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[/] [sparc64soc/] [trunk/] [T1-CPU/] [tlu/] [sparc_tlu_intctl.v] - Rev 8

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// ========== Copyright Header Begin ==========================================
// OpenSPARC T1 Processor File: sparc_tlu_intctl.v
// Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
// The above named program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// The above named program is distributed in the hope that it will be 
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// ========== Copyright Header End ============================================
//  Module Name: sparc_tlu_intctl
//  Description:        
//    Contains the code for receiving interrupts from the crossbar,
//    and sending interrupts out to other processors through the corssbar.
//    The interrupt receive register (INRR, asi=0x49/VA=0),  incoming
//    vector register (INVR, asi=0x7f/VA=0x40), and interrupt vector
//    dispatch register (INDR, asi=0x77/VA=0) are implemented in this
//    block.  This block also initiates thread reset/wake up when a
//    reset packet is received.  
`include "iop.h"
// from intdp.v for now
`define INT_THR_HI  12
// Local header file includes / local defines
`include "tlu.h"
module sparc_tlu_intctl(/*AUTOARG*/
   // Outputs
   so, int_rst_l, tlu_ifu_hwint_i3, tlu_ifu_rstthr_i2, tlu_ifu_rstint_i2, 
   tlu_ifu_nukeint_i2, tlu_ifu_resumint_i2, tlu_ifu_pstate_ie, 
   int_tlu_longop_done,  inc_ind_ld_int_i1, inc_indr_req_valid, 
   inc_ind_rstthr_i1, // inc_ind_asi_thr, inc_ind_asi_wr_inrr, 
   // inc_ind_asi_rd_invr, inc_ind_asi_inrr, inc_ind_asi_wr_indr, 
   inc_ind_indr_grant, inc_ind_thr_m, tlu_lsu_int_ld_ill_va_w2,
   inc_indr_req_thrid, tlu_asi_data_nf_vld_w2, tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g, 
   // Inputs
   // modified to abide to the Niagara reset methodology 
   // clk, se, si, reset, const_cpuid, lsu_tlu_cpx_vld, lsu_tlu_cpx_req, 
   rclk, se, sehold, si, rst_tri_en, arst_l, grst_l, const_cpuid,  
   lsu_tlu_cpx_vld, lsu_tlu_cpx_req, lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack, tlu_ld_data_vld_g, 
   ind_inc_thrid_i1, ind_inc_type_i1, tlu_int_asi_vld, tlu_int_asi_load, 
   tlu_int_asi_store, tlu_int_asi_thrid, tlu_int_asi_state, tlu_int_tid_m, 
   tlu_int_pstate_ie, int_pending_i2_l, // indr_inc_rst_pkt, tlu_int_redmode,  
   tlu_asi_queue_rd_vld_g, tlu_va_ill_g); // tlu_flush_all_w2
// modified to abide to the Niagara reset methodology 
//   input            clk, se, si, reset;
   input            rclk, se, si;
   input            arst_l, grst_l;  
   input            sehold; 
   input            rst_tri_en; 
   input [3:0] 	    const_cpuid;
   input 	    lsu_tlu_cpx_vld;    // cpx from lsu
   input [3:0] 	    lsu_tlu_cpx_req;    // cpx req type
   // the flush bit is included in lsu_tlu_cpx_vld
   // input 	    lsu_tlu_cpx_nc;
   input 	    lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack;
// removed unused pins
// input [`INT_THR_HI:0] lsu_tlu_st_rs3_data_g;
// input 	    lsu_tlu_pmode;
// input [3:0] 	tlu_int_sftint_pend;
   input [4:0] 	ind_inc_thrid_i1; // connect to lsu_tlu_intpkt[12:8]
   input [1:0]	ind_inc_type_i1;  // connect to lsu_tlu_intpkt[16]
   input 	    tlu_int_asi_vld;
   input 	    tlu_int_asi_load;  // read enable
   input 	    tlu_int_asi_store; // write enable
   input [1:0] 	tlu_int_asi_thrid; // thread making asi request
   input [7:0] 	tlu_int_asi_state; // asi to be read/written
   // input        tlu_scpd_rd_vld_g; // rdata vld from scratchpad
   // removed no longer necessary 
   // input        tlu_va_all_zero_g; // va address - all zero 
   input        tlu_va_ill_g;      // illega va range 
   input        tlu_asi_queue_rd_vld_g; // rdata vld from asi queues
   input        tlu_ld_data_vld_g; // rdata vld from asi queues
   // input        tlu_flush_all_w2;  // flush pipe from tcl 
   input [1:0] 	tlu_int_tid_m;
