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[/] [simon_core/] [codes/] [Simon_bit_serial_datapath_FPGA.v] - Rev 2
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Team: Virginia Tech Secure Embedded Systems (SES) Lab // Implementer: Ege Gulcan // // Create Date: 17:21:26 11/13/2013 // Design Name: // Module Name: simon_datapath_shiftreg // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module simon_datapath_shiftreg(clk,data_in,data_rdy,key_in,cipher_out,round_counter,bit_counter); input clk,data_in,key_in; input [1:0] data_rdy; input round_counter; output cipher_out; output [5:0] bit_counter; reg [55:0] shifter1; reg [63:0] shifter2; reg shift_in1,shift_in2; wire shift_out1,shift_out2; reg shifter_enable1,shifter_enable2; reg fifo_ff63,fifo_ff62,fifo_ff61,fifo_ff60,fifo_ff59,fifo_ff58,fifo_ff57,fifo_ff56; reg lut_ff63,lut_ff62,lut_ff61,lut_ff60,lut_ff59,lut_ff58,lut_ff57,lut_ff56; reg lut_ff_input,fifo_ff_input; reg lut_rol1,lut_rol2,lut_rol8; reg s1,s4,s5,s6,s7; reg [1:0] s3; reg [5:0] bit_counter; wire lut_out; // Shift Register1 FIFO 56x1 Begin // 56x1 Shift register to store the upper word always @(posedge clk) begin if(shifter_enable1) begin shifter1 <= {shift_in1, shifter1[55:1]}; end end assign shift_out1 = shifter1[0]; // Shift Register1 End // Shift Register2 FIFO 64x1 Begin // 64x1 Shift register to store the lower word always @(posedge clk) begin if(shifter_enable2) begin shifter2 <= {shift_in2, shifter2[63:1]}; end end assign shift_out2 = shifter2[0]; // Shift Register2 End // 8 Flip-Flops to store the most significant 8 bits of the upper word at even rounds // Denoted as Shift Register Up (SRU) in Figure 5 always@(posedge clk) begin if(shifter_enable1) begin fifo_ff63 <= fifo_ff_input; fifo_ff62 <= fifo_ff63; fifo_ff61 <= fifo_ff62; fifo_ff60 <= fifo_ff61; fifo_ff59 <= fifo_ff60; fifo_ff58 <= fifo_ff59; fifo_ff57 <= fifo_ff58; fifo_ff56 <= fifo_ff57; end end // 8 Flip-Flops to store the most significant 8 bits of the upper word at odd rounds // Denoted as Shift Register Down (SRD) in Figure 5 always@(posedge clk) begin lut_ff63 <= lut_ff_input; lut_ff62 <= lut_ff63; lut_ff61 <= lut_ff62; lut_ff60 <= lut_ff61; lut_ff59 <= lut_ff60; lut_ff58 <= lut_ff59; lut_ff57 <= lut_ff58; lut_ff56 <= lut_ff57; end // FIFO 64x1 Input MUX // Input of the lower FIFO is always the output of the upper FIFO always@(*) begin shift_in2 = shift_out1; end // FIFO 56x1 Input MUX // Input of the upper FIFO depends on the select line S1 always@(*) begin if(s1==0) shift_in1 = lut_ff56; else shift_in1 = fifo_ff56; end // FIFO FF Input MUX // The input of FIFO_FF can be the input plaintext, output of 56x1 FIFO or the output of LUT always@(*) begin if(s3==0) fifo_ff_input = data_in; else if(s3==1) fifo_ff_input = shift_out1; else if(s3==2) fifo_ff_input = lut_out; else fifo_ff_input = 1'bx; // Debugging end // LUT FF Input MUX // The input of the LUT_FF is either the output of 56x1 FIFO or the output of LUT always@(*) begin if(s5==0) lut_ff_input = shift_out1; else lut_ff_input = lut_out; end // LUT Input MUX always@(*) begin if(s7==0) lut_rol1 = fifo_ff63; else lut_rol1 = lut_ff63; if(s4==0) lut_rol2 = fifo_ff62; else lut_rol2 = lut_ff62; if(s6==0) lut_rol8 = fifo_ff56; else lut_rol8 = lut_ff56; end //Selection MUX always@(*) begin // For the first 8 bits of each even round OR for all the bits after the first 8 bits in odd rounds OR loading the plaintext if((round_counter==0 && bit_counter<8)||(round_counter==1 && bit_counter>7)||(data_rdy==1)) s1 = 1; else s1 = 0; if(data_rdy==1) // Loading plaintext s3 = 0; else if(round_counter==0) // Even rounds s3 = 1; else if(round_counter==1) // Odd rounds s3 = 2; else s3 = 1'bx; // For debugging if(round_counter==0) // Even rounds s6 = 0; else s6 = 1; s4 = s6; s7 = s6; s5 = ~s6; end // SHIFTER ENABLES // Two shift registers are enabled when the plaintext is being loaded (1) or when the block cipher is running (3) always@(*) begin if(data_rdy==1 || data_rdy==3) begin shifter_enable1 = 1; shifter_enable2 = 1; end else begin shifter_enable1 = 0; shifter_enable2 = 0; end end // The bit_counter value is incremented in each clock cycle when the block cipher is running always@(posedge clk) begin if(data_rdy==0) bit_counter <= 0; else if(data_rdy==3) bit_counter <= bit_counter + 1; else bit_counter <= bit_counter; end // The new computed value assign lut_out = (lut_rol1 & lut_rol8) ^ shift_out2 ^ lut_rol2 ^ key_in; // The global output that gives the ciphertext value assign cipher_out = lut_out; endmodule