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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The decoder unit. -- Implements the instruction opcodes and controls all units of the T400 core. -- -- $Id: t400_decoder.vhd,v 1.6 2006-06-05 14:20:34 arniml Exp $ -- -- Copyright (c) 2006 Arnim Laeuger (arniml@opencores.org) -- -- All rights reserved -- -- Redistribution and use in source and synthezised forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- Redistributions in synthesized form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- Neither the name of the author nor the names of other contributors may -- be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without -- specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE -- LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR -- CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF -- SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS -- INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN -- CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE -- POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- Please report bugs to the author, but before you do so, please -- make sure that this is not a derivative work and that -- you have the latest version of this file. -- -- The latest version of this file can be found at: -- http://www.opencores.org/cvsweb.shtml/t400/ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use work.t400_opt_pack.all; use work.t400_pack.all; entity t400_decoder is generic ( opt_type_g : integer := t400_opt_type_420_c ); port ( -- System Interface ------------------------------------------------------- ck_i : in std_logic; ck_en_i : in boolean; por_i : in boolean; res_i : in boolean; out_en_i : in boolean; in_en_i : in boolean; icyc_en_i : in boolean; -- Module Control Interface ----------------------------------------------- pc_op_o : out pc_op_t; stack_op_o : out stack_op_t; dmem_op_o : out dmem_op_t; b_op_o : out b_op_t; skip_op_o : out skip_op_t; alu_op_o : out alu_op_t; io_l_op_o : out io_l_op_t; io_d_op_o : out io_d_op_t; io_g_op_o : out io_g_op_t; io_in_op_o : out io_in_op_t; sio_op_o : out sio_op_t; dec_data_o : out dec_data_t; en_o : out dw_t; -- Skip Interface --------------------------------------------------------- skip_i : in boolean; skip_lbi_i : in boolean; is_lbi_o : out boolean; int_i : in boolean; -- Program Memory Interface ----------------------------------------------- pm_addr_i : in pc_t; pm_data_i : in byte_t ); end t400_decoder; library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.t400_comp_pack.t400_opc_table; architecture rtl of t400_decoder is signal cyc_cnt_q : unsigned(2 downto 0); signal ibyte1_q, ibyte2_q : byte_t; signal opcode_s : byte_t; signal second_cyc_q : boolean; signal mnemonic_s, mnemonic_q : mnemonic_t; signal multi_byte_s, multi_byte_q : boolean; signal last_cycle_s : boolean; signal force_mc_s : boolean; signal en_q : dw_t; signal set_en_s : boolean; signal ack_int_s : boolean; begin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Theory of operation: -- -- a) One instruction cycle lasts at least 4 ck_i cycles. -- b) PC for instruction/parameter fetch must be valid during cycle 2. -- => cycle 2 is the opcode fetch cycle -- c) Cycle 3 is the opcode decode cycle. -- => opcode_s is valid with cycle 3 -- d) mnemonic_q is then valid with cycle 0 until end of instruction. -- So is ibyte1_q. -- e) PC for is incremented during last instruction cycle. -- => fetch of either new instruction or second instruction byte -- f) Second instruction byte is saved in ibyte2_q for cycle 0. -- Valid until end of instruction. -- -- Constraints: -- -- a) PC of next instruction must be pushed in cycle 0 or 1. -- b) PC for next instruction must be poped latest in cycle 1. -- c) PC for next instruction can only be calculated latest in cycle 1. -- d) IO output is enabled by out_en_i -- e) IO inputs are sampled with in_en_i -- -- d) and e) are required for proper timing in relation to phi1 -- (SK clock/sync output). -- -- Conventions: -- -- a) ALU operations take place in cycle 1. