,LOPPT
        JMP     (A6)    ;       return

        MOVE.L  STKLMT,D1       ;Are we running out of stack room?
        SUB.L   SP,D1
        BCC             QSORRY          ;if so, say we're sorry
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A6        ;else get the return address
        MOVE.L  LOPVAR,D1       ;save loop variables
        BEQ             PU1             ;if LOPVAR is zero, that's all
        MOVE.L  LOPPT,-(SP)     ;else save all the others
        MOVE.L  LOPLN,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  LOPLMT,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  LOPINC,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  D1,-(SP)
        JMP     (A6)            ;return

;* *** PRTSTG *** QTSTG *** PRTNUM *** PRTLN ***
;* 'PRTSTG' prints a string pointed to by A1. It stops printing
;* and returns to the caller when either a CR is printed or when
;* the next byte is the same as what was passed in D0 by the
;* caller.
;* 'QTSTG' looks for an underline (back-arrow on some systems),
;* single-quote, or double-quote.  If none of these are found, returns
;* to the caller.  If underline, outputs a CR without a LF.  If single
;* or double quote, prints the quoted string and demands a matching
;* end quote.  After the printing, the next 2 bytes of the caller are
;* skipped over (usually a short branch instruction).
;* 'PRTNUM' prints the 32 bit number in D1, leading blanks are added if
;* needed to pad the number of spaces to the number in D4.
;* However, if the number of digits is larger than the no. in
;* D4, all digits are printed anyway. Negative sign is also
;* printed and counted in, positive sign is not.
;* 'PRTLN' prints the saved text line pointed to by A1
;* with line no. and all.
        MOVE.B  D0,D1   ;       save the stop character
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D0        ;get a text character
        CMP.B   D0,D1           ;same as stop character?
        BEQ             PRTRET          ;if so, return
        BSR             GOOUT           ;display the char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          ;;is it a C.R.?
        BNE             PS1             ;no, go back for more
        MOVE.B  #LF,D0  ;       yes, add a L.F.
        BSR             GOOUT
        RTS                     ;then return

        BSR.L   TSTC;           *** QTSTG ***
        DC.B    '"',QT3-$
        MOVE.B  #'"',D0  ;       it is a "
        MOVE.L  A0,A1
        BSR     PRTSTG          ;print until another
        MOVE.L  A1,A0
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1;       pop return address
        CMP.B   #LF,D0  ;       was last one a CR?
        BEQ     RUNNXL          ;if so, run next line
        ADDQ.L  #2,A1   ;       skip 2 bytes on return
        JMP     (A1)            ;return
        BSR.L   TSTC    ;       is it a single quote?
        DC.B    '\'',QT4-$
        MOVE.B  #'''',D0  ;      if so, do same as above
        BRA     QT1
        BSR.L   TSTC            ;is it an underline?
        DC.B    '_',QT5-$
        MOVE.B  #CR,D0          ;if so, output a CR without LF
        BSR.L   GOOUT
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        ;pop return address
        BRA     QT2
        RTS                     ;none of the above

        movem.l d0/d1/d4/a1/a5,-(a7)
        lea             scratch1,a5
        move.l  d1,d0
        jsr             HEX2DEC
        lea             scratch1,a5
        move.b  (a5)+,d0
        beq             PN7
        dbra    d4,PN8
        tst.w   d4
        bmi             PN9
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0  ;       display the required leading spaces
        BSR             GOOUT
        DBRA    D4,PN7
        lea             scratch1,a1
        jsr             DisplayString
        movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d4/a1/a5

