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[/] [simu_mem/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [vhdl/] [ZBT_RAM.vhd] - Rev 7
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- Synchronous static RAM ("Zero Bus Turnaround" RAM, ZBT RAM) ---- ---- simulation model ---- ---- ---- ---- This file is part of the simu_mem project. ---- ---- ---- ---- Description ---- ---- This is a functional simulation model for single port ---- ---- synchronous static RAMs. Examples for applicable devices: ---- ---- ---- ---- Manufacturer Device ---- ---- Samsung K7N643645M ---- ---- ISSI IS61NLP51236 ---- ---- ---- ---- Advantages of this model: ---- ---- 1. Consumes few simulator memory if only few memory ---- ---- locations are accessed because it internally uses a ---- ---- linked list. ---- ---- 2. Simulates quickly because it does not contain timing ---- ---- information. Fast simulator startup time because of the ---- ---- linked list. ---- ---- 3. Usable for any data and address bus width. ---- ---- 4. Works at any clock frequency. ---- ---- 5. Programmed in VHDL. ---- ---- ---- ---- When this model will not be useful: ---- ---- 1. When it has to be synthesized. ---- ---- 2. When a timing model is required. Ask your RAM vendor for ---- ---- a timing model. ---- ---- 3. When all memory locations have to be accessed in one ---- ---- single simulation run. The linked list model will not ---- ---- be well suited then. ---- ---- 4. When your design is in Verilog. ---- ---- ---- ---- For above reasons a typical application is a functional ---- ---- simulation of a design which uses external synchronous ---- ---- static RAMs. ---- ---- ---- ---- Authors: ---- ---- - Michael Geng, vhdl@MichaelGeng.de ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- Copyright (C) 2008 Authors ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file may be used and distributed without ---- ---- restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ---- ---- removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ---- ---- the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ---- ---- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ---- ---- either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ---- ---- later version. ---- ---- ---- ---- This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ---- ---- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ---- ---- warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ---- ---- PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ---- ---- details. ---- ---- ---- ---- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ---- ---- Public License along with this source; if not, download it ---- ---- from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html ---- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CVS Revision History -- -- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ -- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE work.ZBT_RAM_pkg.ALL; USE work.linked_list_mem_pkg.ALL; ENTITY ZBT_RAM IS GENERIC ( debug : INTEGER := 0); -- >= 1: print write operations -- >= 2: print also read operations PORT ( Clk : IN STD_LOGIC; D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; A : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; CKE_n : IN STD_LOGIC; CS1_n : IN STD_LOGIC; CS2 : IN STD_LOGIC; CS2_n : IN STD_LOGIC; WE_n : IN STD_LOGIC; BW_n : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR; OE_n : IN STD_LOGIC; ADV : IN STD_LOGIC; ZZ : IN STD_LOGIC; LBO_n : IN STD_LOGIC; dealloc_mem : IN BOOLEAN := FALSE); -- control SIGNAL for deallocating memory END ENTITY ZBT_RAM; ARCHITECTURE LinkedList OF ZBT_RAM IS CONSTANT D_width : INTEGER := D'LENGTH; CONSTANT A_width : INTEGER := A'LENGTH; TYPE mem_page_ptr_array IS ARRAY (0 TO D_width / 9 - 1) of mem_page_ptr; SIGNAL state, last_state : state_type := Deselect; SIGNAL operation : state_type := Deselect; SIGNAL DOut : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (D_width - 1 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => 'Z'); SIGNAL A_delayed_1 : NATURAL; SIGNAL A_delayed_2 : NATURAL; SIGNAL BW_n_delayed_1 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (D_width / 9 - 1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL BW_n_delayed_2 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (D_width / 9 - 1 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL ADV_delayed : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL sleep_count : INTEGER RANGE 4 DOWNTO 0 := 0; BEGIN ASSERT BW_n'LENGTH = D'LENGTH / 9 REPORT "Error: BW_n'length must be equal to D'length / 9" SEVERITY FAILURE; mem_proc : PROCESS (Clk, dealloc_mem) IS VARIABLE state_v : state_type; VARIABLE mem_page_v : mem_page_ptr_array; VARIABLE D_v : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (8 DOWNTO 0); BEGIN IF dealloc_mem THEN FOR i IN 0 TO D_width / 9 - 1 LOOP deallocate_mem (mem_page_v (i)); END LOOP; ELSIF rising_edge (Clk) THEN IF (CKE_n = '0') THEN state_v := calc_state (CS1_n, CS2, CS2_n, WE_n, BW_n, OE_n, ADV, ZZ, operation); operation <= calc_operation (state_v, operation); IF ((state_v = read) OR (state_v = dummy_read) OR (state_v = write)) THEN A_delayed_1 <= to_INTEGER (UNSIGNED (A)); END IF; IF ((state_v = write) OR (state_v = write_continue)) THEN BW_n_delayed_1 <= BW_n; END IF; IF (state_v = invalid_state) THEN REPORT "Invalid state" SEVERITY ERROR; END IF; state <= state_v; last_state <= state; ADV_delayed <= ADV; BW_n_delayed_2 <= BW_n_delayed_1; END IF; IF (ZZ = '1') THEN sleep_count <= 4; ELSIF (sleep_count > 0) THEN sleep_count <= sleep_count - 1; END IF; IF (sleep_count = 0) THEN IF (((state = write) OR (state = read) OR (state = dummy_read) OR (state = write_abort)) AND (CKE_n = '0')) THEN A_delayed_2 <= A_delayed_1; ELSIF (ADV_delayed = '1') AND (CKE_n = '0') THEN IF (A_delayed_2 MOD (D_width / 9) < D_width / 9 - 1) THEN A_delayed_2 <= A_delayed_2 + 1; ELSE A_delayed_2 <= A_delayed_1; END IF; END IF; IF ((CKE_n = '0') AND (BW_n_delayed_2 /= (D_width / 9 - 1 DOWNTO 0 => '1')) AND ((last_state = write) OR (last_state = write_continue))) THEN FOR i IN 0 TO D_width / 9 - 1 LOOP IF (BW_n_delayed_2 (i) = '0') THEN D_v := D (9 * (i + 1) - 1 DOWNTO 9 * i); rw_mem (data => D_v, addr => A_delayed_2, next_cell => mem_page_v (i), operation => write); IF (Debug >= 1) THEN REPORT ("DBG, " & TIME'IMAGE (now) & ": Write " & INTEGER'IMAGE (to_INTEGER (UNSIGNED (D_v))) & " to address=" & INTEGER'IMAGE (A_delayed_2) & ", bank=" & INTEGER'IMAGE (i)); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; ELSIF (sleep_count = 3) THEN A_delayed_2 <= 0; END IF; END IF; IF falling_edge (Clk) THEN IF (sleep_count = 0) THEN IF (CKE_n = '0') THEN IF ((last_state = read) OR (last_state = read_continue) OR (last_state = dummy_read) OR (last_state = dummy_read_continue)) THEN FOR i IN 0 TO D_width / 9 - 1 LOOP rw_mem (data => D_v, addr => A_delayed_2, next_cell => mem_page_v (i), operation => read); DOut (9 * (i + 1) - 1 DOWNTO 9 * i) <= D_v; IF (Debug >= 2) THEN REPORT ("DBG, " & TIME'IMAGE (now) & ": Read " & INTEGER'IMAGE (to_INTEGER (UNSIGNED (D_v))) & " from address=" & INTEGER'IMAGE (A_delayed_2) & ", bank=" & INTEGER'IMAGE (i)); END IF; END LOOP; ELSE DOut <= (OTHERS => 'Z'); END IF; END IF; ELSE DOut <= (OTHERS => 'Z'); END IF; END IF; END PROCESS mem_proc; Q <= (Q'RANGE => 'Z') WHEN (OE_n = '1') ELSE DOut; END LinkedList;
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