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Release 14.7 Trace  (nt64)
Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.

C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64\unwrapped\trce.exe -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 4
-n 3 -fastpaths -xml sport_top.twx sport_top.ncd -o sport_top.twr sport_top.pcf
-ucf sport_top.ucf

Design file:              sport_top.ncd
Physical constraint file: sport_top.pcf
Device,package,speed:     xc3s700an,fgg484,-4 (PRODUCTION 1.42 2013-10-13)
Report level:             verbose report

Environment Variable      Effect 
--------------------      ------ 
NONE                      No environment variables were set

INFO:Timing:3412 - To improve timing, see the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).
INFO:Timing:2752 - To get complete path coverage, use the unconstrained paths 
   option. All paths that are not constrained will be reported in the 
   unconstrained paths section(s) of the report.
INFO:Timing:3339 - The clock-to-out numbers in this timing report are based on 
   a 50 Ohm transmission line loading model.  For the details of this model, 
   and for more information on accounting for different loading conditions, 
   please see the device datasheet.
INFO:Timing:3390 - This architecture does not support a default System Jitter 
   value, please add SYSTEM_JITTER constraint to the UCF to modify the Clock 
   Uncertainty calculation.
INFO:Timing:3389 - This architecture does not support 'Discrete Jitter' and 
   'Phase Error' calculations, these terms will be zero in the Clock 
   Uncertainty calculation.  Please make appropriate modification to 
   SYSTEM_JITTER to account for the unsupported Discrete Jitter and Phase 

Timing constraint: TS_rxclk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "rxclk" 20 ns HIGH 50%;
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 0 paths analyzed, 0 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is   1.602ns.

Component Switching Limit Checks: TS_rxclk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "rxclk" 20 ns HIGH 50%;
Slack: 18.398ns (period - (min low pulse limit / (low pulse / period)))
  Period: 20.000ns
  Low pulse: 10.000ns
  Low pulse limit: 0.801ns (Tcl)
  Physical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CLK
  Logical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X6Y54.CLK
  Clock network: RSCLKx_OBUF
Slack: 18.398ns (period - (min high pulse limit / (high pulse / period)))
  Period: 20.000ns
  High pulse: 10.000ns
  High pulse limit: 0.801ns (Tch)
  Physical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CLK
  Logical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X6Y54.CLK
  Clock network: RSCLKx_OBUF
Slack: 18.398ns (period - min period limit)
  Period: 20.000ns
  Min period limit: 1.602ns (624.220MHz) (Tcp)
  Physical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CLK
  Logical resource: rxfs_rnm0/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X6Y54.CLK
  Clock network: RSCLKx_OBUF

Timing constraint: TS_txclk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "txclk" 20 ns HIGH 50%;
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 128 paths analyzed, 60 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is   4.635ns.

Paths for end point state_FSM_FFd2 (SLICE_X4Y53.F2), 10 paths
Slack (setup path):     15.365ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_7 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.672ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.037ns (0.056 - 0.019)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_7 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y60.XQ       Tcko                  0.631   txpacketCnt_tx<7>
    SLICE_X5Y51.G3       net (fanout=2)        1.234   txpacketCnt_tx<7>
    SLICE_X5Y51.COUT     Topcyg                1.178   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.XB       Tcinxb                0.296   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.531   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.672ns (2.907ns logic, 1.765ns route)
                                                       (62.2% logic, 37.8% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.387ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_3 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.634ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.021ns (0.056 - 0.035)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_3 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y58.XQ       Tcko                  0.631   txpacketCnt_tx<3>
    SLICE_X5Y50.G2       net (fanout=2)        1.066   txpacketCnt_tx<3>
    SLICE_X5Y50.COUT     Topcyg                1.178   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<1>
    SLICE_X5Y51.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<1>
    SLICE_X5Y51.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.XB       Tcinxb                0.296   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.531   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.634ns (3.037ns logic, 1.597ns route)
                                                       (65.5% logic, 34.5% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.400ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_4 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.637ns (Levels of Logic = 3)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.037ns (0.056 - 0.019)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_4 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y61.YQ       Tcko                  0.676   txpacketCnt_tx<5>
    SLICE_X5Y51.F3       net (fanout=2)        1.137   txpacketCnt_tx<4>
    SLICE_X5Y51.COUT     Topcyf                1.195   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y52.XB       Tcinxb                0.296   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.531   Mcompar_state_cmp_eq0001_cy<4>
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.637ns (2.969ns logic, 1.668ns route)
                                                       (64.0% logic, 36.0% route)


