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[/] [rtf68ksys/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [verilog/] [rtfSpriteController.v] - Rev 2
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/* =============================================================== (C) 2005 Robert Finch All rights reserved. robfinch@opencores.org rtfSpriteController.v sprite / hardware cursor controller This source code is free for use and modification for non-commercial or evaluation purposes, provided this copyright statement and disclaimer remains present in the file. If you do modify the code, please state the origin and note that you have modified the code. NO WARRANTY. THIS Work, IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Work. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE USE OF THIS WORK, OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE AUTHOR. IN ADDITION, IN NO EVENT DOES THE AUTHOR AUTHORIZE YOU TO USE THE WORK IN APPLICATIONS OR SYSTEMS WHERE THE WORK'S FAILURE TO PERFORM CAN REASONABLY BE EXPECTED TO RESULT IN A SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL INJURY, OR IN LOSS OF LIFE. ANY SUCH USE BY YOU IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND YOU AGREE TO HOLD THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS OR LOSSES RELATING TO SUCH UNAUTHORIZED USE. Sprite Controller FEATURES - parameterized number of sprites - eight sprite image cache buffers - each image cache is capable of holding multiple sprite images - cache may be accessed like a memory by the processor - an embedded DMA controller may also be used for sprite reload - programmable image offset within cache - programmable sprite width,height, and pixel size - sprite width and height may vary from 1 to 64 as long as the product doesn't exceed 1024. - pixels may be programmed to be 1,2,3 or 4 video clocks both height and width are programmable - programmable sprite position - 16 bits for color eg 32k color + 1 bit alpha blending indicator (1,5,5,5) - fixed display and DMA priority sprite 0 highest, sprite 7 lowest This core requires an external timing generator to provide horizontal and vertical sync signals, but otherwise can be used as a display controller on it's own. However, normally this core would be embedded within another core such as a VGA controller. Sprite positions are referenced to the rising edge of the vertical and horizontal sync pulses. The core includes an embedded dual port RAM to hold the sprite images. The image RAM is updated using a built in DMA controller. The DMA controller uses 16 bit accesses to fill the sprite buffers, as the sprite buffers are only 16 bits wide. The circuit features an automatic bus transaction timeout; if the system bus hasn't responded within 20 clock cycles, the DMA controller moves onto the next address. The controller uses a ram underlay to cache the values of the registers. This is a lot cheaper resource wise than using a 32 to 1 multiplexor (well at least for an FPGA). All registers are 16 bits wide These registers repeat in incrementing block of four registers and pertain to each sprite 0: HPOS - position register [15: 0] horizontal position (hctr value) 1: VPOS [15:0] vertical position (vctr value) 2: SZ - size register bits [ 5: 0] width of sprite in pixels - 1 [ 7: 6] size of horizontal pixels - 1 in clock cycles [13: 8] height of sprite in pixels -1 [15:14] size of vertical pixels in scan-lines - 1 * the product of width * height cannot exceed 1024 ! if it does, the display will begin repeating 3: OFFS [9:0] image offset offset of the sprite image within the sprite image cache typically zero 4: ADRH [15:0] sprite image address bits [42:27] 5: ADRL [15:0] sprite image address bits [26:11] These registers contain the location of the sprite image in system memory. The low order 11 bits are fixed at zero. The DMA controller will assign the low order 11 bits during DMA. 6: TC [15:0] transparent color This register identifies which color of the sprite is transparent 8-63: registers for seven other sprites Global status and control 116: BTC [23:0] background transparent color 117: BTC 118: BC [23:0] background color 119: BC 120: EN [15:0] sprite