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[/] [sgmii/] [trunk/] [src/] [mANCtrl.v] - Rev 25
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/* Copyright � 2012 JeffLieu-lieumychuong@gmail.com This file is part of SGMII-IP-Core. SGMII-IP-Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SGMII-IP-Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SGMII-IP-Core. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. File : Description : Remarks : No Support for Next Page Revision : Date Author Description 02/09/12 Jefflieu */ `include "SGMIIDefs.v" `timescale 1ns/100ps `define c10ms (10_000_000/`cSystemClkPeriod) `define c1p6ms (00_001_000/`cSystemClkPeriod) module mANCtrl( input i_Clk, input i_ARst_L, input i_Cke, input i_RestartAN, input i_SyncStatus, input i_ANEnable, input [20:00] i21_LinkTimer, output [15:00] o16_LpAdvAbility, input [16:01] i16_LcAdvAbility, input [15:00] i16_RxConfigReg, input i_RUDIConfig, input i_RUDIIdle, input i_RUDIInvalid, output o_ANComplete, output reg [02:00] o3_Xmit, output reg [15:00] o16_TxConfigReg); localparam stAN_ENABLE = 8'h01, stAN_RESTART = 8'h02, stABILITY_DTECT = 8'h04, stACK_DTECT = 8'h08, stCMPLT_ACK = 8'h10, stIDLE_DTECT = 8'h20, stLINK_OK = 8'h40, stAN_DIS_LINKOK = 8'h80; reg [20:00] r21_LinkTimer; reg [02:00] r2_RxCfgRegMchCntr; wire w_AbiMatch; reg r_ConsistencyMatch; wire w_AckMatch; reg [07:00] r8_State; reg r_ANEable; wire w_LinkTimerDone; reg [16:01] r16_LpAdvAbility; //Link partner Advertised Ability, updated every time RUDIConfig is valid reg r_NxtPage; reg r_NxtPageLoaded; reg r_ToggleTx; reg r_ToggleRx; reg [01:00] r2_AbilityMatchCnt; reg [01:00] r2_ConsistMatchCnt; reg [01:00] r2_AcknowlMatchCnt; reg [15:00] r16_AbilityReg; //Captured of Partner Ability before going to Acknowledge Detect reg [01:00] r2_IdleMatchCnt; wire w_IdleMatch; assign w_LinkTimerDone = (r21_LinkTimer==i21_LinkTimer)?1'b1:1'b0; assign w_AbiMatch = (r2_AbilityMatchCnt==2'b11)?1'b1:1'b0; assign w_AckMatch = (r2_AcknowlMatchCnt==2'b11)?1'b1:1'b0; assign w_IdleMatch = (r2_IdleMatchCnt==2'b11)?1'b1:1'b0; assign o16_LpAdvAbility = r16_LpAdvAbility; assign o_ANComplete = (r8_State==stLINK_OK)?1'b1:1'b0; always@(posedge i_Clk or negedge i_ARst_L) if(i_ARst_L==1'b0) begin r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; end else begin r_ANEable <= i_ANEnable; if((~i_Cke) || i_RestartAN || (~i_SyncStatus) || i_RUDIInvalid || (r_ANEable^i_ANEnable)) r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; else case(r8_State) stAN_ENABLE : if(i_ANEnable) r8_State <= stAN_RESTART; else r8_State <= stAN_DIS_LINKOK; stAN_RESTART : if(w_LinkTimerDone) r8_State <= stABILITY_DTECT; stABILITY_DTECT : if(w_AbiMatch && r16_LpAdvAbility!=16'h0000) r8_State <= stACK_DTECT; stACK_DTECT : if((w_AckMatch && (~r_ConsistencyMatch))||(w_AbiMatch && i16_RxConfigReg==16'h0000 && i_RUDIConfig)) r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; else if(w_AckMatch && r_ConsistencyMatch) r8_State <= stCMPLT_ACK; stCMPLT_ACK : if(w_AbiMatch && r16_LpAdvAbility==16'h0000) r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; else if(w_LinkTimerDone && (~w_AbiMatch||(r16_LpAdvAbility!