Paths for end point state_FSM_FFd2 (SLICE_X4Y53.F3), 5 paths
Slack (setup path):     15.427ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txsampleCnt_tx_4 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.569ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.004ns (0.056 - 0.060)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txsampleCnt_tx_4 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y55.XQ       Tcko                  0.631   txsampleCnt_tx<4>
    SLICE_X5Y53.G2       net (fanout=2)        0.903   txsampleCnt_tx<4>
    SLICE_X5Y53.Y        Tilo                  0.648   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X5Y53.F4       net (fanout=1)        0.044   state_FSM_FFd1-In51/O
    SLICE_X5Y53.X        Tilo                  0.643   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.G4       net (fanout=2)        0.148   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.Y        Tilo                  0.707   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.F3       net (fanout=1)        0.043   state_FSM_FFd1-In21_SW0/O
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.569ns (3.431ns logic, 1.138ns route)
                                                       (75.1% logic, 24.9% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.471ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txsampleCnt_tx_1 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.525ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.004ns (0.056 - 0.060)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txsampleCnt_tx_1 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X5Y54.XQ       Tcko                  0.591   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X4Y54.F1       net (fanout=4)        0.579   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X4Y54.X        Tilo                  0.692   txsampleCnt_tx<2>
    SLICE_X5Y53.F3       net (fanout=1)        0.320   N21
    SLICE_X5Y53.X        Tilo                  0.643   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.G4       net (fanout=2)        0.148   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.Y        Tilo                  0.707   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.F3       net (fanout=1)        0.043   state_FSM_FFd1-In21_SW0/O
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.525ns (3.435ns logic, 1.090ns route)
                                                       (75.9% logic, 24.1% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.651ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txsampleCnt_tx_3 (FF)
  Destination:          state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.345ns (Levels of Logic = 4)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.004ns (0.056 - 0.060)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txsampleCnt_tx_3 to state_FSM_FFd2
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X5Y55.XQ       Tcko                  0.591   txsampleCnt_tx<3>
    SLICE_X5Y53.G4       net (fanout=3)        0.719   txsampleCnt_tx<3>
    SLICE_X5Y53.Y        Tilo                  0.648   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X5Y53.F4       net (fanout=1)        0.044   state_FSM_FFd1-In51/O
    SLICE_X5Y53.X        Tilo                  0.643   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.G4       net (fanout=2)        0.148   state_FSM_FFd1-In_bdd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.Y        Tilo                  0.707   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X4Y53.F3       net (fanout=1)        0.043   state_FSM_FFd1-In21_SW0/O
    SLICE_X4Y53.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   state_FSM_FFd2
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.345ns (3.391ns logic, 0.954ns route)
                                                       (78.0% logic, 22.0% route)


Paths for end point txpacketCnt_tx_9 (SLICE_X4Y62.F2), 10 paths
Slack (setup path):     15.504ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_1 (FF)
  Destination:          txpacketCnt_tx_9 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.467ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.029ns (0.006 - 0.035)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_1 to txpacketCnt_tx_9
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y59.XQ       Tcko                  0.631   txpacketCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X5Y58.G1       net (fanout=2)        0.528   txpacketCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X5Y58.COUT     Topcyg                1.178   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<0>
    SLICE_X5Y59.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<1>
    SLICE_X5Y59.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<2>
    SLICE_X5Y60.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y60.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<4>
    SLICE_X5Y61.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<5>
    SLICE_X5Y61.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<6>
    SLICE_X5Y62.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<7>
    SLICE_X5Y62.Y        Tciny                 0.864   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<8>
    SLICE_X4Y62.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.074   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<9>
    SLICE_X4Y62.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   txpacketCnt_tx<9>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.467ns (3.865ns logic, 0.602ns route)
                                                       (86.5% logic, 13.5% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.560ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_0 (FF)
  Destination:          txpacketCnt_tx_9 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.411ns (Levels of Logic = 6)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.029ns (0.006 - 0.035)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_0 to txpacketCnt_tx_9
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y59.YQ       Tcko                  0.676   txpacketCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X5Y58.F4       net (fanout=2)        0.410   txpacketCnt_tx<0>
    SLICE_X5Y58.COUT     Topcyf                1.195   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<0>
    SLICE_X5Y59.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<1>
    SLICE_X5Y59.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<2>
    SLICE_X5Y60.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y60.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<4>
    SLICE_X5Y61.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<5>
    SLICE_X5Y61.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<6>
    SLICE_X5Y62.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<7>
    SLICE_X5Y62.Y        Tciny                 0.864   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<8>
    SLICE_X4Y62.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.074   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<9>
    SLICE_X4Y62.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   txpacketCnt_tx<9>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.411ns (3.927ns logic, 0.484ns route)
                                                       (89.0% logic, 11.0% route)

