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[/] [theia_gpu/] [branches/] [beta_1.1/] [rtl/] [EXE/] [Module_ExecutionFSM.v] - Rev 112
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps `include "aDefinitions.v" /********************************************************************************** Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit. Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***********************************************************************************/ `define EXEU_AFTER_RESET 0 `define EXEU_INITIAL_STATE 1 `define EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE 2 `define EXEU_FETCH_DECODED_INST 3 `define EXEU_WAIT_FOR_ALU_EXECUTION 4 `define EXEU_WRITE_BACK_TO_RAM 5 `define EXEU_HANDLE_JUMP 7 module ExecutionFSM ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire iDecodeDone, input wire[`INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH-1:0] iOperation, input wire[`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iSource0,iSource1, input wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iDestination, inout wire[`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] RAMBus, //output reg ReadyForNextInstruction, output wire oJumpFlag , output wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oJumpIp , output wire oRAMWriteEnable , output wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oRAMWriteAddress , output wire oExeLatchedValues, output reg oBusy , //ALU ports and control signals output wire [`INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH-1:0] oALUOperation, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelX1, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelY1, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelZ1, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelX2, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelY2, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oALUChannelZ2, output wire oTriggerALU, input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iALUResultX, input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iALUResultY, input wire [`WIDTH-1:0] iALUResultZ, input wire iALUOutputReady, input wire iBranchTaken, input wire iBranchNotTaken, `ifdef DEBUG input wire[`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iDebug_CurrentIP, `endif //Data forward Signals output wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oLastDestination ); wire wLatchNow; reg rInputLatchesEnabled; //If ALU says jump, just pass along assign oJumpFlag = iBranchTaken; //JumpIP is the instruction destination (= oRAMWriteAddress) assign oJumpIp = oRAMWriteAddress; assign wLatchNow = iDecodeDone & rInputLatchesEnabled; assign oExeLatchedValues = wLatchNow; assign oTriggerALU = wLatchNow; wire wOperationIsJump; assign wOperationIsJump = iBranchTaken || iBranchNotTaken; //Don't allow me to write back back if the operation is a NOP `ifdef DEBUG assign oRAMWriteEnable = iALUOutputReady && !wOperationIsJump && (oALUOperation != `NOP) && oALUOperation != `DEBUG_PRINT; `else assign oRAMWriteEnable = iALUOutputReady && !wOperationIsJump && oALUOperation != `NOP; `endif assign RAMBus = ( oRAMWriteEnable ) ? {iALUResultX,iALUResultY,iALUResultZ} : `DATA_ROW_WIDTH'bz; FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceX1 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource1[95:64] ), .Q( oALUChannelX1 ) ); FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceY1 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource1[63:32] ), .Q( oALUChannelY1 ) ); FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceZ1 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource1[31:0] ), .Q( oALUChannelZ1 ) ); FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceX2 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource0[95:64] ), .Q( oALUChannelX2 ) ); FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceY2 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource0[63:32] ), .Q( oALUChannelY2 ) ); FF32_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET SourceZ2 ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iSource0[31:0] ), .Q( oALUChannelZ2 ) ); //Finally one more latch to store //the iOperation and the destination /* FF6_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET FFOperation ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iOperation ), .Q( oALUOperation ) ); */ FF_OPCODE_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET FFOperation ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iOperation ), .Q( oALUOperation ) ); FF16_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET