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eval 'exec `which perl` -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# This file is part of fizzim
# Copyright (C) 2007 Zimmer Design Services
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Although not specifically required by GPL, if you improve/modify this
# software, please make it available to other users either by posting
# it yourself or sending it back to ZDS (paulzimmer@zimmerdesignservices.com)
# Consider this an ethical obligation rather than a legal one.
# $Id: fizzim.pl,v 3.1 2009/10/10 03:08:25 pzimmer Exp pzimmer $
# Issues:
# - should dp pre-case values look at implied_loopback and/or default...x?
# - change $line code to just use print buffer manipulation, since we
# now have the print buffer?
$| = 1; # force immediate output
# Make sure calling location is in INC path
use File::Basename;
$my_dir = &dirname($0);
$me = &basename($0);
# Figure out revision info
# The reference to Revision below will get RCS to input the revision
$scriptversion = '$Revision: 3.1 $';
# Extract the rev number
$scriptversion =~ s/^\$Revision: //;
$scriptversion =~ s/ \$//;
# Scan for -help and -version for early exit. If found, call parser
if (join(" ",@ARGV) =~ /-h/) {
exit; # redundant - will exit anyway
if (join(" ",@ARGV) =~ /-vers/) {
exit; # redundant - will exit anyway
} elsif (join(" ",@ARGV) =~ /-v(\s|$)/) {
print STDERR "Note that -v is ambiguous. If you want version, you must use at least -vers \n";
# Scan for -debug be_cmd before calling process_options
$debug_sections{"be_cmd"} = (join(" ",@ARGV) =~ /-d\S*\s+be_cmd/);
# Scan for -debug parse_input before calling parser
$debug_sections{"parse_input"} = (join(" ",@ARGV) =~ /-d\S*\s+parse_input/);
# Need to fetch the be_cmd from the file before parsing inputs.
# Call the option processing now to clear out options and leave only the
# file name. This makes "fizzim.pl foo.fzm" work as well as
# "fizzim.pl < foo.fzm".
# Then we can parse the file, add the be_cmd options, and
# parse again.
@orig_argv = @ARGV;
# Parse the input. Do this before option processing so that we can get
# be_cmd.
&set_myattributes; # sets the myattributes hash to know what to parse
# Process command-line options
# Re-build @ARGV using the options from be_cmd FIRST (so actual command-line
# options will have priority)
($be_options = $globals{machine}{be_cmd}{value}) =~ s/^[^-]*//;
@ARGV = (split(/\s+/,$be_options),@orig_argv);
#print "is_stateline: " . &is_stateline(" state[S1_BIT]: if (in[0] && in[1])"). "\n"; exit;
# Output is a bit messy. To allow for -terse, output is held in a buffer
# (pbuf) and printed at the end. Warnings and "assertions" are held in their
# own arrays, with indexes to match the line they follow in pbuf.
# "assertions" are comment lines, other than warnings, to be added to the
# output.
# Init printbuffer
$pbuf[0] = "";
# Rename hashes
%states = %state; undef %state;
%transitions = %transition; undef %transition;
# Massage output data structures to more convenient ones.
foreach $output (sort keys %{ $globals{outputs} }) {
if ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "comb") {
$comb_outputs{$output}{"default_value"} = $globals{outputs}{$output}{value};
} elsif ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "reg") {
if ($encoding eq "onehot") {
# For onehot, all reg's are effectively regdp's
$regdp_outputs{$output}{"default_value"} = $globals{outputs}{$output}{value};
} else {
$reg_outputs{$output}{"default_value"} = &convert2bin($globals{outputs}{$output}{value});
} elsif ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "regdp") {
$regdp_outputs{$output}{"default_value"} = $globals{outputs}{$output}{value};
} else {
&error($indent,"No type found for output $output");
# Encodings:
# Highly Encoded with Registered Outputs as Statebits
# All registered outputs will be encoded as state bits. Additional
# statebits will be added as needed to meet other requirements
# (mininum encoding, graycode transitions).
# onehot:
# One-hot encoding per Steve Golson. All reg'd outputs are effectively
# regdp's.
# Encoding cannot easily be an attribute on the fsm, because we need to know
# the encoding before we parse...
# Create module statement
# Because verilog doesn't allow the list to end with a "," we
# create the line first (in $line) but don't print it. It is printed
# only when the NEXT sign input/output is handled (since we then
# know we can leave the "," at the end.
# When both loops (input and output) are finished, we change the ","
# to a ");" and print the last line.
# State assignment
$section = "assign_states"; # for debug
# allstates is an array of all the states in alpha order, but with the
# reset state moved to the front (FIRST)
if (exists $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value}) {
$reset_state = $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value};
} else {
# If no reset, warn user
&warning($indent,"No reset specified");
foreach $state (sort keys %states) {
unless ($state eq $reset_state) {
&debug("allstates is @allstates\n",0,"assign_states");
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
# Massage the data structures before calling assign_states
# Look at all registered outputs and assign them to state bits
$statebit = 0; # init statebit pointer
# Loop through all reg'd outputs
foreach $output (sort keys %reg_outputs) {
# Determine upper and lower parts of [upper:lower]
if (($upper,$lower) = ($output =~ /\[(\d+):(\d+)\]/)) {
$reg_outputs{$output}{"range"} = "$upper:$lower";
} else {
# If no range match, this must be single bit
$upper = 0; $lower = 0;
# Set the lower (where the range will start to the current pointer)
$statebit_lower = $statebit;
# Bump the pointer up until we reach $upper
for (my $bit = $lower; $bit < $upper; $bit++) {
if ($statebit == $statebit_lower) { # single bit
$reg_outputs{$output}{"statebit_range"} = $statebit;
&debug("Assigned $output to statebits $reg_outputs{$output}{statebit_range}",0,"$section");
} else {
$reg_outputs{$output}{"statebit_range"} = "$statebit:$statebit_lower";
&debug("Assigned $output to statebits $reg_outputs{$output}{statebit_range}",0,"$section");
$reg_outputs{$output}{"statebit_lower"} = $statebit_lower;
$reg_outputs{$output}{"statebit_upper"} = $statebit;
# Set %fixedbits on all states to show these bits as fixed
foreach $state (keys %states) {
if ((!exists $states{$state}{attributes}{$output}{value}) || ($states{$state}{attributes}{$output}{value} eq "")) {
$value = $reg_outputs{$output}{"default_value"};
&debug("// Warning: No value for Moore bit $output for state $state - using default $value",0,"$section");
} else {
$value = &convert2bin($states{$state}{attributes}{$output}{value});
#print "$states{$state}{attributes}{$output}{value} became $value\n"; # temp
# Make sure it is a legal binary value and the correct size
if ($value !~ /^[01]+$/) {
&error($indent,"Value $states{$state}{attributes}{$output}{value} of output $output for state $state is not a legal binary number after conversion to $value");
# Checking the bit width make it impossible to use 'h0f (tic without size)
if (length($value) != $upper - $lower + 1) {
&error($indent,"Value $value of output $output for state $state is not the correct bit width");
$target_valuebit = 0;
for ($target_statebit = $statebit; $target_statebit >= $statebit_lower; $target_statebit--) {
$bitvalue = substr($value,$target_valuebit,1);
if ($bitvalue eq "") {&error($indent,"Value of output $output in state $state has fewer bits than required\n");}
&debug("Setting fixedbit $target_statebit to $bitvalue for output $output in state $state",0,"$section");
$fixedbits{$state}{$target_statebit} = $bitvalue;
$regbits = $statebit;
# Create graytransitions hash
foreach $trans (keys %transitions) {
if ($transitions{$trans}{attributes}{graycode}{value} || $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{graytransition}{value}) {
&debug("Setting transition $trans as gray",0,"$section");
push( @{ $graytransitions{"$transitions{$trans}{startState}"} },$transitions{$trans}{endState});
# Calculate limits of state assignment search
$required_bits = &required_bits($#allstates + 1);
$minbits = $required_bits;
$minbits = $regbits if ($regbits > $minbits);
unless ($maxbits) {
$maxbits = $required_bits + $regbits;
# Bump maxbits in the presence of graycodes
$maxbits = $maxbits + 2 if (scalar(keys %graytransitions));
&debug("minbits is $minbits, maxbits is $maxbits",0,"assign_states");
# Force reset state to be allones or allzeros if requested by setting
# fixbits values.
if (exists $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value}) {
$reset_state = $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value};
if ($globals{machine}{reset_state}{type} eq "allzeros") {
for ($bit = 0; $bit <= $maxbits - 1 ; $bit++) {
# If there is a comflicting fixedbits setting from registered
# outputs, error out.
if ((exists $fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit}) && $fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit} == 1) {
&error($indent,"allzeros constraint for reset state $reset_state is incompatible with output setting");
$fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit} = 0;
&debug("Setting fixedbit $bit to 0 for reset state $reset_state",0,"$section");
