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[/] [scarts/] [trunk/] [processor/] [VHDL/] [ext_modules/] [ext_timer/] [ext_timer.vhd] - Rev 3
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This file is part of SCARTS. -- -- SCARTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- SCARTS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with SCARTS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : Template for Extension Module -- Project : SCARTS - Scalable Processor for Embedded Applications in -- Realtime Environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : ext_generic.vhd -- Author : Martin Delvai -- Company : TU Wien - Institut fr Technische Informatik -- Created : 2007/04/16 -- Last update: 2007-08-21 -- Platform : Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 2007-04-16 1.0 delvai Created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.pkg_basic.all; use work.pkg_timer.all; architecture behaviour of ext_timer is subtype BYTE is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); type register_set is array (0 to 19) of BYTE; signal clk_cnt_nxt, inst_cnt_nxt : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal clk_match_nxt, inst_match_nxt : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal start_i_nxt, start_c_nxt : std_logic; signal stop_i_nxt, stop_c_nxt : std_logic; signal cint_nxt, iint_nxt : std_logic; type reg_type is record ifacereg : register_set; end record; signal r, r_next : reg_type; signal rstint : std_ulogic; begin -- Synchronous process reg : process(clk, rstint) begin if rstint = RST_ACT then for i in 0 to 19 loop r.ifacereg(i) <= (others => '0'); end loop; elsif rising_edge(clk) then r <= r_next; end if; end process; comb : process(r, exti, extsel, clk_cnt_nxt, clk_match_nxt, inst_match_nxt, inst_cnt_nxt, stop_c_nxt, stop_i_nxt, start_c_nxt, start_i_nxt, cint_nxt, iint_nxt) variable v : reg_type; variable clk_cnt_v, inst_cnt_v : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); variable clk_match_v, inst_match_v : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin -- Default Values v := r; --berechnen der neuen status flags v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_LOOR) := r.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_LOOW); v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_FSS) := '0'; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_RESH) := '0'; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_RESL) := '0'; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_BUSY) := '0'; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_ERR) := '0'; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_RDY) := '1'; --Merging soft- and hard-reset rstint <= not RST_ACT; if exti.reset = RST_ACT or r.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_SRES) = '1' then rstint <= RST_ACT; end if; --Interrupt Behandlung if r.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_INTA) = '1' then v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_INT) := '0'; v.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_INTA) := '0'; end if; exto.intreq <= r.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_INT); --end process; -- Module Specific part -- mod_specific: process (r) -- begin -- process mod_specific clk_cnt_v(7 downto 0) := r.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_0); clk_cnt_v(15 downto 8) := r.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_1); clk_cnt_v(23 downto 16) := r.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_2); clk_cnt_v(31 downto 24) := r.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_3); clk_match_v(7 downto 0) := r.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_0); clk_match_v(15 downto 8) := r.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_1); clk_match_v(23 downto 16) := r.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_2); clk_match_v(31 downto 24) := r.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_3); inst_cnt_v(7 downto 0) := r.ifacereg(INST_CNT_0); inst_cnt_v(15 downto 8) := r.ifacereg(INST_CNT_1); inst_cnt_v(23 downto 16) := r.ifacereg(INST_CNT_2); inst_cnt_v(31 downto 24) := r.ifacereg(INST_CNT_3); inst_match_v(7 downto 0) := r.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_0); inst_match_v(15 downto 8) := r.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_1); inst_match_v(23 downto 16) := r.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_2); inst_match_v(31 downto 24) := r.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_3); cint_nxt <= '0'; iint_nxt <= '0'; start_i_nxt <= r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_I); start_c_nxt <= r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_C); stop_i_nxt <= r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_I); stop_c_nxt <= r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_C); clk_cnt_nxt <= (others => '0'); inst_cnt_nxt <= (others => '0'); clk_match_nxt <= clk_match_v; inst_match_nxt <= inst_match_v; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_C)='1' then clk_cnt_nxt <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(clk_cnt_v) + 1); end if; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_I)='1' then inst_cnt_nxt <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(inst_cnt_v) + 1); end if; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_C)='1' then clk_cnt_nxt <= clk_cnt_v; end if; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_I)='1' then inst_cnt_nxt <= inst_cnt_v; end if; if clk_cnt_v = clk_match_v and r.ifacereg(STATUS_C)(CINT) = '0' then if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(CMI) = '1' then cint_nxt <= '1'; end if; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(MCI)= '1' then inst_match_nxt <= inst_cnt_v; end if; start_c_nxt <= '0'; stop_c_nxt <= '0'; end if; if inst_cnt_v = inst_match_v and r.ifacereg(STATUS_C)(IINT) = '0' then if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(IMI) = '1' then iint_nxt <= '1'; end if; if r.