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[/] [smbus_controller/] [trunk/] [hw/] [sources/] [SMBusAnalyzer.vhd] - Rev 2
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------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Engineer: Dalmasso Loic -- Create Date: 30/10/2024 -- Module Name: SMBusAnalyzer -- Description: -- SMBus Analyzer in charge to detect: -- - Bus Busy Detection -- - Bus Inactivity -- - Bus Timeout -- - Bus Arbitration -- - Clock Stretching -- -- WARNING: /!\ Require Pull-Up on SMBCLK and SMBDAT pins /!\ -- -- Generics -- INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ: Module Input Clock Frequency -- SMBUS_CLASS: SMBus Class (100kHz, 400kHz, 1MHz) -- -- Ports -- Input - i_clock: Module Input Clock -- Input - i_reset: Module Reset ('0': No Reset, '1': Reset) -- Input - i_smbclk_controller: SMBus Serial Clock from Controller -- Input - i_smbclk_line: SMBus Serial Clock bus line -- Input - i_smbdat_controller: SMBus Serial Data from Controller -- Input - i_smbdat_line: SMBus Serial Data bus line -- Output - o_smbus_busy: SMBus Busy detection ('0': Not Busy, '1': Busy) -- Output - o_smbus_timeout: SMBus Timeout detection ('0': No Timeout, '1': Timeout) -- Output - o_smbus_arbitration: SMBus Arbitration detection ('0': Lost Arbitration, '1': Win Arbitration) -- Output - o_smbclk_stretching: SMBus Clock Stretching detection ('0': Not Stretching, '1': Stretching) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; USE IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; USE IEEE.MATH_REAL."ceil"; ENTITY SMBusAnalyzer is GENERIC( INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ: INTEGER := 12_000_000; SMBUS_CLASS: INTEGER := 100_000 ); PORT( i_clock: IN STD_LOGIC; i_reset: IN STD_LOGIC; i_smbclk_controller: IN STD_LOGIC; i_smbclk_line: IN STD_LOGIC; i_smbdat_controller: IN STD_LOGIC; i_smbdat_line: IN STD_LOGIC; o_smbus_busy: OUT STD_LOGIC; o_smbus_timeout: OUT STD_LOGIC; o_smbus_arbitration: OUT STD_LOGIC; o_smbclk_stretching: OUT STD_LOGIC ); END SMBusAnalyzer; ARCHITECTURE Behavioral of SMBusAnalyzer is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Constant Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SMBus Classes (100kHz, 400kHz, 1MHz) constant SMBUS_100K_CLASS: INTEGER := 100_000; constant SMBUS_400K_CLASS: INTEGER := 400_000; constant SMBUS_1M_CLASS: INTEGER := 1_000_000; -- SMBus Minimum Free Time (only after Stop condition) -- SMBus 100kHz Class: 4.7 µs -- SMBus 400kHz Class: 1.3 µs -- SMBus 1MHz Class: 0.5 µs constant SMBUS_100K_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS: INTEGER := 4700; constant SMBUS_400K_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS: INTEGER := 1300; constant SMBUS_1M_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS: INTEGER := 500; -- SMBus Minimum Free Time Cycles ('/1_000_000_000' -> SMBus Minimum Free Time in ns) constant SMBUS_100K_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES: INTEGER := INTEGER(CEIL(REAL(SMBUS_100K_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS * INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ) / REAL(1_000_000_000))); constant SMBUS_400K_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES: INTEGER := INTEGER(CEIL(REAL(SMBUS_400K_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS * INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ) / REAL(1_000_000_000))); constant SMBUS_1M_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES: INTEGER := INTEGER(CEIL(REAL(SMBUS_1M_MIN_FREE_TIME_NS * INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ) / REAL(1_000_000_000))); -- SMBus Inactivity (50 µs) constant SMBUS_INACTIVITY_US: INTEGER := 50; -- SMBus Inactivity Cycles ('/1_000_000' -> SMBus Inactivity in µs) constant SMBUS_INACTIVITY_CYCLES: INTEGER := INTEGER(CEIL(REAL(SMBUS_INACTIVITY_US * INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ) / REAL(1_000_000))); -- SMBus Timeout (35 ms) constant SMBUS_TIMEOUT_MS: INTEGER := 35; -- SMBus Timeout Cycles ('/1_000' -> SMBus Timeout in ms) constant SMBUS_TIMEOUT_CYCLES: INTEGER := INTEGER(CEIL(REAL(SMBUS_TIMEOUT_MS * INPUT_CLOCK_FREQ) / REAL(1_000))); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Signal Declarations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SMBus SMBCLK / SMBDAT Line Levels signal smbclk_line_level: STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal smbdat_line_level: STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal smbdat_line_level_reg: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- SMBus Start & Stop Conditions signal smbus_start_cond: STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal smbus_stop_cond: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- SMBus