} elsif ($globals{machine}{reset_state}{type} eq "allones") {
for ($bit = 0; $bit <= $maxbits - 1 ; $bit++) {
# If there is a comflicting fixedbits setting from registered
# outputs, error out.
if ((exists $fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit}) && $fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit} == 0) {
&error($indent,"allones constraint for bit $bit of reset state $reset_state is incompatible with output setting");
$fixedbits{$reset_state}{$bit} = 1;
&debug("Setting fixedbit $bit to 1 for reset state $reset_state",0,"$section");
# Debug output prior to calling &assign_states
if ($global_debug || $debug_sections{"$section"}) {
foreach $state (@allstates) {
for ($statebit = 0; $statebit < $regbits; $statebit++) {
if (exists $fixedbits{$state}{$statebit}) {
&debug("fixedbits{$state}{$statebit} is $fixedbits{$state}{$statebit}",0,"$section");
&debug("regbits is $regbits",0,"$section");
foreach $trans (keys %graytransitions) {
&debug("graytransitions{$trans} is @{ $graytransitions{$trans} }",0,"$section");
# Call &assign_states_hero to do the state assignment
# Rename variables to standard names
$total_statebits = $bits;
%state_val2name = %$v2nref;
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
# Check for errors
# No graycodes
foreach $trans (keys %transitions) {
if ($transitions{$trans}{attributes}{graycode}{value} || $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{graytransition}{value}) {
&error($indent,"Cannot have graycode transitions with onehot encoding");
# Reset state must not be allones or allzeros
if ($globals{machine}{reset_state}{type} =~ /(allones)|(allzeros)/) {
&error($indent,"Cannot have reset_state type of allones or allzeros with onehot encoding. Try changing to \"anyvalue\"");
$total_statebits = scalar(keys %states);
#$statebit = $total_statebits - 1 ; # init statebit pointer
$statebit = 0;
#foreach $state (keys %states) {
foreach $state (@allstates) {
$state_val2name{$statebit} = $state;
$zero_padded_one = sprintf("%s'b%s%s",$total_statebits,"0" x ($total_statebits - 1), "1");
} else {
&error($indent,"Unknown encoding $encoding\n");
$last_statebit = $total_statebits - 1;
# Figure out longest state name for formatting purposes
foreach $state (@allstates) {
$statename_length = length($state) if (length($state) > $statename_length);
# length of "state[IDLE]"
$statename_length_onehot = $statename_length + length($statevar) +2;
$nextstatename_length_onehot = $statename_length + length($nextstatevar) +2;
$level4indent = $indentstring x 4;
#eval "\$level4indent = \"$indentstring\" x 4";
# module open
# Handle top-of-file comments
if ($include_at_top_of_file = $globals{machine}{include_at_top_of_file}{value}) {
open(FILE,"<$include_at_top_of_file") or &warning($indent,"Could not open file $include_at_top_of_file specified by attribute insert_at_top_of_file");
while (<FILE>) {
# Output version data
if ($addversion) {
($sec,$min,$hour,$day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[0..5];
$date = sprintf("%04d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$month+1,$day);
$time = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$hour,$min,$sec);
&print($indent,"// Created by $me version $scriptversion on $date at $time (www.fizzim.com)\n\n");
# Handle module comments
if ($globals{machine}{name}{comment}) {
$comment = " // $globals{machine}{name}{comment}";
} else {
$comment = "";
# Print module line
&print($indent++,"module $globals{machine}{name}{value} ($comment\n");
&print($indent,"$globals{machine}{insert_in_module_declaration}{value}\n") if $globals{machine}{insert_in_module_declaration}{value};
# outputs
foreach $output (sort keys %{ $globals{outputs} }) {
# Print previous line
if ($line) {
&print($indent, "$line");
$line = "";
# Check for reserved words
if (exists $reserved_words{$output}) {
Cannot use reserved word \"$output\" as an output.
If you are trying to bring out the internal variables, look at the stateout and nextstateout attributes.
If you have an actual output of this name, try using the -statevar, -nextstatevar, or -statenamevar switches to rename the internal signal to avoid the conflict.
# Handle comments
if ($globals{outputs}{$output}{comment}) {
$comment = "// $globals{outputs}{$output}{comment}";
} else {
$comment = "";
if ($language eq "verilog") {
# Oddly, the comb outputs are reg's (because they will be assigned to
# in the comb always block), but reg outputs are wire's (because they
# will have continuous assignment to state bits). Regdp (registered
# datapath) are reg's.
if ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "comb") {
$type = "reg";
} elsif ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "reg") {
if ($encoding eq "onehot") {
$type = "reg";
} else {
$type = "wire";
} elsif ($globals{outputs}{$output}{type} eq "regdp") {
$type = "reg";
} else {
&error($indent,"No type found for output $output");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
# In sv, everything is type logic
$type = "logic";
# Handle multibit outputs
if (($name,$range) = ($output =~ /^([^\[]+)\s*(\[.*\])/)) {
$line = sprintf("%-30s %-s\n","output $type $range $name,",$comment);
($upper,$lower) = $range =~ /(\d+):(\d+)/;
$widths{$name} = abs($upper - $lower) + 1;
#print "$name width is $widths{$name}\n";
#$line = "output $type $range $name,\n";
} else {
$line = sprintf("%-30s %-s\n","output $type $output,",$comment);
$widths{$output} = 1;
#print "$output width is $widths{$output}\n";
#$line = "output $type $output,\n";
# Remove trailing blanks
$line =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
# Handle stateout, nextstateout (hooks to allow state and nextstate to
# be outputs of the module - see documentation).
foreach $att ("stateout", "nextstateout") {
($var = $att) =~ s/out//; # turns "stateout" into "state"
$var = eval "\$${var}var"; # makes var = $statevar
if ($stateout = $globals{"machine"}{$att}{"value"}) {
# Check to make sure no bounds given
if ($stateout =~ /\[|\]/) {
&error($indent,"stateout signal \"$stateout\" should not have bit field - this will be determined automatically");
# Print previous line
if ($line) {
&print($indent, "$line");
$line = "";
if ($language eq "verilog") {
if ($stateout eq $var) {
$line = "output reg [$last_statebit:0] $stateout,\n";
} else {
$line = "output wire [$last_statebit:0] $stateout,\n";
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
if ($stateout eq $var) {
&error($indent,"Cannot use state or nextstate variables as module ports in SystemVerilog - you must rename them. See documentation for details.");
} else {
$line = "output logic [$last_statebit:0] $stateout,\n";
# Inputs (still doing the module statement...)
if ($language eq "verilog") {
$type = "wire";
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
$type = "logic";
foreach $input (sort keys %{ $globals{inputs} }) {
# Print previous line
if ($line) {
&print($indent, "$line");
$line = "";
# Check for reserved words
if (exists $reserved_words{$input}) {
Cannot use reserved word \"$input\" as an input.
If you have an actual input of this name, try using the -statevar, -nextstatevar, or -statenamevar switches to rename the internal signal to avoid the conflict.
# Handle comments
if ($globals{inputs}{$input}{comment}) {
$comment = "// $globals{inputs}{$input}{comment}";
} else {
$comment = "";
# Handle multibit inputs
if (($name,$range) = ($input =~ /^([^\[]+)\s*(\[.*\])/)) {
$line = sprintf("%-30s %-s\n","input $type $range $name,",$comment);
#$line = "input wire $range $name,\n";
} else {
$line = sprintf("%-30s %-s\n","input $type $input,",$comment);
#$line = "input wire $input,\n";
# Remove trailing blanks
$line =~ s/\s*\n$/\n/;
# print last line of module statement and close
if ($line =~ s/^(.*),/\1 /) {
$line = $line . ");\n"; # Add ); on a new line
} else {
&error($indent,"No inputs or outputs specified");
&print($indent, "$line");
# Print out state parameter definition
&print($indent,"// state bits\n");
# The systemverilog output in onehot is a slightly different format
# than the verilog output in onehot. Both use indexing, but the sv version
# assigns the state values to full vectors (with one bit set) rather than
# setting one bit in a zero vector. This is based on Cliff Cumming's
# preferred coding style, and allows for the default_state_is_x functionality
# in onehot.
# 4/30/2009: Changed the default_state_is_x verilog onehot to work like the
# systemverilog version, but with verilog syntax. That means that the output
# using verilog will look very different depending on whether default_state_is_x# is set or not.
# To accomplish this, sv+onehot requires an extra enum:
if ($language eq "systemverilog" && $encoding eq "onehot") {
&print($indent++,"enum {\n");
$line = "";
foreach $state (@allstates) {
# Same trick - print previous line to avoid trailing ","
if ($line) {
&print($indent, "$line");
$line = "${state}_BIT,\n";
# Remove , and print last line.
$line =~ s/^(.*),/\1/;
&print($indent, "$line");
# print close of enum
&print(--$indent,"} $indexvar;\n\n");
# And verilog, onehot, defaultx requires an extra parameter statement:
} elsif ($language eq "verilog" && $encoding eq "onehot" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value}) {
foreach $state (@allstates) {
# Search through all assigned values looking for the one that matches $state
foreach $val (keys %state_val2name) {
if ($state_val2name{$val} eq $state) {
&print($indent,"${state}_BIT = $val,\n");
# Change , in final line to ;
$pbuf[$#pbuf] =~ s/,/;/;
if ($language eq "verilog") {
# DC gives a warning that not all tool support bounds on parameters, so
# don't use them.
#&print($indent,"parameter [$last_statebit:0]\n");
&print($indent,"parameter \n");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
# SV uses enumerated types instead of parameters, but many of the details
# are the same.
&print($indent,"enum logic [$last_statebit:0] {\n");
$indent++; # indent the enum values
$line = "";
# Print out state encoding in @allstates order
foreach $state (@allstates) {
$comment = "";
# Same trick - print previous line to avoid trailing ","
if ($line) {
&print($indent, "$line");
$line = "";
# Search through all assigned values looking for the one that matches $state
foreach $val (keys %state_val2name) {
if ($state_val2name{$val} eq $state) {
# If there are output encoded ($regbits is not 0), prepare a comment
# that shows the value of each output in this state.
if ($regbits) {
$val_length = length($val);
foreach $regout (sort {
$reg_outputs{$a}{statebit_lower} <=>
} keys %reg_outputs) {
$lower = $reg_outputs{$regout}{statebit_lower};
$upper = $reg_outputs{$regout}{statebit_upper};
$bitvalue = substr($val,$val_length - $upper - 1,$upper - $lower + 1);
$comment = "$regout=${bitvalue} ${comment}";
# Do extra bits
if ($val_length - 1 > $upper) {
$bitvalue = substr($val,($val_length - 1) - ($upper + 1),$val_length - $upper - 1);
$comment = "extra=${bitvalue} ${comment}";
$comment = "// $comment";
} # end of encoded output comment code
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
$line = sprintf("%-${statename_length}s%s","$state"," = ${total_statebits}'b${val}, ${comment}\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
$line = sprintf("%-${statename_length}s%s","$state"," = ${total_statebits}\'b1<<${state}_BIT, ${comment}\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
$line = sprintf("%-${statename_length}s%s","$state"," = ${val}, ${comment}\n");
if ($language eq "verilog") {
if ($encoding eq "onehot" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value}) {
&print($indent, "$line");
#&print($indent, sprintf("XXX = %s\'b%s;\n",$total_statebits,"x" x $total_statebits));
&print($indent, sprintf("%-${statename_length}s = %s\'b%s;\n","XXX",$total_statebits,"x"));
