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[/] [theia_gpu/] [branches/] [beta_1.1/] [rtl/] [EXE/] [Module_InstructionDecode.v] - Rev 103
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`timescale 1ns / 1ps `include "aDefinitions.v" /********************************************************************************** Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit. Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***********************************************************************************/ `define IDU_AFTER_RESET 0 `define IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION 1 `define IDU_WAIT_FOR_RAM 2 `define IDU_DISPATCH_DECODE_INSTRUCTION 3 `define IDU_LATCH_RAM_VALUES 4 `define IDU_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_INTRUCTION 5 `define IDU_INITIAL_DELAY 6 module InstructionDecode ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire iTrigger, input wire[`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1:0] iEncodedInstruction, input wire iExecutioUnitLatchedValues, input wire iInstructionAvailable, output reg oBusy, input wire[`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iRamValue0, input wire[`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iRamValue1, output wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oRamAddress0,oRamAddress1, output wire[`INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH-1:0] oOperation, output wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] oSource0,oSource1, output reg oInputsLatched, //output reg oBusBusy, output reg oDataReadyForExe, //input wire iExecutionReady, output wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oDestination, `ifdef DEBUG input wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iDebug_CurrentIP, output wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oDebug_CurrentIP, `endif input wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] iDataForward, input wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] iLastDestination ); `ifdef DEBUG assign oDebug_CurrentIP = iDebug_CurrentIP; `endif reg rFirstInstruction; wire wLatchNow; wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wFF16_2_SourceAddress0; `define IFU_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_INSTRUCTION 0 `define IFU_WAIT_FOR_EXE_TO_LATCH 1 `define IFU_WAIT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE 2 `define SELECT_ZERO 1'd0 `define SELECT_IAVAILABLE 1'd1 `define INSTRUCTION_OPCODE iEncodedInstruction[`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1:`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-`INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH] //The next logic is to control when to latch incoming values. //Values coming from IFU will be latched by IDU everytime the //'wLatchNow' signal is set to 1. We need to garanteed that the wLatchNow is set only if: // 1) There is a instruction available from IFU. ie 'iInstructionAvailable' is set. // 2) EXE unit already latched the decoded values we provided from the previous cycle. // ie. we won't read new values until we are sure EXE latched the previous values //Since the previous 2 conditions don't necesarily happens cocurrently and the pipeline //is asynchronous, a FSM is implemented to correctly represent this behavior. //This FSM has only 2 states and also controls the 'oBusy' signal, the 'oDataReadyForExe' //signal and the 'oInputsLatched' signal. reg rLatchNowSelector; MUXFULLPARALELL_1Bit_1SEL iInstructionAvailable_MUX ( .Sel( rLatchNowSelector ), .I1( 1'b0 ), .I2( iInstructionAvailable ), .O1( wLatchNow ) ); reg[1:0] rLatchNow_CurrentState; reg[1:0] rLatchNow_NextState; //Next State logic for the LatchNow signal always @ (posedge Clock) begin if (Reset) rLatchNow_CurrentState <= `IFU_WAIT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE; else rLatchNow_CurrentState <= rLatchNow_NextState; end always @ ( * ) begin case ( rLatchNow_CurrentState ) //-------------------------------------- `IFU_WAIT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE: begin rLatchNowSelector <= `SELECT_IAVAILABLE; oDataReadyForExe <= 0; oBusy <= 0; oInputsLatched <= 0; if ( iInstructionAvailable ) rLatchNow_NextState <= `IFU_WAIT_FOR_EXE_TO_LATCH; else rLatchNow_NextState <= `IFU_WAIT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE; end //-------------------------------------- `IFU_WAIT_FOR_EXE_TO_LATCH: begin rLatchNowSelector <= `SELECT_ZERO; oDataReadyForExe <= 1; oBusy <= 1; oInputsLatched <= 1; if ( iExecutioUnitLatchedValues ) rLatchNow_NextState <= `IFU_WAIT_FOR_INSTRUCTION_AVAILABLE; else rLatchNow_NextState <= `IFU_WAIT_FOR_EXE_TO_LATCH; end //-------------------------------------- endcase end //There are 2 types of operations to be decoded: //1) Operations that read thier parameters from memory locations. //2) Operations that use inmediate values instead of address locations. //The way IDU distinguishes between both is via the wInmediateOperand bit. //This is bit 5 of the operation part of the instruction. wire wInmediateOperand; assign wInmediateOperand = (oOperation[`INSTRUCTION_IMM_BIT ] == 1 || oOperation == `INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH'b0) ? 