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////                                                              ////
//// SXP (Simple eXtensible Pipelined) Processor                  ////
////                                                              ////
//// This file is part of the SXP opencores effort.               ////
//// <>                        ////
////                                                              ////
//// Module Description:                                          ////
//// SXP (Simple Extensible Pipeline) Core top level              ////
////                                                              ////
//// To Do:                                                       ////
//// - Instruction level traps                                    ////
////                                                              ////
//// Author(s):                                                   ////
//// - Sam Gladstone                                              ////
////                                                              ////
////                                                              ////
//// Copyright (C) 2001 YOUR NAME HERE and OPENCORES.ORG          ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without         ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not    ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains  ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it   ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General   ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any   ////
//// later version.                                               ////
////                                                              ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be       ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied   ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more  ////
//// details.                                                     ////
////                                                              ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General    ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it   ////
//// from <>                   ////
////                                                              ////
// $Id: sxp.v,v 1.9 2001-12-14 16:53:12 samg Exp $  
// CVS Revision History
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.8  2001/12/12 02:07:25  samg
// fixed case statement, sensitivity list
// Revision 1.7  2001/12/06 16:12:06  samg
// minor expression rewrite in 4th stage
// Revision 1.6  2001/12/05 18:12:08  samg
// Rewrote verilog for write enable signals for different destinations in the last stage.
// The code is much easier to read and more liner to follow.
// Revision 1.5  2001/12/05 05:58:10  samg
// fixed sensitivity list error in last pipeline stage
// Revision 1.4  2001/11/09 00:45:59  samg
// integrated common rams into processor
// Revision 1.3  2001/11/06 20:15:28  samg
// Used common header
// Remove comments to force a syncronous FF bassed reg file.
// `define SYNC_REG
module sxp 
		 mem_inst,		// Instruction ram read data
		 spqa,			// scratch pad memory port A output (load data)
                 ext_ra,		// extension register a
		 ext_rb,		// extension register b
		 ext_result,		// extension bus result data
		 ext_cvnz,		// extension ALU flag result
                 halt,			// halts operation of processor
                 int_req,		// interupt request
		 int_num,		// interupt number for request
		 int_rdy,		// interupt controller ready for interupt
		 int_srv_req,		// signal that interupt is being serviced
