Subversion Repositories simple_uart_for_fpga
[/] [simple_uart_for_fpga/] [trunk/] [source/] [uart_tb.vhd] - Rev 2
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PROJECT: SIMPLE UART FOR FPGA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MODULE: TESTBANCH OF UART TOP MODULE -- AUTHORS: Jakub Cabal <jakubcabal@gmail.com> -- lICENSE: The MIT License (MIT) -- WEBSITE: https://github.com/jakubcabal/uart_for_fpga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; entity UART_TB is end UART_TB; architecture FULL of UART_TB is signal CLK : std_logic := '0'; signal RST : std_logic := '0'; signal tx_uart : std_logic; signal rx_uart : std_logic := '1'; signal data_vld : std_logic; signal data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal frame_error : std_logic; signal data_send : std_logic; signal busy : std_logic; signal data_in : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); constant clk_period : time := 20 ns; constant uart_period : time := 8680.56 ns; constant data_value : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "10100111"; constant data_value2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00110110"; begin utt: entity work.UART generic map ( CLK_FREQ => 50e6, BAUD_RATE => 115200, PARITY_BIT => "none" ) port map ( CLK => CLK, RST => RST, -- UART INTERFACE UART_TXD => tx_uart, UART_RXD => rx_uart, -- USER DATA INPUT INTERFACE DATA_OUT => data_out, DATA_VLD => data_vld, FRAME_ERROR => frame_error, -- USER DATA OUTPUT INTERFACE DATA_IN => data_in, DATA_SEND => data_send, BUSY => busy ); clk_process : process begin CLK <= '0'; wait for clk_period/2; CLK <= '1'; wait for clk_period/2; end process; test_rx_uart : process begin rx_uart <= '1'; RST <= '1'; wait for 100 ns; RST <= '0'; wait until rising_edge(CLK); rx_uart <= '0'; -- start bit wait for uart_period; for i in 0 to (data_value'LENGTH-1) loop rx_uart <= data_value(i); -- data bits wait for uart_period; end loop; rx_uart <= '1'; -- stop bit wait for uart_period; rx_uart <= '0'; -- start bit wait for uart_period; for i in 0 to (data_value2'LENGTH-1) loop rx_uart <= data_value2(i); -- data bits wait for uart_period; end loop; rx_uart <= '1'; -- stop bit wait for uart_period; wait; end process; test_tx_uart : process begin data_send <= '0'; RST <= '1'; wait for 100 ns; RST <= '0'; wait until rising_edge(CLK); data_send <= '1'; data_in <= data_value; wait until rising_edge(CLK); data_send <= '0'; wait until rising_edge(CLK); wait for 80 us; wait until rising_edge(CLK); data_send <= '1'; data_in <= data_value2; wait until rising_edge(CLK); data_send <= '0'; wait until rising_edge(CLK); wait; end process; end FULL;