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/* ============================================================================ (C) 2007 Robert Finch All rights reserved. PSGNoteGen.v Version 1.1 This source code is available for evaluation and validation purposes only. This copyright statement and disclaimer must remain present in the file. NO WARRANTY. THIS Work, IS PROVIDEDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Work. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE USE OF THIS WORK, OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE AUTHOR. IN ADDITION, IN NO EVENT DOES THE AUTHOR AUTHORIZE YOU TO USE THE WORK IN APPLICATIONS OR SYSTEMS WHERE THE WORK'S FAILURE TO PERFORM CAN REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO RESULT IN A SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL INJURY, OR IN LOSS OF LIFE. ANY SUCH USE BY YOU IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS OR LOSSES RELATING TO SUCH UNAUTHORIZED USE. Note generator. 4/8 channels Spartan3 Webpack 9.1i xc3s1000-4ft256 337 LUTs / 224 slices / 98.445 MHz ============================================================================ */ module PSGNoteGen(rst, clk, cnt, br, bg, bgn, ack, test, vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3, freq0, freq1, freq2, freq3, pw0, pw1, pw2, pw3, acc0, acc1, acc2, acc3, wave, sync, ringmod, o ); input rst; input clk; input [7:0] cnt; input ack; input [11:0] wave; input [2:0] bgn; // bus grant number output [3:0] br; input [3:0] bg; input [3:0] test; input [4:0] vt0, vt1, vt2, vt3; input [15:0] freq0, freq1, freq2, freq3; input [11:0] pw0, pw1, pw2, pw3; input [3:0] sync; input [3:0] ringmod; // input pxacc25; output [23:0] acc0, acc1, acc2, acc3; // 1.023MHz / 2^ 24 = 0.06Hz resolution output [11:0] o; wire [15:0] freqx; wire [11:0] pwx; reg [23:0] pxacc; reg [23:0] acc; reg [11:0] outputT; reg [7:0] pxacc23x; reg [7:0] ibr; integer n; reg [23:0] accx [3:0]; reg [11:0] pacc [3:0]; wire [1:0] sel = cnt[1:0]; reg [11:0] outputW [3:0]; reg [22:0] lfsr [3:0]; assign br[0] = ibr[0] & ~bg[0]; assign br[1] = ibr[1] & ~bg[1]; assign br[2] = ibr[2] & ~bg[2]; assign br[3] = ibr[3] & ~bg[3]; wire [4:0] vtx; always @(sel) acc <= accx[sel]; mux4to1 #(16) u1 (.e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(freq0), .i1(freq1), .i2(freq2), .i3(freq3), .z(freqx) ); mux4to1 #(12) u2 (.e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(pw0), .i1(pw1), .i2(pw2), .i3(pw3), .z(pwx) ); mux4to1 #( 5) u3 (.e(1'b1), .s(sel), .i0(vt0), .i1(vt1), .i2(vt2), .i3(vt3), .z(vtx) ); wire [22:0] lfsrx = lfsr[sel]; wire [7:0] paccx = pacc[sel]; always @(sel) pxacc <= accx[sel-1]; wire pxacc23 = pxacc[23]; // for sync'ing always @(posedge clk) if (cnt < 8'd4) pxacc23x[sel] <= pxacc23; wire synca = ~pxacc23x[sel]&pxacc23&sync[sel]; // detect a transition on the wavetable address // previous address not equal to current address wire accTran = pacc[sel]!=acc[23:12]; // for wave table DMA // capture the previous address always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < 4; n = n + 1) pacc[n] <= 0; end else if (cnt < 8'd4) pacc[sel] <= acc[23:12]; // capture wave input // must be to who was granted the bus always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < 8'd4; n = n + 1) outputW[n] <= 0; end else if (ack) outputW[bgn] <= wave; // bus request control always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin ibr <= 0; end else if (cnt < 8'd4) begin // check for an address transition and wave enabled // if so, request bus if (accTran & vtx[4]) ibr[sel] <= 1; // otherwise // turn off bus request for whoever it was granted else ibr[bgn] <= 0; end // Noise generator always @(posedge clk) if (cnt < 8'd4 && paccx[2] != acc[18]) lfsr[sel] <= {lfsrx[21:0],~(lfsrx[22]^lfsrx[17])}; // Harmonic synthesizer always @(posedge clk) if (rst) begin for (n = 0; n < 4; n = n + 1) accx[n] <= 0; end else if (cnt < 8'd4) begin if (~test[sel]) begin if (synca) accx[sel] <= 0; else accx[sel] <= acc + freqx; end else accx[sel] <= 0; end // Triangle wave, ring modulation wire msb = ringmod[sel] ? acc[23]^pxacc23 : acc[23]; always @(acc or msb) outputT <= msb ? ~acc[22:11] : acc[22:11]; // Other waveforms, ho-hum wire [11:0] outputP = {12{acc[23:12] < pwx}}; wire [11:0] outputS = acc[23:12]; wire [11:0] outputN = lfsrx[11:0]; wire [11:0] out; PSGNoteOutMux #(12) u4 (.s(vtx), .a(outputT), .b(outputS), .c(outputP), .d(outputN), .e(outputW[sel]), .o(out) ); assign o = out; assign acc0 = accx[0]; assign acc1 = accx[1]; assign acc2 = accx[2]; assign acc3 = accx[3]; endmodule