                 int_srv_num,		// interupt number being serviced
		 ext_alu_a,		// reg A for ext ALU
		 ext_alu_b,		// reg B for ext ALU
                 ext_inst,		// copy of 32 bit instruction for extension architecture
		 ext_inst_vld,		// test ext architecture that instruction is valid
		 ext_we,		// extension bus write enable (dest)
 		 extr_addr,		// ext bus address to read from (qra)
		 extw_data,		// data to write to extension bus (dest)
                 extw_addr,		// ext address to write to
		 spl_addr,		// scratch pad memory (Port A) load address (from reg file A)
		 spw_addr,		// scratch pad memory (Port B) write address (from ALU passthough)
 		 spw_we,		// scretch pad memory (Port B) write enable (from wb source section)
		 spw_data,		// scratch pad memory (Port B) write data (from ALU passthrough) 
		 mem_pc);		// Program Counter Address
parameter RF_WIDTH = 4;
parameter RF_SIZE  = 16;
input clk;
input reset_b;
input [31:0] mem_inst;
input [31:0] spqa;
input [31:0] ext_ra;
input [31:0] ext_rb;
input [31:0] ext_result;
input [3:0] ext_cvnz;
input halt;
input int_req;
input [15:0] int_num;
output int_rdy;
output int_srv_req;
output [15:0] int_srv_num;
output [31:0] ext_alu_a;
output [31:0] ext_alu_b;
output  ext_we;
reg     ext_we;
output [31:0] extr_addr;
output [31:0] extw_data;
output [31:0] extw_addr;
output [31:0] spl_addr;
output [31:0] spw_addr;
output spw_we;
reg spw_we;
output [31:0] spw_data;
output [31:0] mem_pc;
output [31:0] ext_inst;
output ext_inst_vld;
// Scratch pad signal and regs
reg [31:0] spl_addr_3;
reg [31:0] spl_addr_3_wb;
reg [31:0] spl_data_3_wb;
reg spl_we_3_wb;
reg [31:0] spl_data;
// Internal Wires
wire stall_1_2;			// signal to stall pipelines 1 and 2
reg [31:0] wb_data;		// write back registered data
// Fetch interface wires
reg  set_pc;
wire flush_pipeline;		// signal to invalidate all pipelines
wire stall_fetch;		// stall for fetch module
// Regf interface wires
reg wec;			// write enable for RF write to port C
wire [31:0] qra;		// regfile output for A
wire [31:0] qrb;		// regfile output for B
// ALU interface wires 
wire [3:0] cvnz_a;		// base ALU A flags
wire [3:0] cvnz_b;		// base ALU B flags
wire [31:0] ya;			// A result from ALU 
wire [31:0] yb;			// B result from ALU 
// Pipeline #1 wires and regs
wire stall_1;			// stall 1st pipeline (fetch)
wire [31:0] pcn_1;		// Program Counter + 1
wire inst_vld_1;		// instruction valid from pipeline 1
wire [31:0] inst_1; 		// 32 bit instruction from pipeline 1
wire [1:0] dest_cfg_1;		// destination configuration from pipeline 1
wire [RF_WIDTH-1:0] dest_addr_1;// destination address for reg file writeback
wire [2:0] src_cfg_1;		// ALU source configuration from pipeline 1
wire [2:0] alu_cfg_1;		// ALU configuration from pipeline 1
wire [3:0] wb_cfg_1;		// write back source configuration from pipeline 1
wire [RF_WIDTH-1:0] addra_1;	// address for reg file A from pipeline 1
wire [RF_WIDTH-1:0] addrb_1;	// address for reg file B from pipeline 1
wire [RF_WIDTH-1:0] addrc_1;	// address for reg file write C from pipeline 1
wire [15:0] imm_1;		// immediate value from pipeline 1
reg dest_en_1;			// destination register enable for scoreboarding
reg a_en;			// A reg is enable for reg file and scoreboarding
reg b_en;			// B reg is enable for reg file and scoreboarding
wire cond_jump_1;		// lsb of instruction is used for conditional reg jumps
wire jz_1;			// jump if zero instruction (false is jump if not zero) 
wire jal_1;			// jump and link from pipeline 1
// Pipeline #2 (from memory latency) wires and regs
wire stall_2;			// stall 2nd pipeline
