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[/] [spacewire_light/] [trunk/] [sim/] [spwamba_leon3/] [spwamba_tb.vhd] - Rev 5
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-- -- Test Bench for SpaceWire AMBA interface. -- -- Instantiate a minimal LEON3 system with SPWAMBA core. -- At the start of the simulation, a software image is loaded into memory -- from an external file spwamba_test.srec. -- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, ieee.numeric_std.all; use std.textio.all; library techmap; use techmap.gencomp.all; library grlib; use grlib.amba.all; use grlib.stdlib.all; library gaisler; use gaisler.leon3.all; use gaisler.uart.all; use gaisler.misc.all; use work.spwpkg.all; use work.spwambapkg.all; entity spwamba_tb is end spwamba_tb; architecture tb_arch of spwamba_tb is -- 40 MHz system clock constant sys_clock_freq: real := 40.0e6; signal clkm: std_ulogic := '0'; signal rstn: std_ulogic := '0'; signal apbi: apb_slv_in_type; signal apbo: apb_slv_out_vector := (others => apb_none); signal ahbsi: ahb_slv_in_type; signal ahbso: ahb_slv_out_vector := (others => ahbs_none); signal ahbmi: ahb_mst_in_type; signal ahbmo: ahb_mst_out_vector := (others => ahbm_none); signal irqi: irq_in_vector(0 to 0); signal irqo: irq_out_vector(0 to 0); signal dbgi: l3_debug_in_type; signal dbgo: l3_debug_out_type; signal uarti: uart_in_type; signal uarto: uart_out_type; signal gpti: gptimer_in_type; signal gpto: gptimer_out_type; signal spw_tick_in: std_logic; signal spw_di: std_logic; signal spw_si: std_logic; signal spw_do: std_logic; signal spw_so: std_logic; component ahbram_loadfile is generic ( hindex: integer; haddr: integer; hmask: integer := 16#fff#; abits: integer range 10 to 24; fname: string ); port ( rstn: in std_logic; clk: in std_logic; ahbi: in ahb_slv_in_type; ahbo: out ahb_slv_out_type ); end component; begin -- -- Reset and clock generation. -- process is begin -- Reset (APBUART needs 2 reset cycles) rstn <= '0'; for i in 0 to 1 loop wait for (0.5 sec) / sys_clock_freq; clkm <= '1'; wait for (0.5 sec) / sys_clock_freq; clkm <= '0'; end loop; rstn <= '1'; report "Start simulation"; -- Main loop loop wait for (0.5 sec) / sys_clock_freq; clkm <= '1'; wait for (0.5 sec) / sys_clock_freq; clkm <= '0'; -- Check LEON3 error signal. assert dbgo.error = '1' report "LEON3 in error mode"; exit when dbgo.error = '0'; -- End simulation when LEON3 is in power down mode. exit when dbgo.pwd = '1'; end loop; -- End simulation. report "End of simulation"; wait; end process; -- -- AHB controller. -- ahb0: ahbctrl generic map (defmast => 0, split => 0, rrobin => 1, ioaddr => 16#fff#, ioen => 0, nahbm => 2, nahbs => 4) port map (rstn, clkm, ahbmi, ahbmo, ahbsi, ahbso); -- -- LEON3 processor. -- cpu: leon3s generic map (hindex => 0, fabtech => inferred, memtech => inferred, nwindows => 8, dsu => 0, fpu => 0, v8 => 0, cp => 0, mac => 0, pclow => 2, notag => 0, nwp => 4, icen => 1, irepl => 0, isets => 1, ilinesize => 8, isetsize => 4, isetlock => 0, dcen => 0, drepl => 0, dsets => 1, dlinesize => 4, dsetsize => 4, dsetlock => 0, dsnoop => 1, ilram => 0, ilramsize => 1, ilramstart => 16#8E#, dlram => 0, dlramsize => 1, dlramstart => 16#8F#, mmuen => 0, itlbnum => 8, dtlbnum => 8, tlb_type => 2, tlb_rep => 0, lddel => 1, disas => 0, tbuf => 2, pwd => 2, svt => 1, rstaddr => 16#40000#, smp => 0, cached => 0, scantest => 0, mmupgsz => 4, bp => 1) port map (clkm, rstn, ahbmi, ahbmo(0), ahbsi, ahbso, irqi(0), irqo(0), dbgi, dbgo); dbgi <= (dsuen => '0', denable => '0', dbreak => '0', step => '0', halt => '0', reset => '0', dwrite => '0', daddr => (others => '0'), ddata => (others => '0'), btrapa => '0', btrape => '0', berror => '0',bwatch => '0', bsoft => '0', tenable => '0', timer => (others => '0')); -- -- APB bridge. -- apb0: apbctrl generic map (hindex => 1, haddr => 16#800#, nslaves => 8) port map (rstn, clkm, ahbsi, ahbso(1), apbi, apbo); -- -- Console UART. -- uart1: apbuart generic map (pindex => 1, paddr => 1, pirq => 2, console => 1, fifosize => 1) port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(1), uarti, uarto); uarti.rxd <= '0'; uarti.ctsn <= '0'; uarti.extclk <= '0'; -- -- Interrupt controller. -- irqctrl0 : irqmp generic map (pindex => 2, paddr => 2, ncpu => 1) port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(2), irqo, irqi); -- -- Timer. -- timer0: gptimer generic map (pindex => 3, paddr => 3, pirq => 8, sepirq => 0, sbits => 8, ntimers => 2, nbits => 32, wdog => 0) port map (rstn, clkm, apbi, apbo(3), gpti, gpto); gpti.dhalt <= '0'; gpti.extclk <= '0'; -- -- AHB RAM (128 kByte) -- ahbram0: ahbram_loadfile generic map (hindex => 3, haddr => 16#400#, abits => 17, fname => "spwamba_test.srec") port map (rstn, clkm, ahbsi, ahbso(3)); -- -- SpaceWire Light -- spw0: spwamba generic map ( tech => inferred, hindex => 1, pindex => 4, paddr => 4, pirq => 4, sysfreq => sys_clock_freq, txclkfreq => sys_clock_freq, rximpl => impl_generic, rxchunk => 1, tximpl => impl_generic, timecodegen => true, rxfifosize => 7, txfifosize => 6, desctablesize => 5, maxburst => 3 ) port map ( clk => clkm, rxclk => clkm, txclk => clkm, rstn => rstn, apbi => apbi, apbo => apbo(4), ahbi => ahbmi, ahbo => ahbmo(1), tick_in => spw_tick_in, spw_di => spw_di, spw_si => spw_si, spw_do => spw_do, spw_so => spw_so ); -- Loopback SpaceWire signals. -- Loopback can be controlled from software through the RXEN bit of -- the APBUART control register. spw_di <= spw_do when (uarto.rxen = '1') else '0'; spw_si <= spw_so when (uarto.rxen = '1') else '0'; -- Take external timecode tick from second GPTIMER. spw_tick_in <= gpto.tick(2); end tb_arch;
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