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//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Filename: busmaster.v // // Project: CMod S6 System on a Chip, ZipCPU demonstration project // // Purpose: // // Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D. // Gisselquist Technology, LLC // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC // // This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at // your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no // target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy. // // License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org, // http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // `include "builddate.v" // `define INCLUDE_ZIPPY `define IMPLEMENT_ONCHIP_RAM `ifndef VERILATOR `define FANCY_ICAP_ACCESS `endif `define FLASH_ACCESS `define DBG_SCOPE // About 204 LUTs, at 2^6 addresses // `define COMPRESSED_SCOPE `define INCLUDE_SECOND_TIMER `define SECOND_TIMER_IS_WATCHDOG // `define INCLUDE_RTC // About 90 LUTs // `define FULL_BUSERR_CALCULATION `define INCLUDE_CPU_RESET_LOGIC module busmaster(i_clk, i_rst, i_rx_stb, i_rx_data, o_tx_stb, o_tx_data, i_tx_busy, o_uart_cts, // The SPI Flash lines o_qspi_cs_n, o_qspi_sck, o_qspi_dat, i_qspi_dat, o_qspi_mod, // The board I/O i_btn, o_led, o_pwm, o_pwm_aux, // Keypad connections i_kp_row, o_kp_col, // UART control o_uart_setup, // GPIO lines i_gpio, o_gpio); parameter BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH=23, ZIP_ADDRESS_WIDTH=BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH, CMOD_ZIPCPU_RESET_ADDRESS=23'h480000, ZA=ZIP_ADDRESS_WIDTH, BAW=BUS_ADDRESS_WIDTH; // 24bits->2,258,23b->2181 input i_clk, i_rst; input i_rx_stb; input [7:0] i_rx_data; output reg o_tx_stb; output reg [7:0] o_tx_data; input i_tx_busy; output wire o_uart_cts; // SPI flash control output wire o_qspi_cs_n, o_qspi_sck; output wire [3:0] o_qspi_dat; input [3:0] i_qspi_dat; output wire [1:0] o_qspi_mod; // Board I/O input [1:0] i_btn; output wire [3:0] o_led; output wire o_pwm; output wire [1:0] o_pwm_aux; // Keypad input [3:0] i_kp_row; output wire [3:0] o_kp_col; // UART control output wire [29:0] o_uart_setup; // GPIO liines input [15:0] i_gpio; output wire [15:0] o_gpio; // // // Master wishbone wires // // wire wb_cyc, wb_stb, wb_we, wb_stall, wb_ack, wb_err; wire [31:0] wb_data, wb_idata; wire [(BAW-1):0] wb_addr; wire [5:0] io_addr; assign io_addr = { wb_addr[22], // Flash wb_addr[13], // RAM wb_addr[11], // RTC wb_addr[10], // CFG wb_addr[ 9], // SCOPE wb_addr[ 8] }; // I/O // Wires going to devices // And then headed back home wire w_interrupt; // Oh, and the debug control for the ZIP CPU wire zip_dbg_ack, zip_dbg_stall; wire [31:0] zip_dbg_data; // // // The BUS master (source): The ZipCPU // // wire zip_cyc, zip_stb, zip_we, zip_cpu_int; wire [(ZA-1):0] w_zip_addr; wire [(BAW-1):0] zip_addr; wire [31:0] zip_data, zip_scope_data; // and then coming from devices wire zip_ack, zip_stall, zip_err; wire dwb_we, dwb_stb, dwb_cyc, dwb_ack, dwb_stall, dwb_err; wire [(BAW-1):0] dwb_addr; wire [31:0] dwb_odata; // wire [31:0] zip_debug; // // We'll define our RESET_ADDRESS to be halfway through our flash memory. // `define CMOD_ZIPCPU_RESET_ADDRESS 23'h600000 // // Ahm, No. We can actually do much better than that. Our toplevel *.bit file // only takes up only 335kB. Let's give it some room to grow to 1024 kB. Then // 23 can start our ROM at 23'h400100 // // Not so fast. In hindsight, we really want to be able to adjust the load and // the program separately. So, instead, let's place our RESET address at the // second flash erase block. That