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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This VHDL file was developed by Altera Corporation. It may be -- freely copied and/or distributed at no cost. Any persons using this -- file for any purpose do so at their own risk, and are responsible for -- the results of such use. Altera Corporation does not guarantee that -- this file is complete, correct, or fit for any particular purpose. -- NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. This notice must -- accompany any copy of this file. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LPM Synthesizable Models (Support string type generic) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 2.0 (lpm 220) Date 01/04/00 -- -- 1. Fixed LPM_RAM_DQ, LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_IO and LPM_ROM to correctly -- read in values from LPM_FILE (*.hex) when the DATA width is greater -- than 16 bits. -- 2. Explicit sign conversions are added to standard logic vector -- comparisons in LPM_RAM_DQ, LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_IO, LPM_ROM, and -- LPM_COMPARE. -- 3. LPM_FIFO_DC is rewritten to have correct outputs. -- 4. LPM_FIFO outputs zeros when nothing has been read from it, and -- outputs LPM_NUMWORDS mod exp(2, LPM_WIDTHU) when it is full. -- 5. Fixed LPM_DIVIDE to divide correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.9 (lpm 220) Date 11/30/99 -- -- 1. Fixed UNUSED file not found problem and initialization problem -- with LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_DQ, and LPM_RAM_IO. -- 2. Fixed LPM_MULT when SUM port is not used. -- 3. Fixed LPM_FIFO_DC to enable read when rdclock and wrclock rise -- at the same time. -- 4. Fixed LPM_COUNTER comparison problem when signed library is loaded -- and counter is incrementing. -- 5. Got rid of "Illegal Character" error message at time = 0 ns when -- simulating LPM_COUNTER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.8 (lpm 220) Date 10/25/99 -- -- 1. Some LPM_PVALUE implementations were missing, and now implemented. -- 2. Fixed LPM_COUNTER to count correctly without conversion overflow, -- that is, when LPM_MODULUS = 2 ** LPM_WIDTH. -- 3. Fixed LPM_RAM_DP sync process sensitivity list to detect wraddress -- changes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.7 (lpm 220) Date 07/13/99 -- -- Changed LPM_RAM_IO so that it can be used to simulate both MP2 and -- Quartus behaviour and LPM220-compliant behaviour. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.6 (lpm 220) Date 06/15/99 -- -- 1. Fixed LPM_ADD_SUB sign extension problem and subtraction bug. -- 2. Fixed LPM_COUNTER to use LPM_MODULUS value. -- 3. Added CIN and COUT port, and discarded EQ port in LPM_COUNTER to -- comply with the specfication. -- 4. Included LPM_RAM_DP, LPM_RAM_DQ, LPM_RAM_IO, LPM_ROM, LPM_FIFO, and -- LPM_FIFO_DC; they are all initialized to 0's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.5 (lpm 220) Date 05/10/99 -- -- Changed LPM_MODULUS from string type to integer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.4 (lpm 220) Date 02/05/99 -- -- 1. Added LPM_DIVIDE module. -- 2. Added CLKEN port to LPM_MUX, LPM_DECODE, LPM_ADD_SUB, LPM_MULT -- and LPM_COMPARE -- 3. Replaced the constants holding string with the actual string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version 1.3 Date 07/30/96 -- -- Modification History -- -- 1. Changed the DEFAULT value to "UNUSED" for LPM_SVALUE, LPM_AVALUE, -- LPM_MODULUS, and LPM_NUMWORDS, LPM_HINT,LPM_STRENGTH, LPM_DIRECTION, -- and LPM_PVALUE -- -- 2. Added the two dimentional port components (AND, OR, XOR, and MUX). