Subversion Repositories sd_card_controller
[/] [sd_card_controller/] [trunk/] [bench/] [verilog/] [sdModel.v] - Rev 4
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// sdModel.v //// //// //// //// This file is part of the SD Card IP core project //// //// http://www.opencores.org/ //// //// ?do=project&who=sdcard_mass_storage_controller //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// - Adam Edvardsson (adam.edvardsson@orsoc.se) //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2009 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `define CRC_OFF 19 `define BIT_CRC_CYCLE 16 `define tTLH 10 //Clock rise time `define tHL 10 //Clock fall time `define tISU 6 //Input setup time `define tIH 0 //Input hold time `define tODL 14 //Output delay `define DLY_TO_OUTP 47 `define BLOCKSIZE 512 `define MEMSIZE 24643590 // 2mb block `define BLOCK_BUFFER_SIZE 1 `define TIME_BUSY 63 `define BIT_BLOCK_REC (`BLOCKSIZE << 1) `define BIT_BLOCK (`BIT_BLOCK_REC+`CRC_OFF+1) `define PRG 7 `define RCV 6 `define DATAS 5 `define TRAN 4 module sdModel( input sdClk, tri cmd, tri [3:0] dat ); reg oeCmd; reg oeDat; reg cmdOut; reg [3:0] datOut; reg [10:0] transf_cnt; reg [5:0] lastCMD; reg cardIdentificationState; reg CardTransferActive; reg [2:0] BusWidth; assign cmd = oeCmd ? cmdOut : 1'bz; assign dat = oeDat ? datOut : 4'bz; reg InbuffStatus; reg [31:0] BlockAddr; reg [7:0] Inbuff [0:511]; reg [7:0] FLASHmem [0:`MEMSIZE]; reg [46:0]inCmd; reg [5:0]cmdRead; reg [7:0] cmdWrite; reg crcIn; reg crcEn; reg crcRst; reg [31:0] CardStatus; reg [15:0] RCA; reg [31:0] OCR; reg [120:0] CID; reg [120:0] CSD; reg Busy; //0 when busy wire [6:0] crcOut; reg [4:0] crc_c; reg [3:0] CurrentState; reg [3:0] DataCurrentState; `define RCASTART 16'h2000 `define OCRSTART 32'hff8000 `define STATUSSTART 32'h0 `define CIDSTART 120'h1b534d534d49202010025166450082 //Just some random data not really usefull anyway `define CSDSTART 120'hadaeeeddddddddaaaaaaaa12345678 `define outDelay 4 reg [2:0] outDelayCnt; reg [9:0] flash_write_cnt; reg [8:0] flash_blockwrite_cnt; parameter SIZE = 10; parameter CONTENT_SIZE = 40; parameter IDLE = 10'b0000_0000_01, READ_CMD = 10'b0000_0000_10, ANALYZE_CMD = 10'b0000_0001_00, SEND_CMD = 10'b0000_0010_00; reg [SIZE-1:0] state; reg [SIZE-1:0] next_state; parameter DATA_IDLE =10'b0000_0000_01, READ_WAITS =10'b0000_0000_10, READ_DATA = 10'b0000_0001_00, WRITE_FLASH =10'b0000_0010_00, WRITE_DATA =10'b0000_0100_00; parameter okcrctoken = 4'b0101; parameter invalidcrctoken = 4'b1111; reg [SIZE-1:0] dataState; reg [SIZE-1:0] next_datastate; reg ValidCmd; reg inValidCmd; reg [7:0] response_S; reg [135:0] response_CMD; integer responseType; reg [9:0] block_cnt; reg wptr; reg crc_ok; reg [3:0] last_din; reg crcDat_rst; reg mult_read; reg mult_write; reg crcDat_en; reg [3:0] crcDat_in; wire [15:0] crcDat_out [3:0]; genvar i; generate for(i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin:CRC_16_gen sd_crc_16 CRC_16_i (crcDat_in[i],crcDat_en, sdClk, crcDat_rst, crcDat_out[i]); end endgenerate sd_crc_7 crc_7( crcIn, crcEn, sdClk, crcRst, crcOut); reg stop; reg appendCrc; reg [5:0] startUppCnt; reg q_start_bit; //Card initinCMd initial $readmemh("../bin/ramdisk2.hex",FLASHmem); //integer k; //initial begin // $display("Contents of Mem after reading data file:"); // for (k=0; k<512; k=k+1) $display("%d:%h",k,FLASHmem[k]); //end reg qCmd; reg [2:0] crcCnt; reg add_wrong_cmd_crc; reg add_wrong_cmd_indx; reg add_wrong_data_crc; initial begin