reg  inst_vld_2;		// instruction valid signal from pipeline 2
reg  [1:0] dest_cfg_2;		// destination configuration from pipeline 2
reg  [RF_WIDTH-1:0] dest_addr_2;// destination address for RF write from pipeline 2
reg  [2:0] src_cfg_2;		// ALU source configuration from pipeline 2
reg  [2:0] alu_cfg_2;		// ALU configuration from pipeline 2
reg  [3:0] wb_cfg_2;		// write back source configuration from pipeline 2
reg  [15:0] imm_2;		// immediate value from pipeline 2
reg  [31:0] pcn_2;		// next PC address from pipeline 2 
reg  [31:0] a_2;		// Selected ALU A from pipeline 2
reg  [31:0] b_2;		// Selected ALU B from pipeline 2
reg  cond_jump_2;		// Conditional jump from pipeline 2
reg  jz_2;			// jump if zero instruction (false is jump if not zero) 
reg  jal_2;			// jump and link from pipeline 2
// Pipeline #3 (for ALU setup) wires and regs
reg [31:0] r_qra;		// load stall protection register
wire stall_3;			// stall 3rd pipeline
reg  inst_vld_3;		// instruction valid signal from pipeline 3
reg  [1:0] dest_cfg_3;		// destination configuration from pipeline 3
reg  [RF_WIDTH-1:0] dest_addr_3;// destination address for RF write from pipeline 3
reg  [2:0] alu_cfg_3;		// ALU configuration from pipeline 3
reg  [3:0] wb_cfg_3;		// write back source configuration from pipeline 3
reg  [31:0] pcn_3;		// next program counter value for pipeline 3
reg  [31:0] a_3;		// ALU input A from pipeline 3
reg  [31:0] b_3;		// ALU input B from pipeline 3
reg  cond_jump_3;		// Conditional jump from pipeline 3
reg  jz_3;			// jump if zero instruction (false is jump if not zero) 
reg  jal_3;			// jump and link from pipeline 3
// Pipeline #4 (WB and destination logic) wires and regs
wire stall_4;			// stall 4th pipeline
reg  inst_vld_4;		// instruction valid signal from pipeline 4
reg  [1:0] dest_cfg_4;		// destination configuration from pipeline 4
reg  [RF_WIDTH-1:0] dest_addr_4;// destination address for RF write from pipeline 4
reg  [3:0] wb_cfg_4;		// write back source configuration from pipeline 4
reg  [31:0] spqa_4;		// scratch pad output from pipeline 4 
reg  [31:0] ya_4;		// used for scratch pad memory stores
reg  [31:0] yb_4;		// used for scratch pad memory stores
reg  [31:0] ext_result_4;	// ext ALU result from pipeline 4
reg  [31:0] pcn_4;		// next program counter value for pipeline 4
reg  [3:0] ext_cvnz_4;		// ext ALU flags from pipeline 4
reg  [3:0] cvnz_a_4;		// ALU a result from pipeline 4
reg  [3:0] cvnz_b_4;		// ALU b result from pipeline 4
wire [RF_WIDTH-1:0] addrc_wb;	// connects dest_addr_4 to reg file write port C
reg  cond_jump_4;		// Conditional jump from pipeline 4
reg  jz_4;			// jump if zero instruction (false is jump if not zero) 
reg  jal_4;			// jump and link from pipeline 4
wire [31:0] regc_data;		// data to be written to port C (reg file)
// stall signal handling
assign stall_1 = stall_1_2 || halt;
assign stall_2 = stall_1_2 || halt;
assign stall_3 = halt;
assign stall_4 = halt;
// Interupt signals
wire idle;
wire jal_req;
wire safe_switch;
wire nop_detect;
wire int_jal_req;
// Processor Interupt controller
int_cont i_int_cont(
                .clk(clk),                      // system clock
                .reset_b(reset_b),              // system reset
                .halt(halt),                    // processor halt signal
                .int_req(int_req),              // signal that an interupt is requested
                .int_num(int_num),              // interupt number that is being requested
                .safe_switch(safe_switch),      // signal that processor is safe to switch
                .nop_detect(nop_detect),        // signal that the processor just executed a NOP instruction
