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[/] [socgen/] [trunk/] [tools/] [geda/] [gen_gEDA_sym] - Rev 135
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eval 'exec `which perl` -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
#/* */
#/* SOCGEN Design for Reuse toolset */
#/* */
#/* Version 1.0.0 */
#/* */
#/* Author(s): */
#/* - John Eaton, z3qmtr45@gmail.com */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* */
#/* Copyright 2016 John T Eaton */
#/* */
#/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
#/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
#/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
#/* */
#/* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */
#/* */
#/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
#/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
#/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
#/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
#/* limitations under the License. */
#/* */
#/* */
# General PERL config
use Getopt::Long;
use English;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
use XML::LibXML;
use lib './tools';
use sys::lib;
use yp::lib;
use BerkeleyDB;
$OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1; # set autoflush of stdout to TRUE.
### Process the options
Getopt::Long::config("require_order", "prefix=-");
"vendor=s" => \$vendor,
"library=s" => \$library,
"component=s" => \$component,
"version=s" => \$version,
"dest_dir=s" => \$dest_dir,
"destination=s" => \$destination
) || die "(use '$program_name -h' for help)";
## Help option
if ( $opt_h or $opt_help )
{ print "\n gen_gEDA_sym -vendor vendor_name -library library_name -component component_name -version version_name -dest_dir dest_dir -destination destination \n";
exit 1;
$home = cwd();
my $variant;
if($version) {$variant = "${component}_${version}";}
else {$variant = "${component}";}
my $main_module_name = yp::lib::get_module_name($vendor,$library,$component,$version) ;
my $repo = yp::lib::find_library_repo($vendor,$library);
unless (defined $destination && length $destination > 0)
{$destination = $main_module_name;}
print "---GEN_gEDA_sym -vendor $vendor -library $library -component $component -version $version -dest_dir $dest_dir -destination $destination \n";
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $socgen_file = $parser->parse_file(yp::lib::find_componentConfiguration($vendor,$library,$component));
unless ($socgen_file) { print "No socgen ip file \n";};
my $doc_library_path = $socgen_file->findnodes("//socgen:componentConfiguration/socgen:doc/socgen:library_path/text()")->to_literal;
my $spirit_component_file = $parser->parse_file(yp::lib::find_ipxact_component($vendor,$library,$component,$version));
print "$main_module_name \n";
my $path = "${home}${repo}/${vendor}/${library}${doc_library_path}";
mkdir $path,0755 unless( -e $path );
if (defined $dest_dir && length $dest_dir > 0)
$doc_library_path = "${doc_library_path}/${dest_dir}";
my $path = "${home}${repo}/${vendor}/${library}${doc_library_path}";
mkdir $path,0755 unless( -e $path );
my $sym_path = "${home}${repo}/${vendor}/${library}${doc_library_path}/sym";
mkdir $sym_path,0755 unless( -e $sym_path );
my $png_path = "${home}${repo}/${vendor}/${library}${doc_library_path}/png";
mkdir $png_path,0755 unless( -e $png_path );
my @symbol;
push @symbol , "v 20031231 1" ;
foreach my $graphic ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:reference"))
my $g_vendor = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:vendor/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_library = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:library/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_component = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:component/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_version = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:version/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_graphic = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:graphic/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x_offset = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:x_offset/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y_offset = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:y_offset/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_name = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:name/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_visibility = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:visibility/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_vendor & length $g_vendor > 0 ){$g_vendor = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_library & length $g_library > 0){$g_library = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_component & length $g_component > 0){$g_component = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_version & length $g_version > 0){$g_version = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_graphic & length $g_graphic > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_x_offset & length $g_x_offset > 0){$g_x_offset = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y_offset & length $g_y_offset > 0){$g_y_offset = "0";}
unless (defined $g_name & length $g_name > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_visibility & length $g_visibility > 0){$g_visibility = "0";}
