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`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
module THEIA
input wire                    CLK_I,	//Input clock
input wire                    RST_I,	//Input reset
//Theia Interfaces
input wire                    MST_I,	//Master signal, THEIA enters configuration mode
                                       //when this gets asserted (see documentation)
//Wish Bone Interface
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]    DAT_I,	//Input data bus  (Wishbone)
//output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]   DAT_O,	//Output data bus (Wishbone)
input wire                    ACK_I,	//Input ack
output wire                   ACK_O,	//Output ack
//output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]   ADR_O,	//Output address
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]    ADR_I,	//Input address
//output wire                   WE_O,		//Output write enable
input wire                    WE_I,    //Input write enable
//output wire                   STB_O,	//Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire                    STB_I,	//Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
//output wire                   CYC_O,	//Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire                    CYC_I,   //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
//output wire	[1:0]             TGC_O,   //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [1:0]              TGA_I,   //Input address tag, see THEAI documentation
//output wire [1:0]             TGA_O,   //Output address tag, see THEAI documentation
//input wire	[1:0]             TGC_I,   //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]  	SEL_I,	//The WishBone Master uses this signal to configure a specific core (TBD, not sure is needed)
input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]   RENDREN_I,
input wire [`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0]      OMBSEL_I,  //Output memory bank select
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]           OMADR_I,  //Output adress (relative to current bank)
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]          OMEM_O,	 //Output data bus (Wishbone)
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]           TMDAT_I,
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]           TMADR_I,
input wire                           TMWE_I,
input wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0]     TMSEL_I,
//Control Register
input wire [15:0]		         CREG_I,
output wire                   GRDY_O,
input wire                    STDONE_I,
input wire                    HDA_I,
input wire                    GACK_I,
output wire                   RCOMMIT_O,
output wire                   DONE_O
wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0] wTMemWriteEnable;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wDone;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wBusGranted,wBusRequest;
//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]  wDAT_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]  wADR_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
//wire [1:0] wTGA_O[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] wBusSelect;
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wSTB_O;
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wWE_O;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]wACK_O;
wire wOMem_WE[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEM_Address[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEM_Dat[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]   wSTB_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]   wMST_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]   wACK_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]   wCYC_I;
wire [1:0]              wTGA_I[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_ACK_I;
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]  wTMEM_Data; 
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]  wTMEM_Address[`MAX_CORES-1:0]; 
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]  wTMEM_ReadAddr;
//wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_STB_O;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_Resquest;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wTMEM_Granted;
//CROSS-BAR cables
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wCrossBarDataRow[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];			//Horizontal grid Buses comming from each bank 
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wCrossBarDataCollumn[`MAX_CORES-1:0];          //Vertical grid buses comming from each core.
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wTMemReadAdr[`MAX_CORES-1:0];					   //Horizontal grid Buses comming from each core (virtual addr).
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wCrossBarAdressCollumn[`MAX_CORES-1:0];			//Vertical grid buses comming from each core. (physical addr).
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wCrossBarAddressRow[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];		//Horizontal grid Buses comming from each bank.
wire 						    wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS -1:0]    wBankReadRequest[`MAX_CORES-1:0];    
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]         wBankReadGranted[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];    
wire                           wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire[`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] wCurrentCoreSelected[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0];
//wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0]     wTMEM_2_Core_Data[`MAX_CORES-1:0];			//Vertical grid Buses going to each core.
wire[7:0]                wCoreBankSelect[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wGRDY_O;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wGReady;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wRCOMMIT_O;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wRCommited;
assign RCOMMIT_O = wRCommited[0] & wRCommited[1] & wRCommited[2] & wRCommited[3];
assign GRDY_O = wGReady[0] & wGReady[1] & wGReady[2] & wGReady[3];
//The next secuencial logic just AND all the wDone signals
//I know that it would be much more elgant to just do parallel:
//assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1] & ... & wDone[MAX_CORES-1];
//However, I don't know how to achieve this with 'generate' statements
//So coding a simple loop instead
always @ (posedge CLK_I) 
  integer k;
  DONE_O = wDone[0];
  for (k=0;k<=`MAX_CORES;k=k+1)
    DONE_O=DONE_O & wDone[k+1]; 
assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1] & wDone[2] & wDone[3];	//Replace this by a counter??