1 : 0; //Here we decode the 2 Data sources for the instruction: wSource0 and wSource1. //wSource0 will always be assigned to the contents of memory address location, //however wSource1 can either the contents of a memory location or inmediate //operand. wire[`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wSource0,wSource1; assign wSource0 = iRamValue0; assign wSource1 = ( wInmediateOperand ) ? {oRamAddress1,wFF16_2_SourceAddress0,32'b0,32'b0} : iRamValue1; //Since we are implementing a pipeline, data hazards such as RAW may arise. //in order to avoid such race conditions without inserting aditional stall cycles, //a data forward approach has been taken. 2 separe data forwarding signals are available //to indicate weather fordwarding is needed on either of the Source ports. wire rTriggerSource0DataForward,rTriggerSource1DataForward; wire wSource0AddrssEqualsLastDestination,wSource1AddrssEqualsLastDestination; assign wSource0AddrssEqualsLastDestination = (oRamAddress0 == iLastDestination) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; assign wSource1AddrssEqualsLastDestination = (oRamAddress1 == iLastDestination) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; assign rTriggerSource0DataForward = wSource0AddrssEqualsLastDestination; assign rTriggerSource1DataForward = wSource1AddrssEqualsLastDestination && !wInmediateOperand; //Once we made a decicions on weather the Sources must be forwarded or not, a series of muxes //are used to routed the correct data into the decoded Source outputs MUXFULLPARALELL_96bits_2SEL Source0_Mux ( .Sel( rTriggerSource0DataForward ), .I1( wSource0 ), .I2( iDataForward ), .O1( oSource0 ) ); MUXFULLPARALELL_96bits_2SEL Source1_Mux ( .Sel( rTriggerSource1DataForward ), .I1( wSource1 ), .I2( iDataForward ), .O1( oSource1 ) ); //Next we instance the pipestage Flip Flops to store the stage's data FF16_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET PSRegSource0Address ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iEncodedInstruction[15:0] ), .Q( wFF16_2_SourceAddress0 ) ); MUXFULLPARALELL_16bits_2SEL RAMAddr0MUX ( .Sel( wInmediateOperand ), .I1( wFF16_2_SourceAddress0 ), .I2( oDestination ), .O1( oRamAddress0 ) ); FF16_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET PSRegSource1Address ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .Clear( Reset ), .D( iEncodedInstruction[31:16] ), .Q( oRamAddress1 ) ); FFD16_POSEDGE PSRegDestination ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .D( iEncodedInstruction[47:32] ), .Q( oDestination ) ); /* FFD6_POSEDGE PSRegOperation ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .D( `INSTRUCTION_OPCODE ), .Q( oOperation ) ); */ FFD_OPCODE_POSEDGE PSRegOperation ( .Clock( wLatchNow ), .D( `INSTRUCTION_OPCODE ), .Q( oOperation ) ); //------------------------------------------------ `ifdef DEBUG2 always @ ( negedge Clock ) begin if ( iInstructionAvailable ) begin if ( oRamAddress0 == iLastDestination || oRamAddress1 == iLastDestination) $display("%d Data Forward %h ",$time, iDataForward); end end `endif //------------------------------------------------ reg [6:0] CurrentState, NextState; //------------------------------------------------ always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) begin if (Reset)// || iTrigger ) CurrentState <= `IDU_AFTER_RESET; else CurrentState <= NextState; end //------------------------------------------------ always @ ( * ) begin case ( CurrentState ) //------------------------------------ /* By the time the trigger gets to 1, there will be data already waiting.. */ `IDU_AFTER_RESET: begin // oBusBusy <= 0; rFirstInstruction <= 1; if (iInstructionAvailable) NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION; else NextState <= `IDU_AFTER_RESET; end //------------------------------------ `IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION: begin //oBusBusy <= 0; rFirstInstruction <= 0; if ( iExecutioUnitLatchedValues ) NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_RAM; else NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION; end //------------------------------------ `IDU_WAIT_FOR_RAM: begin //oBusBusy <= 1; rFirstInstruction <= 0; if (iInstructionAvailable || oOperation == `INSTRUCTION_OP_LENGTH'd0) NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION; else NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_RAM; end //------------------------------------ default: begin //oBusBusy <= 0; rFirstInstruction <= 0; NextState <= `IDU_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_INSTRUCTION; end //------------------------------------ endcase end `ifdef DEBUG2 always @ ( posedge wLatchNow ) begin $display("( %d %d [%d %d] - %d)", iEncodedInstruction[53:48],iEncodedInstruction[47:32], iEncodedInstruction[31:16],iEncodedInstruction[15:0], $time ); end `endif endmodule
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