PSRegDestination ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iDestination ), .Q( oRAMWriteAddress ) ); //Data forwarding assign oLastDestination = oRAMWriteAddress; reg [7:0] CurrentState; reg [7:0] NextState; //------------------------------------------------ always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) begin if (Reset) CurrentState <= `EXEU_AFTER_RESET; else CurrentState <= NextState; end //------------------------------------------------ always @( * ) begin case (CurrentState) //------------------------------------------ `EXEU_AFTER_RESET: begin //ReadyForNextInstruction <= 1; oBusy <= 0; rInputLatchesEnabled <= 1; NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE; end //------------------------------------------ /** At the same time iDecodeDone goes to 1, our Flops will store the value, so next clock cycle we can tell IDU to go ahead and decode the next instruction in the pipeline. */ `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE: begin //ReadyForNextInstruction <= 1; oBusy <= 0; rInputLatchesEnabled <= 1; if ( iDecodeDone ) //This same thing triggers the ALU NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_ALU_EXECUTION; else NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE; end //------------------------------------------ /* If the instruction is aritmetic then pass the parameters the ALU, else if it store iOperation then... */ `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_ALU_EXECUTION: begin //ReadyForNextInstruction <= 0; //* oBusy <= 1; rInputLatchesEnabled <= 0; //NO INTERRUPTIONS WHILE WE WAIT!! if ( iALUOutputReady ) /////This same thing enables writing th results to RAM NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE; else NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_ALU_EXECUTION; end //------------------------------------------ `EXEU_WRITE_BACK_TO_RAM: begin //ReadyForNextInstruction <= 0; oBusy <= 1; rInputLatchesEnabled <= 1; if ( iDecodeDone ) NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_ALU_EXECUTION; else NextState <= `EXEU_WAIT_FOR_DECODE; end //------------------------------------------ default: begin //ReadyForNextInstruction <= 1; oBusy <= 0; rInputLatchesEnabled <= 1; NextState <= `EXEU_AFTER_RESET; end //------------------------------------------ endcase end //----------------------------------------------------------------------- `ifdef DUMP_CODE integer ucode_file; integer reg_log; initial begin $display("Opening ucode dump file....\n"); ucode_file = $fopen("Code.log","w"); $fwrite(ucode_file,"\n\n************ Theia UCODE DUMP *******\n\n\n\n"); $display("Opening Register lof file...\n"); reg_log = $fopen("Registers.log","w"); end `endif //Ucode dump //----------------------------------------------------------------------- `ifdef DEBUG always @ (posedge iDecodeDone) begin `LOGME"IP:%d", iDebug_CurrentIP); end always @ (negedge Clock ) begin if ( iALUOutputReady ) begin if (iBranchTaken) `LOGME"<BT>"); if (iBranchNotTaken ) `LOGME"<BNT>"); if (oRAMWriteEnable) `LOGME"<WE>"); `LOGME "(%dns ",$time); case ( oALUOperation ) `RETURN: `LOGME"RETURN"); `ADD: `LOGME"ADD"); `SUB: `LOGME"SUB"); `DIV: `LOGME"DIV"); `MUL: `LOGME"MUL"); `MAG: `LOGME"MAG"); `JGX: `LOGME"JGX"); `JGEX: `LOGME"JGEX"); `JGEY: `LOGME"JGEY"); `JGEZ: `LOGME"JGEZ"); `JLEX: `LOGME"JLEX"); `JLEY: `LOGME"JLEY"); `JLEZ: `LOGME"JLEZ"); `JMP: `LOGME"JMP"); `ZERO: `LOGME"ZERO"); `JNEX: `LOGME"JNEX"); `JNEY: `LOGME"JNEY"); `JNEZ: `LOGME"JNEZ"); `JEQX: `LOGME"JEQX"); `JEQY: `LOGME"JEQY"); `JEQZ: `LOGME"JEQZ"); `CROSS: `LOGME"CROSS"); `DOT: `LOGME"DOT"); `SETX: `LOGME"SETX"); `SETY: `LOGME"SETY"); `SETZ: `LOGME"SETZ"); `NOP: `LOGME"NOP"); `COPY: `LOGME"COPY"); `INC: `LOGME"INC"); `DEC: `LOGME"DEC"); `MOD: `LOGME"MOD"); `FRAC: `LOGME"FRAC"); `NEG: `LOGME"NEG"); `SWIZZLE3D: `LOGME"SWIZZLE3D"); `MULP: `LOGME"MULP"); `XCHANGEX: `LOGME"XCHANGEX"); `IMUL: `LOGME"IMUL"); `UNSCALE: `LOGME"UNSCALE"); `INCX: `LOGME"INCX"); `INCY: `LOGME"INCY"); `INCZ: `LOGME"INCZ"); `DEBUG_PRINT: begin `LOGME"DEBUG_PRINT"); end default: begin `LOGME"**********ERROR UNKNOWN OP*********"); $display("%dns EXE: Error Unknown Instruction : %d", $time,oALUOperation); // $stop(); end endcase `LOGME"\t %h [ %h %h %h ][ %h %h %h ] = ", oRAMWriteAddress, oALUChannelX1,oALUChannelY1,oALUChannelZ1, oALUChannelX2,oALUChannelY2,oALUChannelZ2 ); if (oALUOperation == `RETURN) `LOGME"\n\n\n"); end end //always always @ ( negedge Clock ) begin if ( iALUOutputReady ) `LOGME" [ %h %h %h ])\n",iALUResultX,iALUResultY,iALUResultZ); end //always `endif endmodule
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