} else {
# Substitute ; for , and print last line.
$line =~ s/^(.*),/\1;/;
&print($indent, "$line");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
# Print line
&print($indent, "$line");
# Add XXX
&print($indent, "XXX = \'x\n");
# Add closing of enum statement
&print(--$indent, "} $statevar, $nextstatevar;\n");
# state, nextstate reg lines
&print($indent, "\n");
# Handle stateout, nextstateout attributes
foreach $att ("stateout", "nextstateout") {
($var = $att) =~ s/out//; # turns "stateout" into "state"
$var = eval "\$${var}var"; # makes var = $statevar
if ($stateout = $globals{"machine"}{$att}{"value"}) {
if ($stateout eq $var) {
# If stateout is set the same as $statevar, then the reg statement was
# done in the module header. Do nothing.
} else {
# If stateout is NOT set the same as $statevar, then the module statement
# had a "wire" for stateout and we need to create the reg statement
# here and an assign of the wire to the reg.
if ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent, "reg [$last_statebit:0] $var;\n");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
# No need to do anything for sv. The state bits are enum types
#&print($indent, "logic [$last_statebit:0] $var;\n");
&print($indent, "assign $stateout = $var;\n");
} else {
# No attribute set - print out reg statement. For SV, do nothing (declared
# as logic type in the enum statement).
if ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent, "reg [$last_statebit:0] $var;\n");
# Output combinational block
$section = "comb_block";
&print($indent, "\n");
&print($indent, "// comb always block\n");
if ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent++, "always @* begin\n");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
&print($indent++, "always_comb begin\n");
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
# For heros, defaults ahead of case depend on fsm attributes
if ($globals{machine}{implied_loopback}{value}) {
&print($indent, "$nextstatevar = $statevar; // default to hold value because implied_loopback is set\n");
} elsif ($globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value}) {
if ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent, sprintf("$nextstatevar = ${total_statebits}\'b%s; // default to x because default_state_is_x is set\n","x"));
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
&print($indent, sprintf("$nextstatevar = XXX; // default to x because default_state_is_x is set\n"));
} else {
&warning($indent,"Neither implied_loopback nor default_state_is_x attribute is set on state machine - this could result in latches being inferred");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent, sprintf("$nextstatevar = XXX; // default to x because default_state_is_x is set\n"));
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent, sprintf("$nextstatevar = ${total_statebits}\'b%s;\n","0" x $total_statebits));
# Combinational defaults.
# To get better synth results "out of the box", use a 0 default if no
# default is defined. To get the old "hold value"
# behavior, it will be necessary for the user to set the default to
# be the variable name (ie, if the variable name is "foo", make the default
# value "foo").
foreach $combout (sort keys %comb_outputs) {
if (exists $comb_outputs{$combout}{default_value} && ($comb_outputs{$combout}{default_value} ne "") ) {
$comb_defaults{$combout} = $comb_outputs{$combout}{default_value};
&print($indent,"$combout = $comb_defaults{$combout}; // default\n");
} else {
$comb_defaults{$combout} = "0"; # Use string zero
&warning($indent,"Combinational output $combout has no default value - using 0");
&print($indent,"$combout = $comb_defaults{$combout}; // default to zero for better synth results (no default set in .fzm file)\n");
#&print($indent,"$combout = $widths{$combout}'b$comb_defaults{$combout}; // default to zero for better synth results (no default set in .fzm file)\n");
# State "case" block
#&assertion($indent,"// Test assertions");
# Output state code in @allstates order
foreach $state (@allstates) {
%non_default_on_state_value_found = (); # hash to keep track of mealy info
if ($states{$state}{attributes}{comment}) {
$comment = " // $states{$state}{attributes}{comment}";
} else {
$comment = "";
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
#&print($indent++,"$state:" . " begin${comment}\n");
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length}s:",$state) . " begin${comment}\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length_onehot}s:","$statevar\[${state}_BIT\]") . " begin${comment}\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length_onehot}s:","$statevar\[$state\]") . " begin${comment}\n");
# Search state attributes for outputs. If a combinational output is found,
# assign its value here (maybe).
foreach $comb_output (sort keys %comb_outputs) {
if (exists $states{$state}{attributes}{$comb_output}{value}) {
$value = $states{$state}{attributes}{$comb_output}{value};
} else {
$value = $comb_outputs{$comb_output}{default_value};
# Check to see if output is assigned on transitions. If so, check to see
# if a non-default value has been assigned in this state.
# If so, output assignment statement, set flag and issue warning.
if (exists $globals{"trans"}{$comb_output}{"value"}) {
# yup, we're in mealy-on-transitions mode
if ($value ne $comb_outputs{$comb_output}{default_value}) {
# If output has a non-default value in this state, warn user and print it anyway
&warning($indent,"Combinational output $comb_output is assigned on transitions, but has a non-default value \"$value\" in state $state");
# Check that resulting value is non-null
&error($indent,"Value of comb output $comb_output cannot be determined in state $state") if ($value eq "");
# Print the default statement anyway if it doesn't match default from above
&print($indent,"$comb_output = $value;\n") unless ($value eq $comb_defaults{$comb_output});
# Set flag to suppress non-default on-transition values in this state
$non_default_on_state_value_found{$comb_output} = 1;
} else {
# NOT in mealy-on-transitions mode, so print the default statement
# Check that resulting value is non-null
&error($indent,"Value of comb output $comb_output cannot be determined in state $state") if ($value eq "");
# Only print the default statement if the comb output is NOT assigned
# on transitions (and it doesn't match default above)
&print($indent,"$comb_output = $value;\n") unless ($value eq $comb_defaults{$comb_output});
# Search transitions for all those starting on this state.
# Sort by priority, then output vlog if/elseif/else
# equation to switch to correct endState.
@transitions_from_this_state = ();
foreach $trans (keys %transitions) {
if ($transitions{$trans}{"startState"} eq $state) {
&debug("Transition $trans starts on state $state, adding to array",0,$section);
# nextstate determination
# Sort by priority, followed by equation. The equation part ensures
# that "1" will be last.
@transitions_from_this_state = sort sort_by_priority_then_equation_equal_1 @transitions_from_this_state;
#print("After sort, transitions_from_this_state for state $state is @transitions_from_this_state\n");
&debug("After sort, transitions_from_this_state for state $state is @transitions_from_this_state",0,$section);
# Check for problems with priority
undef %priorities_seen;
if ($#transitions_from_this_state > 0) {
for (my $i = 0; $i<=$#transitions_from_this_state; $i++) {
$trans = $transitions_from_this_state[$i];
$equation = $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{equation}{value};
# If no priority exists, warn unless
# 1) this is the last transition and equation is "1"
# 2) There are only two transitions, and the last one has equation of "1"
if (!($pri = $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{priority}{value})) {
#print "looking at $trans: $i of $#transitions_from_this_state\n";
#print "equation: $equation\n";
unless (
# last and equation is 1
($equation eq "1" &&
$i == $#transitions_from_this_state)
# Exactly 2 transitions and last has equation of 1
($#transitions_from_this_state == 1 &&
$transitions{$transitions_from_this_state[$#transitions_from_this_state]}{attributes}{equation}{value} eq "1")
) {
&warning($indent,"State $state has multiple exit transitions, and transition $trans has no defined priority");
} else {
# If priority exists, but it's a duplicate, warn unless THIS transition
# has an equation of 1 (note that sort means that if two transitions
# have the same priority, the one with an equation of 1 will come last).
if (exists $priorities_seen{$pri}) {
unless ($equation eq "1") {
&warning($indent,"State $state has multiple exit transitions, and transition $trans has the same priority as transition $priorities_seen{$pri}");
} else {
$priorities_seen{$pri} = $trans;
for (my $i = 0; $i<=$#transitions_from_this_state; $i++) {
$trans = $transitions_from_this_state[$i];
$equation = $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{equation}{value};
#print "trans is $trans\n";
#print STDERR "equation is $equation\n";
$equation = 1 unless ($equation); # force null string to "1"
$eq1seen = 0;
# Check for unreachable transitions. If the equation is 1 and
# there are more transitions following, it's an error.
if ($equation eq "1" && $#transitions_from_this_state > $i) {
&error($indent,"State $state has an always true equation for transition $trans, but has lower priority transitions as well");
if ($i == 0) { # first item in list
# If always true, just output "begin" without the if
# (need a begin/end block in case there are comb outputs)
if ($equation eq "1") {
$eq1seen = 1;
} else {
&print($indent++,"if ($equation) begin\n");
} elsif ($i == $#transitions_from_this_state) { # last item in list
# Note that this won't execute if there was only one item in
# the list (due to use of elsif)
if ($equation eq "1") {
&print($indent++,"else begin\n");
$eq1seen = 1;
} else {
&print($indent++,"else if ($equation) begin\n");
} else { # intermediate terms
&print($indent++,"else if ($equation) begin\n");
$nextstate = $transitions{$trans}{endState};
# Handle transition comments
if ($transitions{$trans}{attributes}{comment}) {
$comment = " // $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{comment}";
} else {
$comment = "";
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
foreach $graystate (@{ $graytransitions{$state} }) {
if ($graystate eq $nextstate) {
$comment = $comment . " // graycoded";
&print($indent,"$nextstatevar = $nextstate;$comment\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent,"$nextstatevar = $nextstate;$comment\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent,"$nextstatevar\[$nextstate\] = 1'b1;$comment\n");
# Add comb outputs
foreach $comb_output (keys %{ $transitions{$trans}{attributes} }) {
if ($transitions{$trans}{attributes}{$comb_output}{type} eq "output") {
if (exists $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{$comb_output}{value}) {
$value = $transitions{$trans}{attributes}{$comb_output}{value};
} else {
$value = $globals{"trans"}{$comb_output}{"value"} ; # default value defined in transitions table
# Check that resulting value is non-null
&error($indent,"Value of comb output $comb_output cannot be determined on transition $trans") if ($value eq "");
# Print only if no non-default state value was found, or this is a
# non-default transition value.
if (!$non_default_on_state_value_found{$comb_output}
|| $value ne $globals{"trans"}{$comb_output}{"value"}) {
&print($indent,"$comb_output = $value;\n") unless ($value eq $comb_defaults{$comb_output});
&print(--$indent,"end\n"); # end of if/else/elseif ... or begin block
# Check for the case of onehot without an equation "1". If this is found
# and implied_loopback is on, add an else to stay put. If
# default_state_is_x is on, make bit an x.
if ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if (!$eq1seen) {
# Note that implied loopback has priority over default_state_is_x
if ($globals{machine}{implied_loopback}{value}) {
&print($indent++,"else begin\n");
if ($language eq "systemverilog") {
&print($indent,"$nextstatevar = $state; // Added because implied_loopback is true\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent,"$nextstatevar\[$state\] = 1'b1; // Added because implied_loopback is true\n");