   input [3:0] 	tlu_int_pstate_ie;
   // input [3:0] 	tlu_int_redmode;
   // from int_dp
   input [3:0] 	    int_pending_i2_l;   // uncleared interrupt
   // input 	    indr_inc_rst_pkt;
   // added for timing
   // input [1:0]	lsu_tlu_rst_pkt;
   output 	    int_rst_l, so;
   // to ifu
   output [3:0]     tlu_ifu_hwint_i3;   // interrupt
   output [3:0]     tlu_ifu_rstthr_i2;  // reset, nuke or resume
   output 	    tlu_ifu_rstint_i2;  // reset msg
   output           tlu_ifu_nukeint_i2; // idle/suspend message
   output 	    tlu_ifu_resumint_i2;// resume message
   output [3:0]	    tlu_ifu_pstate_ie;
   output [3:0]     int_tlu_longop_done;
// removed - IFU will derive the signal locally
//   output [3:0]     tlu_ifu_int_activate_i3;// wake up signal for thread
   // to int_dp
   output [3:0]     inc_ind_ld_int_i1;          // ld new interrupt
   output [3:0]     inc_ind_rstthr_i1;          // ld new rst vector
   // convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_asi_thr_l;          // choose asi op thread
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_asi_thr;          // choose asi op thread
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_asi_wr_inrr;        // write to INRR (per thread)
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_asi_wr_indr;        // write to INDR
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_asi_rd_invr;        // read INVR and 
                                                // reset corr. bit in INRR
   // obsolete output
   // output 	    inc_ind_asi_inrr;           // choose which reg to read
   // convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_indr_grant_l;       // move on to next pcx pkt
   output [3:0]     inc_ind_indr_grant;       // move on to next pcx pkt
   // convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
   // output [3:0]     inc_ind_thr_m_l;            // M stage thread
   output [3:0]     inc_ind_thr_m;            // M stage thread
   // pcx pkt fields
   output 	    inc_indr_req_valid;     // valid bit for PCX int pkt
   output [1:0] inc_indr_req_thrid;     // thread sending pcx int pkt
   // to tlu
   // output tlu_lsu_int_ldxa_vld_w2;  // valid asi data from int or scpd 
   output tlu_asi_data_nf_vld_w2;  // valid asi data from int or scpd 
   output tlu_lsu_int_ld_ill_va_w2; // illega va range - load  
   // to intdp
   output [3:0] tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g; // mux selects to the asi rdata
   // local signals
   // wire indr_inc_rst_pkt;
   wire inc_ind_asi_inrr;           // choose which reg to read
   wire	int_tlu_asi_data_vld_g, int_tlu_asi_data_vld_w2;
   wire	int_ld_ill_va_g, int_ld_ill_va_w2;
   wire hw_int_i1,
   wire [3:0] 	    int_thr_i1,
   wire [3:0] 	    int_pending_i2;
// 		    int_activate_i2;
   wire 	    asi_write, 
   wire [3:0] 	    indr_vld,
   // added for bug 3945
   wire [3:0] indr_req_vec;
   wire indr_req_valid_disable;
   // wire [3:0] 	    int_or_redrst;
   wire [3:0] 	    intd_done;
   // wire 	    red_thread, valid_dest;
   wire 	    local_rst;  // local reset 
   wire 	    local_rst_l;  // local reset 
   wire 	    clk;        // local clk 
   // Code Starts Here
   //	reset
   dffrl_async dffrl_local_rst_l(
       .din  (grst_l),
       .clk  (clk),
       .q    (local_rst_l),
       .se   (se),
       .si   (),
       .so   ()
   assign local_rst = ~local_rst_l;
   assign int_rst_l = local_rst_l;
   // create local clk
   assign clk = rclk; 
   // Basic Operation
   sink s1(const_cpuid[3]);
   assign  tlu_ifu_pstate_ie = tlu_int_pstate_ie;
   // process cpx interrupt type
   // int = 00
   // the flush bit from cpx packet is now included in the
   // lsu_tlu_cpx_vld qualification
   assign  hw_int_i1 = (lsu_tlu_cpx_vld &
			// (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & ~lsu_tlu_cpx_nc &
			(lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & 
			(ind_inc_thrid_i1[4:2] == const_cpuid[2:0])) ?