                .int_rdy(int_rdy),              // 1 when int req will be serviced when requested
                .idle(idle),          		// signal to idle processor;
                .jal_req(jal_req),              // signal to fetch to insert the JAL instruction
                .int_srv_req(int_srv_req),      // signal that the interupt was serviced
                .int_srv_num(int_srv_num));     // interupt number that was serviced
// Fetch Section
fetch  	i_fetch (
		 .clk(clk),			// system clock
		 .reset_b(reset_b),		// system reset
    		 .stall(stall_1),		// stall for fetch
		 .set_pc(set_pc),		// signal to set the program counter
		 .pc_init(wb_data),		// value to set the program counter to 
		 .mem_inst(mem_inst),		// instruction that was read from memory
                 .idle(idle),			// idle fetch process 
                 .jal_req(jal_req),		// interupt jump and link request;
                 .int_srv_num(int_srv_num),	// interupt number for JAL
		 .int_jal_req(int_jal_req),	// interupt JAL signal request
		 .mem_pc(mem_pc),		// address to get from memory 
		 .pcn(pcn_1),			// Next PC address
		 .flush_pipeline(flush_pipeline),	// Invalidate all pipelines (done during jumps)
    		 .inst_vld(inst_vld_1),		// instruction valid flag
		 .inst(inst_1));		// instruction to be sent to pipeline
assign ext_inst = inst_1;
assign ext_inst_vld = inst_vld_1;
// Need to begin breaking out wire meaning for the next section
assign dest_cfg_1 = inst_1[31:30];
assign src_cfg_1 = inst_1[29:27];
assign alu_cfg_1 = inst_1[26:24];
assign wb_cfg_1 = inst_1[23:20];
assign dest_addr_1 = inst_1[19:16];
assign addra_1 = (src_cfg_1 == 3'b001) ? dest_addr_1 : inst_1[15:12];
assign addrb_1 = inst_1[11:8];
assign imm_1 = inst_1[15:0]; 
assign cond_jump_1 = inst_1[0]; 
assign jz_1 = inst_1[1]; 
assign jal_1 = (!src_cfg_1[0] && !src_cfg_1[2]) ? inst_1[2] : int_jal_req; 
// This protects jal against imm and ext type sources
// ----------------------- Reg File Section ------------------------
always @(src_cfg_1 or inst_vld_1 or dest_cfg_1)
    if (inst_vld_1) 
        dest_en_1 = !dest_cfg_1;		// Destination is register
        case (src_cfg_1)
          3'b 000 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 1;
                      b_en = 1'b 1;
          3'b 001 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 1;
                      b_en = 1'b 0;
          3'b 010 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 0;
                      b_en = 1'b 1;
          3'b 011 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 0;
                      b_en = 1'b 0;
          3'b 100 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 1;
                      b_en = 1'b 0;
          3'b 101 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 0;
                      b_en = 1'b 1;
          3'b 110 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 0;
                      b_en = 1'b 0;
          3'b 111 : begin
                      a_en = 1'b 0;
                      b_en = 1'b 0;
        a_en = 1'b 0;
        b_en = 1'b 0;
        dest_en_1 = 1'b 0;
`ifdef SYNC_REG
sync_regf #(4,32) i_regf ( 
	        .clk(clk),			// system clock
		.reset_b(reset_b),		// power on reset
		.halt(halt),			// system wide halt
	   	.addra(addra_1),		// Port A read address 
                .a_en(a_en),			// Port A read enable
		.addrb(addrb_1),		// Port B read address 
                .b_en(b_en),			// Port B read enable 
		.addrc(addrc_wb),		// Port C write address 
	        .dc(regc_data),			// Port C write data 