enable register 121: IE [15:0] sprite interrupt enable / status 122: SCOL [15:0] sprite-sprite collision register 123: BCOL [15:0] sprite-background collision register 124: DT [ 7:0] sprite DMA trigger 1635 LUTs/ 1112 slices/ 82MHz - Spartan3e-4 3 8x8 multipliers (for alpha blending) 8 block rams =============================================================== */ `define VENDOR_XILINX // block ram vendor (only one defined for now) module rtfSpriteController( // Bus Slave interface //------------------------------ // Slave signals input rst_i, // reset input clk_i, // clock input s_cyc_i, // cycle valid input s_stb_i, // data transfer output s_ack_o, // transfer acknowledge input s_we_i, // write input [ 1:0] s_sel_i, // byte select input [43:0] s_adr_i, // address input [15:0] s_dat_i, // data input output reg [15:0] s_dat_o, // data output output vol_o, // volatile register //------------------------------ // Bus Master Signals output reg m_soc_o, // start of cycle output m_cyc_o, // cycle is valid output m_stb_o, // strobe output input m_ack_i, // input data is ready output m_we_o, // write (always inactive) output [ 1:0] m_sel_o, // byte select output [43:0] m_adr_o, // DMA address input [15:0] m_dat_i, // data input output [15:0] m_dat_o, // data output (always zero) //-------------------------- input vclk, // video dot clock input hSync, // horizontal sync pulse input vSync, // vertical sync pulse input blank, // blanking signal input [24:0] rgbIn, // input pixel stream output reg [23:0] rgbOut, // output pixel stream output irq // interrupt request ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Core Parameters //-------------------------------------------------------------------- parameter pnSpr = 8; // number of sprites parameter phBits = 11; // number of bits in horizontal timing counter parameter pvBits = 11; // number of bits in vertical timing counter parameter pColorBits = 16; // number of bits used for color data localparam pnSprm = pnSpr-1; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variable Declarations //-------------------------------------------------------------------- wire [2:0] sprN = s_adr_i[6:4]; reg [phBits-1:0] hctr; // horizontal reference counter (counts dots since hSync) reg [pvBits-1:0] vctr; // vertical reference counter (counts scanlines since vSync) reg sprSprIRQ; reg sprBkIRQ; reg [15:0] out; // sprite output reg outact; // sprite output is active wire bkCollision; // sprite-background collision reg [23:0] bgTc; // background transparent color reg [23:0] bkColor; // background color reg [7:0] sprWe; // block ram write enable for image cache update reg [7:0] sprRe; // block ram read enable for image cache update // Global control registers reg [7:0] sprEn; // enable sprite reg [7:0] sprCollision; // sprite-sprite collision reg sprSprIe; // sprite-sprite interrupt enable reg sprBkIe; // sprite-background interrupt enable reg sprSprIRQPending; // sprite-sprite collision interrupt pending reg sprBkIRQPending; // sprite-background collision interrupt pending reg sprSprIRQPending1; // sprite-sprite collision interrupt pending reg sprBkIRQPending1; // sprite-background collision interrupt pending reg sprSprIRQ1; // vclk domain regs reg sprBkIRQ1; // Sprite control registers reg [7:0] sprSprCollision; reg [7:0] sprSprCollision1; reg [7:0] sprBkCollision; reg [7:0] sprBkCollision1; reg [pColorBits-1:0] sprTc [pnSprm:0]; // sprite transparent color code // How big the pixels are: // 1,2,3,or 4 video clocks reg [1:0] hSprRes [pnSprm:0]; // sprite horizontal resolution reg [1:0] vSprRes [pnSprm:0]; // sprite vertical resolution reg [5:0] sprWidth [pnSprm:0]; // number of pixels in X direction reg [5:0] sprHeight [pnSprm:0]; // number of vertical pixels // display and timing signals reg [7:0] hSprReset; // horizontal reset reg [7:0] vSprReset; // vertical reset reg [7:0] hSprDe; // sprite horizontal display enable reg [7:0] vSprDe; // sprite vertical display enable reg [7:0] sprDe; // display enable reg [phBits-1:0] hSprPos [7:0]; // sprite horizontal position reg [pvBits-1:0] vSprPos [7:0]; // sprite vertical position reg [5:0] hSprCnt [7:0]; // sprite horizontal display counter reg [5:0] vSprCnt [7:0]; // vertical display counter reg [9:0] sprImageOffs [7:0]; // offset within sprite memory reg [9:0] sprAddr [7:0]; // index into sprite memory reg [9:0] sprAddrB [7:0]; // backup address cache for rescan wire [pColorBits-1:0] sprOut [7:0]; // sprite image data output // DMA access reg [26:11] sprSysAddrL [7:0]; // system memory address of sprite image (low bits) reg [42:27] sprSysAddrH [7:0]; // system memory address of sprite image (high bits) reg [2:0] dmaOwner; // which sprite has the DMA channel reg [7:0] sprDt; // DMA trigger register wire dmaDone; // DMA is finished reg [10:0] dmaCount; // this counter forms the low order 11 bits of the system address for DMA reg [10:0] dmaCountNext; // next value dmaCount will be loaded with reg [10:0] updAdr; // this counter is used to index the sprite image cache reg [10:0] updAdrNext; reg dmaStart; // this flag pulses high for a single cycle at the start of a DMA reg dmaActive; // this flag indicates that a block DMA transfer is active integer n; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // DMA control / bus interfacing //-------------------------------------------------------------------- wire cs_ram = s_cyc_i && s_stb_i && (s_adr_i[43:16]==28'hFFF_FFD8); wire cs_regs = s_cyc_i && s_stb_i && (s_adr_i[43:8]==36'hFFF_FFDA_D0); reg sprRamRdy; always @(posedge clk_i) sprRamRdy = cs_ram; assign m_stb_o = m_cyc_o; assign s_ack_o = cs_regs ? 1'b1 : cs_ram ? (s_we_i ? 1 : sprRamRdy) : 0; assign vol_o = cs_regs & s_adr_i[7:2]>6'd59; assign irq = sprSprIRQ|sprBkIRQ; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // DMA control / bus interfacing //-------------------------------------------------------------------- wire btout; wire sbi_rdy1 = m_ack_i|btout; busTimeoutCtr #(20) br0( .rst(rst_i), .crst(1'b0), .clk(clk_i), .ce(1'b1), .req(m_soc_o), .rdy(m_ack_i), .timeout(btout) ); assign m_we_o = 1'b0; assign m_sel_o = 2'b11; assign m_adr_o = {1'b0,sprSysAddrH[dmaOwner],sprSysAddrL[dmaOwner],dmaCount[9:0],1'b0}; assign m_dat_o = 32'd0; // DMA address generator goes based on the requests that have been acknowledged assign dmaDone = dmaCountNext[10] & sbi_rdy1; always @(dmaCount) dmaCountNext = dmaCount + 1; always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) dmaCount = 0; else begin if (dmaStart) dmaCount = 0; else if (sbi_rdy1 && !dmaDone) dmaCount = dmaCountNext; end // sprite cache address generator goes based on the responses that are ready wire updDone = updAdrNext[10] & sbi_rdy1; always @(updAdr) updAdrNext = updAdr + 1; always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) updAdr = 0; else begin if (dmaStart) updAdr = 0; else if (sbi_rdy1 && !updDone) updAdr = updAdrNext; end // Arbitrate access to DMA channel - priority ordered always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) begin dmaActive <= 1'b0; dmaOwner <= 3'd0; dmaStart <= 1'b0; m_soc_o <= 1'b0; end else begin dmaStart <= 1'b0; m_soc_o <= 1'b0; if (!dmaActive || updDone) begin dmaStart <= |sprDt; dmaActive <= |sprDt; m_soc_o <= |sprDt; dmaOwner <= 0; for (n = 7; n >= 0; n = n - 1) if (sprDt[n]) dmaOwner <= n; end if (sbi_rdy1 && !updDone) m_soc_o <= 1'b1; end assign m_cyc_o = dmaActive & !dmaDone; // generate a write enable strobe for the sprite image memory always @(dmaOwner, dmaActive, s_adr_i, cs_ram, s_we_i) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) sprWe[n] = (dmaOwner==n && dmaActive)||(cs_ram & s_we_i & s_adr_i[13:11]==n); always @(cs_ram, s_adr_i) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) sprRe[n] = cs_ram & s_adr_i[13:11]==n; wire [15:0] sr_dout [7:0]; wire [15:0] sr_dout_all = sr_dout[0]|sr_dout[1]|sr_dout[2]|sr_dout[3]|sr_dout[4]|sr_dout[5]|sr_dout[6]|sr_dout[7]; // register/sprite memory output mux always @* if (cs_ram) s_dat_o <= sr_dout_all; else if (cs_regs) case (s_adr_i[7:1]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 7'd120: s_dat_o <= {8'b0,sprEn}; 7'd121: s_dat_o <= {sprBkIRQPending|sprSprIRQPending,5'b0,sprBkIRQPending,sprSprIRQPending,6'b0,sprBkIe,sprSprIe}; 7'd122: s_dat_o <= {8'b0,sprSprCollision}; 7'd123: s_dat_o <= sprBkCollision; 7'd124: s_dat_o <= sprDt; default: s_dat_o <= 0; endcase else s_dat_o <= 32'd0; // vclk -> clk_i always @(posedge clk_i) begin sprSprIRQ <= sprSprIRQ1; sprBkIRQ <= sprBkIRQ1; sprSprIRQPending <= sprSprIRQPending1; sprBkIRQPending <= sprBkIRQPending1; sprSprCollision <= sprSprCollision1; sprBkCollision <= sprBkCollision1; end // register updates // on the clk_i domain always @(posedge clk_i) if (rst_i) begin sprEn <= 8'hFF; sprDt <= 0; for (n = 0; n < pnSpr; n = n + 1) begin sprSysAddrL[n] <= 5'b0100_0 + n; //xxxx_4000 sprSysAddrH[n] <= 16'h0000; //0000_xxxx end sprSprIe <= 0; sprBkIe <= 0; // Set reasonable starting positions on the screen // so that the sprites might be visible for testing for (n = 0; n < pnSpr; n = n + 1) begin hSprPos[n] <= 440 + n * 40; vSprPos[n] <= 200; sprTc[n] <= 16'h6739; sprWidth[n] <= 31; // 32x32 sprites sprHeight[n] <= 31; hSprRes[n] <= 0; // our standard display vSprRes[n] <= 1; sprImageOffs[n] <= 0; end hSprPos[0] <= 290; vSprPos[0] <= 72; bgTc <= 24'h00_00_00; bkColor <= 24'hFF_FF_60; end else begin // clear DMA trigger bit once DMA is recognized if (dmaStart) sprDt[dmaOwner] <= 1'b0; if (cs_regs & s_we_i) begin casex (s_adr_i[7:1]) 7'b0xxx000: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) hSprPos[sprN][ 7:0] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) hSprPos[sprN][10:8] <= s_dat_i[10:8]; end 7'b0xxx001: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) vSprPos[sprN][ 7:0] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) vSprPos[sprN][10:8] <= s_dat_i[10:8]; end 7'b0xxx010: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) begin sprWidth[sprN] <= s_dat_i[5:0]; hSprRes[sprN] <= s_dat_i[7:6]; end if (s_sel_i[1]) begin sprHeight[sprN] <= s_dat_i[13:8]; vSprRes[sprN] <= s_dat_i[15:14]; end end 7'b0xxx011: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) sprImageOffs[sprN][ 7:0] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) sprImageOffs[sprN][ 9:8] <= s_dat_i[ 9:8]; end 7'b0xxx100: begin // DMA address set on clk_i domain if (s_sel_i[0]) sprSysAddrH[sprN][34:27] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) sprSysAddrH[sprN][42:35] <= s_dat_i[15:8]; end 7'b0xxx101: begin // DMA address set on clk_i domain if (s_sel_i[0]) sprSysAddrL[sprN][18:11] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) sprSysAddrL[sprN][26:19] <= s_dat_i[15:0]; end 7'b0xxx110: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) sprTc[sprN][ 7:0] <= s_dat_i[ 7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) sprTc[sprN][15:8] <= s_dat_i[15:8]; end 7'd116: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) bgTc[7:0] <= s_dat_i[7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) bgTc[15:8] <= s_dat_i[15:8]; end 7'd117: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) bgTc[23:16] <= s_dat_i[7:0]; end 7'd118: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) bkColor[23:16] <= s_dat_i[7:0]; end 7'd119: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) bkColor[7:0] <= s_dat_i[7:0]; if (s_sel_i[1]) bkColor[15:8] <= s_dat_i[15:8]; end 7'd120: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) sprEn <= s_dat_i; end 7'd121: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) begin sprSprIe <= s_dat_i[0]; sprBkIe <= s_dat_i[1]; end end // update DMA trigger // s_dat_i[7:0] indicates which triggers to set (1=set,0=ignore) // s_dat_i[7:0] indicates which triggers to clear (1=clear,0=ignore) 7'd124: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) sprDt <= sprDt | s_dat_i[7:0]; end 7'd125: begin if (s_sel_i[0]) sprDt <= sprDt & ~s_dat_i[7:0]; end default: ; endcase end end //------------------------------------------------------------- // Sprite Image Cache RAM // This RAM is dual ported with an SoC side and a display // controller side. //------------------------------------------------------------- wire [10:1] sr_adr = m_cyc_o ? m_adr_o[10:1] : s_adr_i[10:1]; wire [15:0] sr_din = m_cyc_o ? m_dat_i[15:0] : s_dat_i[15:0]; wire sr_ce = m_cyc_o ? sbi_rdy1 : cs_ram; // Note: the sprite output can't be zeroed out using the rst input!!! // We need to know what the output is to determine if it's the // transparent color. genvar g; generate for (g = 0; g < 8; g = g + 1) begin : genSpriteRam rtfSpriteRam #(.pDw(pColorBits)) sprRam0 ( .clka(vclk), .adra(sprAddr[g]), .dia(16'hFFFF), .doa(sprOut[g]), .cea(1'b1), .wea(1'b0), .rsta(1'b0), .clkb(clk_i), .adrb(sr_adr), .dib(sr_din), .dob(sr_dout[g]), .ceb(sr_ce), .web(sprWe[g]), .rstb(!sprRe[g]) ); end endgenerate //------------------------------------------------------------- // Timing counters and addressing // Sprites are like miniature bitmapped displays, they need // all the same timing controls. //------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a timing reference using horizontal and vertical // soc wire hSyncEdge, vSyncEdge; edge_det ed0(.rst(rst_i), .clk(vclk), .ce(1'b1), .i(hSync), .pe(hSyncEdge), .ne(), .ee() ); edge_det ed1(.rst(rst_i), .clk(vclk), .ce(1'b1), .i(vSync), .pe(vSyncEdge), .ne(), .ee() ); always @(posedge vclk) if (rst_i) hctr <= 0; else if (hSyncEdge) hctr <= 0; else hctr <= hctr + 1; always @(posedge vclk) if (rst_i) vctr <= 0; else if (vSyncEdge) vctr <= 0; else if (hSyncEdge) vctr <= vctr + 1; // track sprite horizontal reset always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) hSprReset[n] <= hctr==hSprPos[n]; // track sprite vertical reset always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) vSprReset[n] <= vctr==vSprPos[n]; always @(hSprDe, vSprDe) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) sprDe[n] <= hSprDe[n] & vSprDe[n]; // take care of sprite size scaling // video clock division reg [7:0] hSprNextPixel; reg [7:0] vSprNextPixel; reg [1:0] hSprPt [7:0]; // horizontal pixel toggle reg [1:0] vSprPt [7:0]; // vertical pixel toggle always @(n) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) hSprNextPixel[n] = hSprPt[n]==hSprRes[n]; always @(n) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) vSprNextPixel[n] = vSprPt[n]==vSprRes[n]; // horizontal pixel toggle counter always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) if (hSprReset[n]) hSprPt[n] <= 0; else if (hSprNextPixel[n]) hSprPt[n] <= 0; else hSprPt[n] <= hSprPt[n] + 1; // vertical pixel toggle counter always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) if (hSprReset[n]) begin if (vSprReset[n]) vSprPt[n] <= 0; else if (vSprNextPixel[n]) vSprPt[n] <= 0; else vSprPt[n] <= vSprPt[n] + 1; end // clock sprite image address counters always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) begin // hReset and vReset - top left of sprite, // reset address to image offset if (hSprReset[n] & vSprReset[n]) begin sprAddr[n] <= sprImageOffs[n]; sprAddrB[n] <= sprImageOffs[n]; end // hReset: // If the next vertical pixel // set backup address to current address // else // set current address to backup address // in order to rescan the line else if (hSprReset[n]) begin if (vSprNextPixel[n]) sprAddrB[n] <= sprAddr[n]; else sprAddr[n] <= sprAddrB[n]; end // Not hReset or vReset - somewhere on the sprite scan line // just advance the address when the next pixel should be // fetched else if (sprDe[n] & hSprNextPixel[n]) sprAddr[n] <= sprAddr[n] + 1; end // clock sprite column (X) counter always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) if (hSprReset[n]) hSprCnt[n] <= 0; else if (hSprNextPixel[n]) hSprCnt[n] <= hSprCnt[n] + 1; // clock sprite horizontal display enable always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) begin if (hSprReset[n]) hSprDe[n] <= 1; else if (hSprNextPixel[n]) begin if (hSprCnt[n] == sprWidth[n]) hSprDe[n] <= 0; end end // clock the sprite row (Y) counter always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) if (hSprReset[n]) begin if (vSprReset[n]) vSprCnt[n] <= 0; else if (vSprNextPixel[n]) vSprCnt[n] <= vSprCnt[n] + 1; end // clock sprite vertical display enable always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) begin if (hSprReset[n]) begin if (vSprReset[n]) vSprDe[n] <= 1; else if (vSprNextPixel[n]) begin if (vSprCnt[n] == sprHeight[n]) vSprDe[n] <= 0; end end end //------------------------------------------------------------- // Output stage //------------------------------------------------------------- // function used for color blending // given an alpha and a color component, determine the resulting color // this blends towards black or white // alpha is eight bits ranging between 0 and 1.999... // 1 bit whole, 7 bits