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[/] [theia_gpu/] [branches/] [icarus_version/] [testbench/] [TestBench_verilog.v] - Rev 204
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/********************************************************************************** Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit. Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***********************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* Module Description: This is the Main test bench of the GPU. It simulates the behavior of an external control unit or CPU that sends configuration information into DUT. It also implements a second processs that simulates a Wishbone slave that sends data from an external memory. These blocks are just behavioral CTE and therefore are not meant to be synthethized. *******************************************************************************/ `timescale 1ns / 1ps `include "aDefinitions.v" `define RESOLUTION_WIDTH (rSceneParameters[13] >> `SCALE) `define RESOLUTION_HEIGHT (rSceneParameters[14] >> `SCALE) `define DELTA_ROW (32'h1 << `SCALE) `define DELTA_COL (32'h1 << `SCALE) `define MAX_WIDTH 200 `define MAX_SCREENBUFFER (`MAX_WIDTH*`MAX_WIDTH*3) module TestBench_Theia; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //**WARNING: Declare all of your varaibles at the begining //of the file. I hve noticed that sometimes the verilog //simulator allows you to use some regs even if they have not been //previously declared, leadeing to crahses or unexpected behavior // Inputs reg Clock; reg Reset; wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_O; reg ACK_O; wire ACK_I; wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_I,ADR_O; wire WE_I,STB_I; wire CYC_O,WE_O,TGC_O,STB_O; wire [1:0] TGA_O; wire [1:0] TGA_I; reg [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] TMADR_O,TMDAT_O; reg [`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1:0] TMSEL_O; reg TMWE_O; reg [31:0] rControlRegister[2:0]; integer file, log; reg [31:0] rSceneParameters[`PARAMS_ARRAY_SIZE-1:0]; reg [31:0] rVertexBuffer[`VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE-1:0]; reg [31:0] rInstructionBuffer[512:0]; reg [31:0] rTextures[`TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE-1:0]; //Lets asume we use 256*256 textures reg [7:0] rScreen[`MAX_SCREENBUFFER-1:0]; wire wDone; wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] RENDREN_O; reg [`MAX_CORE_BITS-1:0] wOMEMBankSelect; reg [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEMReadAddr; //Output adress (relative to current bank) wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wOMEMData; //Output data bus (Wishbone) reg rHostEnable; integer k,out2; wire GRDY_I; wire GACK_O; wire STDONE_O; wire wGPUCommitedResults; wire wHostDataAvailable; wire[`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wHostReadAddress; wire[`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wMemorySize; wire[1:0] wMemSelect; MUXFULLPARALELL_2SEL_GENERIC # ( `WB_WIDTH ) MUX2 ( .Sel( wMemSelect ), .I1( rInstructionBuffer[0] ), .I2( rSceneParameters[0] ), .I3( rVertexBuffer[0] ), .I4(0), .O1(wMemorySize) ); //--------------------------------------------- top Top ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .iHostEnable( rHostEnable ), .oHostReadAddress( wHostReadAddress), .iMemorySize( wMemorySize ), .oMemSelect( wMemSelect ), .iInstruction( rInstructionBuffer[wHostReadAddress] ), .iParameter( rSceneParameters[wHostReadAddress] ), .iVertex( rVertexBuffer[wHostReadAddress] ), .iControlRegister( rControlRegister[0] ), .iPrimitiveCount( (rVertexBuffer[6]+1) *7 ), .iTMEMAdr( TMADR_O ), .iTMEMData( TMDAT_O ), .iTMEM_WE( TMWE_O ), .iTMEM_Sel( TMSEL_O ), .iOMEMBankSelect( wOMEMBankSelect ), .iOMEMReadAddress( wOMEMReadAddr ), .oOMEMData( wOMEMData ), .iWidth(`RESOLUTION_WIDTH), .iHeight(`RESOLUTION_HEIGHT), .oDone( wDone ) ); //--------------------------------------------- //generate the clock signal here always begin #`CLOCK_CYCLE Clock = ! Clock; end //--------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* This makes sure the simulation actually writes the results to the PPM image file once all the cores are done executing */ `define PARTITION_SIZE `RESOLUTION_HEIGHT/`MAX_CORES integer i,j,kk; reg [31:0] R; always @ ( * ) begin if (wDone == 1'b1) begin $fwrite(log, "Simulation end time : %dns\n",$time); $display("Partition Size = %d",`PARTITION_SIZE); for (kk = 0; kk < `MAX_CORES; kk = kk+1) begin wOMEMBankSelect = kk; $display("wOMEMBankSelect = %d\n",wOMEMBankSelect); for (j=0; j < `PARTITION_SIZE; j=j+1) begin for (i = 0; i < `RESOLUTION_HEIGHT*3; i = i +1) begin wOMEMReadAddr = i+j*`RESOLUTION_WIDTH*3; #`CLOCK_PERIOD; #1; R = ((wOMEMData >> (`SCALE-8)) > 255) ? 255 : (wOMEMData >> (`SCALE-8)); $fwrite(out2,"%d " , R ); if ((i %3) == 0) $fwrite(out2,"\n# %d %d\n",i/3,j); end end end $fclose(out2); $fclose(log); $stop(); end end //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reg [15:0] rTimeOut; // `define MAX_INSTRUCTIONS 2 initial begin // Initialize Inputs Clock = 0; Reset = 0; rTimeOut = 0; rHostEnable = 0; //Read Config register values $write("Loading control register.... "); $readmemh("Creg.mem",rControlRegister); $display("Done"); //Read configuration Data $write("Loading scene parameters.... "); $readmemh("Params.mem", rSceneParameters ); $display("Done"); //Read Scene Data $write("Loading scene geometry.... "); $readmemh("Vertex.mem",rVertexBuffer); $display("Done"); $display("Number of primitives(%d): %d",rVertexBuffer[6],(rVertexBuffer[6]+1) *7); //Read Texture Data $write("Loading scene texture.... "); $readmemh("Textures.mem",rTextures); $display("Done"); //Read instruction data $write("Loading code allocation table and user shaders.... "); $readmemh("Instructions.mem",rInstructionBuffer); $display("Done"); $display("Control Register : %b",rControlRegister[0]); $display("Resolution : %d X %d",`RESOLUTION_WIDTH, `RESOLUTION_HEIGHT ); //Open output file out2 = $fopen("Output.ppm"); $fwrite(out2,"P3\n"); $fwrite(out2,"#This file was generated by Theia's RTL simulation\n"); $fwrite(out2,"%d %d\n",`RESOLUTION_WIDTH, `RESOLUTION_HEIGHT ); $fwrite(out2,"255\n"); #10 Reset = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish TMWE_O = 1; #100 Reset = 0; TMWE_O = 1; $display("Intilializing TMEM @ %dns",$time); //starts in 2 to skip Width and Height for (k = 0;k < `TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE; k = k + 1) begin TMADR_O <= (k >> (`MAX_CORE_BITS)); TMSEL_O <= (k & (`MAX_TMEM_BANKS-1)); //X mod 2^n == X & (2^n - 1) TMDAT_O <= rTextures[k]; #10; if ((k % (256*3)) == 0) begin $write("|"); $fflush; end end $display("\nDone Intilializing TMEM @ %dns",$time); TMWE_O = 0; rHostEnable = 1; log = $fopen("Simulation.log"); $fwrite(log, "Simulation start time : %dns\n",$time); //Start dumping VCD $display("-I- Starting VCD Dump\n"); $dumpfile("TestBench_Theia.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,TestBench_Theia); end endmodule
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