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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// fifos.v //// //// //// //// //// //// This file is part of the SPORT Protocol Controller //// //// http://www.opencores.org/projects/SPORT/ //// //// //// //// //// //// Author(s): //// //// Jeff Anderson //// //// jeaander@opencores.org //// //// //// //// //// //// All additional information is available in the README.txt //// //// file. //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2013 Authors //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// //// //// //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// //// later version. //// //// //// //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// //// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// //// details. //// //// //// //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// //// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// //// //// //// //// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Revisions at end of file // // synopsys translate_off `include "timescale.v" // synopsys translate_on `include "SPORT_defines.v" //pulling in data bus width from SPORT_defines file `ifdef SPORT_WIDTH64 `define SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH 64 `elsif SPORT_WIDTH32 `define SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH 32 `elsif SPORT_WIDTH16 `define SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH 16 `else `define SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH 8 `endif //define depth of FIFO; pulling in depth from SPORT_defines //`define SPORT_FIFODEPTH 16 //uncomment a single implementation of FIFO; pulling in implementation from SPORT_defines //`define SPORT_CUSTOMFIFO module fifo_sport ( clk_rd, clk_wr, d_i, d_o, rst, wr_en, rd_en, full, empty ); input clk_rd; input clk_wr; input [`SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH-1:0] d_i; output [`SPORT_FIFODATAWIDTH-1:0] d_o; input rst; input wr_en; input rd_en; output full; output empty; `ifdef SPORT_CUSTOMFIFO `ifdef SPORT_WIDTH64 wire [7:0] full_int; wire [7:0] empty_int; assign full = |full_int; assign empty = |empty_int; custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp1(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[63:56],d_o[63:56],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[0],empty_int[0]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp2(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[55:48],d_o[55:48],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[1],empty_int[1]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp3(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[47:40],d_o[47:40],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[2],empty_int[2]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp4(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[39:32],d_o[39:32],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[3],empty_int[3]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp5(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[31:24],d_o[31:24],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[4],empty_int[4]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp6(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[23:16],d_o[23:16],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[5],empty_int[5]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp7(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[15:8],d_o[15:8],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[6],empty_int[6]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp8(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[7:0],d_o[7:0],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[7],empty_int[7]); `elsif SPORT_WIDTH32 wire [3:0] full_int; wire [3:0] empty_int; assign full = |full_int; assign empty = |empty_int; custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp5(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[31:24],d_o[31:24],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[0],empty_int[0]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp6(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[23:16],d_o[23:16],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[1],empty_int[1]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp7(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[15:8],d_o[15:8],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[2],empty_int[2]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp8(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[7:0],d_o[7:0],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[3],empty_int[3]); `elsif SPORT_WIDTH16 wire [1:0] full_int; wire [1:0] empty_int; assign full = |full_int; assign empty = |empty_int; custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp7(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[15:8],d_o[15:8],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[0],empty_int[0]); custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp8(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[7:0],d_o[7:0],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full_int[1],empty_int[1]); `else custom_fifo_dp custom_fifo_dp8(clk_rd,clk_wr,d_i[7:0],d_o[7:0],rst,wr_en,rd_en,full,empty); `endif `endif endmodule module custom_fifo_dp ( clk_rd, clk_wr, d_i, d_o, rst, wr_en, rd_en, full, empty ); input clk_rd; input clk_wr; input [7:0] d_i; output [7:0] d_o; input rst; input wr_en; input rd_en; output full; output empty; reg [`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1:0] addr_rd; reg [`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1:0] addr_wr; reg [7:0] fifo_out; wire [7:0] mem_byte_out; wire [`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1:0] full_int; //bytewide memory array in FIFO. user sets depth. genvar c; generate for (c = 0; c < `SPORT_FIFODEPTH; c = c + 1) begin: mem mem_byte mem_byte(rst,clk_wr,d_i,mem_byte_out,addr_wr[c],addr_rd[c]); end endgenerate //read logic needed here to handle clock domain change assign d_o = fifo_out; always @(posedge clk_rd or posedge rst) begin if (rst) fifo_out <= 8'h0; else fifo_out <= mem_byte_out; end //addressing logic is simply a circular shift register that gets reset to 1 always @(posedge clk_wr or posedge rst) begin if (rst) addr_wr <= `SPORT_FIFODEPTH'h1; else if (wr_en&(~full)) begin addr_wr[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1:1] <= addr_wr[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-2:0]; addr_wr[0] <= addr_wr[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1]; end end always @(posedge clk_rd or posedge rst) begin if (rst) addr_rd <= `SPORT_FIFODEPTH'h1; else if (rd_en&(~empty)) begin addr_rd[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1:1] <= addr_rd[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-2:0]; addr_rd[0] <= addr_rd[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1]; end end //use address logic for flags assign empty = (addr_wr == addr_rd); //when read addr catches write addr, we're empty assign full = empty?1'b0:|full_int; //if fifo isn't empty, then OR all full flag outputs assign full_int[0] = (addr_wr[`SPORT_FIFODEPTH-1] & addr_rd[0]); //when we've written to entire mem, we're full genvar d; generate for (d = 1; d < `SPORT_FIFODEPTH; d = d + 1) begin: flag assign full_int[d] = (addr_wr[d-1] & addr_rd[d]); //when we've written to entire mem, we're full end endgenerate endmodule module mem_byte( rst, clk, din, dout, wen, ren ); input rst; input clk; input[7:0] din; output [7:0] dout; input wen; input ren; reg[7:0] byte_reg; //just a byte-wide register with input and output enables assign dout = ren?byte_reg:8'bz; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) byte_reg <= 8'h0; else if (wen) byte_reg <= din; end endmodule ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CVS Revision History // // $Log: $ //