;       MOVE.L  D1,D3   ;       save the number for later
;       MOVE.L  D4,-(SP)        ;save the width value
;       MOVE.W  #0xFFFF,-(SP)   ;flag for end of digit string
;       TST.L   D1              ;is it negative?
;       BPL     PN1             ;if not
;       NEG.L   D1      ;       else make it positive
;       SUBQ    #1,D4   ;       one less for width count
;       DIVU    #10,D1  ;       get the next digit
;       BVS     PNOV    ;       overflow flag set?
;       MOVE.L  D1,D0   ;       if not, save remainder
;       AND.L   #0xFFFF,D1      ;strip the remainder
;       BRA     TOASCII         ;skip the overflow stuff
;       MOVE    D1,D0   ;       prepare for long word division
;       CLR.W   D1              ;zero out low word
;       SWAP    D1              ;high word into low
;       DIVU    #10,D1  ;       divide high word
;       MOVE    D1,D2   ;       save quotient
;       MOVE    D0,D1   ;       low word into low
;       DIVU    #10,D1  ;       divide low word
;       MOVE.L  D1,D0   ;       D0 = remainder
;       SWAP    D1              ;       R/Q becomes Q/R
;       MOVE    D2,D1   ;       D1 is low/high
;       SWAP    D1              ;       D1 is finally high/low
;       SWAP    D0              ;       get remainder
;       MOVE.W  D0,-(SP);       stack it as a digit
;       SWAP    D0
;       SUBQ    #1,D4   ;       decrement width count
;       TST.L   D1              ;if quotient is zero, we're done
;       BNE     PN1
;       SUBQ    #1,D4   ;       adjust padding count for DBRA
;       BMI     PN4             ;skip padding if not needed
;       MOVE.B  #' ',D0  ;       display the required leading spaces
;       BSR     GOOUT
;       DBRA    D4,PN3
;       TST.L   D3              ;is number negative?
;       BPL     PN5
;       MOVE.B  #'-',D0  ;       if so, display the sign
;       BSR     GOOUT
;       MOVE.W  (SP)+,D0        ;now unstack the digits and display
;       BMI     PNRET           ;until the flag code is reached
;       ADD.B   #'0',D0   ;      make into ASCII
;       BSR     GOOUT
;       BRA     PN5
;       MOVE.L  (SP)+,D4        ;restore width value
;       RTS

        CLR.L   D1
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1        ;get the binary line number
        LSL     #8,D1
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1
        MOVEQ   #5,D4           ;display a 5 digit line no.
        BSR     PRTNUM
        MOVE.B  #' ',D0      ;   followed by a blank
        BSR     GOOUT
        CLR     D0              ;stop char. is a zero
        BRA     PRTSTG  ;       display the rest of the line

;* ===== Test text byte following the call to this subroutine. If it
;*      equals the byte pointed to by A0, return to the code following
;*      the call. If they are not equal, branch to the point
;*      indicated by the offset byte following the text byte.
        BSR     IGNBLK          ;ignore leading blanks
        MOVE.L  (SP)+,A1        ;get the return address
        MOVE.B  (A1)+,D1        ;get the byte to compare
        CMP.B   (A0),D1         ;is it = to what A0 points to?
        BEQ     TC1             ;if so
        CLR.L   D1              ;If not, add the second
        MOVE.B  (A1),D1 ;       byte following the call to
        ADD.L   D1,A1   ;       the return address.
        JMP     (A1)            ;jump to the routine
        ADDQ.L  #1,A0   ;       if equal, bump text pointer
        ADDQ.L  #1,A1   ;       Skip the 2 bytes following
        JMP     (A1)            ;the call and continue.

;* ===== See if the text pointed to by A0 is a number. If so,
;*      return the number in D1 and the number of digits in D2,
;*      else return zero in D1 and D2.
        CLR.L   D1              ;initialize return parameters
        CLR     D2
        BSR     IGNBLK          ;skip over blanks
        CMP.B   #'0',(A0) ;      is it less than zero?
        BCS     TSNMRET         ;if so, that's all
        CMP.B   #'9',(A0) ;      is it greater than nine?
        BHI     TSNMRET         ;if so, return
        CMP.L   #214748364,D1   ;see if there's room for new digit
        BCC     QHOW            ;if not, we've overflowd
        MOVE.L  D1,D0   ;       quickly multiply result by 10
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        ADD.L   D0,D1
        ADD.L   D1,D1
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        ;add in the new digit
        AND.L   #0xF,D0
        ADD.L   D0,D1
        ADDQ    #1,D2           ;increment the no. of digits
        BRA     TN1

;* ===== Skip over blanks in the text pointed to by A0.
        CMP.B   #' ',(A0)   ;    see if it's a space
        BNE     IGBRET          ;if so, swallow it
        ADDQ.L  #1,A0   ;       increment the text pointer
        BRA     IGNBLK