add_wrong_data_crc<=0; add_wrong_cmd_indx<=0; add_wrong_cmd_crc<=0; stop<=1; cardIdentificationState<=1; state<=IDLE; dataState<=DATA_IDLE; Busy<=0; oeCmd<=0; crcCnt<=0; CardTransferActive<=0; qCmd<=1; oeDat<=0; cmdOut<=0; cmdWrite<=0; InbuffStatus<=0; datOut<=0; inCmd<=0; BusWidth<=1; responseType=0; mult_read=0; mult_write=0; crcIn<=0; response_S<=0; crcEn<=0; crcRst<=0; cmdRead<=0; ValidCmd<=0; inValidCmd=0; appendCrc<=0; RCA<= `RCASTART; OCR<= `OCRSTART; CardStatus <= `STATUSSTART; CID<=`CIDSTART; CSD<=`CSDSTART; response_CMD<=0; outDelayCnt<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; transf_cnt<=0; BlockAddr<=0; block_cnt <=0; wptr<=0; transf_cnt<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; flash_write_cnt<=0; startUppCnt<=0; flash_blockwrite_cnt<=0; end //CARD logic always @ (state or cmd or cmdRead or ValidCmd or inValidCmd or cmdWrite or outDelayCnt) begin : FSM_COMBO next_state = 0; case(state) IDLE: begin if (!cmd) next_state = READ_CMD; else next_state = IDLE; end READ_CMD: begin if (cmdRead>= 47) next_state = ANALYZE_CMD; else next_state = READ_CMD; end ANALYZE_CMD: begin if ((ValidCmd ) && (outDelayCnt >= `outDelay )) next_state = SEND_CMD; else if (inValidCmd) next_state = IDLE; else next_state = ANALYZE_CMD; end SEND_CMD: begin if (cmdWrite>= response_S) next_state = IDLE; else next_state = SEND_CMD; end endcase end always @ (dataState or CardStatus or crc_c or flash_write_cnt or dat[0] or stop or transf_cnt) begin : FSM_COMBODAT next_datastate = 0; case(dataState) DATA_IDLE: begin if ((CardStatus[12:9]==`RCV) || (mult_write == 1'b1) ) next_datastate = READ_WAITS; else if ((CardStatus[12:9]==`DATAS )|| (mult_read == 1'b1) ) next_datastate = WRITE_DATA; else next_datastate = DATA_IDLE; end READ_WAITS: begin if ( dat[0] == 1'b0 ) next_datastate = READ_DATA; else next_datastate = READ_WAITS; end READ_DATA : begin if (crc_c==0 ) next_datastate = WRITE_FLASH; else begin if (stop == 1'b0) next_datastate = READ_DATA; else next_datastate = DATA_IDLE; end end WRITE_FLASH : begin if (flash_write_cnt>265 ) next_datastate = DATA_IDLE; else next_datastate = WRITE_FLASH; end WRITE_DATA : begin if (transf_cnt >= `BIT_BLOCK) next_datastate= DATA_IDLE; else begin if (stop == 1'b0) next_datastate=WRITE_DATA; else next_datastate = DATA_IDLE; end end endcase end always @ (posedge sdClk ) begin q_start_bit <= dat[0]; end always @ (posedge sdClk ) begin : FSM_SEQ state <= next_state; end always @ (posedge sdClk ) begin : FSM_SEQDAT dataState <= next_datastate; end always @ (posedge sdClk) begin if (CardTransferActive) begin if (InbuffStatus==0) //empty CardStatus[8]<=1; else CardStatus[8]<=0; end else CardStatus[8]<=1; startUppCnt<=startUppCnt+1; OCR[31]<=~Busy; if (startUppCnt == `TIME_BUSY) Busy <=1; end always @ (posedge sdClk) begin qCmd<=cmd; end //read data and cmd on rising edge always @ (posedge sdClk) begin case(state) IDLE: begin //mult_write <= 0; //mult_read <=0; crcIn<=0; crcEn<=0; crcRst<=1; oeCmd<=0; stop<=0; cmdRead<=0; appendCrc<=0; ValidCmd<=0; inValidCmd=0; cmdWrite<=0; crcCnt<=0; response_CMD<=0; response_S<=0; outDelayCnt<=0; responseType=0; end READ_CMD: begin //read cmd crcEn<=1; crcRst<=0; crcIn <= #`tIH qCmd; inCmd[47-cmdRead] <= #`tIH qCmd; cmdRead <= #1 cmdRead+1; if (cmdRead >= 40) crcEn<=0; if (cmdRead == 46) begin oeCmd<=1; cmdOut<=1; end end ANALYZE_CMD: begin//check for valid cmd //Wrong CRC go idle if (inCmd[46] == 0) //start inValidCmd=1; else if (inCmd[7:1] != crcOut) begin inValidCmd=1; $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**sd_Model Commando CRC Error") ; $display(sdModel_file_desc, "**sd_Model Commando CRC Error") ; end else if (inCmd[0] != 1) begin//stop inValidCmd=1; $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**sd_Model Commando No Stop Bit Error") ; $display(sdModel_file_desc, "**sd_Model Commando No Stop Bit Error") ; end else begin if(outDelayCnt ==0) CardStatus[3]<=0; case(inCmd[45:40]) 