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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- (c) 2005.. Hoffmann RF & DSP opencores@hoffmann-hochfrequenz.de -- V1.0 published under BSD license -- V1.1 2010-feb-25 added tests for combined sine and cosine module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- file name: sincos_tb.vhd -- tool version: Modelsim 6.1, 6.5 -- description: test bed for portable sine table -- calls libs: ieee standard -- calls entities: clk_rst, -- sincostab, sintab, -- unsigned_pipestage, -- sl_pipestage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.math_real.all; use work.un_signed_sprt.all; entity sincos_tb is begin end sincos_tb; architecture rtl of sincos_tb is signal verbose: boolean := true; constant theta_bits: integer := 8; constant amplitude_bits: integer := 8; constant pipestages: integer :=0; constant clock_frequency: real := 100.0e6; signal clk: std_logic; signal rst: std_logic; signal ce: std_logic := '1'; signal theta: unsigned(theta_bits - 1 downto 0) := (others => '0'); signal y: signed(amplitude_bits - 1 downto 0); signal o_sin: signed(amplitude_bits - 1 downto 0); signal o_cos: signed(amplitude_bits - 1 downto 0); signal f_y, f_sin, f_cos: real; signal del_rst: std_logic; -- delayed inputs for result checking signal del_theta: unsigned(theta_bits - 1 downto 0); signal ErrorInLsb_y: real; signal WorstError_y: real := 0.0; signal ErrorInLsb_o_sin: real; signal WorstError_o_sin: real := 0.0; signal ErrorInLsb_o_cos: real; signal WorstError_o_cos: real := 0.0; signal log_on: std_logic; -- In a system with 8 bit signed sines, the computed value should be -127....+127 -- The error should be less than 0.5, because otherwise a different value would be closer. function compute_sin_error (verbose: boolean; theta: unsigned; result: signed) return real is variable scalefactor: real := real((2 ** (result'length-1)-1)); variable r_theta: real; -- the given phase 0...2pi variable TrueSine: real; -- the true sine value variable computed: real; -- result computed by the table variable ErrorInLsb: real; begin r_theta := 2.0* Math_pi * (real(to_integer(theta))+ 0.5) / (2.0 ** theta'length); TrueSine := sin(r_theta) * scalefactor; computed := real(to_integer(result)); ErrorInLsb := TrueSine - computed; if verbose then report "theta = " & integer'image(to_integer(theta)) & " r_theta = " & real'image(r_theta) & " exact = " & real'image(TrueSine) & " computed = " & real'image(computed) & " error LSB = " & real'image(ErrorInLsb) ; end if; --verbose return ErrorInLsb; end function compute_sin_error; function compute_cos_error (verbose: boolean; theta: unsigned; result: signed) return real is variable scalefactor: real := real((2 ** (result'length-1)-1)); variable r_theta: real; -- the given phase 0...2pi variable TrueCos: real; -- the true cosine value variable computed: real; -- result computed by the table variable ErrorInLsb: real; begin r_theta := 2.0* Math_pi * (real(to_integer(theta))+ 0.5) / (2.0 ** theta'length); TrueCos := cos(r_theta) * scalefactor; computed := real(to_integer(result)); ErrorInLsb := TrueCos - computed; if verbose then report "theta = " & integer'image(to_integer(theta)) & " r_theta = " & real'image(r_theta) & " exact = " & real'image(TrueCos) & " computed = " & real'image(computed) & " error LSB = " & real'image(ErrorInLsb) ; end if; --verbose return ErrorInLsb; end function compute_cos_error; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN u_clk_rst: entity work.clk_rst generic map( verbose => false, clock_frequency => clock_frequency, min_resetwidth => 46 ns ) port map ( clk => clk, rst => rst ); u_sin: entity work.sintab -- convert phase to sine generic map ( pipestages => pipestages ) port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, rst => rst, theta => theta, sine => y ); u_sincos: entity work.sincostab -- convert phase to sine and cosine generic map ( pipestages => pipestages ) port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, rst => rst, theta => theta, sine => o_sin, cosine => o_cos ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- delay the input of the sinetable for result checking -- and keep track when the first valid results should arrive. u_delphase: entity work.unsigned_pipestage generic map ( n_stages => pipestages ) Port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, rst => rst, i => theta, o => del_theta ); u_delrst: entity work.sl_pipestage generic map ( n_stages => pipestages ) Port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, rst => rst, i => rst, o => del_rst ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- u_stimulus: process(clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then if rst = '1' then theta <= (others => '0'); elsif ce = '1' then theta <= theta + 1; -- phase accumulator end if; end if; end process; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- check the output side of the sine module against the expected values. -- This tests not only the table ROM but also address mirrorring, -- output inversion and pipelining. u_worst_sin: process(clk) is begin if rising_edge(clk) then ErrorInLsb_y <= compute_sin_error (verbose, del_theta, y); ErrorInLsb_o_sin <= compute_sin_error (verbose, del_theta, o_sin); ErrorInLsb_o_cos <= compute_cos_error (verbose, del_theta, o_cos); if (ce = '1') and (del_rst = '0') then if abs(ErrorInLsb_y) > WorstError_y then WorstError_y <= abs(ErrorInLsb_y); end if; if abs(ErrorInLsb_o_sin) > WorstError_o_sin then WorstError_o_sin <= abs(ErrorInLsb_o_sin); end if; if abs(ErrorInLsb_o_cos) > WorstError_o_cos then WorstError_o_cos <= abs(ErrorInLsb_o_cos); end if; if verbose then report " worst error upto now for y = " & real'image(WorstError_y) & " for o_sin = " & real'image(WorstError_o_sin) & " for o_cos = " & real'image(WorstError_o_cos) ; end if; --verbose end if; -- ce, del_rst end if; -- rising_edge() end process; -- log the generated sines and cosine to files so we can inspect them with matlab log_on <= not del_rst; -- convert amplitudes to floating point in -1.0 to 0.9999 range -- from package work.un_signed_sprt f_y <= fract_signed2real(y); f_sin <= fract_signed2real(o_sin); f_cos <= fract_signed2real(o_cos); u_log_y: entity work.real_file_log port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, filename => "logged_y.m", log_on => log_on, d => f_y ); u_log_sin: entity work.real_file_log port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, filename => "logged_sin.m", log_on => log_on, d => f_sin ); u_log_cos: entity work.real_file_log port map ( clk => clk, ce => ce, filename => "logged_cos.m", log_on => log_on, d => f_cos ); END ARCHITECTURE rtl;