;* ===== Convert the line of text in the input buffer to upper
;*      case (except for stuff between quotes).
        LEA     BUFFER,A0       ;set up text pointer
        CLR.B   D1              ;clear quote flag
        MOVE.B  (A0)+,D0        ;get the next text char.
        CMP.B   #CR,D0          ;is it end of line?
        BEQ     TOUPBRT         ;if so, return
        CMP.B   #'"',D0  ;       a double quote?
        BEQ     DOQUO
        CMP.B   #'''',D0  ;      or a single quote?
        BEQ     DOQUO
        TST.B   D1              ;inside quotes?
        BNE     TOUPB1          ;if so, do the next one
        BSR     TOUPPER         ;convert to upper case
        MOVE.B  D0,-(A0);       store it
        ADDQ.L  #1,A0
        BRA     TOUPB1          ;and go back for more

        TST.B   D1      ;       are we inside quotes?
        BNE     DOQUO1
        MOVE.B  D0,D1   ;       if not, toggle inside-quotes flag
        BRA     TOUPB1
        CMP.B   D0,D1   ;       make sure we're ending proper quote
        BNE     TOUPB1          ;if not, ignore it
        CLR.B   D1              ;else clear quote flag
        BRA     TOUPB1

;* ===== Convert the character in D0 to upper case
        CMP.B   #'a',D0   ;      is it < 'a'?
        BCS     TOUPRET
        CMP.B   #'z',D0        ; or > 'z'?
        BHI     TOUPRET
        SUB.B   #32,D0          ;if not, make it upper case

;* 'CHKIO' checks the input. If there's no input, it will return
;* to the caller with the Z flag set. If there is input, the Z
;* flag is cleared and the input byte is in D0. However, if a
;* control-C is read, 'CHKIO' will warm-start BASIC and will not
;* return to the caller.
        BSR.L   GOIN    ;       get input if possible
        BEQ     CHKRET          ;if Zero, no input
        CMP.B   #CTRLC,D0       ;is it control-C?
        BNE     CHKRET          ;if not
        BRA.L   WSTART          ;if so, do a warm start

;* ===== Display a CR-LF sequence
        LEA     CLMSG,A6

;* ===== Display a zero-ended string pointed to by register A6
        MOVE.B  (A6)+,D0        ;get the char.
        BEQ     PRMRET          ;if it's zero, we're done
        BSR     GOOUT           ;else display it
        BRA     PRMESG

;* The following routines are the only ones that need *
;* to be changed for a different I/O environment.     *

;UART           EQU             0xFFDC0A00
;UART_LS                EQU             UART+1
;UART_CTRL      EQU             UART+7
;KEYBD          EQU             0xFFDC0000

;* ===== Output character to the console (Port 1) from register D0
;*      (Preserves all registers.)
        MOVEM.L D0/D1,-(SP)
        MOVE.L  D0,D1
        JSR             DisplayChar
        MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/D1

;* ===== Input a character from the console into register D0 (or
;*      return Zero status if there's no character available).
        MOVE.W  KEYBD,D0        ;is character ready?
        BPL             INCRET0         ;if not, return Zero status
        CLR.W   KEYBD+2         ; clear keyboard strobe line
        AND.W   #0xFF,D0        ;zero out the high bit
        MOVEQ   #0,D0

;* ===== Output character to the host (Port 2) from register D0
;*      (Preserves all registers.)
        BTST    #5,UART_LS      ;is port ready for a character?
        BEQ             AUXOUT          ;if not, wait for it
        MOVE.B  D0,UART         ;out it goes.

;* ===== Input a character from the host into register D0 (or
;*      return Zero status if there's no character available).
        BTST    #0,UART_LS      ;is character ready?
        BEQ             AXIRET          ;if not, return Zero status
        MOVE.B  UART,D0         ;else get the character
        AND.B   #0x7F,D0        ;zero out the high bit

;* ===== Return to the resident monitor, operating system, etc.
        JMP             Monitor
;    MOVE.B     #228,D7         ;return to Tutor
;       TRAP    #14

        DC.B    CR,LF,'Gordo\'s MC68000 Tiny BASIC, v1.3',CR,LF,LF,0
        DC.B    CR,LF,'OK',CR,LF,0
        DC.B    'How?',CR,LF,0
        DC.B    'What?',CR,LF,0
        DC.B    'Sorry.'
        DC.B    CR,LF,0
;       DC.B    0        ;<- for aligning on a word boundary
LSTROM  EQU             $
        ;       end of possible ROM area

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