} elsif ($globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value}) {
# Don't need anything. If we're doing onehot (see if above), and
# we've got default_state_is_x on, we're using the sv XXX format, both
# in sv and in verilog, so we do nothing.
# &print($indent++,"else begin\n");
# if ($language eq "systemverilog") {
# &print($indent,"$nextstatevar = $state; // Added because default_state_is_x is true\n");
# } elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
# &print($indent,"$nextstatevar\[$state\] = 1'bx; // Added because default_state_is_x is true\n");
# }
# &print(--$indent,"end\n");
} else {
&warning($indent,"Neither implied_loopback nor default_state_is_x attribute is set on onehot state machine and there is no loopback arc - this could result in latches being inferred");
&print(--$indent,"end\n"); # end of case match
&print(--$indent, "endcase\n");
&print(--$indent, "end\n");
# State sequential block
$section = "seq_block";
&print($indent, "\n");
unless ($encoding eq "onehot") {
&print($indent,"// Assign reg'd outputs to state bits\n");
foreach $regout (sort {
$reg_outputs{$a}{statebit_lower} <=>
} keys %reg_outputs) {
&print($indent,"assign $regout = $statevar\[$reg_outputs{$regout}{statebit_range}\];\n");
&print($indent, "// sequential always block\n");
# Create the always @ line using a sub so it can be used by datapath
# as well.
$line = &create_sequential_always;
if ($reset_signal) {
$bang = "!" if ($reset_edge =~ /neg/);
&print($indent++,"if (${bang}${reset_signal})\n");
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
&print($indent,"$statevar <= $reset_state;\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent,"$statevar <= $reset_state;\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent,"$statevar <= $zero_padded_one << $reset_state;\n");
&print($indent," $statevar <= $nextstatevar;\n");
# Datapath sequential block
$section = "dp_seq_block";
if (scalar(%regdp_outputs)) {
&print($indent, "\n");
&print($indent, "// datapath sequential always block\n");
# Create the always @ line
$line = &create_sequential_always;
if ($reset_signal) {
$bang = "!" if ($reset_edge =~ /neg/);
&print($indent++,"if (${bang}${reset_signal}) begin\n");
# Assign reset values to datapath registers. This is assumed
# to be the value in the reset_state. If not specified, assume
# the default value.
foreach $regdp_output (sort keys %regdp_outputs) {
if (exists $states{$reset_state}{attributes}{$regdp_output}{value}) {
$value = $states{$reset_state}{attributes}{$regdp_output}{value};
} else {
&warning($indent,"No reset value for datapath output $regdp_output set in reset state $reset_state - Assiging a reset value of $value based on default");
$value = $regdp_outputs{$regdp_output}{default_value};
# Check that resulting value is non-null
&error($indent,"Reset value of datapath output $regdp_output cannot be determined ") if ($value eq "");
&print($indent,"$regdp_output <= $value;\n");
&print($indent++,"else begin\n");
} else {
# Output defaults.
# To get better synth results "out of the box", use a 0 default if no
# default is defined. To get the old "hold value in illegal states"
# behavior, it will be necessary for the user to set the default to
# be the variable name (ie, if the variable name is "foo", make the default
# value "foo").
foreach $regdp_output (sort keys %regdp_outputs) {
if (exists $regdp_outputs{$regdp_output}{default_value} && ($regdp_outputs{$regdp_output}{default_value} ne "") ) {
$dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output} = $regdp_outputs{$regdp_output}{default_value};
&print($indent,"$regdp_output <= $dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output}; // default\n");
} else {
$dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output} = "0"; # Use string zero
&warning($indent,"Datapath output $regdp_output has no default value - using 0");
&print($indent,"$regdp_output <= $dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output}; // default to zero for better synth results (no default set in .fzm file)\n");
#&print($indent,"$regdp_output <= $widths{$regdp_output}'b$dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output}; // default to zero for better synth results (no default set in .fzm file)\n");
# State "case" block
$keep_case = 0; # flag to keep case statement (at least one non-default found)
foreach $state (@allstates) {
$keep_state = 0; # flag to keep this state
# Create state + begin (might be "popped" if $keep_state doesn't get set)
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
#&print($indent++,"$state: begin\n");
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length}s:",$state) . " begin\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${nextstatename_length_onehot}s:","$nextstatevar\[${state}_BIT\]") . " begin\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${nextstatename_length_onehot}s:","$nextstatevar\[$state\]") . " begin\n");
# Search state attributes for regdp outputs. If a regdp output is found,
# assign its value here
foreach $regdp_output (sort keys %regdp_outputs) {
if (exists $states{$state}{attributes}{$regdp_output}{value}) {
$value = $states{$state}{attributes}{$regdp_output}{value};
if (exists($dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output}) && ($value eq $dp_seq_defaults{$regdp_output})) {
# skip - covered by default
} else {
# Check that resulting value is non-null
&error($indent,"Value of regdp output $regdp_output cannot be determined in state $state") if ($value eq "");
&print($indent,"$regdp_output <= $value;\n");
$keep_state = 1;
$keep_case = 1;
# If we did something here, output the end
if ($keep_state) {
&print(--$indent,"end\n"); # end of case match
# Otherwise, pop the state + begin off the print buffer and clean up the indent.
} else {
# Similarly, keep case and output endcase only if we found something no-default (flat is set)
if ($keep_case) {
&print(--$indent, "endcase\n");
} else {
&warning($indent,"Did not find any non-default values for any datapath outputs - suppressing case statement");
&print(--$indent,"end\n"); # end of if not reset
&print(--$indent,"end\n"); # end of always
# State name-as-ascii block
if ($simcode) {
$section = "ascii_block";
&print($indent, "\n");
&print($indent, "// This code allows you to see state names in simulation\n");
#&print($indent, "// synopsys translate_off\n");
&print($indent, "`ifndef SYNTHESIS\n");
&print($indent, "reg [" . ($statename_length * 8 - 1) . ":0] $statenamevar;\n");
&print($indent++, "always @* begin\n");
# State "case" block
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
&print($indent++,"case ($statevar)\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
&print($indent++,"case (1\'b1)\n");
foreach $state (@allstates) {
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length}s:",$state) . "\n");
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if ($language eq "systemverilog" || ($language eq "verilog" && $globals{machine}{default_state_is_x}{value})) {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length_onehot}s:","$statevar\[${state}_BIT\]") . "\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length_onehot}s:","$statevar\[$state\]") . "\n");
&print($indent++,"$statenamevar = \"$state\";\n");
# add default for X
&print($indent++,sprintf("%-${statename_length}s:","default") . "\n");
&print($indent++,sprintf("$statenamevar = \"%s\";\n", "X" x ($statename_length)));
&print(--$indent, "endcase\n");
&print(--$indent, "end\n");
#&print($indent, "// synopsys translate_on\n\n");
&print($indent, "`endif\n\n");
# endmodule and bottom-of-file
# Subroutines
sub print_case_statement {
# Print the case statement.
my ($casevar) = (@_);
# For heros, it's pretty simple:
if ($encoding eq "heros") {
&print($indent++,"case ($casevar)\n");
# For onehot, it is based on the onehot pragma and the language
# In verilog, defaults to "case (1'b1) synopsys parallel_case full_case".
# In systemverilog, defaults to "unique case (1'b1)".
# If pragma is set, always use "case (1'b1) // pragma", regardless
# of language.
} elsif ($encoding eq "onehot") {
if (exists $globals{machine}{onehot_pragma}{value} ) {
&warning($indent,"Using override value from attribute onehot_pragma");
$pragma = $globals{machine}{onehot_pragma}{value};
&print($indent++,"case (1'b1) // $pragma\n");
} elsif ($language eq "verilog") {
&print($indent++,"case (1'b1) // synopsys parallel_case full_case\n");
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
&print($indent++,"unique case (1'b1)\n");
sub create_sequential_always {
# Check to make sure clock data is ok
if (exists $globals{machine}{clock}{value}) {
$clk = $globals{machine}{clock}{value};
} else {
&error($indent,"No clock specified");
if (! exists $globals{inputs}{$clk}) {
#&warning($indent,"Specified clock signal $clk is not an input");
&error($indent,"Specified clock signal $clk is not an input");
if ($globals{machine}{clock}{type} !~ /^(pos)|(neg)edge$/) {
&error($indent,"Clock type not specified as posedge or negedge");