	Module_BusArbitrer ARB1
	.Clock( CLK_I ),
	.Reset( RST_I ),
	.iRequest( wBusRequest ),
	.oGrant(   wBusGranted ),
	.oBusSelect( wBusSelect )
 // assign DAT_O = wDAT_O[ wBusSelect ];
//  assign TGA_O = wTGA_O[ wBusSelect ];
//  assign ADR_O = wADR_O[ wBusSelect ];
//  assign STB_O = wSTB_O[ wBusSelect ];
//  assign WE_O  = wWE_O[ wBusSelect ];
  assign ACK_O = wACK_O[ wBusSelect];	 	
 wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wDataOut[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
 assign OMEM_O = wDataOut[ OMBSEL_I ];
  genvar i;
	for (i = 0; i < `MAX_CORES; i = i +1)
	begin : CORE
		assign wMST_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? MST_I : 0;
		assign wSTB_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? STB_I : 0;
		assign wCYC_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? CYC_I : 0;
		assign wTGA_I[i] = (SEL_I[i]) ? TGA_I : 0;
		.CLK_I( CLK_I ), 
		.RST_I( RST_I ),
		//Slave signals
		.ADR_I( ADR_I ),		
		.WE_I(  WE_I  ),
		.STB_I(  wSTB_I[i] ),
		.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
		.CYC_I( wCYC_I[i] ),
		.MST_I( wMST_I[i] ),
		.TGA_I( wTGA_I[i] ),
		.CREG_I( CREG_I ),
		//Master Signals
		//.WE_O ( 	wWE_O[i]  ),
		//.STB_O( 	wSTB_O[i] ),
		.ACK_O( 	wACK_O[i] ),
	//	.DAT_O(  wDAT_O[i] ),
		//.ADR_O(  wADR_O[i] ),
		.CYC_O(  wBusRequest[i] ),
		.GNT_I( 	wBusGranted[i] ),
		//.TGA_O( 	wTGA_O[i] ),
		`ifdef DEBUG
		.iDebug_CoreID( i ),
		.OMEM_WE_O( wOMem_WE[i] ),
		.OMEM_ADR_O( wOMEM_Address[i] ),
		.OMEM_DAT_O( wOMEM_Dat[i] ),
		.TMEM_DAT_I( wCrossBarDataCollumn[i]    ), 
		.TMEM_ADR_O( wTMemReadAdr[i]  ),
		.TMEM_CYC_O( wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[i]       ),
		.TMEM_GNT_I( wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[i]     ),
		.GRDY_O( wGRDY_O[i] ),
		.HDA_I(     HDA_I ),
		.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
		.DONE_O( wDone[i] )
	.Clock(  CLK_I ),
	.Reset( RST_I | GACK_I ),	
	.Initial( 1'b0 ),
	.Enable( wRCOMMIT_O[i] ),
	.Clock(  CLK_I ),
	.Reset( RST_I | GACK_I ),	
	.Initial( 1'b0 ),
	.Enable( wGRDY_O[i] ),
	RAM_SINGLE_READ_PORT # ( `WB_WIDTH, `WB_WIDTH, 500000 ) OMEM //10k mem
	.Clock(         CLK_I                ),
	.iWriteEnable(  wOMem_WE[i]          ),
	.iWriteAddress( wOMEM_Address[i]     ),
	.iDataIn(       wOMEM_Dat[i]         ),
	.iReadAddress0( OMADR_I              ),
	.oDataOut0(     wDataOut[i]          )
//If there are "n" banks, memory location "X" would reside in bank number X mod n.
//X mod 2^n == X & (2^n - 1)
assign wCoreBankSelect[i] = (wTMemReadAdr[i] & (`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1));
//Each core has 1 bank request slot
//Each slot has MAX_TMEM_BANKS bits. Only 1 bit can
//be 1 at any given point in time. All bits zero means,
//we are not requesting to read from any memory bank.
SELECT_1_TO_N # ( 8, 4 ) READDRQ
			.Sel(wCoreBankSelect[ i]),
//The address coming from the core is  virtual adress, meaning it assumes linear
//address space, however, since memory is interleaved in a n-way memory we transform
//virtual adress into physical adress (relative to the bank) like this
//fadr = vadr / n = vadr >> log2(n)
assign wCrossBarAdressCollumn[i] = (wTMemReadAdr[i] >> ((`MAX_TMEM_BANKS)/2));
//Connect the granted signal to Arbiter of the Bank we want to read from	
assign wTMEM_2_Core__Grant[i] = wBankReadGranted[wCoreBankSelect[i]][i];
//Connect the request signal to Arbiter of the Bank we want to read from	
//assign wBankReadRequest[wCoreBankSelect[i]][i] = wCORE_2_TMEM__Req[i];
////////////// CROSS-BAR INTERCONECTION//////////////////////////
genvar Core,Bank;
for (Bank = 0; Bank < `MAX_TMEM_BANKS; Bank = Bank + 1)
begin : BANK
	//The memory bank itself
	.Clock(         CLK_I                			),
	.iWriteEnable(  wTMemWriteEnable[Bank]       ),
	.iWriteAddress( TMADR_I                      ),
	.iDataIn(       TMDAT_I                      ),
	.iReadAddress0( wCrossBarAddressRow[Bank]    ),	//Connect to the Row of the grid
	.oDataOut0(     wCrossBarDataRow[Bank]   		)  //Connect to the Row of the grid
	//Arbiter will Round-Robin Cores attempting to read from the same Bank
	//at a given point in time
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0]         wBankReadGrantedDelay[`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0]; 
	Module_BusArbitrer ARB_TMEM
	.Clock( CLK_I ),
	.Reset( RST_I ), 
	.iRequest( {wBankReadRequest[3][Bank],wBankReadRequest[2][Bank],wBankReadRequest[1][Bank],wBankReadRequest[0][Bank]}),//wBankReadRequest[Bank] ),   //The cores requesting to read from this Bank
	.oGrant(   wBankReadGrantedDelay[Bank]  ),  //The bit of the core granted to read from this Bank
	.oBusSelect( wCurrentCoreSelected[Bank] )			//The index of the core granted to read from this Bank
	.Enable( 1'b1 ),
	//Create the Cross-Bar interconnection grid now, rows are coonected to the memory banks,
	//while collumns are connected to the cores, 2 or more cores can not read from the same
	//bank at any given point in time
	for (Core = 0; Core < `MAX_CORES; Core = Core + 1)
		//Connect the Data Collum of this core to the Data Row of current bank, only if the Core is looking for data stored in this bank
		assign wCrossBarDataCollumn[ Core ] = ( wCoreBankSelect[ Core ] == Bank ) ? wCrossBarDataRow[ Bank ] : `WB_WIDTH'bz;	
		//Connect the Address Row of this Bank to the Address Column of the core, only if the Arbiter selected this core for reading
		assign wCrossBarAddressRow[ Bank ] = ( wCurrentCoreSelected[ Bank ] == Core ) ? wCrossBarAdressCollumn[Core]: `WB_WIDTH'bz;
////////////// CROSS-BAR INTERCONECTION//////////////////////////

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