my @ref_symbol;
@ref_symbol = parse_symbol ($g_vendor, $g_library, $g_component, $g_version, $g_graphic, $g_x_offset, $g_y_offset, $g_name, $g_visibility );
foreach my $line (@ref_symbol)
push @symbol, $line;
foreach my $graphic ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:parameter/socgen:name"))
my $g_name = $graphic->findnodes('./text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_value = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:value/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_size = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:size/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_visibility = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:visibility/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_show_name_value = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:show_name_value/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:angle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_alignment = $graphic->findnodes('../socgen:alignment/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_name & length $g_name > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_value & length $g_value > 0){$g_value = "none";}
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_size & length $g_size > 0){$g_size = "0";}
unless (defined $g_visibility & length $g_visibility > 0){$g_visibility = "0";}
unless (defined $g_show_name_value & length $g_show_name_value > 0){$g_show_name_value = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle & length $g_angle > 0){$g_angle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_alignment & length $g_alignment > 0){$g_alignment = "0";}
push @symbol , "T $g_x $g_y $g_color $g_size $g_visibility $g_show_name_value $g_angle $g_alignment 1";
push @symbol , "${g_name}=${g_value}" ;
foreach my $graphic ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:port"))
my $g_name = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:name/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_type = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:type/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x1 = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:x1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y1 = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:y1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x2 = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:x2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y2 = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:y2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pintype = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:pintype/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_whichend = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:whichend/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_visibility = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:visibility/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_inversion = $graphic->findnodes('./socgen:inversion/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_name & length $g_name > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_type & length $g_type > 0){$g_type = "none";}
unless (defined $g_x1 & length $g_x1 > 0){$g_x1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y1 & length $g_y1 > 0){$g_y1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_x2 & length $g_x2 > 0){$g_x2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y2 & length $g_y2 > 0){$g_y2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pintype & length $g_pintype > 0){$g_pintype = "0";}
unless (defined $g_whichend & length $g_whichend > 0){$g_whichend = "0";}
unless (defined $g_visibility & length $g_visibility > 0){$g_visibility = "0";}
unless (defined $g_inversion & length $g_inversion > 0){$g_inversion = "0";}
push @symbol,"P $g_x1 $g_y1 $g_x2 $g_y2 $g_color $g_pintype $g_whichend";
push @symbol,"{";
if($g_whichend eq "0")
push @symbol , "T $g_x2 $g_y2 5 10 $g_visibility 1 0 1 1";
push @symbol , "PINNAME=${g_name}" ;
push @symbol , "T $g_x2 $g_y2 0 8 0 1 0 6 1";
push @symbol , "DIR=${g_type}" ;
push @symbol , "T $g_x1 $g_y1 5 10 $g_visibility 1 0 7 1";
push @symbol , "PINNAME=${g_name}" ;
push @symbol , "T $g_x1 $g_y1 0 8 0 1 0 0 1";
push @symbol , "DIR=${g_type}" ;
foreach my $graphic ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name"))
my $g_name = $graphic->findnodes('./text()')->to_literal ;
my $sym_file;
my $png_file;
if($g_name eq $main_module_name)
$sym_file ="${path}/sym/${destination}.sym";
$png_file ="${path}/png/${destination}_sym.png";
$sym_file ="${path}/sym/${destination}_${g_name}.sym";
$png_file ="${path}/png/${destination}_${g_name}_sym.png";
open SYMBOL,">$sym_file" or die "unable to open $sym_file";
my @graph_symbol;
foreach my $graphic_view ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$g_name']/../socgen:reference"))