		.wec(wec),			// Port C write enable 
		.qra(qra),			// Port A registered output data	
		.qrb(qrb));			// Port B registered output data 	
mem_regf #(4,32) i_regf ( 
	        .clk(clk),			// system clock
		.reset_b(reset_b),		// power on reset
		.halt(halt),			// system wide halt
	   	.addra(addra_1),		// Port A read address 
                .a_en(a_en),			// Port A read enable
		.addrb(addrb_1),		// Port B read address 
                .b_en(b_en),			// Port B read enable 
		.addrc(addrc_wb),		// Port C write address 
	        .dc(regc_data),			// Port C write data 
		.wec(wec),			// Port C write enable 
		.qra(qra),			// Port A registered output data	
		.qrb(qrb));			// Port B registered output data 	
regf_status #(4) i_regf_status(
                .clk(clk),            		// system clock
                .reset_b(reset_b),        	// power on reset
		.halt(halt),			// system wide stall signal
                .dest_en(dest_en_1),        	// instr has dest register (en scoreboarding)
                .dest_addr(dest_addr_1),      	// destination address from instruction
                .wec(wec),   	         	// port C write back request
                .addrc(addrc_wb),          	// port C write back address
                .addra(addra_1),          	// reg file address reg A (source 1)
                .addrb(addrb_1),          	// reg file address reg B (source 2)
		.a_en(a_en),			// Reg A is enabled in instruction
		.b_en(b_en),			// Reg B is enabled in instruction
		.flush_pipeline(flush_pipeline),// Reinitialize status after pipeline flush
                .safe_switch(safe_switch),    	// safe to context switch or interupt;
                .conflict(stall_1_2));    	// stall the reg file and modules prior
`ifdef SYNC_REG
always @(inst_vld_1 or stall_1_2 or  dest_cfg_1 or dest_addr_1 or src_cfg_1 or 
         alu_cfg_1 or wb_cfg_1 or imm_1 or pcn_1 or cond_jump_1 or b_en or
         jz_1 or jal_1)
    inst_vld_2 = (stall_1_2 || flush_pipeline) ? 1'b 0 : inst_vld_1; 		// Breaks the pipeline when reg needs to be stalled
    dest_cfg_2 = dest_cfg_1;
    dest_addr_2 = dest_addr_1;
    src_cfg_2 = src_cfg_1;
    alu_cfg_2 = alu_cfg_1;
    wb_cfg_2 = wb_cfg_1;
    imm_2 = imm_1;
    pcn_2 = pcn_1;
    cond_jump_2 = cond_jump_1 & b_en;				// not valid unles b is enabled for read
    jz_2 = jz_1; 
    jal_2 = jal_1;	
// There is a pipeline inside the memory for the regfile 
// Need to account for memory pipeline to keep everything alligned 
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_b)
    if (!reset_b)
        inst_vld_2 <= 'b 0;
        dest_cfg_2 <= 'b 0;
        dest_addr_2 <= 'b 0;
        src_cfg_2 <= 'b 0;
        alu_cfg_2 <= 'b 0;
        wb_cfg_2 <= 'b 0;
	imm_2 <= 'b 0;
        pcn_2 <= 'b 0;
        cond_jump_2 <= 'b 0;
        jz_2 <= 'b 0; 
        jal_2 <= 'b 0;
      if (flush_pipeline)
        inst_vld_2 <= 'b 0;
        if (!halt)
            inst_vld_2 <= (stall_1_2) ? 1'b 0 : inst_vld_1; 	// Breaks the pipeline when reg needs to be stalled
            if (inst_vld_1 && !stall_1_2)			// This will save some power by causing unecessary toggling
                dest_cfg_2 <= dest_cfg_1;
                dest_addr_2 <= dest_addr_1;
                src_cfg_2 <= src_cfg_1;
                alu_cfg_2 <= alu_cfg_1;
                wb_cfg_2 <= wb_cfg_1;
                imm_2 <= imm_1;
                pcn_2 <= pcn_1;
                cond_jump_2 <= cond_jump_1 & b_en;	// not valid unles b is enabled for read
                jz_2 <= jz_1; 
 		jal_2 <= jal_1;	
// Not sure if protection is needed or which stall (2 or 3) to use? 
// Load Stall protection circuit.
