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/* ============================================================================ 2007,2011 Robert Finch robfinch@<remove>sympatico.ca rtfSimpleUart.v Basic uart with baud rate generator based on a harmonic frequency synthesizer. This source code is available for evaluation and validation purposes only. This copyright statement and disclaimer must remain present in the file. NO WARRANTY. THIS Work, IS PROVIDEDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Work. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE USE OF THIS WORK, OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE AUTHOR. IN ADDITION, IN NO EVENT DOES THE AUTHOR AUTHORIZE YOU TO USE THE WORK IN APPLICATIONS OR SYSTEMS WHERE THE WORK'S FAILURE TO PERFORM CAN REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO RESULT IN A SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL INJURY, OR IN LOSS OF LIFE. ANY SUCH USE BY YOU IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS OR LOSSES RELATING TO SUCH UNAUTHORIZED USE. To use: Set the pClkFreq parameter to the frequency of the system clock (clk_i). This can be done when the core is instanced. 1) set the baud rate value in the clock multiplier registers (CM1,2,3). A default multiplier value may be specified using the pClkMul parameter, so it doesn't have to be programmed at run time. (Note the pBaud parameter may also be set, but it doesn't work in all cases due to arithmetic limitations). 2) enable communication by activating the rts, and dtr signals in the modem control register. These signals are defaulted to be active on reset, so they may not need to be set. The pRts and pDtr parameters may be used to change the default setting. 3) use interrupts or poll the status register to determine when to transmit or receive a byte of data 4) read / write the transmit / recieve data buffer for communication. Notes: This core only supports a single transmission / reception format: 1 start, 8 data, and 1 stop bit (no parity). The baud rate generator uses a 24 bit harmonic frequency synthesizer. Compute the multiplier value as if a 32 bit value was needed, then take the upper 24 bits of the value. (The number of significant bits in the value determine the minimum frequency resolution or the precision of the value). baud rate * 16 value = ----------------------- (clock frequency / 2^32) eg 38400 * 16 value = ----------------------- (28.63636MHz / 2^32) = 92149557.65 = 057E1736 (hex) taking the upper 24 bits top 24 = 057E17 = 359959 so the value needed to be programmed into the register for 38.4k baud is 57E17 (hex) eg CM0 = 0 (not used) CM1 = 17 hex CM2 = 7E hex CM3 = 05 hex Register Description reg 0 read / write (RW) TRB - transmit / receive buffer transmit / receive buffer write - write to transmit buffer read - read from receive buffer 1 read only (RO) LS - line status register bit 0 = receiver not empty, this bit is set if there is any data available in the receiver fifo bit 1 = overrun, this bit is set if receiver overrun occurs bit 3 = framing error, this bit is set if there was a framing error with the current byte in the receiver buffer. bit 5 = transmitter not full, this bit is set if the transmitter can accept more data bit 6 = transmitter empty, this bit is set if the transmitter is completely empty 2 MS - modem status register (RO) writing to the modem status register clears the change indicators, which should clear a modem status interrupt bit 3 = change on dcd signal bit 4 = cts signal level bit 5 = dsr signal level bit 6 = ri signal level bit 7 = dcd signal level 3 IS - interrupt status register (RO) bit 0-4 = mailbox number bit 0,1 = 00 bit 2-4 = encoded interrupt value bit 5-6 = not used, reserved