my $g_vendor = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:vendor/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_library = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:library/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_component = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:component/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_version = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:version/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_graphic = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:graphic/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x_offset = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x_offset/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y_offset = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y_offset/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_name = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:name/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_visibility = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:visibility/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_vendor & length $g_vendor > 0 ){$g_vendor = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_library & length $g_library > 0){$g_library = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_component & length $g_component > 0){$g_component = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_version & length $g_version > 0){$g_version = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_graphic & length $g_graphic > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_x_offset & length $g_x_offset > 0){$g_x_offset = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y_offset & length $g_y_offset > 0){$g_y_offset = "0";}
unless (defined $g_name & length $g_name > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_visibility & length $g_visibility > 0){$g_visibility = "0";}
my @ref_symbol;
@ref_symbol = parse_symbol ($g_vendor, $g_library, $g_component, $g_version, $g_graphic, $g_x_offset, $g_y_offset, $g_name, $g_visibility );
foreach my $line (@ref_symbol)
push @graph_symbol, $line;
foreach my $sym (@symbol) { print SYMBOL "$sym \n"; }
foreach my $sym (@graph_symbol) { print SYMBOL "$sym \n"; }
foreach my $graphic_view ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$g_name']/../socgen:line"))
my $g_x1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x1 & length $g_x1 > 0){$g_x1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y1 & length $g_y1 > 0){$g_y1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_x2 & length $g_x2 > 0){$g_x2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y2 & length $g_y2 > 0){$g_y2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
print SYMBOL "L $g_x1 $g_y1 $g_x2 $g_y2 $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace \n";
foreach my $graphic_view ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$g_name']/../socgen:arc"))
my $g_x = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_radius = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:radius/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_startangle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:startangle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_sweepangle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:sweepangle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_radius & length $g_radius > 0){$g_radius = "0";}
unless (defined $g_startangle & length $g_startangle > 0){$g_startangle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_sweepangle & length $g_sweepangle > 0){$g_sweepangle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
print SYMBOL "A $g_x $g_y $g_radius $g_startangle $g_sweepangle $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace \n";
foreach my $graphic_view ($spirit_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$g_name']/../socgen:circle"))
my $g_x = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_radius = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:radius/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_filltype = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:filltype/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_fillwidth = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:fillwidth/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch2/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_radius & length $g_radius > 0){$g_radius = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
unless (defined $g_filltype & length $g_filltype > 0){$g_filltype = "0";}
unless (defined $g_fillwidth & length $g_fillwidth > 0){$g_fillwidth = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle1 & length $g_angle1 > 0){$g_angle1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch1 & length $g_pitch1 > 0){$g_pitch1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle2 & length $g_angle2 > 0){$g_angle2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch2 & length $g_pitch2 > 0){$g_pitch2 = "0";}
print SYMBOL "V $g_x $g_y $g_radius $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace $g_filltype $g_fillwidth $g_angle1 $g_pitch1 $g_angle2 $g_pitch2 \n";
my $cmd ="gaf export -c -s auto -m 5px --dpi 600 --no-color -o $png_file $sym_file \n";
print "$cmd";
if (system($cmd)) {}
print "$cmd";
#/ */
#/ */
#/ */
#/ */
#/ */
#/ */
sub parse_symbol
my @params = @_;
my $s_visibility = pop(@params);
my $s_name = pop(@params);
my $s_y_offset = pop(@params);
my $s_x_offset = pop(@params);
my $s_graphic = pop(@params);
my $s_version = pop(@params);
my $s_component = pop(@params);
my $s_library = pop(@params);
my $s_vendor = pop(@params);
# prevent overload issues
my $h_x_offset = lc $s_x_offset;
my $h_y_offset = lc $s_y_offset;
my @ref_symbol;