0 : response_S <= 0; 2 : response_S <= 136; 3 : response_S <= 48; 7 : response_S <= 48; 8 : response_S <= 0; 9 : response_S <= 136; 12 : response_S <= 48; 14 : response_S <= 0; 16 : response_S <= 48; 17 : response_S <= 48; 18 : response_S <= 48; 24 : response_S <= 48; 25 : response_S <= 48; 33 : response_S <= 48; 55 : response_S <= 48; 41 : response_S <= 48; endcase case(inCmd[45:40]) 0 : begin response_CMD <= 0; cardIdentificationState<=1; ResetCard; end 2 : begin if (lastCMD != 41 && outDelayCnt==0) begin $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, ACMD 41 should precede 2 in Startup state") ; //$display(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, ACMD 41 should precede 2 in Startup state") ; CardStatus[3]<=1; end response_CMD[127:8] <= CID; appendCrc<=0; responseType=2; CardStatus[12:9] <=2; end 3 : begin if (lastCMD != 2 && outDelayCnt==0 ) begin $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, CMD 2 should precede 3 in Startup state") ; //$display(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, CMD 2 should precede 3 in Startup state") ; CardStatus[3]<=1; end response_CMD[127:112] <= RCA[15:0] ; response_CMD[111:96] <= CardStatus[15:0] ; appendCrc<=1; CardStatus[12:9] <=3; cardIdentificationState<=0; end 6 : begin if (lastCMD == 55 && outDelayCnt==0) begin if (inCmd[9:8] == 2'b10) begin BusWidth <=4; $display(sdModel_file_desc, "**BUS WIDTH 4 ") ; end else BusWidth <=1; response_S<=48; response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus; end else if (outDelayCnt==0)begin response_CMD <= 0; response_S<=0; $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error Invalid CMD, %h",inCmd[45:40]) ; // $display(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error Invalid CMD, %h",inCmd[45:40]) ; end end 7: begin if (outDelayCnt==0) begin if (inCmd[39:24]== RCA[15:0]) begin CardTransferActive <= 1; response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; CardStatus[12:9] <=`TRAN; end else begin CardTransferActive <= 0; response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; CardStatus[12:9] <=3; end end end 8 : response_CMD[127:96] <= 0; //V1.0 card 9 : begin if (lastCMD != 41 && outDelayCnt==0) begin $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, ACMD 41 should precede 2 in Startup state") ; //$display(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, ACMD 41 should precede 2 in Startup state") ; CardStatus[3]<=1; end response_CMD[127:8] <= CSD; appendCrc<=0; CardStatus[12:9] <=2; end 12: begin response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; stop<=1; mult_write <= 0; mult_read <=0; CardStatus[12:9] <= `TRAN; end 16 : begin response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; end 17 : begin if (outDelayCnt==0) begin if (CardStatus[12:9] == `TRAN) begin //If card is in transferstate CardStatus[12:9] <=`DATAS;//Put card in data state response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; BlockAddr = inCmd[39:8]; if (BlockAddr%512 !=0) $display("**Block Misalign Error"); end else begin response_S <= 0; response_CMD[127:96] <= 0; end end end 18 : begin if (outDelayCnt==0) begin if (CardStatus[12:9] == `TRAN) begin //If card is in transferstate CardStatus[12:9] <=`DATAS;//Put card in data state response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; mult_read <= 1; BlockAddr = inCmd[39:8]; if (BlockAddr%512 !=0) $display("**Block Misalign Error"); end else begin response_S <= 0; response_CMD[127:96] <= 0; end end end 24 : begin if (outDelayCnt==0) begin if (CardStatus[12:9] == `TRAN) begin //If card is in transferstate if (CardStatus[8]) begin //If Free write buffer CardStatus[12:9] <=`RCV;//Put card in Rcv state response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; BlockAddr = inCmd[39:8]; if (BlockAddr%512 !