Slack (setup path):     15.564ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               txpacketCnt_tx_2 (FF)
  Destination:          txpacketCnt_tx_9 (FF)
  Requirement:          20.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      4.407ns (Levels of Logic = 5)
  Clock Path Skew:      -0.029ns (0.006 - 0.035)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 0.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: txpacketCnt_tx_2 to txpacketCnt_tx_9
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y58.YQ       Tcko                  0.676   txpacketCnt_tx<3>
    SLICE_X5Y59.F3       net (fanout=2)        0.536   txpacketCnt_tx<2>
    SLICE_X5Y59.COUT     Topcyf                1.195   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<2>
    SLICE_X5Y60.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<3>
    SLICE_X5Y60.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<4>
    SLICE_X5Y61.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<5>
    SLICE_X5Y61.COUT     Tbyp                  0.130   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<6>
    SLICE_X5Y62.CIN      net (fanout=1)        0.000   Madd_txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000_cy<7>
    SLICE_X5Y62.Y        Tciny                 0.864   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<8>
    SLICE_X4Y62.F2       net (fanout=1)        0.074   txpacketCnt_tx_addsub0000<9>
    SLICE_X4Y62.CLK      Tfck                  0.802   txpacketCnt_tx<9>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      4.407ns (3.797ns logic, 0.610ns route)
                                                       (86.2% logic, 13.8% route)


Hold Paths: TS_txclk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "txclk" 20 ns HIGH 50%;

Paths for end point txsampleCnt_tx_1 (SLICE_X5Y54.F4), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.314ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               txsampleCnt_tx_1 (FF)
  Destination:          txsampleCnt_tx_1 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      1.314ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.000ns
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: txsampleCnt_tx_1 to txsampleCnt_tx_1
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X5Y54.XQ       Tcko                  0.473   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X5Y54.F4       net (fanout=4)        0.375   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    SLICE_X5Y54.CLK      Tckf        (-Th)    -0.466   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      1.314ns (0.939ns logic, 0.375ns route)
                                                       (71.5% logic, 28.5% route)


Paths for end point txsampleCnt_tx_0 (SLICE_X5Y54.G4), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.363ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Destination:          txsampleCnt_tx_0 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      1.367ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.004ns (0.060 - 0.056)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: state_FSM_FFd2 to txsampleCnt_tx_0
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y53.XQ       Tcko                  0.505   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X5Y54.G4       net (fanout=18)       0.392   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X5Y54.CLK      Tckg        (-Th)    -0.470   txsampleCnt_tx<1>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      1.367ns (0.975ns logic, 0.392ns route)
                                                       (71.3% logic, 28.7% route)


Paths for end point txsampleCnt_tx_3 (SLICE_X5Y55.F3), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.418ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               state_FSM_FFd2 (FF)
  Destination:          txsampleCnt_tx_3 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      1.422ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.004ns (0.060 - 0.056)
  Source Clock:         TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Destination Clock:    TSCLKx_OBUF rising at 20.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: state_FSM_FFd2 to txsampleCnt_tx_3
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X4Y53.XQ       Tcko                  0.505   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X5Y55.F3       net (fanout=18)       0.451   state_FSM_FFd2
    SLICE_X5Y55.CLK      Tckf        (-Th)    -0.466   txsampleCnt_tx<3>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      1.422ns (0.971ns logic, 0.451ns route)
                                                       (68.3% logic, 31.7% route)


