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`timescale 1ns / 1ps `include "aDefinitions.v" /********************************************************************************** Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit. Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***********************************************************************************/ `define TNF_AFTER_RESET 0 `define TNF_IDLE 1 `define TNF_REQUEST_AABBMIN 2 `define TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMIN 3 `define TNF_REQUEST_AABBMAX 4 `define TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMAX 5 `define TNF_REQUEST_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES 10 `define TNF_WAIT_FOR_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES 11 `define TNF_LATCH_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES 12 `define TNF_WAIT_NODE_READ_ACK 13 `define TNF_REQUEST_DATA_OFFSET 14 `define TNF_WAIT_FOR_DATA_OFFSET 15 `define TNF_LATCH_DATA_OFFSET 16 `define TNF_REQUEST_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS 17 `define TNF_WAIT_FOR_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS 18 `define TNF_LACTH_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS 19 `define TNF_REQUEST_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS 20 `define TNF_WAIT_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS 21 `define TNF_LATCH_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS 22 `define TNF_RAM_WRITE_DELAY1 23 `define TNF_INC1 24 `define TNF_INC2 25 `define TNF_INC3 26 /* To fetch node, we need to ask WBM to perform several read cycles. Each read cycle reads 32 bits. The first 6 read cycles requests consecutive addresses that represent AABBMAX and AABBMIN corners. These 6 values must be stored into RAM for the ucode to use. Next value represents the number of vertices this AABB has, or zero is is not a LEAF. Next value is the offset where of the vertex data. */ module TreeNodeFetcher ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire[`WIDTH-1:0] iData, input wire iDataAvailable, input wire iTrigger, input wire[`WIDTH-1:0] iInitialAddress, //wires that go into WBM output reg oSetAddressWBM, output reg oEnableWBM, output wire[`WIDTH-1:0] oAddressWBM, //The parsed node info output wire oNode_IsLeaf, output wire[`WIDTH-1:0] oNode_DataOffset, output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oNode_TriangleCount, //Change to 16 bits //output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oNode_ChildCount, //Change to 16 bits output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oNode_Brother_Address, //* output wire [`WIDTH-1:0] oParents_Brother_Address, //* //output reg [`WIDTH-1:0] oNode_FirstChild_Address, output reg oNodeReadDone, output reg oRAMWriteEnable, output reg [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] oRAMWriteAddress ); reg [4:0] CurrentState; reg [4:0] NextState; assign oAddressWBM = iInitialAddress; reg rFFEnNumVertices; //Flip Flop D //FFD_SYNCH_RST_GENERIC FFD32_TNF FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (`WIDTH) FFD32_TNF ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .Enable( rFFEnNumVertices ), .D( iData ), .Q( oNode_TriangleCount ) ); reg rFFEnBrotherAddress; //Flip Flop D FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (`WIDTH) FFD32_TNF_NC //FFD_SYNCH_RST_GENERIC FFD32_TNF_NC ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .Enable( rFFEnBrotherAddress ), .D( iData ), .Q( oNode_Brother_Address ) ); reg rFFEnParentsBroAddr; //Flip Flop D FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (`WIDTH) FFD32_TNF_NC2 //FFD_SYNCH_RST_GENERIC FFD32_TNF_NC2 ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .Enable( rFFEnParentsBroAddr ), .D( iData ), .Q( oParents_Brother_Address ) ); reg rFFEnDataOffset; //Flip Flop D FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (`WIDTH) FFD32_TNF2 //FFD_SYNCH_RST_GENERIC FFD32_TNF2 ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .Enable( rFFEnDataOffset ), .D( iData ), .Q( oNode_DataOffset ) ); assign oNode_IsLeaf = (oNode_TriangleCount != 32'h0); //------------------------------------------------ always @(posedge Clock or posedge Reset) begin if (Reset) CurrentState <= `TNF_AFTER_RESET; else CurrentState <= NextState; end //------------------------------------ /* IDLE State just waiting for something to do... */ always @( * ) begin case (CurrentState) //------------------------------------ `TNF_AFTER_RESET: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_IDLE; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_IDLE: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if (iTrigger) NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_AABBMIN; else NextState <= `TNF_IDLE; end //------------------------------------ /* Here tell WBM to read from address iInitialAddress by seeting oSetAddressWBM = 1. By setting oRAMWriteEnable = 1, we are also telling WBM to store the the value in iInitialAddress, iInitialAddress+1, and iInitialAddress+2 into RAM, so the WBMAddress is going to increment by 3. */ `TNF_REQUEST_AABBMIN: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= `CREG_AABBMIN; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 1; //* oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 1; //* rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMIN; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMIN: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= `CREG_AABBMIN; oEnableWBM <= 1; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 1;//* rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_AABBMAX; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMIN; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_REQUEST_AABBMAX: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= `CREG_AABBMAX; oEnableWBM <= 1; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 1;//* rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMAX; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMAX: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= `CREG_AABBMAX; oEnableWBM <= 1; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 1;//* rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_AABBMAX; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_REQUEST_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= `CREG_AABBMAX; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; //* to give more time to write rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_LATCH_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_LATCH_NUMBER_OF_TRIANGLES: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; //* rFFEnNumVertices <= 1; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_DATA_OFFSET; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_REQUEST_DATA_OFFSET: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_DATA_OFFSET; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_FOR_DATA_OFFSET: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_LATCH_DATA_OFFSET; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_DATA_OFFSET; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_LATCH_DATA_OFFSET: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 1; //* oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_REQUEST_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 1; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_LACTH_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_FOR_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_LACTH_NODE_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 1; //* rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_REQUEST_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_REQUEST_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; //* oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; //rLastAddress <= 1; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 1; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iDataAvailable ) NextState <= `TNF_LATCH_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_LATCH_NODE_PARENT_BROTHER_ADDRESS: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 1; NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_NODE_READ_ACK; end //------------------------------------ `TNF_WAIT_NODE_READ_ACK: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 1; //* rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; if ( iTrigger == 0 ) NextState <= `TNF_IDLE; else NextState <= `TNF_WAIT_NODE_READ_ACK; end //------------------------------------ default: begin oRAMWriteAddress <= 0; oEnableWBM <= 0; oSetAddressWBM <= 0; oNodeReadDone <= 0; rFFEnNumVertices <= 0; rFFEnDataOffset <= 0; oRAMWriteEnable <= 0; rFFEnBrotherAddress <= 0; rFFEnParentsBroAddr <= 0; NextState <= `TNF_IDLE; end //------------------------------------ endcase end //always endmodule
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