			 ~ind_inc_type_i1[1] & ~ind_inc_type_i1[0] :
   //reset = 01
   // the flush bit from cpx packet is now included in the
   // lsu_tlu_cpx_vld qualification
   assign  rst_int_i1 = (lsu_tlu_cpx_vld &
			 // (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) && ~lsu_tlu_cpx_nc &
			 (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) &
			 (ind_inc_thrid_i1[4:2] == const_cpuid[2:0])) ?
			  ~ind_inc_type_i1[1] & ind_inc_type_i1[0] :
   // idle/nuke = 10
   // the flush bit from cpx packet is now included in the
   // lsu_tlu_cpx_vld qualification
   assign  nuke_int_i1 = (lsu_tlu_cpx_vld &
			   // (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & ~lsu_tlu_cpx_nc &
			   (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & 
			   (ind_inc_thrid_i1[4:2] == const_cpuid[2:0])) ?
			    ind_inc_type_i1[1] & ~ind_inc_type_i1[0] :
   // resume = 11
   // the flush bit from cpx packet is now included in the
   // lsu_tlu_cpx_vld qualification
   assign  resum_int_i1 = (lsu_tlu_cpx_vld &
			   // (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & ~lsu_tlu_cpx_nc &
			   (lsu_tlu_cpx_req == `INT_RET) & 
			   (ind_inc_thrid_i1[4:2] == const_cpuid[2:0])) ?
			    ind_inc_type_i1[1] & ind_inc_type_i1[0] :
   dffr_s #1  rstint_ff(.din  (rst_int_i1),
		      .q    (tlu_ifu_rstint_i2),
		      .clk  (clk),
// modified to abide to the Niagara reset methodology 
//		      .rst  (reset),
		      .rst  (local_rst),
		      .se   (se), .si(), .so());
   dffr_s #1  nukint_ff(.din  (nuke_int_i1),
		      .q    (tlu_ifu_nukeint_i2),
		      .clk  (clk),
// modified to abide to the Niagara reset methodology 
//		      .rst  (reset),
		      .rst  (local_rst),
		      .se   (se), .si(), .so());
   dffr_s #1  resint_ff(.din  (resum_int_i1),
		      .q    (tlu_ifu_resumint_i2),
		      .clk  (clk),
// modified to abide to the Niagara reset methodology 
//		      .rst  (reset),
		      .rst  (local_rst),
		      .se   (se), .si(), .so());
   // decode int thread id
   assign  int_thr_i1[0] = ~ind_inc_thrid_i1[1] & ~ind_inc_thrid_i1[0];
   assign  int_thr_i1[1] = ~ind_inc_thrid_i1[1] &  ind_inc_thrid_i1[0];
   assign  int_thr_i1[2] =  ind_inc_thrid_i1[1] & ~ind_inc_thrid_i1[0];
   assign  int_thr_i1[3] =  ind_inc_thrid_i1[1] &  ind_inc_thrid_i1[0];
   assign  inc_ind_ld_int_i1 = {4{hw_int_i1}} & int_thr_i1;
   assign  inc_ind_rstthr_i1 = {4{rst_int_i1}} & int_thr_i1;
   assign  rstthr_i1 = {4{rst_int_i1 | nuke_int_i1 | resum_int_i1}} 
	                & int_thr_i1;
   // decode thr_m
   // convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m_l[0] = ~(~tlu_int_tid_m[1] & ~tlu_int_tid_m[0]);
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m_l[1] = ~(~tlu_int_tid_m[1] &  tlu_int_tid_m[0]);
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m_l[2] = ~( tlu_int_tid_m[1] & ~tlu_int_tid_m[0]);
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m_l[3] = ~( tlu_int_tid_m[1] &  tlu_int_tid_m[0]);
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m[0] = ~tlu_int_tid_m[1] & ~tlu_int_tid_m[0];
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m[1] = ~tlu_int_tid_m[1] &  tlu_int_tid_m[0];
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m[2] =  tlu_int_tid_m[1] & ~tlu_int_tid_m[0];
   assign  inc_ind_thr_m[3] =  tlu_int_tid_m[1] &  tlu_int_tid_m[0];
   // Interrupt continues to be signalled even 1 cycle after read is
   // done.  This should not be a problem, since the lsu will probably
   // burn one cycle to complete the read by forwarding it to the reg
   // file.  Otherwise, just burn another cycle in the IFU before
   // starting the thread (this is also done right now).