# Build clock portion of always @(posedge...)
if ($language eq "verilog") {
$line = "always @(";
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
$line = "always_ff @(";
$line = $line . "$globals{machine}{clock}{type} $clk" ;
# Add reset if given
if (exists $globals{machine}{reset_signal}{value}) {
$reset_signal = $globals{machine}{reset_signal}{value};
if (! exists $globals{inputs}{$reset_signal}) {
#&warning($indent,"Specified reset signal $reset_signal is not an input");
&error($indent,"Specified reset signal $reset_signal is not an input");
if ($globals{machine}{reset_signal}{type} =~ /^((neg)|(pos))edge$/) {
$sync = "async";
} elsif ($globals{machine}{reset_signal}{type} eq "positive") {
$sync = "sync";
} elsif ($globals{machine}{reset_signal}{type} eq "negative") {
$sync = "sync";
} else {
&error($indent,"reset_signal $reset_signal not specified as type posedge, negedge, positive or negative");
$reset_edge = $globals{machine}{reset_signal}{type};
if ($sync eq "async") {
$line = $line . " or $reset_edge $reset_signal";
if (! exists $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value}) {
&error($indent,"Reset signal given, but no reset state found.");
} else {
$reset_state = $globals{machine}{reset_state}{value};
return $line = $line . ") begin\n";
sub sort_by_priority_then_equation_equal_1 {
#&debug("a priority: $a -> $transitions{$a}{attributes}{priority}{value}",0,$section);
#&debug("a equation: $a -> $transitions{$a}{attributes}{equation}{value}",0,$section);
#&debug("a: $a -> $a",0,$section);
#&debug("b priority: $b -> $transitions{$b}{attributes}{priority}{value}",0,$section);
#&debug("b equation: $b -> $transitions{$b}{attributes}{equation}{value}",0,$section);
#&debug("b: $a -> $b",0,$section);
# &debug("priority sort result is: " . $transitions{$a}{attributes}{priority}{value} <=> $transitions{$b}{attributes}{priority}{value},0,$section);
$transitions{$a}{attributes}{priority}{value} <=>
($transitions{$a}{attributes}{equation}{value} eq "1") cmp
($transitions{$b}{attributes}{equation}{value} eq "1")
# finally, sort by trans name just so order will be predictable
$a cmp $b
sub parse_input {
my %myattributes_forcompare;
&debug("Start of parse_input\"$_\"",0,"parse_input");
# Create local version of myattributes with substition done to enable
# compares
foreach $entry (keys %myattributes) {
$entry =~ s/\*[^\*]*\*/[^\"]+/g;
$myattributes_forcompare{$entry} = 1;
while (<>) {
s/##.*$// ;# Remove comments
s/^\s*//; # Remove leading whitespace
# Toss status/endstatus
if (/^\s*<status>/) {
until (/^\s*<\/status>/) {
$_ = <>;
# Ignore drawArea (strips this level entirely from out data
# structures)
next if (/drawArea/);
# Look for endtoken first to allow elsif to handle token case
if (($endtoken) = (/^\s*<\/(.*)>/)) {
&debug("endtoken: $endtoken from \"$_\"",0,"parse_input");
&debug("ptr was \"$ptr\"",0,"parse_input");
# Found an endtoken. If this is the array, clear the array value.
# Otherwise, remove everything from this token to the end from ptr.
if ($array eq $endtoken) {
$array = "";
$ptr = "";
} else {
$ptr =~ s/{\"\Q$endtoken\E\"}.*$//;
&debug("new array is \"${array}\"",0,"parse_input");
&debug("new ptr is \"${ptr}\"",0,"parse_input");
} elsif (($token) = (/^\s*<(.*)>/)) {
&debug("token: $token from \"$_\"",0,"parse_input");
# Found new token. If array is blank, this is the new array.
# Otherwise, append to ptr.
if ($array eq "") {
$array = "$token";
} else {
$ptr = $ptr . "{\"$token\"}";
&debug("new array is \"${array}\"",0,"parse_input");
&debug("new ptr is \"${ptr}\"",0,"parse_input");
} else {
$value = $_;
&debug("value: $value from \"$_\"",0,"parse_input");
# Found a value instead of a token. Use array and ptr to set
# the value using eval.
# First, turn state name (or transition name) into index
&debug("old ptr (in value block) is \"$ptr\"",0,"parse_input");
if ($ptr =~ s/({\"attributes\"}).*name.*value\"}/{\"$value\"}\1/) {
# If this already exists, it means we have a duplicate entry!
if (exists $${array}{"$value"}{"attributes"}) {
&error($indent,"Error - found duplicate entry for $array $value");
&debug("new ptr (in value block) is \"$ptr\"",0,"parse_input");
} else {
$keep = 0;
foreach $entry (keys %myattributes_forcompare) {
#print STDERR "Looking at myatt $entry\n";
if ("${array}${ptr}" =~ $entry) {
&debug("Got match to $entry\n",0,"parse_input");
$keep = 1;
#$cmd = "\$${array}${ptr} = q{${value}};";
$value =~ s/"/\\"/g; # escape quotes for next line
$cmd = "\$${array}${ptr} = \"$value\";";
if ($keep) {
&debug("cmd is \"$cmd\"",0,"parse_input");
eval $cmd unless (!$array);
} else {
&debug("skipped cmd \"$cmd\"",0,"parse_input");
&debug("End of parse_input\"$_\"\n\n",0,"parse_input");
# Check some random values
#&debug("state0 vis is $states{state0}{attributes}{vis}",0,"parse_input");
#&debug("trans0 startState is $transitions{trans0}{startState}",0,"parse_input");
#&debug("trans0 endState is $transitions{trans0}{endState}",0,"parse_input");
sub assign_states_hero {
# print &dec2bin(1,5) . "\n";
# print &dec2bin(17,5) . "\n";
# @statevals = &get_statevals(5); # create global statevals
# print "@statevals\n";
# exit;
for ($bits = $minbits ; $bits <= $maxbits ; $bits++) {
&debug("Trying $bits bits for states",0,"bits");
@statevals = &get_statevals($bits); # create global statevals
#print "statevals: @statevals\n";
# Call recursive subroutine to assign states
($success,$uaref,$v2nref) = &attempt_assign_states( \@allstates, \%state_val2name, 0);
last if $success;
if (!$success) {
&error($indent,"No valid state assignment found in range of $minbits to $maxbits");
sub attempt_assign_states {
my ($uaref,$v2nref,$depth) = @_;
my (@unassigned_states);
my (%state_val2name);
my ($state,$stateval);
# Dereference arguments into local data structures
@unassigned_states = @$uaref;
%state_val2name = %$v2nref;
while ($state = shift(@unassigned_states)) {
&debug("attempt_assign_states working on state $state",$depth,"assign_states");
STATEVAL : foreach $stateval (@statevals) {
&debug("attempt_assign_states looking at stateval $stateval for uniqueness",$depth,"assign_states");
next if ($state_val2name{$stateval}); # must be unique
&debug("attempt_assign_states trying stateval $stateval for state $state",$depth,"assign_states");
if (&matches_fixedbits($state,$stateval)
&& &matches_graycodes($state,$stateval,%state_val2name)) { # looks good at this level
&debug("$stateval for state $state passes checks at this level",$depth,"assign_states");
$state_val2name{$stateval} = $state;
if (!@unassigned_states) { # if nothing left, we're done
&debug("attempt_assign_states returning success",$depth,"assign_states");
return (1, \@unassigned_states, \%state_val2name);
} else { # otherwise, keep trying recursively
($found_state,$uaref1,$v2nref1) = &attempt_assign_states( \@unassigned_states, \%state_val2name,$depth);
if ($found_state) { # good right the way down
%state_val2name = %$v2nref1;
} else {
&debug("stateval $stateval for state $state looked good, but failed recursively - trying next",$depth,"assign_states");
delete $state_val2name{$stateval};
return ($found_state, \@unassigned_states, \%state_val2name);
sub matches_fixedbits {
my ($state,$stateval) = @_;
# Use a bit index that runs right to left
for ($bit = 0 ; $bit < length($stateval) ; $bit++) {
$substrbit = length($stateval) - $bit - 1 ;
&debug("matches_fixbits looking at bit $bit of $stateval (" . substr($stateval,$substrbit,1) . ") for $state",$depth,"mf");
if ( (exists $fixedbits{$state}{$bit})
&& ($fixedbits{$state}{$bit} ne (substr($stateval,$substrbit,1))) ) {
&debug("matches_fixbits found an illegal value at bit $bit of $stateval for $state",$depth,"mf");
return 0;
return 1;
sub matches_graycodes {
my ($state,$stateval,%state_val2name) = @_;
return ( &matches_graycodes_to_this_state($state,$stateval,%state_val2name)
&& &matches_graycodes_from_this_state($state,$stateval,%state_val2name) );
sub matches_graycodes_to_this_state {
my ($state,$stateval,%state_val2name) = @_;
my ($otherstateval,$graystate);
# look at each currently defined state (in state_val2name)
foreach $otherstateval (keys %state_val2name) {
$otherstate = $state_val2name{$otherstateval}; # get the name
if (exists $graytransitions{$otherstate}) { # if it has a gray list
foreach $graystate (@{ $graytransitions{$otherstate} }) { # look through the list
if ($graystate eq $state) { #I'm in his list
&debug("matches_graycodes_to_this_state checking $graystate ($otherstateval) against $state ($stateval)",$depth,"mgto");
# check to see if it is legal
if (!&isgraytransition($stateval,$otherstateval)) {
return 0;
return 1; # if nothing illegal found, all must be legal
sub matches_graycodes_from_this_state {
my ($state,$stateval,%state_val2name) = @_;
my ($otherstateval,$graystate);
# look at each state that should be a gray transition from this state
return 1 if (!exists $graytransitions{$state});
foreach $graystate (@{ $graytransitions{$state} }) {
&debug("matches_graycodes_from_this_state looking at gray state $graystate for state $state",$depth,"mgfrom");
# find the encoding for the gray state
foreach $otherstateval (keys %state_val2name) {
&debug("matches_graycodes_from_this_state looking at otherstateval $otherstateval",$depth,"mgfrom");
if ($state_val2name{$otherstateval} eq $graystate) {