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(MCC)= '1' then clk_match_nxt <= clk_cnt_v; end if; start_i_nxt <= '0'; stop_i_nxt <= '0'; end if; -- Module specific output v.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_0) := clk_cnt_nxt(7 downto 0) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_1) := clk_cnt_nxt(15 downto 8) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_2) := clk_cnt_nxt(23 downto 16) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_CNT_3) := clk_cnt_nxt(31 downto 24) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_0) := clk_match_nxt(7 downto 0) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_1) := clk_match_nxt(15 downto 8) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_2) := clk_match_nxt(23 downto 16) ; v.ifacereg(CLK_MATCH_3) := clk_match_nxt(31 downto 24) ; v.ifacereg(INST_CNT_0) := inst_cnt_nxt(7 downto 0) ; v.ifacereg(INST_CNT_1) := inst_cnt_nxt(15 downto 8) ; v.ifacereg(INST_CNT_2) := inst_cnt_nxt(23 downto 16) ; v.ifacereg(INST_CNT_3) := inst_cnt_nxt(31 downto 24) ; v.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_0) := inst_match_nxt(7 downto 0) ; v.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_1) := inst_match_nxt(15 downto 8) ; v.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_2) := inst_match_nxt(23 downto 16) ; v.ifacereg(INST_MATCH_3) := inst_match_nxt(31 downto 24) ; v.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_I) := start_i_nxt ; v.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(START_C) := start_c_nxt ; v.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_I) := stop_i_nxt ; v.ifacereg(CONFIG_C)(STOP_C) := stop_c_nxt ; v.ifacereg(STATUS_C)(IINT) := iint_nxt; v.ifacereg(STATUS_C)(CINT) := cint_nxt; v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_INT) := cint_nxt or iint_nxt; -- Begin: Neues Interface -- schreiben if ((extsel = '1') and (exti.write_en = '1')) then case exti.addr(4 downto 2) is when "000" => if ((exti.byte_en(0) = '1') or (exti.byte_en(1) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(STATUSREG)(STA_INT) := '1'; v.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_INTA) :='0'; else if ((exti.byte_en(2) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(2) := exti.data(23 downto 16); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(3) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(3) := exti.data(31 downto 24); end if; end if; when "001" => if ((exti.byte_en(0) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(4) := exti.data(7 downto 0); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(1) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(5) := exti.data(15 downto 8); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(2) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(6) := exti.data(23 downto 16); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(3) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(7) := exti.data(31 downto 24); end if; when "010" => if ((exti.byte_en(0) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(8) := exti.data(7 downto 0); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(1) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(9) := exti.data(15 downto 8); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(2) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(10) := exti.data(23 downto 16); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(3) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(11) := exti.data(31 downto 24); end if; when "011" => if ((exti.byte_en(0) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(12) := exti.data(7 downto 0); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(1) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(13) := exti.data(15 downto 8); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(2) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(14) := exti.data(23 downto 16); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(3) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(15) := exti.data(31 downto 24); end if; when "100" => if ((exti.byte_en(0) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(16) := exti.data(7 downto 0); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(1) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(17) := exti.data(15 downto 8); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(2) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(18) := exti.data(23 downto 16); end if; if ((exti.byte_en(3) = '1')) then v.ifacereg(19) := exti.data(31 downto 24); end if; when others => null; end case; end if; --auslesen exto.data <= (others => '0'); if ((extsel = '1') and (exti.write_en = '0')) then case exti.addr(4 downto 2) is when "000" => exto.data <= r.ifacereg(3) & r.ifacereg(2) & r.ifacereg(1) & r.ifacereg(0); when "001" => if (r.ifacereg(CONFIGREG)(CONF_ID) = '1') then exto.data <= MODULE_VER & MODULE_ID; else exto.data <= r.ifacereg(7) & r.ifacereg(6) & r.ifacereg(5) & r.ifacereg(4); end if; when "010" => exto.data <= r.ifacereg(11) & r.ifacereg(10) & r.ifacereg(9) & r.ifacereg(8); when "011" => exto.data <= r.ifacereg(15) & r.ifacereg(14) & r.ifacereg(13) & r.ifacereg(12); when "100" => exto.data <= r.ifacereg(19) & r.ifacereg(18) & r.ifacereg(17) & r.ifacereg(16); when others => null; end case; end if; -- Ende Neues Interface r_next <= v; end process; end behaviour;