=0) $display("**Block Misalign Error"); end else begin response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus; $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error Try to blockwrite when No Free Writebuffer") ; $display("**Error Try to blockwrite when No Free Writebuffer") ; end end else begin response_S <= 0; response_CMD[127:96] <= 0; end end end 25 : begin if (outDelayCnt==0) begin if (CardStatus[12:9] == `TRAN) begin //If card is in transferstate if (CardStatus[8]) begin //If Free write buffer CardStatus[12:9] <=`RCV;//Put card in Rcv state response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; BlockAddr = inCmd[39:8]; mult_write <= 1; if (BlockAddr%512 !=0) $display("**Block Misalign Error"); end else begin response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus; $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error Try to blockwrite when No Free Writebuffer") ; $display("**Error Try to blockwrite when No Free Writebuffer") ; end end else begin response_S <= 0; response_CMD[127:96] <= 0; end end end 33 : response_CMD[127:96] <= 48; 55 : begin response_CMD[127:96] <= CardStatus ; CardStatus[5] <=1; //Next CMD is AP specific CMD appendCrc<=1; end 41 : begin if (cardIdentificationState) begin if (lastCMD != 55 && outDelayCnt==0) begin $fdisplay(sdModel_file_desc, "**Error in sequnce, CMD 55 should precede 41 in Startup state") ; $display( "**Error in sequnce, CMD 55 should precede 41 in Startup state") ; CardStatus[3]<=1; end else begin responseType=3; response_CMD[127:96] <= OCR; appendCrc<=0; CardStatus[5] <=0; if (Busy==1) CardStatus[12:9] <=1; end end end endcase ValidCmd<=1; crcIn<=0; outDelayCnt<=outDelayCnt+1; if (outDelayCnt==`outDelay) crcRst<=1; oeCmd<=1; cmdOut<=1; response_CMD[135:134] <=0; if (responseType != 3 && responseType != 2) if (!add_wrong_cmd_indx) response_CMD[133:128] <=inCmd[45:40]; else response_CMD[133:128] <=0; else response_CMD[133:128] <=6'b111111; lastCMD <=inCmd[45:40]; end end endcase end always @ ( negedge sdClk) begin case(state) SEND_CMD: begin crcRst<=0; crcEn<=1; cmdWrite<=cmdWrite+1; if (response_S!=0) cmdOut<=0; else cmdOut<=1; if ((cmdWrite>0) && (cmdWrite < response_S-8)) begin cmdOut<=response_CMD[135-cmdWrite]; crcIn<=response_CMD[134-cmdWrite]; if (response_S == 136) crcEn<=(cmdWrite >= 7); if (cmdWrite >= response_S-9) crcEn<=0; end else if (cmdWrite!=0) begin crcEn<=0; if (add_wrong_cmd_crc) begin cmdOut<=0; crcCnt<=crcCnt+1; end else begin cmdOut<=crcOut[6-crcCnt]; crcCnt<=crcCnt+1; if (responseType == 3) cmdOut<=1; end end if (cmdWrite == response_S-1) cmdOut<=1; end endcase end integer outdly_cnt; always @ (posedge sdClk) begin case (dataState) DATA_IDLE: begin crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; end READ_WAITS: begin oeDat<=0; crcDat_rst<=0; crcDat_en<=1; crcDat_in<=0; crc_c<=15;// crc_ok<=1; end READ_DATA: begin InbuffStatus<=1; if (transf_cnt<`BIT_BLOCK_REC) begin if (wptr) Inbuff[block_cnt][3:0] <= dat; else Inbuff[block_cnt][7:4] <= dat; if (!add_wrong_data_crc) crcDat_in<=dat; else crcDat_in<=4'b1010; crc_ok<=1; transf_cnt<=transf_cnt+1; if (wptr) block_cnt<=block_cnt+1; wptr<=~wptr; end else if ( transf_cnt <= (`BIT_BLOCK_REC +`BIT_CRC_CYCLE-1)) begin transf_cnt<=transf_cnt+1; crcDat_en<=0; last_din <=dat; if (transf_cnt> `BIT_BLOCK_REC) begin crc_c<=crc_c-1; if (crcDat_out[0][crc_c] != last_din[0]) crc_ok<=0; if (crcDat_out[1][crc_c] != last_din[1]) crc_ok<=0; if (crcDat_out[2][crc_c] != last_din[2]) crc_ok<=0; if (crcDat_out[3][crc_c] != last_din[3]) crc_ok<=0; end end end WRITE_FLASH: begin oeDat<=1; block_cnt <=0; wptr<=0; transf_cnt<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; end endcase end reg data_send_index; integer write_out_index; always @ (negedge sdClk) begin case (dataState) DATA_IDLE: begin write_out_index<=0; transf_cnt<=0; data_send_index<=0; outdly_cnt<=0; flash_write_cnt<=0; end WRITE_DATA: begin oeDat<=1; outdly_cnt<=outdly_cnt+1; if ( outdly_cnt > `DLY_TO_OUTP) begin transf_cnt <= transf_cnt+1; crcDat_en<=1; crcDat_rst<=0; end else begin crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; oeDat<=1; crc_c<=16; end if (transf_cnt==1) begin last_din <= FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][7:4]; datOut<=0; crcDat_in<= FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][7:4]; data_send_index<=1; end else if ( (transf_cnt>=2) && (transf_cnt<=`BIT_BLOCK-`CRC_OFF )) begin data_send_index<=~data_send_index; if (!data_send_index) begin last_din<=FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][7:4]; crcDat_in<= FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][7:4]; end else begin last_din<=FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][3:0]; if (!add_wrong_data_crc) crcDat_in<= FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(write_out_index)][3:0]; else crcDat_in<=4'b1010; write_out_index<=write_out_index+1; end datOut<= last_din; if ( transf_cnt >=`BIT_BLOCK-`CRC_OFF ) begin crcDat_en<=0; end end else if (transf_cnt>`BIT_BLOCK-`CRC_OFF & crc_c!=0) begin datOut<= last_din; crcDat_en<=0; crc_c<=crc_c-1; if (crc_c<= 16) begin datOut[0]<=crcDat_out[0][crc_c-1]; datOut[1]<=crcDat_out[1][crc_c-1]; datOut[2]<=crcDat_out[2][crc_c-1]; datOut[3]<=crcDat_out[3][crc_c-1]; end end else if (transf_cnt==`BIT_BLOCK-2) begin datOut<=4'b1111; end else if ((transf_cnt !=0) && (crc_c == 0 ))begin oeDat<=0; CardStatus[12:9] <= `TRAN; end end WRITE_FLASH: begin flash_write_cnt<=flash_write_cnt+1; CardStatus[12:9] <= `PRG; datOut[0]<=0; datOut[1]<=1; datOut[2]<=1; datOut[3]<=1; if (flash_write_cnt == 0) datOut<=1; else if(flash_write_cnt == 1) datOut[0]<=1; else if(flash_write_cnt == 2) datOut[0]<=0; else if ((flash_write_cnt > 2) && (flash_write_cnt < 7)) begin if (crc_ok) datOut[0] <=okcrctoken[6-flash_write_cnt]; else datOut[0] <= invalidcrctoken[6-flash_write_cnt]; end else if ((flash_write_cnt >= 7) && (flash_write_cnt < 264)) begin datOut[0]<=0; flash_blockwrite_cnt<=flash_blockwrite_cnt+2; FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(flash_blockwrite_cnt)]<=Inbuff[flash_blockwrite_cnt]; FLASHmem[BlockAddr+(flash_blockwrite_cnt+1)]<=Inbuff[flash_blockwrite_cnt+1]; end else begin datOut<=1; InbuffStatus<=0; CardStatus[12:9] <= `TRAN; end end endcase end integer sdModel_file_desc; initial begin sdModel_file_desc = $fopen("../log/sd_model.log"); if (sdModel_file_desc < 2) begin $display("*E Could not open/create testbench log file in /log/ directory!"); $finish; end end task ResetCard; // MAC registers begin add_wrong_data_crc<=0; add_wrong_cmd_indx<=0; add_wrong_cmd_crc<=0; cardIdentificationState<=1; state<=IDLE; dataState<=DATA_IDLE; Busy<=0; oeCmd<=0; crcCnt<=0; CardTransferActive<=0; qCmd<=1; oeDat<=0; cmdOut<=0; cmdWrite<=0; startUppCnt<=0; InbuffStatus<=0; datOut<=4'hf; inCmd<=0; BusWidth<=1; responseType=0; crcIn<=0; response_S<=0; crcEn<=0; crcRst<=0; cmdRead<=0; ValidCmd<=0; inValidCmd=0; appendCrc<=0; RCA<= `RCASTART; OCR<= `OCRSTART; CardStatus <= `STATUSSTART; CID<=`CIDSTART; CSD<=`CSDSTART; response_CMD<=0; outDelayCnt<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; transf_cnt<=0; BlockAddr<=0; block_cnt <=0; wptr<=0; transf_cnt<=0; crcDat_rst<=1; crcDat_en<=0; crcDat_in<=0; flash_write_cnt<=0; flash_blockwrite_cnt<=0; end endtask endmodule
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