print "REF $s_vendor $s_library $s_component $s_version $s_graphic $s_x_offset $s_y_offset $s_name $s_visibility \n";
my $file = yp::lib::find_ipxact_component($s_vendor,$s_library,$s_component,$s_version);
print "REFILE $s_vendor,$s_library,$s_component,$s_version $file \n";
my $symbol_component_file = $parser->parse_file(yp::lib::find_ipxact_component($s_vendor,$s_library,$s_component,$s_version));
foreach my $graphic ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name"))
my $g_name = $graphic->findnodes('./text()')->to_literal ;
if($g_name eq $s_graphic)
print "Graphic $g_name\n";
foreach my $graphic_view ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$s_graphic']/../socgen:line"))
my $g_x1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x1 & length $g_x1 > 0){$g_x1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y1 & length $g_y1 > 0){$g_y1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_x2 & length $g_x2 > 0){$g_x2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y2 & length $g_y2 > 0){$g_y2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
my $h_x1 = lc $g_x1;
my $h_y1 = lc $g_y1;
my $h_x2 = lc $g_x2;
my $h_y2 = lc $g_y2;
$h_x1 = $h_x1 + $h_x_offset;
$h_y1 = $h_y1 + $h_y_offset;
$h_x2 = $h_x2 + $h_x_offset;
$h_y2 = $h_y2 + $h_y_offset;
push @ref_symbol, "L $h_x1 $h_y1 $h_x2 $h_y2 $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace ";
foreach my $graphic_view ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$s_graphic']/../socgen:box"))
my $g_x = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_height = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:height/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_linewidth = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:linewidth/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_filltype = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:filltype/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_fillwidth = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:fillwidth/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch2/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_height & length $g_height > 0){$g_height = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_linewidth & length $g_linewidth > 0){$g_linewidth = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
unless (defined $g_filltype & length $g_filltype > 0){$g_filltype = "0";}
unless (defined $g_fillwidth & length $g_fillwidth > 0){$g_fillwidth = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle1 & length $g_angle1 > 0){$g_angle1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch1 & length $g_pitch1 > 0){$g_pitch1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle2 & length $g_angle2 > 0){$g_angle2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch2 & length $g_pitch2 > 0){$g_pitch2 = "0";}
my $h_x = lc $g_x;
my $h_y = lc $g_y;
$h_x = $h_x + $h_x_offset;
$h_y = $h_y + $h_y_offset;
push @ref_symbol, "B $h_x $h_y $g_width $g_height $g_color $g_linewidth $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace $g_filltype $g_fillwidth $g_angle1 $g_pitch1 $g_angle2 $g_pitch2 ";
foreach my $graphic_view ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$s_graphic']/../socgen:arc"))
my $g_x = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_radius = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:radius/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_startangle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:startangle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_sweepangle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:sweepangle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_radius & length $g_radius > 0){$g_radius = "0";}
unless (defined $g_startangle & length $g_startangle > 0){$g_startangle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_sweepangle & length $g_sweepangle > 0){$g_sweepangle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
my $h_x = lc $g_x;
my $h_y = lc $g_y;
$h_x = $h_x + $h_x_offset;
$h_y = $h_y + $h_y_offset;
push @ref_symbol, "A $h_x $h_y $g_radius $g_startangle $g_sweepangle $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace";
foreach my $graphic_view ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$s_graphic']/../socgen:circle"))
my $g_x = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_radius = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:radius/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_width = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:width/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_capstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:capstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashstyle = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashstyle/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashlength = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashlength/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_dashspace = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:dashspace/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_filltype = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:filltype/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_fillwidth = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:fillwidth/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_angle2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:angle2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pitch2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pitch2/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_x & length $g_x > 0){$g_x = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y & length $g_y > 0){$g_y = "0";}