   assign  int_pending_i2 = ~int_pending_i2_l;
   // removed IFU will derive the siganl locally
   assign  int_activate_i2 = ~int_pending_i2_l | tlu_int_sftint_pend;
   // send message to SWL to wake up thread if it is halted
   dff_s #4 act_signal_reg(.din (int_activate_i2[3:0]),
			 .q   (tlu_ifu_int_activate_i3[3:0]),
			 .clk (clk),
			 .se  (se), .si(), .so());
   // ask IFU to schedule interrupt
   dff_s #4 int_signal_reg(.din (int_pending_i2[3:0]),
			 .q   (tlu_ifu_hwint_i3[3:0]),
			 .clk (clk),
			 .se  (se), .si(), .so());
   dff_s #4 rst_signal_reg(.din (rstthr_i1[3:0]),
			 .q   (tlu_ifu_rstthr_i2[3:0]),
			 .clk (clk),
			 .se  (se), .si(), .so());
   // ASI Registers
   //ASI_UDB_INTR_W: 0x73
   //ASI_UDB_INTR_R: 0x74
   // decode asi thread
   assign  asi_thr[0] = ~tlu_int_asi_thrid[1] & ~tlu_int_asi_thrid[0];
   assign  asi_thr[1] = ~tlu_int_asi_thrid[1] &  tlu_int_asi_thrid[0];
   assign  asi_thr[2] =  tlu_int_asi_thrid[1] & ~tlu_int_asi_thrid[0];
   assign  asi_thr[3] =  tlu_int_asi_thrid[1] &  tlu_int_asi_thrid[0];
   // convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
   // assign  inc_ind_asi_thr_l = ~asi_thr;
   // assign  inc_ind_asi_thr = asi_thr;
   // read or write op
   assign  asi_write = tlu_int_asi_vld & tlu_int_asi_store;
   assign  asi_read = tlu_int_asi_vld & tlu_int_asi_load;
   // decode asi target
   assign inc_ind_asi_inrr = ~tlu_int_asi_state[7] &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[6]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[5] &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[4] &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[3]  &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[2] &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[1] &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[0];      // 0x72
   // need to also check if VA=0x40
   // what else is mapped to this asi?
   assign asi_invr = ~tlu_int_asi_state[7] &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[6]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[5]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[4]  &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[3]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[2]  &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[1]  &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[0];      // 0x74
   // VA<63:19>=0 is not checked
   assign asi_indr = ~tlu_int_asi_state[7] &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[6]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[5]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[4]  &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[3] &
	      ~tlu_int_asi_state[2]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[1]  &
	      tlu_int_asi_state[0];      // 0x73
   // not implemented any more
   assign  inc_ind_asi_wr_inrr = asi_thr & {4{inc_ind_asi_inrr & asi_write}};
   assign  inc_ind_asi_wr_indr = asi_thr & {4{asi_indr & asi_write}};
   assign  inc_ind_asi_rd_invr = asi_thr & {4{asi_invr & asi_read}};
   assign  red_thread = (tlu_int_redmode[0] & asi_thr[0] |
			 tlu_int_redmode[1] & asi_thr[1] |
			 tlu_int_redmode[2] & asi_thr[2] |
			 tlu_int_redmode[3] & asi_thr[3]);
   // modified for bug 2109 
   // modified for one-hot mux problem and support of macro test
   assign tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[0] = 
              asi_invr & ~(rst_tri_en | sehold); 
   assign tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[1] = 
              inc_ind_asi_inrr & ~(rst_tri_en | asi_invr | sehold);
   assign tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[2] = 
              ~((|tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[1:0]) | tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[3]);
   assign tlu_asi_rdata_mxsel_g[3] = 
              tlu_asi_queue_rd_vld_g & ~(rst_tri_en | asi_invr | sehold |
   assign int_tlu_asi_data_vld_g = 
          ((asi_invr | inc_ind_asi_inrr) & asi_read) | tlu_ld_data_vld_g; 
   dffr_s dffr_int_tlu_asi_data_vld_w2 (
    .din (int_tlu_asi_data_vld_g),
    .q   (int_tlu_asi_data_vld_w2),
    .clk (clk),
    .rst (local_rst),
    .se  (1'b0),       
    .si  (),          
    .so  ()
// modified for timing
// assign tlu_lsu_int_ldxa_vld_w2 = 
//            int_tlu_asi_data_vld_w2 & ~tlu_flush_all_w2;
assign tlu_asi_data_nf_vld_w2 = 
   // illegal va range
   assign int_ld_ill_va_g = 