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Excluded Functions: -- -- LPM_FSM and LPM_TTABLE -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assumptions: -- -- 1. All ports and signal types are std_logic or std_logic_vector -- from IEEE 1164 package. -- 2. Synopsys std_logic_arith, std_logic_unsigned, and std_logic_signed -- package are assumed to be accessible from IEEE library. -- 3. lpm_component_package must be accessible from library work. -- 4. The default value of LPM_SVALUE, LPM_AVALUE, LPM_MODULUS, LPM_HINT, -- LPM_NUMWORDS, LPM_STRENGTH, LPM_DIRECTION, and LPM_PVALUE is -- string "UNUSED". -------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; --use work.LPM_COMPONENTS.all; use std.textio.all; entity LPM_ROM is generic (LPM_WIDTH : positive; LPM_WIDTHAD : positive; LPM_NUMWORDS : natural := 0; LPM_ADDRESS_CONTROL : string := "REGISTERED"; LPM_OUTDATA : string := "REGISTERED"; LPM_FILE : string; LPM_TYPE : string := "LPM_ROM"; LPM_HINT : string := "UNUSED"); port (ADDRESS : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(LPM_WIDTHAD-1 downto 0); INCLOCK : in STD_LOGIC := '0'; OUTCLOCK : in STD_LOGIC := '0'; MEMENAB : in STD_LOGIC := '1'; Q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(LPM_WIDTH-1 downto 0)); function int_to_str( value : integer ) return string is variable ivalue,index : integer; variable digit : integer; variable line_no: string(8 downto 1) := " "; begin ivalue := value; index := 1; while (ivalue > 0 ) loop digit := ivalue MOD 10; ivalue := ivalue/10; case digit is when 0 => line_no(index) := '0'; when 1 => line_no(index) := '1'; when 2 => line_no(index) := '2'; when 3 => line_no(index) := '3'; when 4 => line_no(index) := '4'; when 5 => line_no(index) := '5'; when 6 => line_no(index) := '6'; when 7 => line_no(index) := '7'; when 8 => line_no(index) := '8'; when 9 => line_no(index) := '9'; when others => ASSERT FALSE REPORT "Illegal number!" SEVERITY ERROR; end case; index := index + 1; end loop; return line_no; end; function hex_str_to_int( str : string ) return integer is variable len : integer := str'length; variable ivalue : integer := 0; variable digit : integer; begin for i in len downto 1 loop case str(i) is when '0' => digit := 0; when '1' => digit := 1; when '2' => digit := 2; when '3' => digit := 3; when '4' => digit := 4; when '5' => digit := 5; when '6' => digit := 6; when '7' => digit := 7; when '8' => digit := 8; when '9' => digit := 9; when 'A' => digit := 10; when 'a' => digit := 10; when 'B' => digit := 11; when 'b' => digit := 11; when 'C' => digit := 12; when 'c' => digit := 12; when 'D' => digit := 13; when 'd' => digit := 13; when 'E' => digit := 14; when 'e' => digit := 14; when 'F' => digit := 15; when 'f' => digit := 15; when others => ASSERT FALSE REPORT "Illegal character "& str(i) & "in Intel Hex File! " SEVERITY ERROR; end case; ivalue := ivalue * 16 + digit; end loop; return ivalue; end; procedure Shrink_line(L : inout LINE; pos : in integer) is subtype nstring is string(1 to pos); variable stmp : nstring; begin if pos >= 1 then read(l, stmp); end if; end; end LPM_ROM; architecture LPM_SYN of lpm_rom is --type lpm_memory is array(lpm_numwords-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); type lpm_memory is array(integer range (2**lpm_widthad)-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); signal q2, q_tmp, q_reg : std_logic_vector(lpm_width-1 downto 0); signal address_tmp, address_reg : std_logic_vector(lpm_widthad-1 downto 0); begin enable_mem: process(memenab, q2) begin if (memenab = '1') then q <= q2; else q <= (OTHERS => 'Z'); end if; end process; sync: process(address, address_reg, q_tmp, q_reg) begin if (lpm_address_control = "REGISTERED") then address_tmp <= address_reg; else address_tmp <= address; end if; if (lpm_outdata = "REGISTERED") then q2 <= q_reg; else q2 <= q_tmp; end if; end process; input_reg: process (inclock) begin if inclock'event and inclock = '1' then address_reg <= address; end if; end process; output_reg: process (outclock) begin if outclock'event and outclock = '1' then q_reg <= q_tmp; end if; end process; memory: process(memenab, address_tmp) variable mem_data : lpm_memory; variable mem_data_tmp : integer := 0; variable mem_init: boolean := false; variable i, j, k, lineno : integer := 0; variable buf: line ; variable booval: boolean ; FILE mem_data_file: TEXT IS IN LPM_FILE; variable base, byte, rec_type, datain, addr, checksum: string(2 downto 1); variable startadd: string(4 downto 1); variable ibase: integer := 0; variable ibyte: integer := 0; variable istartadd: integer := 0; variable check_sum_vec, check_sum_vec_tmp: unsigned(7 downto 0); begin -- INITIALIZE -- if NOT(mem_init) then -- INITIALIZE TO 0 -- for i in mem_data'LOW to mem_data'HIGH loop mem_data(i) := (OTHERS => '0'); end loop; if (LPM_FILE = "UNUSED") then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "Initialization file not found!" SEVERITY ERROR; else WHILE NOT ENDFILE(mem_data_file) loop booval := true; READLINE(mem_data_file, buf); lineno := lineno + 1; check_sum_vec := (OTHERS => '0'); if (buf(buf'LOW) = ':') then i := 1; shrink_line(buf, i); READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>byte, good=>booval); if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format!" SEVERITY ERROR; end if; ibyte := hex_str_to_int(byte); check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(ibyte, 8); READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>startadd, good=>booval); if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; istartadd := hex_str_to_int(startadd); addr(2) := startadd(4); addr(1) := startadd(3); check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(addr), check_sum_vec'length); addr(2) := startadd(2); addr(1) := startadd(1); check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(addr), check_sum_vec'length); READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>rec_type, good=>booval); if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(rec_type), check_sum_vec'length); else ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; case rec_type is when "00"=> -- Data record i := 0; k := lpm_width / 8; if ((lpm_width MOD 8) /= 0) then k := k + 1; end if; -- k = no. of bytes per CAM entry. while (i < ibyte) loop mem_data_tmp := 0; for j in 1 to k loop READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>datain,good=>booval); -- read in data a byte (2 hex chars) at a time. if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(datain), check_sum_vec'length); mem_data_tmp := mem_data_tmp * 256 + hex_str_to_int(datain); end loop; i := i + k; mem_data(ibase + istartadd) := STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(to_unsigned(mem_data_tmp, lpm_width)); istartadd := istartadd + 1; end loop; when "01"=> exit; when "02"=> ibase := 0; if (ibyte /= 2) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format for record type 02! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; for i in 0 to (ibyte-1) loop READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>base,good=>booval); ibase := ibase * 256 + hex_str_to_int(base); if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal Intel Hex Format! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; check_sum_vec := unsigned(check_sum_vec) + to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(base), check_sum_vec'length); end loop; ibase := ibase * 16; when OTHERS => ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Illegal record type in Intel Hex File! " SEVERITY ERROR; end case; READ(L=>buf, VALUE=>checksum,good=>booval); if not (booval) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Checksum is missing! " SEVERITY ERROR; end if; check_sum_vec := unsigned(not (check_sum_vec)) + 1 ; check_sum_vec_tmp := to_unsigned(hex_str_to_int(checksum),8); if (unsigned(check_sum_vec) /= unsigned(check_sum_vec_tmp)) then ASSERT FALSE REPORT "[Line "& int_to_str(lineno) & "]:Incorrect checksum!" SEVERITY ERROR; end if; end loop; end if; mem_init := TRUE; end if; -- MEMORY FUNCTION -- --if memenab = '1' then q_tmp <= mem_data(to_integer(UNSIGNED(address_tmp))); --else -- q_tmp <= (OTHERS => 'Z'); --end if; end process; end LPM_SYN; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pragma translate_off configuration lpm_rom_c0 of lpm_rom is for lpm_syn end for; end lpm_rom_c0; -- pragma translate_on