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- last_cycle_s <= (not multi_byte_q and not second_cyc_q and not force_mc_s) or second_cyc_q; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process seq -- -- Purpose: -- Implements the various sequential elements. -- Cycle counter: -- It identifies the execution cycle of the -- current instruction. -- Instruction registers: -- They save the first and second byte of an instruction for -- further processing. -- New instruction flag: -- Indicates when a new instruction is fetched from the program -- memory. Implemented as a flip-flop to control the multiplexer -- which saves power by gating the combinational opcode decoder. -- Mnemonic register: -- Latches the decoded mnemonic of the current instruction. -- Multi byte flag: -- Latches the decoded multi byte status information. -- seq: process (ck_i, por_i) begin if por_i then cyc_cnt_q <= to_unsigned(1, cyc_cnt_q'length); second_cyc_q <= false; ibyte1_q <= (others => '0'); ibyte2_q <= (others => '0'); mnemonic_q <= MN_CLRA; multi_byte_q <= false; en_q <= (others => '0'); elsif ck_i'event and ck_i = '1' then if res_i then -- synchronous reset upon external reset event mnemonic_q <= MN_CLRA; multi_byte_q <= false; cyc_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); en_q <= (others => '0'); elsif ck_en_i then -- cycle counter ------------------------------------------------------ if icyc_en_i then -- new instruction cycle started cyc_cnt_q <= (others => '0'); elsif cyc_cnt_q /= 4 then cyc_cnt_q <= cyc_cnt_q + 1; end if; -- second cycle flag -------------------------------------------------- if icyc_en_i then if not last_cycle_s then second_cyc_q <= true; else second_cyc_q <= false; end if; end if; -- instruction byte 1 and mnemonic info ------------------------------- if icyc_en_i and last_cycle_s then if not ack_int_s then -- update instruction descriptors in normal mode ibyte1_q <= pm_data_i; mnemonic_q <= mnemonic_s; multi_byte_q <= multi_byte_s; else -- force NOP instruction when vectoring to interrupt routine ibyte1_q <= "01000100"; mnemonic_q <= MN_NOP; multi_byte_q <= false; end if; end if; -- instruction byte 2 ------------------------------------------------- if icyc_en_i and not last_cycle_s then ibyte2_q <= pm_data_i; end if; -- EN register -------------------------------------------------------- if set_en_s then en_q <= ibyte2_q(dw_range_t); elsif ack_int_s then -- reset interrupt enable when INT has been acknowledged en_q(1) <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end process seq; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opcode multiplexer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- opcode_s <= pm_data_i when icyc_en_i else ibyte1_q; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Opcode decoder table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- opc_table_b : t400_opc_table generic map ( opt_type_g => opt_type_g ) port map ( opcode_i => opcode_s, mnemonic_o => mnemonic_s, multi_byte_o => multi_byte_s ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Process decoder_ctrl -- -- Purpose: -- Implements the controlling logic of the decoder module. -- decoder_ctrl: process (icyc_en_i, out_en_i, in_en_i, cyc_cnt_q, mnemonic_q, second_cyc_q, last_cycle_s, ibyte1_q, ibyte2_q, skip_i, skip_lbi_i, en_q, int_i, pm_addr_i, pm_data_i) variable cyc_v : natural range 0 to 4; variable t41x_type_v, t420_type_v : boolean; variable en_int_v : boolean; begin -- default assignments pc_op_o <= PC_NONE; stack_op_o <= STACK_NONE; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_RB; -- default is read via B b_op_o <= B_NONE; skip_op_o <= SKIP_NONE; alu_op_o <= ALU_NONE; io_l_op_o <= IOL_NONE; io_d_op_o <= IOD_NONE; io_g_op_o <= IOG_NONE; io_in_op_o <= IOIN_NONE; sio_op_o <= SIO_NONE; dec_data_o <= (others => '0'); is_lbi_o <= false; set_en_s <= false; force_mc_s <= false; en_int_v := true; ack_int_s <= false; cyc_v := to_integer(cyc_cnt_q); -- determine type t41x_type_v := opt_type_g = t400_opt_type_410_c; t420_type_v := opt_type_g = t400_opt_type_420_c; if icyc_en_i then -- immediately increment program counter -- this happens at two occasions: -- a) right before new mnemonic becomes valid -- b) before the second instruction cycle begins pc_op_o <= PC_INC_PC; end if; if icyc_en_i and last_cycle_s then -- update skip state when last instruction cycle ends skip_op_o <= SKIP_UPDATE; end if; -- skip instruction execution if not skip_i then -- implement instruction control case mnemonic_q is -- Mnemonic ASC ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_ASC => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_ADD_C; skip_op_o <= SKIP_CARRY; end if; -- Mnemonic ADD ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_ADD => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_ADD; end if; -- Mnemonic ADT ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_ADT => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_ADD_10; end if; -- Mnemonic AISC ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_AISC => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(dw_range_t); if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_ADD_DEC; skip_op_o <= SKIP_CARRY; end if; -- Mnemonic CASC ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_CASC => case cyc_v is when 0 => alu_op_o <= ALU_COMP; when 1 => alu_op_o <= ALU_ADD_C; skip_op_o <= SKIP_CARRY; when others => null; end case; -- Mnemonic CLRA ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_CLRA => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_CLRA; end if; -- Mnemonic COMP ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_COMP => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_COMP; end if; -- Mnemonic NOP ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_NOP => -- do nothing null; -- Mnemonic C --------------------------------------------------------- when MN_C => if cyc_v = 1 then if ibyte1_q(4) = '1' then alu_op_o <= ALU_RC; else alu_op_o <= ALU_SC; end if; end if; -- Mnemonic XOR ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_XOR => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_XOR; end if; -- Mnemonic JID ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_JID => force_mc_s <= true; en_int_v := false; dec_data_o(byte_t'range) <= pm_data_i; if cyc_v = 1 then if not second_cyc_q then -- first cycle: load PC from A and M pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD_A_M; else -- second cycle: load PC from program memory pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD_8; end if; end if; if icyc_en_i and not second_cyc_q then -- do not increment PC for second instruction cycle pc_op_o <= PC_NONE; end if; -- Mnemonic JMP ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_JMP => en_int_v := false; dec_data_o <= ibyte1_q(1) & ibyte1_q(0) & ibyte2_q; if second_cyc_q and cyc_v = 1 then pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD; end if; -- Mnemonic JP_JSRP --------------------------------------------------- when MN_JP_JSRP => en_int_v := false; -- universal decoder data dec_data_o <= '0' & "01" & ibyte1_q(6 downto 0); if cyc_v = 1 then if pm_addr_i(9 downto 7) = "001" then -- JP within pages 2 & 3 pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD_7; elsif ibyte1_q(6) = '1' then -- JP outside of pages 2 & 3 pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD_6; else -- JSRP to page 2 pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD; stack_op_o <= STACK_PUSH; end if; end if; -- Mnemonic JSR ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_JSR => en_int_v := false; dec_data_o <= ibyte1_q(1) & ibyte1_q(0) & ibyte2_q; if second_cyc_q and cyc_v = 1 then pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD; stack_op_o <= STACK_PUSH; end if; -- Mnemonic RET ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_RET => en_int_v := false; if cyc_v = 1 then pc_op_o <= PC_POP; stack_op_o <= STACK_POP; if t420_type_v then -- always restore skip state in case this was an interrupt skip_op_o <= SKIP_POP; end if; end if; -- Mnemonic RETSK ----------------------------------------------------- when MN_RETSK => en_int_v := false; if cyc_v = 1 then pc_op_o <= PC_POP; stack_op_o <= STACK_POP; skip_op_o <= SKIP_NOW; end if; -- Mnemonic LD -------------------------------------------------------- when MN_LD => dec_data_o(br_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(br_range_t); if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; b_op_o <= B_XOR_BR; end if; -- Mnemonic LDD_XAD --------------------------------------------------- when MN_LDD_XAD => -- preload decoder data dec_data_o(b_range_t) <= ibyte2_q(b_range_t); if second_cyc_q then case ibyte2_q(7 downto 6) is -- LDD when "00" => if not t41x_type_v then case cyc_v is when 1 => dmem_op_o <= DMEM_RDEC; when 2 => alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; when others => null; end case; end if; -- XAD when "10" => if not t41x_type_v or unsigned(ibyte2_q(b_range_t)) = 