          ((asi_invr | inc_ind_asi_inrr) & asi_read &
            ~tlu_va_all_zero_g) | tlu_va_ill_g; 
   assign int_ld_ill_va_g = tlu_va_ill_g; 
   dffr_s dffr_tlu_lsu_int_ld_ill_va_w2 (
    .din (int_ld_ill_va_g),
    // .q   (tlu_lsu_int_ld_ill_va_w2),
    .q   (int_ld_ill_va_w2),
    .clk (clk),
    .rst (local_rst),
    .se  (1'b0),       
    .si  (),          
    .so  ()
assign tlu_lsu_int_ld_ill_va_w2 = int_ld_ill_va_w2;
   // Write to INDR
   // Can send reset pkt's only in red mode
   // modified for timing
   // modified for bug3170
   assign int_or_redrst[3:0] = 
              ({4{~indr_inc_rst_pkt}} | tlu_int_redmode[3:0]) & 
   assign indr_vld_next[3:0] = 
              inc_ind_asi_wr_indr[3:0] & int_or_redrst[3:0] |  // set
	          indr_vld[3:0] & ~indr_rst[3:0];         // reset
   // original code
   assign indr_vld_next[3] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[3] & 
              (~(|lsu_tlu_rst_pkt[1:0]) | tlu_int_redmode[3])) |
              (indr_vld[3] & ~indr_rst[3]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[2] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[2] & 
              (~(|lsu_tlu_rst_pkt[1:0]) | tlu_int_redmode[2])) |
              (indr_vld[2] & ~indr_rst[2]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[1] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[1] & 
              (~(|lsu_tlu_rst_pkt[1:0]) | tlu_int_redmode[1])) |
              (indr_vld[1] & ~indr_rst[1]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[0] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[0] & 
              (~(|lsu_tlu_rst_pkt[1:0]) | tlu_int_redmode[0])) |
              (indr_vld[0] & ~indr_rst[0]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[3] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[3]) |
              (indr_vld[3] & ~indr_rst[3]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[2] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[2]) |
              (indr_vld[2] & ~indr_rst[2]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[1] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[1]) |
              (indr_vld[1] & ~indr_rst[1]); 
   assign indr_vld_next[0] = 
              (asi_indr & asi_write & asi_thr[0]) |
              (indr_vld[0] & ~indr_rst[0]); 
   dff_s #4 indr_vld_reg(.din (indr_vld_next[3:0]),
		       .q   (indr_vld[3:0]),
		       .clk (clk),
		       .se  (se), .si(), .so());
   // modified for bug 3945
   dffr_s dffr_indr_req_valid_disable(
       .din (|indr_vld[3:0]),
	   .q   (indr_req_valid_disable),
	   .clk (clk),
	   .rst  (local_rst | lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack), 
	   .se  (se), 
   dffe_s #(4) dffe_indr_req_vec(
       .din (indr_vld_next[3:0]),
	   .q   (indr_req_vec[3:0]),
       .en  (~indr_req_valid_disable),
	   .clk (clk),
	   .se  (se), 
   // Round robin scheduler for indr request to pcx
   sparc_ifu_rndrob  indr_sched(
       // .req_vec (indr_vld[3:0]),
       .req_vec (indr_req_vec[3:0]),
	   .advance (lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack),
	   .rst_tri_enable (rst_tri_en),
	   .clk (clk),
	   .reset  (local_rst),
	   .se  (se),
	   .si (si),
	   .grant_vec (indr_grant[3:0]),
	   .so ());
// convert the signal back to non-inverting version for grape
// modified to fix one-hot indetermination
     assign  inc_ind_indr_grant[0] = 
     assign  inc_ind_indr_grant[1] = 
     assign  inc_ind_indr_grant[2] = 
                 indr_grant[2] & ~indr_grant[1];
     assign  inc_ind_indr_grant[3] = 
                 indr_grant[3] & ~(|inc_ind_indr_grant[2:1]);
   assign  indr_rst[3:0] = 
               {4{local_rst}} | (indr_grant[3:0] & {4{lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack}});
   assign  intd_done[3:0] = 
               (indr_grant[3:0] & indr_vld[3:0] & {4{lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack}});
   dffr_s #(4) intd_reg(
       .din (intd_done[3:0]),
	   .q   (int_tlu_longop_done[3:0]),
	   .clk (clk),
	   .rst  (local_rst),
	   .se  (se), 
   // INDR pcx request control signals
   // modified for bug 3945
   // assign  inc_indr_req_valid = (|indr_vld[3:0]) & ~lsu_tlu_pcxpkt_ack;
   assign  inc_indr_req_valid = indr_req_valid_disable;
   assign  inc_indr_req_thrid[1] = indr_grant[3] | indr_grant[2];
   assign  inc_indr_req_thrid[0] = indr_grant[3] | indr_grant[1];
endmodule // sparc_tlu_intctl

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