&debug("Checking $graystate ($otherstateval) against $state ($stateval)",$depth,"mgfrom");
# check to see if it is legal
if (!&isgraytransition($stateval,$otherstateval)) {
return 0;
return 1; # if nothing illegal found, all must be legal
sub isgraytransition {
my ($stateval1,$stateval2) = @_;
my ($diffs);
# using perl's normal left to right bit order
&debug("isgraytransition checking $stateval1 against $stateval2",$depth,"isgraytrans");
for ($bit = 0 ; $bit < length($stateval1) ; $bit++) {
if (substr($stateval1,$bit,1) ne substr($stateval2,$bit,1)) {
&debug("isgraytransition found $diffs diffs",$depth,"isgraytrans");
return ($diffs <= 1);
sub required_bits {
my ($n) = @_;
$div= log($n) / log(2);
$base = sprintf("%d",$div);
if (($div - $base) > 0) {$base++;}
return $base;
sub hex2bin {
my ($hex) = @_;
my ($bin,$i);
%hex2bin = ( 0 => "0000",
1 => "0001",
2 => "0010",
3 => "0011",
4 => "0100",
5 => "0101",
6 => "0110",
7 => "0111",
8 => "1000",
9 => "1001",
a => "1010",
b => "1011",
c => "1100",
d => "1101",
e => "1110",
f => "1111",
A => "1010",
B => "1011",
C => "1100",
D => "1101",
E => "1110",
F => "1111",
for ($i = 0; $i < length($hex) ; $i++) {
$bin = $bin . $hex2bin{substr($hex,$i,1)};
return $bin;
sub octal2bin {
my ($octal) = @_;
my ($bin,$i);
%octal2bin = ( 0 => "000",
1 => "001",
2 => "010",
3 => "011",
4 => "100",
5 => "101",
6 => "110",
7 => "111",
for ($i = 0; $i < length($octal) ; $i++) {
$bin = $bin . $octal2bin{substr($octal,$i,1)};
return $bin;
sub dec2bin {
my ($dec,$bits) = @_;
my ($hex,$bin,$i);
$hex = sprintf("%x",$dec);
#print "hex is $hex\n";
$bin = &hex2bin($hex);
#print "bin is $bin\n";
# Strip leading zeros
$bin =~ s/^0*//;
$bin = "0" if ($bin eq "");
# Zero extend according to requested bitlength
#print "dec2bin bin was $bin\n";
if ($bits) {
$bin = "0" x ($bits - length($bin)) . $bin;
#print "dec2bin extended bin is $bin\n";
if ($bits) {
substr($bin,length($bin) - $bits,$bits);
#print "dec2bin extended bin with bits applied is $bin\n";
return $bin
sub convert2bin {
my ($value) = @_;
my ($bits,$val);
#print "Starting convert2bin on value $value\n";
if (($bitlen,$format,$val) = ($value =~ /^(?:(\d*))?'(?:([bdoh]))?([0-9a-fA-F]*)$/)) {
} elsif (($val) = ($value =~ /^(\d+)$/)) {
$format = "d" unless ($format);
} else {
$format = "b" unless ($format);
$val = $value;
#print "value: $value: bitlen: $bitlen format: $format val: $val\n";
if ($format eq "b") {
#print "converted a bin $value: bitlen: $bitlen format: $format val: $val\n";
$bitlen = length($val) unless ($bitlen); # default length
if ($bitlen != length($val)) {
&error($indent,"Binary value $value has a size that doesn't match the value");
$value = substr($val,length($val) - $bitlen,$bitlen);
} elsif ($format eq "h") {
#print "converted a hex $value: bitlen: $bitlen format: $format val: $val\n";
$bitlen = 4 * length($val) unless ($bitlen); # default length
$value = &hex2bin($val);
# Zero extend
#print "value was $value\n";
$value = "0" x ($bitlen - length($value)) . $value;
#print "value extended is $value\n";
$value = substr($value,length($value) - $bitlen,$bitlen);
} elsif ($format eq "o") {
#print "converted a octal $value: bitlen: $bitlen format: $format val: $val\n";
$bitlen = 3 * length($val) unless ($bitlen); # default length
$value = &octal2bin($val);
$value = substr($value,length($value) - $bitlen,$bitlen);
} elsif ($format eq "d") {
#print "converted a dec $value: bitlen: $bitlen format: $format val: $val ";
$value = &dec2bin($val,$bitlen);
#print "to $value\n";
} else {
&error($indent,"Got an unrecognized format $format in convert2bin");
#print "returning $value\n";
#print "\n";
return $value;
sub get_statevals {
my($bits) = @_;
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 2 ** $bits ; $i++) {
$bin = &dec2bin($i,$bits);
return @statevals;
sub debug {
my ($string,$depth,$section) = @_;
if ($global_debug || $debug_sections{$section}) {
print STDERR " " x $depth . "<db${section}>: $string\n";
sub error {
my ($indent,$string) = @_;
# indent is ignored. It is just there to make it easy to switch btw
# warnings and errors.
print "\n\nError: $string - exiting\n";
print STDERR "\n\nError: $string - exiting\n";
sub warning {
my($indent,$string) = @_;
my($group,$number) = ();
# Determine warning number based on string. It would be cleaner to just
# have the call use the number, but that makes it difficult to see what
# the warning is when reading the code.
if ($string =~ /No reset specified/) {$group = "R"; $number = 1;}
elsif ($string =~ /No reset value for datapath output \S+ set in reset state \S+ - Assiging a reset value of \S+ based on default/) {$group = "R"; $number = 5;}
# Now an error:
#elsif ($string =~ /Specified reset signal \S+ is not an input/) {$group = "R"; $number = 6;}
elsif ($string =~ /Neither implied_loopback nor default_state_is_x attribute is set on state machine - this could result in latches being inferred/) {$group = "I"; $number = 2;}
elsif ($string =~ /State \S+ has multiple exit transitions, and transition \S+ has no defined priority/) {$group = "P"; $number = 3;}
elsif ($string =~ /State \S+ has multiple exit transitions, and transition \S+ has the same priority as transition .*/) {$group = "P" ; $number = "4"}
elsif ($string =~ /Combinational output \S+ is assigned on transitions, but has a non-default value ".+" in state \S+/) {$group = "C" ; $number = 7;}
elsif ($string =~ /Neither implied_loopback nor default_state_is_x attribute is set on onehot state machine and there is no loopback arc - this could result in latches being inferred/) {$group = "I"; $number = 8;}
elsif ($string =~ /Did not find any non-default values for any datapath outputs - suppressing case statement/) {$group = "D"; $number = 9;}
elsif ($string =~ /Combinational output \S+ has no default value/) {$group = "C" ; $number = 10;}
elsif ($string =~ /Datapath output \S+ has no default value/) {$group = "D" ; $number = 11;}
elsif ($string =~ /Using override value from attribute/) {$group = "O" ; $number = 12;}
# Output warning unless suppressed
unless ($nowarns{"${group}${number}"} || $nowarns{$group}) {
eval "\$myindent = \"$indentstring\" x $indent";
if ($warnout eq "stdout" || $warnout eq "both") {
# warnings are stored in an array whose indeces correspond to the
# previous line of pbuf. Use concat in case there are multiple warnings
# associated with the same line.
$warnings[$#pbuf] = $warnings[$#pbuf] . "${myindent}// Warning $group$number: $string \n";
if ($warnout eq "stderr" || $warnout eq "both") {
print STDERR "\n\nWarning $group$number: $string \n";
sub assertion {
my($indent,$string) = @_;
eval "\$myindent = \"$indentstring\" x $indent";
$assertions[$#pbuf] = $assertions[$#pbuf] . "${myindent}${string}\n";
sub print {
my($indent,$string) = @_;
my($skip,$maxlen,$thislen) = 0;
my($tag) = "//tersetag";
$section = "terse"; # for debug
# -terse handling
# If you plan to follow or modify the -terse code, be sure to have an
# ample supply of barf bags near to hand. It is HORRIBLE.
# The basic idea is that all calls to &print go to an array (pbuf). This
# is done even without -terse, just to be consistent. Warnings and
# "comments" must go to separate arrays that parallel pbuf. This makes
# it easier for the tersify code to find its way around.
# When -terse is on, it looks for "end" and "endcase" (plus wire statements),
# and starts poking around in the pbuf to try to get rid of begin/end pairs.
# When it finds an "endcase", it backs up through pbuf to tag lines as
# statement and non-statement, and to calculate how much indent will be
# required to make the assignment statements line up. It then goes back
# forward through pbuf and makes these modifications.
# Yech!
# 1) Get rid of unnecessary wire statements
if ($terse && ($string =~ /^\s*(in|out)put wire /)) {
($temp = $string) =~ s/\/\/.*$//; # temp is string without any comments
unless ($temp =~ /\[\d+:\d+\]/) { # unless temp has [n:m]..
$string =~ s/ wire//; # get rid of the wire statement
# Ditto for logic inputs in sv
if ($language eq "systemverilog" && $terse && ($string =~ /^\s*input logic /)) {
($temp = $string) =~ s/\/\/.*$//; # temp is string without any comments
unless ($temp =~ /\[\d+:\d+\]/) { # unless temp has [n:m]..
$string =~ s/ logic//; # get rid of the wire statement
# 2) Get rid of extra begin/end pairs
if ($terse && ($string =~ /^\s*end\s*$/)) {
# a) If we're on an "end" line and the next-to-previous line ends in begin,
# strip the begin and newline and set skip flag.
# ex:
# if (foo) begin
# bar <= 0
# end
# or:
# begin
# bar <= 0
# end
if (!&is_stateline($pbuf[$#pbuf - 1])
&& $pbuf[$#pbuf - 1] =~ s/begin\s*$/\1/
) {
&debug("Doing step a on \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
$skip = 1;
# If resulting string is empty, remove it
if ($pbuf[$#pbuf - 1] =~ /^\s*$/) {
splice(@pbuf, $#pbuf -1, 1);
# Unindent
eval "\$myindent = \"$indentstring\"";
$pbuf[$#pbuf] =~ s/$myindent//;
# b) If we're on an "end" line and the next-to-previous line looks like
# a "IDLE:" line, strip the begin and newline and set skip flag.
# ex:
# IDLE: begin
# bar <= 0
# end
} elsif (&is_stateline($pbuf[$#pbuf - 1])) {
&debug("Doing step b on \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
if ($pbuf[$#pbuf - 1] =~ s/(\S+\s*:)\s+begin\s*$/\1/) {
$skip = 1;
# Unindent
#eval "\$myindent = \"$indentstring\"";
#$pbuf[$#pbuf] =~ s/$myindent//;