Component Switching Limit Checks: TS_txclk = PERIOD TIMEGRP "txclk" 20 ns HIGH 50%;
Slack: 18.398ns (period - (min low pulse limit / (low pulse / period)))
  Period: 20.000ns
  Low pulse: 10.000ns
  Low pulse limit: 0.801ns (Tcl)
  Physical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CLK
  Logical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X4Y52.CLK
  Clock network: TSCLKx_OBUF
Slack: 18.398ns (period - (min high pulse limit / (high pulse / period)))
  Period: 20.000ns
  High pulse: 10.000ns
  High pulse limit: 0.801ns (Tch)
  Physical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CLK
  Logical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X4Y52.CLK
  Clock network: TSCLKx_OBUF
Slack: 18.398ns (period - min period limit)
  Period: 20.000ns
  Min period limit: 1.602ns (624.220MHz) (Tcp)
  Physical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CLK
  Logical resource: state_FSM_FFd1/CK
  Location pin: SLICE_X4Y52.CLK
  Clock network: TSCLKx_OBUF

Timing constraint: TS_wb_clk_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "wb_clk_i" 10 ns HIGH 50%;
For more information, see Period Analysis in the Timing Closure User Guide (UG612).

 22 paths analyzed, 22 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints
 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors, 0 component switching limit errors)
 Minimum period is   3.204ns.

Paths for end point wb_interface/rxreg_20 (SLICE_X1Y54.CE), 1 path
Slack (setup path):     6.860ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               wb_interface/rxreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/rxreg_20 (FF)
  Requirement:          10.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      3.140ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.000ns
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 5.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: wb_interface/rxreg_20 to wb_interface/rxreg_20
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X1Y54.XQ       Tcko                  0.591   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.G4       net (fanout=1)        0.404   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.Y        Tilo                  0.707   wb_interface/wb_dat_rdbk
    SLICE_X1Y54.CE       net (fanout=2)        1.127   wb_interface/rxreg_and0000
    SLICE_X1Y54.CLK      Tceck                 0.311   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      3.140ns (1.609ns logic, 1.531ns route)
                                                       (51.2% logic, 48.8% route)


Paths for end point wb_interface/rxreg_17 (SLICE_X1Y54.CE), 1 path
Slack (setup path):     6.860ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               wb_interface/rxreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/rxreg_17 (FF)
  Requirement:          10.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      3.140ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.000ns
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 5.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: wb_interface/rxreg_20 to wb_interface/rxreg_17
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X1Y54.XQ       Tcko                  0.591   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.G4       net (fanout=1)        0.404   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.Y        Tilo                  0.707   wb_interface/wb_dat_rdbk
    SLICE_X1Y54.CE       net (fanout=2)        1.127   wb_interface/rxreg_and0000
    SLICE_X1Y54.CLK      Tceck                 0.311   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      3.140ns (1.609ns logic, 1.531ns route)
                                                       (51.2% logic, 48.8% route)


Paths for end point wb_interface/rxreg_15 (SLICE_X1Y50.CE), 1 path
Slack (setup path):     6.861ns (requirement - (data path - clock path skew + uncertainty))
  Source:               wb_interface/rxreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/rxreg_15 (FF)
  Requirement:          10.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      3.140ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.001ns (0.020 - 0.019)
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 5.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Maximum Data Path: wb_interface/rxreg_20 to wb_interface/rxreg_15
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X1Y54.XQ       Tcko                  0.591   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.G4       net (fanout=1)        0.404   wb_interface/rxreg<20>
    SLICE_X0Y54.Y        Tilo                  0.707   wb_interface/wb_dat_rdbk
    SLICE_X1Y50.CE       net (fanout=2)        1.127   wb_interface/rxreg_and0000
    SLICE_X1Y50.CLK      Tceck                 0.311   wb_interface/rxreg<15>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      3.140ns (1.609ns logic, 1.531ns route)
                                                       (51.2% logic, 48.8% route)


Hold Paths: TS_wb_clk_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "wb_clk_i" 10 ns HIGH 50%;

Paths for end point wb_interface/txreg_20 (SLICE_X0Y56.CE), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.912ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               wb_interface/txreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/txreg_20 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      1.912ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.000ns
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: wb_interface/txreg_20 to wb_interface/txreg_20
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X0Y56.XQ       Tcko                  0.505   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.F1       net (fanout=1)        0.377   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.X        Tilo                  0.514   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X0Y56.CE       net (fanout=9)        0.516   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X0Y56.CLK      Tckce       (-Th)     0.000   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      1.912ns (1.019ns logic, 0.893ns route)
                                                       (53.3% logic, 46.7% route)