=16'h0000))) r8_State <= stIDLE_DTECT; stIDLE_DTECT : if(w_IdleMatch && w_LinkTimerDone) r8_State <= stLINK_OK; else if(w_AbiMatch && r16_LpAdvAbility==16'h0000) r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; stLINK_OK : if(w_AbiMatch) r8_State <= stAN_ENABLE; stAN_DIS_LINKOK : r8_State <= stAN_DIS_LINKOK; endcase end always@(posedge i_Clk or negedge i_ARst_L) if(!i_ARst_L) begin r16_LpAdvAbility <= 16'h0000; o3_Xmit <= `cXmitIDLE; r21_LinkTimer <= 21'h0; o16_TxConfigReg <= 16'h0; r2_IdleMatchCnt <= 2'b00; r16_AbilityReg <= 16'h0; end else begin //Xmit case(r8_State) stAN_ENABLE : if(i_ANEnable) o3_Xmit <= `cXmitCONFIG; else o3_Xmit <= `cXmitIDLE; stIDLE_DTECT: o3_Xmit <= `cXmitIDLE; stLINK_OK : o3_Xmit <= `cXmitDATA; stAN_DIS_LINKOK: o3_Xmit <= `cXmitDATA; endcase case(r8_State) stAN_ENABLE: r21_LinkTimer <= 21'h0; stAN_RESTART: if(w_LinkTimerDone==1'b0) r21_LinkTimer <= r21_LinkTimer+21'h1; stACK_DTECT : r21_LinkTimer <= 21'h0; stCMPLT_ACK : if(w_LinkTimerDone && (~w_AbiMatch||(r16_LpAdvAbility!=16'h0000))) r21_LinkTimer <= 21'h0; else if(w_LinkTimerDone==1'b0) r21_LinkTimer <= r21_LinkTimer+21'h1; stIDLE_DTECT: if(w_LinkTimerDone==1'b0) r21_LinkTimer <= r21_LinkTimer+21'h1; stLINK_OK : r21_LinkTimer <= 21'h0; endcase case(r8_State) stAN_ENABLE: if(i_ANEnable) o16_TxConfigReg <= 16'h0000; stAN_RESTART: if(w_LinkTimerDone) begin o16_TxConfigReg[15] <= i16_LcAdvAbility[16]; o16_TxConfigReg[14] <= 1'b0; o16_TxConfigReg[13:0] <= i16_LcAdvAbility[14:1]; end stACK_DTECT : o16_TxConfigReg[14] <= 1'b1; endcase if(r8_State==stABILITY_DTECT) r_ToggleTx <= i16_LcAdvAbility[12]; else if(r8_State==stCMPLT_ACK) r_ToggleTx <= ~r_ToggleTx; if(r8_State==stCMPLT_ACK) r_ToggleRx<=i16_RxConfigReg[11]; //Sync Reset if(r8_State==stAN_RESTART) begin r2_AbilityMatchCnt <= 2'b00; r16_AbilityReg <= 16'h0; r16_LpAdvAbility <= 16'h0; r2_AcknowlMatchCnt <= 2'b00; r_ConsistencyMatch <= 1'b0; r2_IdleMatchCnt <= 2'b00; end else begin //w_AbiMatch if(i_RUDIIdle) r2_AbilityMatchCnt <= 2'b00; else if(i_RUDIConfig) begin if(i16_RxConfigReg[13:00] == r16_LpAdvAbility[14:01] && i16_RxConfigReg[15]==r16_LpAdvAbility[16]) begin if(r2_AbilityMatchCnt!=2'b11) r2_AbilityMatchCnt<=r2_AbilityMatchCnt+1; end else r2_AbilityMatchCnt <= 2'b01; end if(r8_State==stABILITY_DTECT && w_AbiMatch && r16_LpAdvAbility!=16'h00) r16_AbilityReg <= r16_LpAdvAbility; //Ack Match if(i_RUDIIdle) r2_AcknowlMatchCnt <= 2'b00; else if(i_RUDIConfig) begin if(i16_RxConfigReg[15:00] == r16_LpAdvAbility[16:01] && (i16_RxConfigReg[14]==1'b1)) begin if(r2_AcknowlMatchCnt!=2'b11) r2_AcknowlMatchCnt<=r2_AcknowlMatchCnt+1; //Consistency Match //When the flag acknowledge match is about to be set //If the bits are same as r16_LpAdvAbility , consistent //Else Not consistent; //Consistency match is set at the same time as Acknowledge match if(r2_AcknowlMatchCnt==2'b10 && (i16_RxConfigReg[13:00] == r16_AbilityReg[13:00] && i16_RxConfigReg[15]==r16_AbilityReg[15])) r_ConsistencyMatch <= 1'b1; else r_ConsistencyMatch<=1'b0; end else r2_AcknowlMatchCnt <= 2'b01; end if(i_RUDIConfig) r16_LpAdvAbility <= i16_RxConfigReg; if(i_RUDIIdle) r2_IdleMatchCnt <= r2_IdleMatchCnt+2'b01; else if(i_RUDIConfig|i_RUDIInvalid) r2_IdleMatchCnt<=2'b00; end end //synopsys synthesis_off reg [239:0] r240_ANStateName; always@(*) case(r8_State) stAN_ENABLE :r240_ANStateName<="stAN_ENABLE "; stAN_RESTART :r240_ANStateName<="stAN_RESTART "; stABILITY_DTECT :r240_ANStateName<="stABILITY_DTECT "; stACK_DTECT :r240_ANStateName<="stACK_DTECT "; stCMPLT_ACK :r240_ANStateName<="stCMPLT_ACK "; stIDLE_DTECT :r240_ANStateName<="stIDLE_DTECT "; stLINK_OK :r240_ANStateName<="stLINK_OK "; stAN_DIS_LINKOK :r240_ANStateName<="stAN_DIS_LINKOK "; endcase //synopsys synthesis_on endmodule
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