# c) If we're on an "end" line and the next-to-previous line is "else",
# 2 lines up from that is "if", and
# 1 line from that is "state:"
# IDLE: begin < -4
# if (foo) < -3
# bar <=1 < -2
# else < -1
# bar <= 0 < 0
# end < curr
# remove the begin and newline, join the lines and set skip flag
# (lines are joined explicitly because "case" step needs all "statements"
# on a single line).
# Also, scoot the -1 line (else) over by the length to the ":" plus 1
# Ends up as:
# IDLE: if (foo) bar <=1 <-2
# else bar <= 0 <-1
# end < curr
} elsif ($pbuf[$#pbuf -1] =~ /else /) {
# Look for first if and previous state
$n = 3;
while ($pbuf[$#pbuf - $n] =~ /else if/) {
$n = $n+2;
if ($pbuf[$#pbuf - $n] =~ /^\s*if /
&& $pbuf[$#pbuf - $n - 1] =~ /begin\s*$/ # no comment on state begin
&& (&is_stateline($pbuf[$#pbuf - $n - 1]))
) {
&debug("In step c, n is \"$n\"\n",0,$section);
$stateline = $#pbuf - $n - 1;
&debug("In step c, stateline is \"$stateline\"\n",0,$section);
&debug("Doing step c on \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
$pbuf[$stateline] =~ s/(\S+\s*:)\s+begin\s*$/\1/; # strip begin
# Do the "scoot"
$colonpos = index($pbuf[$stateline],":");
($temp = $pbuf[$stateline]) =~ s/^(\s*).*$/\1/;
$startpos = length($temp);
$scoot = $colonpos - $startpos;
&debug("Scoot is \"$scoot\"\n",0,$section);
for ($i = $#pbuf-1; $i > $stateline+1; $i = $i - 2) {
&debug("Scooting line \"$pbuf[$i]\"\n",0,$section);
$pbuf[$i] = " " x $scoot . $pbuf[$i];
# Remove indent on -3 and join -3 and -4 into -3
# Might not be literally -3 and -4..., make it relative to stateline
$pbuf[$stateline+1] =~ s/^$level4indent/ /;
$pbuf[$stateline+1] = $pbuf[$stateline] . $pbuf[$stateline+1];
# And snuff out -4
&move_warnings_and_assertions($stateline,$stateline+1); # move warnings/assertions to -3
splice(@pbuf, $stateline, 1);
#$pbuf[$#pbuf - 4] = "";
$skip = 1;
# d) If we're on an "end" line and their are "stacked begin/begin end/end
# sets, like this:
# IDLE: begin < -?
# begin < -?
# bar <=1 < -?
# bar <= 0 < -1
# end < 0
# end < curr
# remove the inside begin/end pair, but do not set skip flag.
} elsif ($pbuf[$#pbuf] =~ /^\s*end/) { # previous was ALSO end
&debug("Doing step d on \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
# troll through the buffer looking for the previous begin
$i = $#pbuf-1;
while ($pbuf[$i] !~ /^[^\/]*begin/ && $pbuf[$i] !~ /^\s*end/ && $i > 0) {
# $i is now pointing at begin (or at end or start of buffer)
# If it is begin, then do our thing
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ /^\s*begin/) { # MUST be a PURE begin
if ($pbuf[$i-1] =~ /^[^\/]*begin/) { # Previous is ALSO a begin
# Note that pure begin/ends should not have warnings, so it is
# safe to do the snuff...
# snuff out $i entry
splice(@pbuf, $i, 1);
#$pbuf[$i] = "";
# snuff out last entry (previous end)
splice(@pbuf, $#pbuf, 1);
#$pbuf[$#pbuf] = "";
# e) If we're on an "end" line and the next-to-previous line is "if",
# 1 line from that is "state:"
# IDLE: begin < -2
# if (foo) < -1
# bar <=1 < 0
# end < curr
# remove the begin and newline, join the lines and set skip flag
# (lines are joined explicitly because "case" step needs all "statements"
# on a single line).
} elsif ( $pbuf[$#pbuf -1] =~ /if /
&& $pbuf[$#pbuf -2] =~ /begin\s*$/ # no comment on state begin
&& (&is_stateline($pbuf[$#pbuf - 2]))
) {
&debug("Doing step e on \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
$pbuf[$#pbuf - 2] =~ s/(\S+\s*:)\s+begin\s*$/\1/; # strip begin
# Remove indent on 2 and join -1 and -2 into -1
$pbuf[$#pbuf-1] =~ s/^$level4indent/ /;
$pbuf[$#pbuf-1] = $pbuf[$#pbuf-2] . $pbuf[$#pbuf-1];
# And snuff out -2
&move_warnings_and_assertions($#pbuf-2,$#pbuf-1); # move warnings/assertions to -1
splice(@pbuf, $#pbuf -2, 1);
#$pbuf[$#pbuf - 2] = "";
$skip = 1;
} else {
#print $string;
#print $pbuf[$#pbuf - 1];
# Change the statename (sim code) section to put state and assignment
# on the same line
if ($terse && ($string =~ /$statenamevar\s+=/)) {
&debug("Found statename line \"$string\"\n",0,$section);
# 3) At endcase, back up and re-format assignment lines to make them line up
if ($terse && ($string =~ /^\s*endcase/)) {
&debug("\nBefore 1st pass:\n",0,$section);
#for ($i=0; $i<=$#pbuf; $i++) {
# print "$i : $pbuf[$i]\n";
# "0th pass": Back up through buffer to the case statement and find
# the max char location of equations.
$max_eqpos = 0;
$i = $#pbuf;
while ($pbuf[$i] !~ /^\s*(unique )?case/ && $i > 0) {
$nocomment = &nocomment($pbuf[$i]);
if ($nocomment =~ /\s(if)|(else if)/) {
&debug("Found eq line \"$nocomment\"\n",0,$section);
$eqpos = index($nocomment,"(");
$max_eqpos = $eqpos if ($eqpos > $max_eqpos);
&debug("eqpos is $eqpos max_eqpos is $max_eqpos\n",0,$section);
# 1st pass: Back up through the buffer to the case statement and gather
# information about the longest statement line. Also, tag the lines as
# statement (#) and provide their length if applicable by pre-pending
# the tag. This will be used and removed on the 2nd pass.
$maxlen = 0;
$i = $#pbuf;
$thislen = 0;
while ($pbuf[$i] !~ /^\s*(unique )?case/ && $i > 0) {
&debug("\n\n1st pass line is:\n",0,$section);
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ /^\s*(if)|(else)|(end)|(begin)/ || &is_stateline($pbuf[$i])) {
# "statement" lines
&debug("\nIt's a statement line\n",0,$section);
# make sure we don't get fooled by ( in a comment...
$nocomment = &nocomment($pbuf[$i]);
# Shift equations over
if ($nocomment =~ /\(/) { # have a line with an equation
$eqpos = index($nocomment,"(");
$eq_shift = $max_eqpos - $eqpos;
$eq_pad = " " x $eq_shift;
&debug("eqpos is $eqpos eq_shift is $eq_shift eq_pad is \"$eq_pad\"\n",0,$section);
&debug("unmodified equation line is \"$pbuf[$i]\"\n",0,$section);
$pbuf[$i] =~ s/\(/$eq_pad(/; # insert spaces to move equation over
# Adjust pad, unless pad is full maxlen (full maxlen means that
# there was a newline)
&debug(" modified equation line is \"$pbuf[$i]\"\n",0,$section);
# re-create nocomment line
$nocomment = &nocomment($pbuf[$i]);
# Get length and set maxlen
$thislen = length($nocomment);
&debug("got a match: thislen is $thislen\n",0,$section);
$maxlen = $thislen if ($maxlen < $thislen);
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ /\n$/) {
# lines with eol should just to be marked
$pbuf[$i] =~ s/^/## /;
} else {
# Tag with length (will be removed on 2nd pass)
$pbuf[$i] =~ s/^/#$thislen /;
} else {
&debug("\nIt's an assignment line\n",0,$section);
&debug("\n1st pass modified line is:\n",0,$section);
&debug("\nBefore 2nd pass:\n",0,$section);
&debug("\nBefore 2nd pass, in detail:\n",0,$section);
for ($j=$i+1;$j<$#pbuf;$j++) {
&debug("\n**** end of detail ****\n",0,$section);
# 2nd pass: go forward through the case section of the buffer and make the
# appropriate mods
&debug("maxlen is $maxlen\n",0,$section);
&debug("max_eqpos is $max_eqpos\n",0,$section);