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_b)
    if (!reset_b)
      r_qra <= 'b 0;
      if (!halt)
        r_qra <= qra;
assign spl_addr = (halt) ? r_qra : qra; // scratch pad memory load address from Reg A in pipeline 2
assign extr_addr = (halt) ? r_qra : qra; // ext bus load address from Reg A in pipeline 2
// End of memory load with stall protecttion
// Ready to select source data for ALU
always @(src_cfg_2 or qra or qrb or ext_ra or ext_rb or pcn_2 or imm_2)
    case (src_cfg_2)
      3'b 000 : begin
                  a_2 = qra;
                  b_2 = qrb;
      3'b 001 : begin
                  a_2 = qra;
                  b_2 = {16'b 0, imm_2};
      3'b 010 : begin
                  a_2 = pcn_2;
                  b_2 = qrb;
      3'b 011 : begin
                  a_2 = pcn_2;
                  b_2 = {16'b 0, imm_2};
      3'b 100 : begin
                  a_2 = qra;
                  b_2 = ext_rb;
      3'b 101 : begin
                  a_2 = ext_ra;
                  b_2 = qrb;
      3'b 110 : begin
                  a_2 = ext_ra;
                  b_2 = {16'b 0, imm_2};
      3'b 111 : begin
                  a_2 = ext_ra;
                  b_2 = ext_rb;
// --------- 3rd pipeline (ALU signals) ----------- 
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_b)
    if (!reset_b)
        inst_vld_3 <= 'b 0;
        a_3 <= 'b 0;
        b_3 <= 'b 0;
        dest_cfg_3 <= 'b 0;
        dest_addr_3 <= 'b 0;
        alu_cfg_3 <= 'b 0;
        wb_cfg_3 <= 'b 0;
	pcn_3 <= 'b 0;
        cond_jump_3 <= 'b 0;
        jz_3 <= 'b 0; 
	jal_3 <= 'b 0;
	spl_addr_3 <= 'b 0;
	spl_addr_3_wb <= 'b 0;
	spl_data_3_wb <= 'b 0;
        spl_we_3_wb <= 'b 0;
      if (flush_pipeline)		// flush pipeline take priority
        inst_vld_3 <= 'b 0;
        if (!stall_3)
            inst_vld_3 <= inst_vld_2;
            if (inst_vld_2)		// For power savings
                a_3 <= a_2;
                b_3 <= b_2;
                dest_cfg_3 <= dest_cfg_2;
                dest_addr_3 <= dest_addr_2;
                alu_cfg_3 <= alu_cfg_2;
                wb_cfg_3 <= wb_cfg_2;
		pcn_3 <= pcn_2;
                cond_jump_3 <= cond_jump_2;
                jz_3 <= jz_2; 
		jal_3 <= jal_2;
	        spl_addr_3 <= spl_addr;
	        spl_addr_3_wb <= spw_addr;
	        spl_data_3_wb <= spw_data;
		spl_we_3_wb <= spw_we;
assign ext_alu_a = a_3;			// allow ext ALU to see the inputs
assign ext_alu_b = b_3;			// allow ext ALU to see the inputs
alu      i_alu ( 
		.opcode(alu_cfg_3),	// alu function select
		.a(a_3),		// a operand
		.b(b_3),		// b operand
		.cin(1'b 0),		// carry input		(How do we handle this?)
		.ya(ya),		// data output
		.yb(yb),		// data output
		.cvnz_a(cvnz_a),	// flag output for a
		.cvnz_b(cvnz_b)		// flag output for b
always @(spqa or spw_we or spl_addr_3 or spw_addr or spw_data or spl_we_3_wb or spl_addr_3_wb or spl_data_3_wb)
    if ((spl_addr_3 == spw_addr) && spw_we)
      spl_data = spw_data;
      if ((spl_addr_3 == spl_addr_3_wb) && spl_we_3_wb)
        spl_data = spl_data_3_wb;
        spl_data = spqa;
// New Pipeline 4 starts here
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_b)
    if (!reset_b)
        ext_result_4 <= 'b 0;
        ext_cvnz_4 <= 'b 0;
	spqa_4 <= 'b 0;
        ya_4 <= 'b 0;
        cvnz_a_4 <= 'b 0;
        yb_4 <= 'b 0; 
        cvnz_b_4 <= 'b 0;
        inst_vld_4 <= 'b 0;
        wb_cfg_4 <= 'b 0;
        dest_addr_4 <= 'b 0;
        dest_cfg_4 <= 'b 0;
	pcn_4 <= 'b 0;
	cond_jump_4 <= 'b 0;
        jz_4 <= 'b 0; 
	jal_4 <= 'b 0;
      if (flush_pipeline)			// Pipeline flush takes priority over stall
        inst_vld_4 <= 'b 0;
        if (!stall_4)