fraction function [7:0] fnBlend; input [7:0] alpha; input [7:0] colorbits; begin fnBlend = (({8'b0,colorbits} * alpha) >> 7); end endfunction // pipeline delays for display enable reg [7:0] sprDe1; reg [7:0] sproact; always @(posedge vclk) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) begin sprDe1[n] <= sprDe[n]; end // Detect which sprite outputs are active // The sprite output is active if the current display pixel // address is within the sprite's area, the sprite is enabled, // and it's not a transparent pixel that's being displayed. always @(n, sprEn, sprDe1) for (n = 0; n < 8; n = n + 1) sproact[n] <= sprEn[n] && sprDe1[n] && sprTc[n]!=sprOut[n]; // register sprite activity flag // The image combiner uses this flag to know what to do with // the sprite output. always @(posedge vclk) outact = |sproact; // Display data comes from the active sprite with the // highest display priority. // Make sure that alpha blending is turned off when // no sprite is active. always @(posedge vclk) begin out = 16'h0080; // alpha blend max (and off) for (n = 7; n >= 0; n = n - 1) if (sproact[n]) out = sprOut[n]; end // combine the text / graphics color output with sprite color output // blend color output wire [23:0] blendedColor = { fnBlend(out[7:0],rgbIn[23:16]), // R fnBlend(out[7:0],rgbIn[15: 8]), // G fnBlend(out[7:0],rgbIn[ 7: 0])}; // B // display color priority bit [24] 1=display is over sprite always @(posedge vclk) if (blank) rgbOut <= 0; else begin if (rgbIn[24] && rgbIn[23:0] != bgTc) // color is in front of sprite rgbOut <= rgbIn[23:0]; else if (outact) begin if (!out[15]) // a sprite is displayed without alpha blending rgbOut <= {out[14:10],3'b0,out[9:5],3'b0,out[4:0],3'b0}; else rgbOut <= blendedColor; end else rgbOut <= rgbIn[23:0]; end //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Collision logic //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Detect when a sprite-sprite collision has occurred. The criteria // for this is that a pixel from the sprite is being displayed, while // there is a pixel from another sprite that could be displayed at the // same time. always @(sproact) case (sproact) 8'b00000000, 8'b00000001, 8'b00000010, 8'b00000100, 8'b00001000, 8'b00010000, 8'b00100000, 8'b01000000, 8'b10000000: sprCollision = 0; default: sprCollision = 1; endcase // Detect when a sprite-background collision has occurred assign bkCollision = (rgbIn[24] && rgbIn[23:0] != bgTc) ? 0 : outact && rgbIn[23:0] != bkColor; // Load the sprite collision register. This register continually // accumulates collision bits until reset by reading the register. // Set the collision IRQ on the first collision and don't set it // again until after the collision register has been read. always @(posedge vclk) if (rst_i) begin sprSprIRQPending1 <= 0; sprSprCollision1 <= 0; sprSprIRQ1 <= 0; end else if (sprCollision) begin // isFirstCollision if ((sprSprCollision1==0)||(cs_regs && s_sel_i[0] && s_adr_i[7:1]==7'd122)) begin sprSprIRQPending1 <= 1; sprSprIRQ1 <= sprSprIe; sprSprCollision1 <= sproact; end else sprSprCollision1 <= sprSprCollision1|sproact; end else if (cs_regs && s_sel_i[0] && s_adr_i[7:1]==7'd122) begin sprSprCollision1 <= 0; sprSprIRQPending1 <= 0; sprSprIRQ1 <= 0; end // Load the sprite background collision register. This register // continually accumulates collision bits until reset by reading // the register. // Set the collision IRQ on the first collision and don't set it // again until after the collision register has been read. // Note the background collision indicator is externally supplied, // it will come from the color processing logic. always @(posedge vclk) if (rst_i) begin sprBkIRQPending1 <= 0; sprBkCollision1 <= 0; sprBkIRQ1 <= 0; end else if (bkCollision) begin // Is the register being cleared at the same time // a collision occurss ? // isFirstCollision if ((sprBkCollision1==0) || (cs_regs && s_sel_i[0] && s_adr_i[7:1]==7'd123)) begin sprBkIRQ1 <= sprBkIe; sprBkCollision1 <= sproact; sprBkIRQPending1 <= 1; end else sprBkCollision1 <= sprBkCollision1|sproact; end else if (cs_regs && s_sel_i[0] && s_adr_i[7:1]==7'd123) begin sprBkCollision1 <= 0; sprBkIRQPending1 <= 0; sprBkIRQ1 <= 0; end endmodule