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[/] [ssbcc/] [trunk/] [core/] [9x8/] [peripherals/] [servo_motor.py] - Rev 14
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################################################################################ # # Copyright 2015, Sinclair R.F., Inc. # ################################################################################ import math from ssbccPeripheral import SSBCCperipheral from ssbccUtil import CeilLog2 from ssbccUtil import SSBCCException class servo_motor(SSBCCperipheral): """ Servo Motor driver:\n Creates PWM modulated signals to operate micro servos for UAVs and similar.\n Usage: PERIPHERAL servo_motor outport=O_name \\ {outsignal|outsignaln}=o_name \\ freq_hz=FREQ_HZ \\ min_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns} \\ max_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns} \\ [default_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns}] \\ {period=XXX{s|ms|us|ns}|sync=o_name} \\ [inperiod=I_name] \\ [scale=C_name] \\ [scale_max=C_name]\n Where: outport=O_name specifies the symbol used to write the 8-bit PWM control to this peripheral Note: The name must start with "O_". {outsignal|outsignaln}=o_name specifies the name of the output PWM signal Note: outsignal creates a positive pulse for the PWM control and outsignaln creates an inverted pulse for the PWM control. Note: The name must start with "o_". freq_hz=FREQ_HZ specifies the processor clock speed to the peripheral min_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns} specifies the minimum pulse width Note: XXX may be an integer or a real number Note: The minimum width must be a realizable positive value (since a pulse width of zero means no control is being given to the servo). max_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns} specifies the maximum pulse width Note: XXX may be an integer or a real number default_width=XXX{s|ms|us|ns} optionally specifies the default width of the PWM before it is set by the processor Note: If the default width is not specified then the minimum width is used as the default width. {period=XXX{s|ms|us|ns}|sync=o_name} either specifies the rate at which the PWM is generated or synchronize the PWM generation to a preceding servo_motor peripheral with the output signal o_name Note: XXX may be an integer or a real number Note: When sync is specified the leading edges of the PWMs will coincide. inperiod=I_name optionally specifies an input port to receive the strobe generated by the associated period Note: This optional parameter requires that period be specified. It is not compatible with the sync parameter. scale=C_name optionally creates a constant named "C_name" which states how many clock cycles are used for each count in the 8-bit PWM control Note: The name must start with "C_". Example: A PWM range of 1000 to 1500 usec and a clock frequency of 8 MHz produces a value of ceil((1500-1000)*8/(256-1)) = 16 clock cycles per 8-bit control value count. scale_max=C_name optionally creates a constant named "C_name" wich states the upper limit of the continuous control range Note: The name must start with "C_". Example: For the example in "scale=C_name" the upper limit would be ceil((1500-1000)*8/16) = 250. I.e., control values of 251 through 255 inclusive will produce the same PWM width as the control value 250. Example: A micro servo that responds to positive PWM pulses between 1000 usec and 1500 usec once every 20 msec and the processor clock is 8 MHz. The architecture file would include the following:\n CONSTANT C_FREQ_HZ 8_000_000 PORTCOMMENT servo motor control PERIPHERAL servo_motor outport=O_SERVO \\ outsignal=o_servo \\ freq_hz=C_FREQ_HZ \\ min_width=1000us \\ max_width=1500us \\ period=20ms \\ scale=C_servo_scale \\ scale_max=C_servo_scale_max\n will create a peripheral generating the desired PWM signal.