unless (defined $g_radius & length $g_radius > 0){$g_radius = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_width & length $g_width > 0){$g_width = "0";}
unless (defined $g_capstyle & length $g_capstyle > 0){$g_capstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashstyle & length $g_dashstyle > 0){$g_dashstyle = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashlength & length $g_dashlength > 0){$g_dashlength = "0";}
unless (defined $g_dashspace & length $g_dashspace > 0){$g_dashspace = "0";}
unless (defined $g_filltype & length $g_filltype > 0){$g_filltype = "0";}
unless (defined $g_fillwidth & length $g_fillwidth > 0){$g_fillwidth = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle1 & length $g_angle1 > 0){$g_angle1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch1 & length $g_pitch1 > 0){$g_pitch1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_angle2 & length $g_angle2 > 0){$g_angle2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pitch2 & length $g_pitch2 > 0){$g_pitch2 = "0";}
my $h_x = lc $g_x;
my $h_y = lc $g_y;
$h_x = $h_x + $h_x_offset;
$h_y = $h_y + $h_y_offset;
push @ref_symbol, "V $h_x $h_y $g_radius $g_color $g_width $g_capstyle $g_dashstyle $g_dashlength $g_dashspace $g_filltype $g_fillwidth $g_angle1 $g_pitch1 $g_angle2 $g_pitch2";
foreach my $graphic_view ($symbol_component_file->findnodes("//ipxact:component/ipxact:vendorExtensions/socgen:gEDA_symbol/socgen:graphics/socgen:graphic/socgen:name[./text() = '$s_graphic']/../socgen:port"))
my $g_name = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:name/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_type = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:type/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y1 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y1/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_x2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:x2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_y2 = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:y2/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_color = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:color/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_pintype = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:pintype/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_whichend = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:whichend/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_visibility = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:visibility/text()')->to_literal ;
my $g_inversion = $graphic_view->findnodes('./socgen:inversion/text()')->to_literal ;
unless (defined $g_name & length $g_name > 0){$g_name = "no_name";}
unless (defined $g_type & length $g_type > 0){$g_type = "none";}
unless (defined $g_x1 & length $g_x1 > 0){$g_x1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y1 & length $g_y1 > 0){$g_y1 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_x2 & length $g_x2 > 0){$g_x2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_y2 & length $g_y2 > 0){$g_y2 = "0";}
unless (defined $g_color & length $g_color > 0){$g_color = "0";}
unless (defined $g_pintype & length $g_pintype > 0){$g_pintype = "0";}
unless (defined $g_whichend & length $g_whichend > 0){$g_whichend = "0";}
unless (defined $g_visibility & length $g_visibility > 0){$g_visibility = "0";}
unless (defined $g_inversion & length $g_inversion > 0){$g_inversion = "0";}
my $h_x1 = lc $g_x1;
my $h_y1 = lc $g_y1;
my $h_x2 = lc $g_x2;
my $h_y2 = lc $g_y2;
$h_x1 = $h_x1 + $h_x_offset;
$h_y1 = $h_y1 + $h_y_offset;
$h_x2 = $h_x2 + $h_x_offset;
$h_y2 = $h_y2 + $h_y_offset;
my $color;
my $width;
if($g_pintype eq 1)
$color = 10;
$width = 30;
$color = 4;
$width = 10;
if($g_whichend eq "0")
if($g_inversion eq "1")
my $spot = $h_x2 -50;
my $spot2 = $h_x2 -100;
push @ref_symbol, "V $spot $h_y2 50 6 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol, "L $h_x1 $h_y1 $spot2 $h_y2 $color $width 0 0 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol, "L $h_x1 $h_y1 $h_x2 $h_y2 $color $width 0 0 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol,"P $h_x1 $h_y1 $h_x1 $h_y1 $g_color $g_pintype $g_whichend";
push @ref_symbol,"{";
push @ref_symbol , "T $h_x2 $h_y2 5 10 $s_visibility 1 0 1 1";
push @ref_symbol , "PINNAME=${s_name}" ;
push @ref_symbol , "T $h_x2 $h_y2 0 8 0 1 0 6 1";
push @ref_symbol , "DIR=${g_type}" ;
if($g_inversion eq "1")
my $spot = $h_x1 +50;
my $spot2 = $h_x1 +100;
push @ref_symbol, "L $spot2 $h_y1 $h_x2 $h_y2 $color $width 0 0 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol, "V $spot $h_y1 50 6 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol, "L $h_x1 $h_y1 $h_x2 $h_y2 $color $width 0 0 -1 -1 ";
push @ref_symbol,"P $h_x2 $h_y2 $h_x2 $h_y2 $g_color $g_pintype $g_whichend";
push @ref_symbol,"{";
push @ref_symbol , "T $h_x1 $h_y1 5 10 $s_visibility 1 0 7 1";
push @ref_symbol , "PINNAME=${s_name}" ;
push @ref_symbol , "T $h_x1 $h_y1 0 8 0 1 0 0 1";
push @ref_symbol , "DIR=${g_type}" ;
push @ref_symbol,"}";
return (@ref_symbol);