Busy & Timing Counter signal smbus_busy: STD_LOGIC := '0'; signal busy_timing_counter: INTEGER range 0 to SMBUS_INACTIVITY_CYCLES := 0; signal busy_timing_counter_end: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- SMBus Timeout signal timeout_counter: INTEGER range 0 to SMBUS_TIMEOUT_CYCLES := 0; -- SMBus Arbitration signal smbus_arbitration: STD_LOGIC := '0'; -- SMBus Clock Stretching signal smbclk_stretching: STD_LOGIC := '0'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Module Implementation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin --------------------------------------- -- SMBus SMBCLK Line Level Converter -- --------------------------------------- -- Convert 'Z' into '1' level smbclk_line_level <= '0' when i_smbclk_line = '0' else '1'; --------------------------------------- -- SMBus SMBDAT Line Level Converter -- --------------------------------------- -- Convert 'Z' into '1' level smbdat_line_level <= '0' when i_smbdat_line = '0' else '1'; -- SMBDAT Line Level Register process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then smbdat_line_level_reg <= smbdat_line_level; end if; end process; ------------------------------------- -- SMBus Start Condition Detection -- ------------------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- Start Condition (SMBCLK High while SDA High to Low) if (smbclk_line_level = '1') and (smbdat_line_level_reg = '1') and (smbdat_line_level = '0') then smbus_start_cond <= '1'; else smbus_start_cond <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------------ -- SMBus Stop Condition Detection -- ------------------------------------ process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- Stop Condition Detection while SMBus Busy if (smbus_busy = '1') then -- Stop Condition (SMBCLK High while SDA Low to High) if (smbclk_line_level = '1') and (smbdat_line_level_reg = '0') and (smbdat_line_level = '1') then smbus_stop_cond <= '1'; end if; -- Disable Stop Condition (SMBus NOT Busy) else smbus_stop_cond <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; ------------------------------- -- SMBus Busy Timing Counter -- ------------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- Reset Counter when Reset or SMBCLK / SMBDAT toggle if (i_reset = '1') or (smbclk_line_level = '0') or (smbdat_line_level = '0') then busy_timing_counter <= 0; -- Increment Counter (SMBCLK & SMBDAT High) else busy_timing_counter <= busy_timing_counter +1; end if; end if; end process; -- Busy Timing Counter End busy_timing_counter_end <= '1' when smbus_stop_cond = '1' and busy_timing_counter = SMBUS_100K_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES and SMBUS_CLASS = SMBUS_100K_CLASS else '1' when smbus_stop_cond = '1' and busy_timing_counter = SMBUS_400K_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES and SMBUS_CLASS = SMBUS_400K_CLASS else '1' when smbus_stop_cond = '1' and busy_timing_counter = SMBUS_1M_MIN_FREE_TIME_CYCLES and SMBUS_CLASS = SMBUS_1M_CLASS else '1' when busy_timing_counter = SMBUS_INACTIVITY_CYCLES else '0'; -------------------------- -- SMBus Busy Detection -- -------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- Bus IDLE when Reset / Stop Condition then Minimum Free Time or after Inactivity Period if (i_reset = '1') or (busy_timing_counter_end = '1') then smbus_busy <= '0'; -- Bus BUSY when Start Condition (SMBCLK High while SDA High to Low) elsif (smbus_start_cond = '1') then smbus_busy <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; o_smbus_busy <= smbus_busy; --------------------------- -- SMBus Timeout Counter -- --------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- Reset Counter when Reset or SMBCLK is High if (i_reset = '1') or (smbclk_line_level = '1') then timeout_counter <= 0; -- Increment Counter else timeout_counter <= timeout_counter +1; end if; end if; end process; -- SMBus Timeout o_smbus_timeout <= '1' when timeout_counter = SMBUS_TIMEOUT_CYCLES else '0'; --------------------------- -- SMBus Bus Arbitration -- --------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- SMBDAT from Controller = SMBDAT Line (when SMBCLK is High) if (smbclk_line_level = '1') then smbus_arbitration <= i_smbdat_controller xnor smbdat_line_level; end if; end if; end process; o_smbus_arbitration <= smbus_arbitration; ----------------------------- -- SMBus SMBCLK Stretching -- ----------------------------- process(i_clock) begin if rising_edge(i_clock) then -- SMBus Controller release SMBCLK ('Z') while SMBus Target pull-down SMBCLK smbclk_stretching <= i_smbclk_controller and not(smbclk_line_level); end if; end process; o_smbclk_stretching <= smbclk_stretching; end Behavioral;