\n The constants C_servo_scale and C_servo_scale_max could be reported by the micro controller to a controlling application to specify the sensitivity and upper limit for the servo motor controller.\n Example: Synchronize a second servo motor with PWM pulses between 1000 usec and 2500 usec to the preceding servo motor controller:\n PERIPHERAL servo_motor outport=O_SERVO_2 \\ outsignal=o_servo2 \\ freq_hz=C_FREQ_HZ \\ min_width=1.0ms \\ max_width=2.5ms \\ sync=o_servo\n """ def __init__(self,peripheralFile,config,param_list,loc): # Use the externally provided file name for the peripheral self.peripheralFile = peripheralFile; # Get the parameters. allowables = ( ( 'default_width', r'\S+', lambda v : self.TimeMethod(config,v), ), ( 'freq_hz', r'\S+$', lambda v : self.IntMethod(config,v), ), ( 'inperiod', r'I_\w+$', None, ), ( 'max_width', r'\S+$', lambda v : self.TimeMethod(config,v), ), ( 'min_width', r'\S+$', lambda v : self.TimeMethod(config,v), ), ( 'outport', r'O_\w+$', None, ), ( 'outsignal', r'o_\w+$', None, ), ( 'outsignaln', r'o_\w+$', None, ), ( 'period', r'\S+$', lambda v : self.TimeMethod(config,v), ), ( 'scale', r'C_\w+$', None, ), ( 'scale_max', r'C_\w+$', None, ), ( 'sync', r'o_\w+$', None, ), ) names = [a[0] for a in allowables]; for param_tuple in param_list: param = param_tuple[0]; if param not in names: raise SSBCCException('Unrecognized parameter "%s" at %s' % (param,loc,)); param_test = allowables[names.index(param)]; self.AddAttr(config,param,param_tuple[1],param_test[1],loc,param_test[2]); # Ensure the required parameters are provided. for paramname in ( 'outport', 'freq_hz', 'min_width', 'max_width', ): if not hasattr(self,paramname): raise SSBCCException('Required parameter "%s" is missing at %s' % (paramname,loc,)); # Ensure exactly one of mandatory exclusive pairs are specified. for exclusivepair in ( ( 'outsignal', 'outsignaln', ), ( 'period', 'sync', ), ): if not hasattr(self,exclusivepair[0]) and not hasattr(self,exclusivepair[1]): raise SSBCCException('One of %s or %s must be specified at %s', (exclusivepair[0], exclusivepair[1], loc, )); if hasattr(self,exclusivepair[0]) and hasattr(self,exclusivepair[1]): raise SSBCCException('Only one of %s or %s may be specified at %s', (exclusivepair[0], exclusivepair[1], loc, )); # Set optional signals if not hasattr(self,'default_width'): self.default_width = self.min_width; # Ensure signal values are reasonable. if self.min_width >= self.max_width: raise SSBCCException('min_width must be smaller than max_width at %s' % loc); if not self.min_width <= self.default_width <= self.max_width: raise SSBCCException('default_width is not between min_width and max_width at %s' % loc); # Ensure the optionally provided "sync" servo_motor peripheral has been specified. if hasattr(self,'sync'): for p in config.peripheral: if (str(p.__class__) == str(self.