# $i is from above!
$i++; # go to next after case statement
while ($i <= $#pbuf) {
&debug("\n2nd pass line is:\n",0,$section);
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ /^#/) { # statement line of some sort
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ s/^#(\d+) //) { # this is a line without a begin
$pad = " " x ($maxlen - $1); # calculate pad for later lines
} else {
# "begin" lines will have a nl, so space following lines over
# by the full maxlen
$pbuf[$i] =~ s/^## //;
$pad = " " x $maxlen;
&debug("taglen is $1 ; pad is \"$pad\"\n",0,$section);
&debug("modified statement line is \"$pbuf[$i]\"\n",0,$section);
} else {
$pbuf[$i] =~ s/^\s*/$pad/;
&debug("modified assignment line is \n\"$pbuf[$i]\"\n",0,$section);
&debug("last 2 lines: \n" . $pbuf[$i-1] . $pbuf[$i],0,$section);
#$max_eqpos = 0;
#push(@pbuf,$indentstring x $indent . "$string") unless ($skip);
# Handle indent in a way that makes regexp's work
eval "\$myindent = \"$indentstring\" x $indent";
$string = $myindent . $string;
push(@pbuf,$string) unless ($skip);
&debug("\npbuf is now:\n",0,$section);
&debug("\npbuf done:\n",0,$section);
sub nocomment {
my ($line) = @_;
($nocomment = $line) =~ s/\s*\/\/.*$//;
$nocomment =~ s/\s*\/\*.*$//; # for /* - not sure if this is necessary
return $nocomment;
sub print_output {
# Dump print buffer and warnings
for ($i=0; $i<=$#pbuf; $i++) {
# print "$i : $pbuf[$i]";
# if ($warnings[$i]) {
# print "w$i : $warnings[$i]";
# }
#print "$i : $assertions[$i]";
print $pbuf[$i];
if ($pbuf[$i] =~ /\n/) {
print $warnings[$i];
print $assertions[$i];
} else {
# if line doesn't end in nl, append warning/assertion to next line
$warnings[$i+1] = $warnings[$i] . $warnings[$i+1];
$assertions[$i+1] = $assertions[$i] . $assertions[$i+1];
sub move_warnings_and_assertions {
my ($from,$to) = @_;
if ($warnings[$from]) { # move warning to $to
$warnings[$to] = $warnings[$to] . $warnings[$from];
$warnings[$from] = "";
splice(@warnings, $from, 1); # snuff out $from
if ($assertions[$from]) { # move assertion to $to
$assertions[$to] = $assertions[$to] . $assertions[$from];
$assertions[$from] = "";
splice(@assertions, $from, 1); # snuff out $from
sub is_stateline {
my($line) = @_;
#print "line was: $line\n";
$line =~ s/\s*\/\/.*$//; # get rid of comments
#$line =~ s/\[.*:.*\]//g; # get rid of all bit ranges
#$line =~ s/\[[^\]]+\]//g; # get rid of all bit ranges
$line =~ s/\[[^\]]+:[^\]]+\]//g; # get rid of all bit ranges foo[1:0]
#print "line is: $line\n";
($line =~ /$nextstatevar\[\S+\]\s*:/) # onehot
|| ($line =~ /$statevar\[\S+\]\s*:/) # onehot "state[IDLE_BIT]:"
|| ($line =~ /^\s+\S+\s*:/)
|| ($line =~ /^\s*default\s*:/)
sub process_options {
# Debug stuff
&debug("orig_argv: " . join(" ",@orig_argv),0,"be_cmd");
&debug("ARGV: " . join(" ",@ARGV),0,"be_cmd");
use Getopt::Long;
# Default non-null options
$encoding = "heros";
$statevar = "state";
$nextstatevar = "nextstate";
$statenamevar = "statename";
$warnout = "both";
$simcode = 2; # funny default so we can see if it was forced on for SV
$indentstring = " ";
$language = "verilog";
$indexvar = "index";
$addversion = "1";
# Process options
die unless GetOptions(
"help" => \$help,
"verbose!" => \$verbose,
"debug=s" => \@debug_sections,
"encoding=s" => \$encoding,
"simcode!" => \$simcode,
"maxbits=s" => \$maxbits,
"statevar=s" => \$statevar,
"nextstatevar=s" => \$nextstatevar,
"statenamevar=s" => \$statenamevar,
"warnout=s" => \$warnout,
"nowarn=s" => \@nowarns,
"terse!" => \$terse,
"sunburst!" => \$terse,
"indentstring=s" => \$indentstring,
"version!" => \$version,
"addversion!" => \$addversion,
"language=s" => \$language,
"indexvar=s" => \$indexvar,
if ($help) {
if ($version) {
print "$me version $scriptversion\n";
# Turn debug array into a hash
foreach $section (@debug_sections) {
$debug_sections{$section} = 1;
# Turn nowarn array into a hash
foreach $nowarn (@nowarns) {
$nowarns{$nowarn} = 1;
if ($language =~ /^verilog$/i) {
$language = "verilog";
} elsif ($language =~ /^s.*/i) {
$language = "systemverilog";
} else {
die "Unrecognized language \"$language\"\n";
if ($simcode == 2) { # default still
if ($language eq "verilog") {
$simcode = 1; # default on for verilog
} elsif ($language eq "systemverilog") {
$simcode = 0; # default on for sv
# Create reserved words hash
%reserved_words = (
$statevar => 1,
$nextstatevar => 1,
$statenamevar => 1,
$indexvar => 1,
sub show_help {
print STDERR "Syntax:
$me [options]
-help Show this help
-verbose Be Chatty
-debug section Turn on debug messages for section <section>
(Can be used multiple times)
-encoding <encoding> Use encoding <encoding>
-simcode Add code to add ascii state names in simulation
-maxbits <value> For heros encoding, set upper limit of search range to <value>
-statevar <name> Use <name> instead of \"state\" for the state variable
-nextstatevar <name> Use <name> instead of \"nextstate\" for the nextstate variable
-statenamevar <name> Use <name> instead of \"statename\" for the ASCII state name variable
-indexvar <name> Use <name> instead of \"index\" for the ASCII index variable in systemverilog onehot
-warnout <output> Control warning output. <output> = stdout | stderr | both
-nowarn <number> Suppress warning number <number>
(Can be used multiple times)
-version Just echo version and exit
-addversion Add version to output as a comment
-terse/-sunburst Use Sunburst Design (Cliff Cummings) output format
-language <language> Language options are Verilog, SystemVerilog
Note: boolean switches accept the \"no\" syntax to turn them off
(So, -nosimcode turns off simcode)
For details on recognized attributes, use \"-help -verbose\"
if ($verbose) {
print STDERR "Recognized attributes:\n";
foreach $entry (sort keys %myattributes) {
$string = $myattributes{$entry};
unless ($string =~ /^</) { # Skip entries marked with <>
# Massage the output appearance
#print "$entry:\n\t$string\n";
foreach $array ("globals", "state", "transition") {
$entry =~ s/^($array){"([^"]+)"}{/\1 > \2 > /;
#$entry =~ s/"//g;
$entry =~ s/}{/ /g;
$entry =~ s/[{}]//g;
$entry =~ s/"value"/<value>/;
$entry =~ s/"vis"/<vis>/;
$entry =~ s/"type"/<type>/;
$entry =~ s/ "attributes"//;
$entry =~ s/ machine / state machine /;
$entry =~ s/\*(\S+)\*/\$\1\$/g;
$string =~ s/\*(\S+)\*/\$\1\$/g;
print STDERR "$entry:\n\t$string\n\n";
sub set_myattributes {
# Cannot set based on encoding because file must be parsed to figure out
# the encoding. Cannot parse twice because it comes from STDIN.
#if ($encoding eq "heros" || $encoding eq "onehot") {
%myattributes = (
'globals{"machine"}{"name"}{"value"}' => 'fsm module name',
'globals{"machine"}{"clock"}{"value"}' => 'clock signal',
'globals{"machine"}{"clock"}{"type"}' => 'clock signal type ("posedge", "negedge")',
'globals{"machine"}{"reset_signal"}{"value"}' => 'reset signal',
'globals{"machine"}{"reset_signal"}{"type"}' => 'reset signal type ("posedge", "negedge", "positive", "negative")',
'globals{"machine"}{"reset_state"}{"value"}' => 'reset state',
'globals{"machine"}{"reset_state"}{"type"}' => 'reset state type ("allzeros", "allones", "anyvalue")',
'globals{"machine"}{"implied_loopback"}{"value"}' => 'Every state has an implied loopback (Note: overrides default_state_is_x)',
'globals{"machine"}{"default_state_is_x"}{"value"}' => 'If no valid transition occur, set state to x',
'globals{"machine"}{"insert_at_top_of_file"}{"value"}' => 'Text to insert at the top of the file (use \n to get newline)',
'globals{"machine"}{"insert_in_module_declaration"}{"value"}' => 'Text to insert at the top of the module (after module statement) (use \n to get newline)',
'globals{"machine"}{"insert_at_top_of_module"}{"value"}' => 'Text to insert at the top of the module (after module statement) (use \n to get newline)',
'globals{"machine"}{"insert_at_bottom_of_file"}{"value"}' => 'Text to insert at the bottom of the file (use \n to get newline)',
'globals{"machine"}{"insert_at_bottom_of_module"}{"value"}' => 'Text to insert at the bottom of the module (after module statement) (use \n to get newline)',
'globals{"machine"}{"stateout"}{"value"}' => 'Output on which to send out the state vector',
'globals{"machine"}{"nextstateout"}{"value"}' => 'Output on which to send out the nextstate vector',
'globals{"machine"}{"include_at_top_of_file"}{"value"}' => 'File to include (read) at the top of the file (value is file name)',
'globals{"machine"}{"be_cmd"}{"value"}' => 'command to run backend',
'globals{"machine"}{"onehot_pragma"}{"value"}' => 'Override for synopsys parallel_case full_case on onehot case statements',
'globals{"inputs"}{"*input*"}{"value"}' => 'input signal *input*',
'globals{"inputs"}{"*input*"}{"comment"}' => 'Comment for input signal *input*',
'globals{"outputs"}{"*output*"}{"value"}' => 'output signal *output*',
'globals{"outputs"}{"*output*"}{"type"}' => 'output signal type ("reg", "regdp" or "comb")',
'globals{"outputs"}{"*output*"}{"comment"}' => 'Comment for output signal *output*',
'globals{"machine"}{"name"}{"comment"}' => 'FSM name comment',
'globals{"trans"}{"*output*"}{"value"}' => 'output signal *output* on transitions',
'state{"*state*"}{"attributes"}{"*output*"}{"value"}' => 'Value of output signal *state* (if *output* is an output)',
'state{"*state*"}{"attributes"}{"vis"}' => '<internal - forces state to be parsed even if no outputs',
'state{"*state*"}{"attributes"}{"comment"}' => 'Comment for state *state*',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"equation"}{"value"}' => 'Transition equation for transition *transition*',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"*output*"}{"value"}' => 'Value of output signal *output* (if *output* is an output) in transition *transition*',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"*output*"}{"type"}' => 'Type of output signal *output* (if *output* is an output, it will be "output") in transition *transition*',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"priority"}{"value"}' => 'Priority of transition *transition* relative to other transitions FROM that state',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"startState"}' => '<Internal>',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"endState"}' => '<Internal>',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"graycode"}{"value"}' => 'If set, transition must be gray-coded',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"graytransition"}{"value"}' => '<Internal - backward compatibility>',
'transition{"*transition*"}{"attributes"}{"comment"}' => 'Comment for transition *transition*',
#} else {
# die "Can't do set_myattributes for encoding \"$encoding\"\n";
# when doing require or use we must return 1
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