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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright Jamie Iles, 2017
# This file is part of s80x86.
# s80x86 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# s80x86 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with s80x86. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import pprint
import pystache
import struct
import yaml
from py8086sim.Cpu import RTLCPU, GPR, Flag
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
INSTR_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(HERE, '..', 'documentation', 'instructions.templ')
pystache.defaults.DELIMITERS = (u'<%', u'%>')
with open(os.path.join(HERE, '..', 'documentation', 'instructions.yaml')) as instr:
instructions = yaml.load(instr)
def has_modrm(operands):
return any(map(lambda x: x != 'ES' and x.startswith('E'), operands))
def has_immediate(operands):
return any(map(lambda x: x.startswith('I'), operands))
def has_mem_only(operands):
return any(map(lambda x: x.startswith('M'), operands))
def to_raw_reg(gpr):
if gpr >= GPR.AL:
return int(gpr) - int(GPR.AL)
return int(gpr)
def modrm(reg, encoding, cpu, timing_operands, rm_reg=None):
reg = int(encoding.get('reg', reg))
operands = encoding.get('operands', [])
if timing_operands:
for i, o in enumerate(operands):
if o.startswith('E') and rm_reg:
cpu.write_reg(GPR.values[rm_reg], timing_operands[i])
elif o.startswith('E') and not rm_reg:
cpu.write_reg(GPR.BX, 0x100)
if o.endswith('b'):
cpu.write_mem8(cpu.read_reg(GPR.DS), 0x100, timing_operands[i])
elif o.endswith('w'):
cpu.write_mem16(cpu.read_reg(GPR.DS), 0x100, timing_operands[i])
cpu.write_mem32(cpu.read_reg(GPR.DS), 0x100, timing_operands[i])
elif o.startswith('G'):
cpu.write_reg(GPR.values[reg], timing_operands[i])
if rm_reg:
return (3 << 6) | (to_raw_reg(reg) << 3) | to_raw_reg(rm_reg)
return to_raw_reg(reg) << 3 | 7
def immediate(operands, timing_operands):
imm_bytes = []
for i, o in enumerate(operands):
if o[0] not in 'IJ':
v = 0
if timing_operands:
v = int(timing_operands[i])
if o.endswith('b'):
struct_fmt = '<B'
elif o.endswith('w'):
struct_fmt = '<H'
struct_fmt = '<I'
packed = struct.pack(struct_fmt, v)
for b in packed:
return imm_bytes
def describe_operands(operands, timing_operands, E='memory'):
names = []
for o in operands:
name = ''
if o in GPR.names:
for c in o:
if c == 'E':
name += E
elif c == 'G':
name += 'register'
elif c == 'M':
name += 'memory'
elif c == 'I':
name += 'immediate'
elif c == 'J':
name += 'displacement'
elif c == 'O':
name += 'moffset'
elif c == 'w':
name += '16'
elif c == 'b':
name += '8'
elif c == 'p':
name += '(seg:offset)'
raise ValueError("Invalid operand type %s %c" % (o,c ))
if timing_operands:
return names, '(ex: ' + ' '.join(['0x{0:x}'.format(t) for t in timing_operands]) + ')'
return names, None
def encode(encoding, cpu):
instr = [encoding['opcode']]
operands = encoding.get('operands', [])
timing_operands = encoding.get('timing_operands', [None])
for timing in timing_operands:
immed = immediate(operands, timing)
if 'operands' in encoding and has_mem_only(operands):
yield describe_operands(operands, timing), instr + [modrm(GPR.AX, encoding, cpu, timing)] + immed
elif 'operands' in encoding and has_modrm(operands):
gpr = GPR.BL if 'Eb' in operands else GPR.BX
yield describe_operands(operands, timing, E='register'), instr + [modrm(GPR.AX, encoding, cpu, timing, rm_reg=gpr)] + immed
yield describe_operands(operands, timing, E='memory'), instr + [modrm(GPR.AX, encoding, cpu, timing)] + immed
yield describe_operands(operands, timing), instr + immed
def count_cycles(cpu, instr, note=None, skip=False):
if skip:
return '-'
cpu.read_reg(GPR.IP), instr)
cpu.write_reg(GPR.CS, cpu.read_reg(GPR.CS))
count = cpu.time_step()
if not note:
return count
return '{0} {1}'.format(count, note)
def describe_modrm(encoding):
if 'reg' in encoding:
return ' /{0}'.format(encoding['reg'])
elif has_modrm(encoding.get('operands', [])):
return ' /r'
return ''
def describe_immediates(encoding):
return ' ' + ', '.join(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'I', encoding.get('operands', [])))
def setup(cpu, params):
flags = 0
for key, val in params.items():
if key in GPR.names:
cpu.write_reg(GPR.names[key], int(val))
elif key in Flag.names and int(val) != 0:
flags |= Flag.names[key]
definitions = []
for mnemonic in sorted(instructions.keys()):
definition = instructions[mnemonic]
encodings = []
for encoding in definition['encodings']:
cpu = RTLCPU('instructions')
for operand_description, instr in encode(encoding, cpu):
opcode = '{0:02x}'.format(encoding['opcode'])
opcode += describe_modrm(encoding)
opcode += describe_immediates(encoding)
size = len(instr)
# Optional immediate added to form EA
if has_modrm(encoding.get('operands', [])):
size = '{0}-{1}'.format(size, size + 2)
prefix = []
if 'use_prefix' in encoding:
prefix = [int(encoding['use_prefix'])]
if 'taken' in encoding:
setup(cpu, encoding['taken'])
taken = count_cycles(cpu, instr, note=encoding.get('note', ''))
setup(cpu, encoding['not_taken'])
not_taken = count_cycles(cpu, instr, note=encoding.get('note', ''))
cycles = '{0} (taken) / {1} (not taken)'.format(taken, not_taken)
elif 'base' in encoding:
setup(cpu, encoding['base'])
base = count_cycles(cpu, prefix + instr, note=encoding.get('note', ''))
setup(cpu, encoding['next'])
n = count_cycles(cpu, prefix + instr, note=encoding.get('note', ''))
cycles = '{0} + (n-1)*{1}'.format(base, n-base)
cycles = count_cycles(cpu, instr,
note=encoding.get('note', ''),
skip=encoding.get('notime', False))
desc = mnemonic + ' ' + ', '.join(operand_description[0])
if operand_description[1]:
desc += ' ' + operand_description[1]
'opcode': opcode,
'mnemonic': desc,
'cycles': cycles,
'size': size
# Verilator uses a singleton for some things, make sure to gc the
# cpu before creating a new one
cpu = None
idef = {
'mnemonic': mnemonic.upper(),
'encodings': encodings,
'flags': definition.get('flags', {}),
'notes': [],
for note in definition.get('notes', []):
idef['notes'].append({'note': note})
with open(INSTR_TEMPLATE) as template:
print pystache.render(template.read(), { 'instructions': definitions })