            inst_vld_4 <= inst_vld_3;
            if (inst_vld_3)			// For power savings
                ext_result_4 <= ext_result;
                ext_cvnz_4 <= ext_cvnz;
	        spqa_4 <= spl_data;
                ya_4 <= ya;
                cvnz_a_4 <= cvnz_a;
                yb_4 <= yb;		
                cvnz_b_4 <= cvnz_b;
                inst_vld_4 <= inst_vld_3;
                wb_cfg_4 <= wb_cfg_3;
                dest_addr_4 <= dest_addr_3;
                dest_cfg_4 <= dest_cfg_3;
		pcn_4 <= pcn_3;
	        cond_jump_4 <= cond_jump_3;
                jz_4 <= jz_3; 
		jal_4 <= jal_3;
always @(wb_cfg_4 or ya_4 or cvnz_a_4 or yb_4 or cvnz_b_4 or spqa_4 or ext_cvnz_4 or ext_result_4)
    case (wb_cfg_4) 
      4'b 0000 : wb_data = ya_4;
      4'b 0001 : wb_data = yb_4;
      4'b 0010 : wb_data = spqa_4;
      4'b 0011 : wb_data = ext_result_4;
      4'b 0100 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_a_4[0]}; 	// Store Z
      4'b 0101 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_a_4[1]}; 	// Store N
      4'b 0110 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_a_4[2]}; 	// Store V
      4'b 0111 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_a_4[3]}; 	// Store C
      4'b 1000 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_b_4[0]}; 	// Store Z
      4'b 1001 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_b_4[1]}; 	// Store N
      4'b 1010 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_b_4[2]}; 	// Store V
      4'b 1011 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , cvnz_b_4[3]}; 	// Store C
      4'b 1100 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , ext_cvnz_4[0]}; 	// Store Z
      4'b 1101 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , ext_cvnz_4[1]}; 	// Store N
      4'b 1110 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , ext_cvnz_4[2]}; 	// Store V
      4'b 1111 : wb_data = { {31{1'b 0}} , ext_cvnz_4[3]}; 	// Store C
// Destination handling
always @(dest_cfg_4 or inst_vld_4 or cond_jump_4 or yb_4 or jz_4 or jal_4 or wb_data or pcn_4)
    if (inst_vld_4)
      case (dest_cfg_4)
        2'b 00 : {wec, set_pc, spw_we, ext_we} = 4'b 1000;
        2'b 01 : begin
                   {spw_we, ext_we} = 2'b 00;
                   if (wb_data == pcn_4)
                     {wec, set_pc} = 2'b 00; 	// Don't allow simple jumps to the next instruction, wastes time
                     if (cond_jump_4)
                       if (yb_4[0]^jz_4)	// Conditional jump check (will not Link if not jump taken)
                           wec = jal_4;
                           set_pc = 1'b 1;
                       else			// Cond jump not taken (nothing done)
                         {wec, set_pc} = 2'b 00; 
                     else 			// Typical JAL type instruction
                         wec = jal_4;
                         set_pc = 1'b 1;
        2'b 10 : {wec, set_pc, spw_we, ext_we} = 4'b 0010;
        2'b 11 : {wec, set_pc, spw_we, ext_we} = 4'b 0001;
        default: {wec, set_pc, spw_we, ext_we} = 4'b 0000;
      {wec, set_pc, spw_we, ext_we} = 4'b 0000;
  assign regc_data = (wec && set_pc) ? pcn_4 : wb_data;		// data to write to reg port C (JAL or Data)
  assign addrc_wb = dest_addr_4;				// reg file write back address 
  assign nop_detect = inst_vld_4 & ~(wec | set_pc | spw_we | ext_we);	// 1 when no operation is being done
  assign extw_data = wb_data;					// extension data for writing
  assign extw_addr = yb_4;
  assign spw_addr = yb_4;					// data from write back pipeline 4
  assign spw_data = wb_data;					// data from pipelined ALU output B

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