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[/] [signal_waveform_generator/] [trunk/] [hw/] [sources/] [PwmController/] [sources/] [PwmController.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Engineer: Dalmasso Loic -- Create Date: 28/01/2025 -- Module Name: PwmController -- Description: -- PWM Controller with configurable PWM Resolution (in bits), PWM Signal Output Frequency (Hz) and PWM Signal Output Frequency Error Range (Hz). -- The size of the Duty Cycle input is 1-bit greater than the PWM Resolution to handle 100% Duty Cycle. -- The Duty Cyle value is dynamic but the new value will be applied only at the end of the PWM Duty Cycle Period (when Next Duty Cycle Trigger is enable). -- User MUST carefully select generic parameters to satisfy PWM Output Frequency & Accuracy. Otherwise, assertion will be throw. -- User can fix a Range of valid PWM Frequency Output. -- -- Generics -- sys_clock: System Input Clock Frequency (Hz) -- pwm_resolution: PWM Resolution (Bits) -- signal_output_freq: PWM Signal Output Frequency (Hz) -- signal_output_freq_error: Range of PWM Signal Output Error Range (Hz) -- Ports -- Input - i_sys_clock: System Input Clock -- Input - i_reset: Reset ('0': No Reset, '1': Reset) -- Input - i_duty_cycle: Duty Cycle to apply (Value Range: [0;2^pwm_resolution]) -- Output - o_next_duty_cycle_trigger: Next Duty Cycle Trigger ('0': No Trigger, '1': Trigger Enable) -- Output - o_pwm: PWM Output ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; ENTITY PwmController is GENERIC( sys_clock: INTEGER := 100_000_000; pwm_resolution: INTEGER := 8; signal_output_freq: INTEGER := 7; signal_output_freq_error: INTEGER := 1 ); PORT( i_sys_clock: IN STD_LOGIC; i_reset: IN STD_LOGIC; i_duty_cycle: IN UNSIGNED(pwm_resolution downto 0); o_next_duty_cycle_trigger: OUT STD_LOGIC; o_pwm: OUT STD_LOGIC ); END PwmController; ARCHITECTURE Behavioral of PwmController is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Constant Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- System Clock Period constant SYSTEM_CLOCK_PERIOD: REAL := real(1) / real(sys_clock); -- PWM Resolution Max Value constant PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE: INTEGER := 2**pwm_resolution; -- PWM Duty Cycle Frequency constant PWM_DUTY_CYCLE_FREQUENCY: INTEGER := INTEGER( PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE * signal_output_freq); -- PWM Max Clock Divider constant PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER: INTEGER := INTEGER( real(1) / (real(PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE) * SYSTEM_CLOCK_PERIOD * real(PWM_DUTY_CYCLE_FREQUENCY) ) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Signal Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PWM Clock Divider & Clock Enable signal pwm_clock_divider: INTEGER range 0 to PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER := 0; signal pwm_clock_enable: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- PWM Counter signal pwm_counter: UNSIGNED(pwm_resolution-1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -- Duty Cycle Input Register signal duty_cycle_reg: UNSIGNED(pwm_resolution downto 0) := (others => '0'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Module Implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin -------------------------------------------------- -- PWM Frequency Output Configuration Assertion -- -------------------------------------------------- process variable duty_cycle: real; variable signal_output_freq_min: real; variable signal_output_freq_max: real; variable signal_output_freq_actual: real; begin duty_cycle := ( real(1) / ( real(PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE) * SYSTEM_CLOCK_PERIOD * (real(PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER) + 1.0) ) ); signal_output_freq_min := real(signal_output_freq) - real(signal_output_freq_error); signal_output_freq_max := real(signal_output_freq) + real(signal_output_freq_error); signal_output_freq_actual := ( duty_cycle / real(PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE) ); assert (signal_output_freq_min <= signal_output_freq_actual) and (signal_output_freq_actual <= signal_output_freq_max) report "PWM Module Configuration Failure !" & LF & "Signal Output Freq Min: " & real'image(real(signal_output_freq_min)) & LF & "Signal Output Freq Max: " & real'image(real(signal_output_freq_max)) & LF & "Actual Signal Output Freq: " & real'image(real(signal_output_freq_actual)) severity FAILURE; wait; end process; ----------------------- -- PWM Clock Divider -- ----------------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset PWM Clock Divider if (i_reset = '1') or (PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER = 0) or (pwm_clock_divider = PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER -1) then pwm_clock_divider <= 0; -- Increment PWM Clock Divider else pwm_clock_divider <= pwm_clock_divider +1; end if; end if; end process; ----------------------- -- PWM Clock Enable -- ----------------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset PWM Clock Enable if (i_reset = '1') then pwm_clock_enable <= '0'; -- PWM Clock Enable elsif (PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER = 0) or (pwm_clock_divider = PWM_MAX_CLOCK_DIVIDER -1) then pwm_clock_enable <= '1'; -- PWM Clock Disable else pwm_clock_enable <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ----------------- -- PWM Counter -- ----------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset PWM Counter if (i_reset = '1') then pwm_counter <= (others => '0'); -- PWM Clock Enable elsif (pwm_clock_enable = '1') then -- Increment PWM Counter pwm_counter <= pwm_counter + 1; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------ -- Duty Cycle Input Handler -- ------------------------------ process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset or PWM Clock Enable and End of PWM Counter if (i_reset = '1') or ((pwm_clock_enable = '1') and (pwm_counter = PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE -1)) then duty_cycle_reg <= i_duty_cycle; end if; end if; end process; ----------------------------- -- Next Duty Cycle Trigger -- ----------------------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- PWM Clock Enable and End of PWM Counter if (pwm_clock_enable = '1') and (pwm_counter = PWM_RESOLUTION_MAX_VALUE -1) then o_next_duty_cycle_trigger <= '1'; else o_next_duty_cycle_trigger <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ---------------- -- PWM Output -- ---------------- process(i_sys_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_sys_clock) then -- Reset PWM Output if (i_reset = '1') then o_pwm <= '0'; -- PWM Clock Enable elsif (pwm_clock_enable = '1') then -- Reset PWM Output if (pwm_counter >= duty_cycle_reg) then o_pwm <= '0'; -- Set PWM Output else o_pwm <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;