bit 7 = 1 = interrupt pending, 0 = no interrupt 4 IE - interrupt enable register (RW) bit 0 = receive interrupt (data present) bit 1 = transmit interrupt (data empty) bit 3 = modem status (dcd) register change bit 5-7 = unused, reserved 5 FF - frame format register (RW) this register doesn't do anything in the simpleUart but is reserved for compatiblity with the more advanced uart 6 MC - modem control register (RW) bit 0 = dtr signal level output bit 1 = rts signal level output 7 - control register bit 0 = hardware flow control, when this bit is set, the transmitter output is controlled by the cts signal line automatically * Clock multiplier steps the 16xbaud clock frequency in increments of 1/2^32 of the clk_i input using a harmonic frequency synthesizer eg. to get a 9600 baud 16x clock (153.6 kHz) with a 27.175 MHz clock input, value = upper24(9600 * 16 / (27.175MHz / 2^32)) Higher frequency baud rates will exhibit more jitter on the 16x clock, but this will mostly be masked by the 16x clock factor. 8 CM0 - Clock Multiplier byte 0 (RW) this is the least significant byte of the clock multiplier value this register is not used unless the clock multiplier is set to contain 32 bit values 9 CM1 - Clock Multiplier byte 1 (RW) this is the third most significant byte of the clock multiplier value this register is not used unless the clock multiplier is set to contain 24 or 32 bit values 10 CM2 - Clock Multiplier byte 2 (RW) this is the second most significant byte of the clock multiplier value 11 CM3 - Clock Multiplier byte 3 (RW) this is the most significant byte of the multiplier value 12 FC - Fifo control register (RW) this register doesnt' do anything in the simpleUart but is reserved for compatibility with the more advanced uart 13-14 reserved registers 15 SPR - scratch pad register (RW) +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |WISHBONE Datasheet |WISHBONE SoC Architecture Specification, Revision B.3 | |Description: Specifications: +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |General Description: simple UART core +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |Supported Cycles: SLAVE,READ/WRITE | SLAVE,BLOCK READ/WRITE | SLAVE,RMW +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |Data port, size: 8 bit |Data port, granularity: 8 bit |Data port, maximum operand size: 8 bit |Data transfer ordering: Undefined |Data transfer sequencing: Undefined +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |Clock frequency constraints: none +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |Supported signal list and Signal Name WISHBONE equiv. |cross reference to equivalent ack_o ACK_O |WISHBONE signals adr_i[3:0] ADR_I() | clk_i CLK_I | rst_i RST_I() | dat_i(7:0) DAT_I() | dat_o(7:0) DAT_O() | cyc_i CYC_I | stb_i STB_I | we_i WE_I | +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |Special requirements: +- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ref. Spartan3 -4 117 LUTs / 87 slices / 133 MHz ============================================================================ */ `define UART_TRB 4'd0 // transmit/receive buffer `define UART_LS 4'd1 // line status register `define UART_MS 4'd2 // modem status register `define UART_IS 4'd3 // interrupt status register `define UART_IER 4'd4 // interrupt enable `define UART_FF 4'd5 // frame format register `define UART_MC 4'd6 // modem control register `define UART_CTRL 4'd7 // control register `define UART_CLKM0 4'd8 // clock multiplier byte 0 `define UART_CLKM1 4'd9 // clock multiplier byte 1 `define UART_CLKM2 4'd10 // clock multiplier byte 2 `define UART_CLKM3 4'd11 // clock multiplier byte 3 `define UART_FC 4'd12 // fifo control register module rtfSimpleUart( // WISHBONE Slave interface input