Paths for end point wb_interface/txreg_17 (SLICE_X0Y56.CE), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.912ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               wb_interface/txreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/txreg_17 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      1.912ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.000ns
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: wb_interface/txreg_20 to wb_interface/txreg_17
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X0Y56.XQ       Tcko                  0.505   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.F1       net (fanout=1)        0.377   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.X        Tilo                  0.514   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X0Y56.CE       net (fanout=9)        0.516   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X0Y56.CLK      Tckce       (-Th)     0.000   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      1.912ns (1.019ns logic, 0.893ns route)
                                                       (53.3% logic, 46.7% route)


Paths for end point wb_interface/txreg_5 (SLICE_X3Y47.CE), 1 path
Slack (hold path):      1.944ns (requirement - (clock path skew + uncertainty - data path))
  Source:               wb_interface/txreg_20 (FF)
  Destination:          wb_interface/txreg_5 (FF)
  Requirement:          0.000ns
  Data Path Delay:      2.094ns (Levels of Logic = 1)
  Clock Path Skew:      0.150ns (0.749 - 0.599)
  Source Clock:         wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Destination Clock:    wb_clk_i_BUFGP falling at 15.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:    0.000ns

  Minimum Data Path: wb_interface/txreg_20 to wb_interface/txreg_5
    Location             Delay type         Delay(ns)  Physical Resource
                                                       Logical Resource(s)
    -------------------------------------------------  -------------------
    SLICE_X0Y56.XQ       Tcko                  0.505   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.F1       net (fanout=1)        0.377   wb_interface/txreg<20>
    SLICE_X1Y56.X        Tilo                  0.514   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X3Y47.CE       net (fanout=9)        0.698   wb_interface/txreg_and0000
    SLICE_X3Y47.CLK      Tckce       (-Th)     0.000   wb_interface/txreg<5>
    -------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------
    Total                                      2.094ns (1.019ns logic, 1.075ns route)
                                                       (48.7% logic, 51.3% route)


Component Switching Limit Checks: TS_wb_clk_i = PERIOD TIMEGRP "wb_clk_i" 10 ns HIGH 50%;
Slack: 6.796ns (period - (min low pulse limit / (low pulse / period)))
  Period: 10.000ns
  Low pulse: 5.000ns
  Low pulse limit: 1.602ns (Trpw)
  Physical resource: wb_interface/txreg<1>/SR
  Logical resource: wb_interface/txreg_1/SR
  Location pin: SLICE_X2Y51.SR
  Clock network: wb_rst_i_IBUF
Slack: 6.796ns (period - (min high pulse limit / (high pulse / period)))
  Period: 10.000ns
  High pulse: 5.000ns
  High pulse limit: 1.602ns (Trpw)
  Physical resource: wb_interface/txreg<1>/SR
  Logical resource: wb_interface/txreg_1/SR
  Location pin: SLICE_X2Y51.SR
  Clock network: wb_rst_i_IBUF
Slack: 6.796ns (period - (min low pulse limit / (low pulse / period)))
  Period: 10.000ns
  Low pulse: 5.000ns
  Low pulse limit: 1.602ns (Trpw)
  Physical resource: wb_interface/txreg<1>/SR
  Logical resource: wb_interface/txreg_0/SR
  Location pin: SLICE_X2Y51.SR
  Clock network: wb_rst_i_IBUF

All constraints were met.

Data Sheet report:
All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)

Clock to Setup on destination clock txclk
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
txclk          |    4.635|         |         |         |

Clock to Setup on destination clock wb_clk_i
               | Src:Rise| Src:Fall| Src:Rise| Src:Fall|
Source Clock   |Dest:Rise|Dest:Rise|Dest:Fall|Dest:Fall|
wb_clk_i       |         |         |         |    3.140|

Timing summary:

Timing errors: 0  Score: 0  (Setup/Max: 0, Hold: 0)

Constraints cover 150 paths, 0 nets, and 140 connections

Design statistics:
   Minimum period:   4.635ns{1}   (Maximum frequency: 215.750MHz)

1)  The minimum period statistic assumes all single cycle delays.

Analysis completed Fri Feb 20 14:09:29 2015 

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Trace Settings 

Peak Memory Usage: 188 MB

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