63 then case cyc_v is when 1 => dmem_op_o <= DMEM_RDEC; when 2 => alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WDEC_SRC_A; when others => null; end case; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; -- Mnemonic LQID ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_LQID => force_mc_s <= true; en_int_v := false; if not second_cyc_q then -- first cycle: push PC and set PC from A/M, -- read IOL from program memory if cyc_v = 1 then stack_op_o <= STACK_PUSH; pc_op_o <= PC_LOAD_A_M; end if; if out_en_i then io_l_op_o <= IOL_LOAD_PM; end if; else if cyc_v = 1 then -- second cycle: pop PC stack_op_o <= STACK_POP; pc_op_o <= PC_POP; end if; end if; if icyc_en_i and not second_cyc_q then -- do not increment PC for second instruction cycle pc_op_o <= PC_NONE; end if; -- Mnemonic RMB ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_RMB => if cyc_v = 1 then dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_RES_BIT; -- select bit to be reset case ibyte1_q(dw_range_t) is when "1100" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0001"; when "0101" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0010"; when "0010" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0100"; when "0011" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; end if; -- Mnemonic SMB ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_SMB => if cyc_v = 1 then dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SET_BIT; -- select bit to be set case ibyte1_q(dw_range_t) is when "1101" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0001"; when "0111" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0010"; when "0110" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0100"; when "1011" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; end if; -- Mnemonic STII ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_STII => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(dw_range_t); if cyc_v = 1 then dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_DEC; b_op_o <= B_INC_BD; end if; -- Mnemonic X --------------------------------------------------------- when MN_X => dec_data_o(br_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(br_range_t); if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_A; b_op_o <= B_XOR_BR; end if; -- Mnemonic XDS ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_XDS => dec_data_o(br_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(br_range_t); case cyc_v is when 1 => alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_A; b_op_o <= B_DEC_BD; when 2 => b_op_o <= B_XOR_BR; skip_op_o <= SKIP_BD_UFLOW; when others => null; end case; -- Mnemonic XIS ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_XIS => dec_data_o(br_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(br_range_t); case cyc_v is when 1 => alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_M; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_A; b_op_o <= B_INC_BD; when 2 => b_op_o <= B_XOR_BR; skip_op_o <= SKIP_BD_OFLOW; when others => null; end case; -- Mnemonic CAB ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_CAB => if cyc_v = 1 then b_op_o <= B_SET_BD; end if; -- Mnemonic CBA ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_CBA => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_BD; end if; -- Mnemonic LBI ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_LBI => is_lbi_o <= true; en_int_v := false; dec_data_o(br_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(br_range_t); dec_data_o(bd_range_t) <= ibyte1_q(bd_range_t); if cyc_v = 1 and not skip_lbi_i then -- increment Bd by 1 b_op_o <= B_SET_B_INC; skip_op_o <= SKIP_LBI; end if; -- Mnemonic XABR ------------------------------------------------------ when MN_XABR => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_BR; b_op_o <= B_SET_BR; end if; -- Mnemonic SKC ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_SKC => if cyc_v = 1 then skip_op_o <= SKIP_C; end if; -- Mnemonic SKE ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_SKE => if cyc_v = 1 then skip_op_o <= SKIP_A_M; end if; -- Mnemonic SKMBZ ----------------------------------------------------- when MN_SKMBZ => if cyc_v = 1 then skip_op_o <= SKIP_M_BIT; -- select bit to be checked case ibyte1_q is when "00000001" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0001"; when "00010001" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0010"; when "00000011" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0100"; when "00010011" => dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; end if; -- Mnemonic SKT ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_SKT => if cyc_v = 1 then skip_op_o <= SKIP_TIMER; end if; -- Mnemonic XAS ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_XAS => if out_en_i then sio_op_o <= SIO_LOAD; alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_SIO; end if; -- Mnemonic EXT ------------------------------------------------------- when MN_EXT => if second_cyc_q then case ibyte2_q is -- CAMQ when "00111100" => if out_en_i then io_l_op_o <= IOL_LOAD_AM; end if; -- CQMA when "00101100" => if not t41x_type_v and in_en_i then io_l_op_o <= IOL_OUTPUT_Q; alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_Q; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_Q; end if; -- SKGZ when "00100001" => if in_en_i then skip_op_o <= SKIP_G_ZERO; end if; -- SKGBZ when "00000001" => if in_en_i then skip_op_o <= SKIP_G_BIT; dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0001"; end if; when "00010001" => if in_en_i then skip_op_o <= SKIP_G_BIT; dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0010"; end if; when "00000011" => if in_en_i then skip_op_o <= SKIP_G_BIT; dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "0100"; end if; when "00010011" => if in_en_i then skip_op_o <= SKIP_G_BIT; dec_data_o(dw_range_t) <= "1000"; end if; -- ING when "00101010" => if cyc_v = 1 then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_G; end if; -- INL when "00101110" => if in_en_i then io_l_op_o <= IOL_OUTPUT_L; alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_Q; dmem_op_o <= DMEM_WB_SRC_Q; end if; -- ININ when "00101000" => if not t41x_type_v and in_en_i then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_IN; end if; -- INIL when "00101001" => if not t41x_type_v and in_en_i then alu_op_o <= ALU_LOAD_IL; io_in_op_o <= IOIN_INIL; end if; -- OBD when "00111110" => if out_en_i then io_d_op_o <= IOD_LOAD; end if; -- OMG when "00111010" => if out_en_i then io_g_op_o <= IOG_LOAD_M; end if; -- multiple codes when others => -- apply default decoder output, largest required vector dec_data_o(b_range_t) <= ibyte2_q(b_range_t); -- LBI if ibyte2_q(7 downto 6) = "10" and not t41x_type_v then is_lbi_o <= true; en_int_v := false; if cyc_v > 0 and not skip_lbi_i then b_op_o <= B_SET_B; skip_op_o <= SKIP_LBI; end if; end if; -- LEI if ibyte2_q(7 downto 4) = "0110" and in_en_i then -- dec_data_o applied by default set_en_s <= true; -- acknowledge pending interrupt when EN(1) is not -- enabled - will clear them until interrupts are -- enabled with EN(1) = '1' if en_q(1) = '0' then io_in_op_o <= IOIN_INTACK; end if; end if; -- OGI if ibyte2_q(7 downto 4) = "0101" and out_en_i and not t41x_type_v then -- dec_data_o applied by default io_g_op_o <= IOG_LOAD_DEC; end if; end case; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; -- Interrupt handling ----------------------------------------------------- if t420_type_v and en_q(1) = '1' and int_i and en_int_v then if last_cycle_s then if cyc_v = 1 then stack_op_o <= STACK_PUSH; end if; if icyc_en_i then ack_int_s <= true; io_in_op_o <= IOIN_INTACK; pc_op_o <= PC_INT; -- push skip state that was determined by current instruction -- and will be valid for the next instruction which is delayed -- by the interrupt skip_op_o <= SKIP_PUSH; end if; end if; end if; end process decoder_ctrl; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Output mapping ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- en_o <= en_q; end rtl; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File History: -- -- $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ -- Revision 1.5 2006/05/28 15:32:14 arniml -- execute virtual NOP at location 0x0ff when vectoring to interrupt routine -- -- Revision 1.4 2006/05/27 19:14:18 arniml -- interrupt functionality added -- -- Revision 1.3 2006/05/22 00:02:36 arniml -- instructions ININ and INIL implemented -- -- Revision 1.2 2006/05/07 02:24:16 arniml -- fix sensitivity list -- -- Revision 2006/05/06 01:56:44 arniml -- import from local CVS repository, LOC_CVS_0_1 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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