way, we can change our program code found // in the flash without needing to change our FPGA load and vice versa. // // 23'h404000 wire cpu_reset, tmrb_int; `ifdef INCLUDE_CPU_RESET_LOGIC reg btn_reset, x_button, r_button; initial btn_reset = 1'b0; initial x_button = 1'b0; initial r_button = 1'b0; always @(posedge i_clk) begin x_button <= i_btn[1]; r_button <= x_button; `ifdef SECOND_TIMER_IS_WATCHDOG btn_reset <= ((r_button)&&(zip_cpu_int))||(tmrb_int); `else btn_reset <= ((r_button)&&(zip_cpu_int)); `endif end assign cpu_reset = btn_reset; `else assign cpu_reset = 1'b0; `endif zipbones #(CMOD_ZIPCPU_RESET_ADDRESS,ZA,6) thecpu(i_clk, btn_reset, // 1'b0, // Zippys wishbone interface wb_cyc, wb_stb, wb_we, w_zip_addr, wb_data, wb_ack, wb_stall, wb_idata, wb_err, w_interrupt, zip_cpu_int, // Debug wishbone interface -- not really used 1'b0, 1'b0,1'b0, 1'b0, 32'h00, zip_dbg_ack, zip_dbg_stall, zip_dbg_data, zip_scope_data); generate if (ZA < BAW) assign wb_addr = { {(BAW-ZA){1'b0}}, w_zip_addr }; else assign wb_addr = w_zip_addr; endgenerate wire io_sel, flash_sel, flctl_sel, scop_sel, cfg_sel, mem_sel, rtc_sel, none_sel, many_sel; wire flash_ack, scop_ack, cfg_ack, mem_ack, many_ack; wire rtc_ack, rtc_stall; `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC assign rtc_stall = 1'b0; `endif wire io_stall, flash_stall, scop_stall, cfg_stall, mem_stall; reg io_ack; wire [31:0] flash_data, scop_data, cfg_data, mem_data, pwm_data, spio_data, gpio_data, uart_data; reg [31:0] io_data; reg [(BAW-1):0] bus_err_addr; assign wb_ack = (wb_cyc)&&((io_ack)||(scop_ack)||(cfg_ack) `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC ||(rtc_ack) `endif ||(mem_ack)||(flash_ack)||((none_sel)&&(1'b1))); assign wb_stall = ((io_sel)&&(io_stall)) ||((scop_sel)&&(scop_stall)) ||((cfg_sel)&&(cfg_stall)) ||((mem_sel)&&(mem_stall)) `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC ||((rtc_sel)&&(rtc_stall)) `endif ||((flash_sel||flctl_sel)&&(flash_stall)); // (none_sel)&&(1'b0) /* assign wb_idata = (io_ack)?io_data : ((scop_ack)?scop_data : ((cfg_ack)?cfg_data : ((mem_ack)?mem_data : ((flash_ack)?flash_data : 32'h00)))); */ assign wb_idata = (io_ack|scop_ack)?((io_ack )? io_data : scop_data) : ((mem_ack|rtc_ack)?((mem_ack)?mem_data:rtc_data) : ((cfg_ack) ? cfg_data : flash_data));//if (flash_ack) assign wb_err = ((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(none_sel || many_sel)) || many_ack; // Addresses ... // 0000 xxxx configuration/control registers // 1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx Up-sampler taps assign io_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:0]==6'h1)); assign scop_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:1]==5'h1)); assign flctl_sel= 1'b0; // ((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:1]==5'h1)); assign cfg_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:2]==4'h1)); // zip_sel is not on the bus at this point `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC assign rtc_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:3]==3'h1)); `endif assign mem_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5:4]==2'h1)); assign flash_sel=((wb_cyc)&&(io_addr[5])); `ifdef FULL_BUSERR_CALCULATION assign none_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&& ((io_addr==6'h0) ||((~io_addr[5])&&(|wb_addr[22:14])) ||((io_addr[5:4]==2'b00)&&(|wb_addr[12]))) ); assign many_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&( {3'h0, io_sel} +{3'h0, flctl_sel} +{3'h0, scop_sel} +{3'h0, cfg_sel} +{3'h0, rtc_sel} +{3'h0, mem_sel} +{3'h0, flash_sel} > 1)); assign many_ack =((wb_cyc)&&( {3'h0, io_ack} +{3'h0, scop_ack} +{3'h0, cfg_ack} `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC +{3'h0, rtc_ack} `endif +{3'h0, mem_ack} +{3'h0, flash_ack} > 1)); `else assign many_ack = 1'b0; assign many_sel = 1'b0; assign none_sel =((wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(io_addr==6'h0)); `endif wire flash_interrupt, scop_interrupt, tmra_int, rtc_interrupt, gpio_int, pwm_int, keypad_int,button_int; // // // reg rx_rdy; wire [10:0] int_vector; assign int_vector = { gpio_int, pwm_int, keypad_int, (~o_tx_stb), rx_rdy, `ifdef SECOND_TIMER_IS_WATCHDOG 1'b0, `else tmrb_int, `endif tmra_int, rtc_interrupt, scop_interrupt, wb_err, button_int }; wire [31:0] pic_data; icontrol #(11) pic(i_clk, 1'b0, (wb_stb)&&(io_sel) &&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h0)&&(wb_we), wb_data, pic_data, int_vector, w_interrupt); initial bus_err_addr = 0; // `DATESTAMP; always @(posedge i_clk) if (wb_err) bus_err_addr <= wb_addr; wire [31:0] timer_a, timer_b; wire zta_ack, zta_stall, ztb_ack, ztb_stall; ziptimer #(32,31,1) zipt_a(i_clk, 1'b0, 1'b1, wb_cyc, `ifdef INCLUDE_SECOND_TIMER (wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h2), `else (wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:1]==3'h1), `endif wb_we, wb_data, zta_ack, zta_stall, timer_a, tmra_int); `ifdef INCLUDE_SECOND_TIMER `ifdef SECOND_TIMER_IS_WATCHDOG ziptimer #(32,31,0) zipt_b(i_clk, cpu_reset, 1'b1, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h3), wb_we, wb_data, ztb_ack, ztb_stall, timer_b, tmrb_int); `else ziptimer #(32,31,1) zipt_b(i_clk, cpu_reset, 1'b1, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h3), wb_we, wb_data, ztb_ack, ztb_stall, timer_b, tmrb_int); `endif `else // assign timer_b = 32'h000; assign timer_b = timer_a; assign tmrb_int = 1'b0; `endif wire [31:0] rtc_data; `ifdef INCLUDE_RTC wire rtcd_ack, rtcd_stall, ppd; // rtcdate thedate(i_clk, ppd, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(io_sel), wb_we, // wb_data, rtcd_ack, rtcd_stall, date_data); reg r_rtc_ack; initial r_rtc_ack = 1'b0; always @(posedge i_clk) r_rtc_ack <= ((wb_stb)&&(rtc_sel)); assign rtc_ack = r_rtc_ack; rtclight #(23'h35afe5,23,0,0) // 80 MHz clock thetime(i_clk, wb_cyc, ((wb_stb)&&(rtc_sel)), wb_we, { 1'b0, wb_addr[1:0] }, wb_data, rtc_data, rtc_interrupt, ppd); `else assign rtc_interrupt = 1'b0; assign rtc_data = 32'h00; assign rtc_ack = 1'b0; `endif always @(posedge i_clk) case(wb_addr[3:0]) 4'h0: io_data <= pic_data; 4'h1: io_data <= { {(32-BAW){1'b0}}, bus_err_addr }; 4'h2: io_data <= timer_a; 4'h3: io_data <= timer_b; 4'h4: io_data <= pwm_data; 4'h5: io_data <= spio_data; 4'h6: io_data <= gpio_data; 4'h7: io_data <= uart_data; default: io_data <= `DATESTAMP; // 4'h8: io_data <= `DATESTAMP; endcase always @(posedge i_clk) io_ack <= (wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(io_sel); assign io_stall = 1'b0; wire pwm_ack, pwm_stall; wbpwmaudio #(14'd10000,2,0,14) theaudio(i_clk, wb_cyc, ((wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h4)), wb_we, 1'b0, wb_data, pwm_ack, pwm_stall, pwm_data, o_pwm, o_pwm_aux, //={pwm_shutdown_n,pwm_gain} pwm_int); // // Special Purpose I/O: Keypad, button, LED status and control // wire [3:0] w_led; spio thespio(i_clk, wb_cyc,(wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h5),wb_we, wb_data, spio_data, o_kp_col, i_kp_row, i_btn, w_led, keypad_int, button_int); assign o_led = { w_led[3]|w_interrupt,w_led[2]|zip_cpu_int,w_led[1:0] }; // // General purpose (sort of) I/O: (Bottom two bits robbed in each // direction for an I2C link at the toplevel.v design) // wbgpio #(16,16,16'hffff) thegpio(i_clk, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h6), wb_we, wb_data, gpio_data, i_gpio, o_gpio, gpio_int); // // // Rudimentary serial port control // reg [7:0] r_rx_data; // Baud rate is set by clock rate / baud rate. // Thus, 80MHz / 115200MBau // = 694.4, or about 0x2b6. // although the CPU might struggle to keep up at this speed without a // hardware buffer. // // We'll add the flag for two stop bits. // assign o_uart_setup = 30'h080002b6; // 115200 MBaud @ an 80MHz clock assign o_uart_setup = 30'h0000208d; // 9600 MBaud, 8N1 initial o_tx_stb = 1'b0; initial o_tx_data = 8'h00; always @(posedge i_clk) if ((wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h7)&&(wb_we)) begin o_tx_data <= wb_data[7:0]; o_tx_stb <= 1'b1; end else if ((o_tx_stb)&&(~i_tx_busy)) o_tx_stb <= 1'b0; initial rx_rdy = 1'b0; always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_rx_stb) r_rx_data <= i_rx_data; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if((wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h7)&&(~wb_we)) rx_rdy <= i_rx_stb; else if (i_rx_stb) rx_rdy <= (rx_rdy | i_rx_stb); end assign o_uart_cts = (~rx_rdy); assign uart_data = { 23'h0, ~rx_rdy, r_rx_data }; // // uart_ack gets returned as part of io_ack, since that happens when // io_sel and wb_stb are defined // // always @(posedge i_clk) // uart_ack<= ((wb_stb)&&(io_sel)&&(wb_addr[3:0]==4'h7)); // // FLASH MEMORY CONFIGURATION ACCESS // wbqspiflash #(24) flashmem(i_clk, wb_cyc,(wb_stb)&&(flash_sel),(wb_stb)&&(flctl_sel),wb_we, wb_addr[(24-3):0], wb_data, flash_ack, flash_stall, flash_data, o_qspi_sck, o_qspi_cs_n, o_qspi_mod, o_qspi_dat, i_qspi_dat, flash_interrupt); // // MULTIBOOT/ICAPE2 CONFIGURATION ACCESS // wire [31:0] cfg_scope; `ifdef FANCY_ICAP_ACCESS wbicape6 fpga_cfg(i_clk, wb_cyc,(cfg_sel)&&(wb_stb), wb_we, wb_addr[5:0], wb_data, cfg_ack, cfg_stall, cfg_data, cfg_scope); `else reg r_cfg_ack; always @(posedge i_clk) r_cfg_ack <= (wb_cyc)&&(cfg_sel)&&(wb_stb); assign cfg_ack = r_cfg_ack; assign cfg_stall = 1'b0; assign cfg_data = 32'h00; assign cfg_scope = 32'h00; `endif // // ON-CHIP RAM MEMORY ACCESS // `ifdef IMPLEMENT_ONCHIP_RAM memdev #(12) ram(i_clk, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(mem_sel), wb_we, wb_addr[11:0], wb_data, mem_ack, mem_stall, mem_data); `else assign mem_data = 32'h00; assign mem_stall = 1'b0; reg r_mem_ack; always @(posedge i_clk) r_mem_ack <= (wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(mem_sel); assign mem_ack = r_mem_ack; `endif // // // WISHBONE SCOPE // // // // wire [31:0] scop_cfg_data; wire scop_cfg_ack, scop_cfg_stall, scop_cfg_interrupt; `ifdef DBG_SCOPE wire scop_cfg_trigger; assign scop_cfg_trigger = (wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(cfg_sel); // wire scop_trigger = scop_cfg_trigger; wire scop_trigger = (zip_cpu_int) || (cpu_reset); `ifdef COMPRESSED_SCOPE wbscopc #(5'ha) `else wbscope #(5'ha) `endif wbcfgscope(i_clk, 1'b1, scop_trigger, `ifdef COMPRESSED_SCOPE // cfg_scope[30:0], zip_scope_data[30:0], `else // cfg_scope[31:0], zip_scope_data[31:0], `endif // Wishbone interface i_clk, wb_cyc, (wb_stb)&&(scop_sel), wb_we, wb_addr[0], wb_data, scop_cfg_ack, scop_cfg_stall, scop_cfg_data, scop_cfg_interrupt); `else reg r_scop_cfg_ack; always @(posedge i_clk) r_scop_cfg_ack <= (wb_cyc)&&(wb_stb)&&(scop_sel); assign scop_cfg_ack = r_scop_cfg_ack; assign scop_cfg_data = 32'h000; assign scop_cfg_stall= 1'b0; `endif assign scop_interrupt = scop_cfg_interrupt; assign scop_ack = scop_cfg_ack; assign scop_stall = scop_cfg_stall; assign scop_data = scop_cfg_data; endmodule
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