rst_i, // reset input clk_i, // eg 100.7MHz input cyc_i, // cycle valid input stb_i, // strobe input we_i, // 1 = write input [31:0] adr_i, // register address input [7:0] dat_i, // data input bus output reg [7:0] dat_o, // data output bus output ack_o, // transfer acknowledge output vol_o, // volatile register selected output irq_o, // interrupt request //---------------- input cts_ni, // clear to send - active low - (flow control) output reg rts_no, // request to send - active low - (flow control) input dsr_ni, // data set ready - active low input dcd_ni, // data carrier detect - active low output reg dtr_no, // data terminal ready - active low input rxd_i, // serial data in output txd_o, // serial data out output data_present_o ); parameter pClkFreq = 20000000; // clock frequency in MHz parameter pBaud = 19200; parameter pClkMul = (4096 * pBaud) / (pClkFreq / 65536); parameter pRts = 1; // default to active parameter pDtr = 1; wire cs = cyc_i && stb_i && (adr_i[31:4]==28'hFFDC_0A0); assign ack_o = cs; assign vol_o = cs && adr_i[3:2]==2'b00; //------------------------------------------- // variables reg [23:0] c; // current count reg [23:0] ck_mul; // baud rate clock multiplier wire tx_empty; wire baud16; // edge detector (active one cycle only!) reg rx_present_ie; reg tx_empty_ie; reg dcd_ie; reg hwfc; // hardware flow control enable wire clear = cyc_i && stb_i && we_i && adr_i==4'd13; wire frame_err; // receiver char framing error wire over_run; // receiver over run reg [1:0] ctsx; // cts_ni sampling reg [1:0] dcdx; reg [1:0] dsrx; wire dcd_chg = dcdx[1]^dcdx[0]; wire rxIRQ = data_present_o & rx_present_ie; wire txIRQ = tx_empty & tx_empty_ie; wire msIRQ = dcd_chg & dcd_ie; assign irq_o = rxIRQ | txIRQ | msIRQ ; wire [2:0] irqenc = rxIRQ ? 1 : txIRQ ? 3 : msIRQ ? 4 : 0; wire [7:0] rx_do; wire txrx = cs && adr_i[3:0]==4'd0; rtfSimpleUartRx uart_rx0( .rst_i(rst_i), .clk_i(clk_i), .cyc_i(cyc_i), .stb_i(stb_i), .cs_i(txrx), .we_i(we_i), .dat_o(rx_do), .baud16x_ce(baud16), .clear(clear), .rxd(rxd_i), .data_present(data_present_o), .frame_err(frame_err), .overrun(over_run) ); rtfSimpleUartTx uart_tx0( .rst_i(rst_i), .clk_i(clk_i), .cyc_i(cyc_i), .stb_i(stb_i), .cs_i(txrx), .we_i(we_i), .dat_i(dat_i), .baud16x_ce(baud16), .cts(ctsx[1]|~hwfc), .txd(txd_o), .empty(tx_empty) ); // mux the reg outputs always @* if (cs) begin case(adr_i[3:0]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case `UART_MS: dat_o <= {dcdx[1],1'b0,dsrx[1],ctsx[1],dcd_chg,3'b0}; `UART_IS: dat_o <= {irq_o, 2'b0, irqenc, 2'b0}; `UART_LS: dat_o <= {1'b0, tx_empty, tx_empty, 1'b0, frame_err, 1'b0, over_run, data_present_o}; default: dat_o <= rx_do; endcase end else dat_o <= 8'b0; // Note: baud clock should pulse high for only a single // cycle! always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) c <= 0; else c <= c + ck_mul; // for detecting an edge on the msb edge_det ed0(.rst(rst_i), .clk(clk_i), .ce(1'b1), .i(c[23]), .pe(baud16), .ne(), .ee() ); // register updates always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (rst_i) begin rts_no <= ~pRts; rx_present_ie <= 1'b0; tx_empty_ie <= 1'b0; dcd_ie <= 1'b0; hwfc <= 1'b1; dtr_no <= ~pDtr; ck_mul <= pClkMul; end else if (cs & we_i) begin case (adr_i) `UART_IER: begin rx_present_ie <= dat_i[0]; tx_empty_ie <= dat_i[1]; dcd_ie <= dat_i[3]; end `UART_MC: begin dtr_no <= ~dat_i[0]; rts_no <= ~dat_i[1]; end `UART_CTRL: hwfc <= dat_i[0]; `UART_CLKM1: ck_mul[7:0] <= dat_i; `UART_CLKM2: ck_mul[15:8] <= dat_i; `UART_CLKM3: ck_mul[23:16] <= dat_i; default: ; endcase end end // synchronize external signals always @(posedge clk_i) ctsx <= {ctsx[0],~cts_ni}; always @(posedge clk_i) dcdx <= {dcdx[0],~dcd_ni}; always @(posedge clk_i) dsrx <= {dsrx[0],~dsr_ni}; endmodule