__class__)) and (p.outsignal == self.sync): break; else: raise SSBCCException('Can\'t find preceding servo_motor peripheral with outsignal=%s at %s ' % (self.sync,loc,)); if not hasattr(p,'period'): raise SSBCCException('servo_motor peripherial with outsignal=%s must have period specified to be used at %s' % (self.sync,loc,)); # Translate the outsignal specification into a single member for the signal # name and a specification as to whether or not the signal is inverted. if hasattr(self,'outsignaln'): self.outsignal = self.outsignaln; self.invertOutsignal = True; else: self.invertOutsignal = False; # Set the string used to identify signals associated with this peripheral. self.namestring = self.outsignal; # Calculate the name of the signal to start the PWM. self.periodSignal = 's__%s__period_done' % (self.namestring if hasattr(self,'period') else self.sync) # Calculate the scaling and set the optionally specified constants. # TODO -- ensure the realizable min_width is positive self.scaleValue = int(math.ceil((self.max_width-self.min_width)*self.freq_hz/2**config.Get('data_width'))); self.scale_maxValue = int(math.ceil((self.max_width-self.min_width)*self.freq_hz/self.scaleValue)); for scalingPair in ( ( 'scaling', 'scaleValue', ), ( 'scale_max', 'scale_maxValue', ), ): if hasattr(self,scalingPair[0]): config.AddConstant(scalingPair[1], getAttr(self,scalingPair[1])); # Add the I/O port, internal signals, and the INPORT and OUTPORT symbols for this peripheral. config.AddIO(self.outsignal,1,'output',loc); if hasattr(self,'period'): config.AddSignal(self.periodSignal, 1, loc); self.ix_outport = config.NOutports(); config.AddOutport((self.outport, False, # empty list ),loc); if hasattr(self,'inperiod'): config.AddSignal('s_SETRESET_%s' % self.periodSignal,1,loc); config.AddInport((self.inperiod, (self.periodSignal, 1, 'set-reset',), ),loc); def GenVerilog(self,fp,config): body = self.LoadCore(self.peripheralFile,'.v'); if hasattr(self,'period'): body = re.sub(r'@PERIOD_BEGIN@\n','',body); body = re.sub(r'@PERIOD_END@\n','',body); else: body = re.sub(r'@PERIOD_BEGIN@.*?@PERIOD_END@\n','',body,flags=re.DOTALL); nbits_scale = CeilLog2(self.scaleValue); if nbits_scale == 0: body = re.sub(r'@SCALE_0_BEGIN@\n','',body); body = re.sub(r'@SCALE_0_ELSE@.*?@SCALE_0_END@\n','',body,flags=re.DOTALL); else: body = re.sub(r'@SCALE_0_BEGIN@.*?@SCALE_0_ELSE@\n','',body,flags=re.DOTALL); body = re.sub(r'@SCALE_0_END@\n','',body); scaled_min_width = int(math.floor(self.min_width*self.freq_hz/self.scaleValue)); scaled_default_width = int(math.floor(self.default_width*self.freq_hz/self.scaleValue)); scaled_max_width = int(math.floor(self.max_width*self.freq_hz/self.scaleValue)); nbits_pwm = max(config.Get('data_width')+1,CeilLog2(scaled_max_width)); pwm_formula = "%d'd%d + { %d'd0, s_N }" % (nbits_pwm,scaled_min_width-1,nbits_pwm-8,); if hasattr(self,'period'): period = self.period * self.freq_hz / self.scaleValue; nbits_period = CeilLog2(period); else: period = 1; nbits_period = 0; for subpair in ( ( r'@DEFAULT_PWM@', "%d'd%d" % (nbits_pwm,scaled_default_width-1,), ), ( r'@INVERT@', '!' if self.invertOutsignal else '', ), ( r'@IX_OUTPORT@', "8'd%d" % self.ix_outport, ), ( r'@NAME@', self.namestring, ), ( r'@NBITS_PERIOD@', str(nbits_period), ), ( r'@NBITS_PWM@', str(nbits_pwm), ), ( r'@NBITS_SCALE@', str(nbits_scale), ), ( r'@ONE_PERIOD@', "%d'd1" % nbits_period, ), ( r'@ONE_PWM@', "%d'd1" % nbits_pwm, ), ( r'@ONE_SCALE@', "%d'd1" % nbits_scale, ), ( r'@OUTSIGNAL@', self.outsignal, ), ( r'@PERIOD_MINUS_ONE@', "%d'd%d" % (nbits_period,period-1,), ), ( r'@PWM_FORMULA@', pwm_formula, ), ( r'@SCALE_MINUS_ONE@', "%d'd%d" % (nbits_scale,self.scaleValue-1,), ), ( r'\bgen__', 'gen__%s__' % self.namestring, ), ( r'\bs__', 's__%s__' % self.namestring, ), ( r'@PERIOD_SIGNAL@', self.periodSignal, ), # must be after ( r'\bs__', ... ): body = re.sub(subpair[0],subpair[1],body); body = self.GenVerilogFinal(config,body); fp.write(body);
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