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`ifndef COLLATERALS_V `define COLLATERALS_V `timescale 1ns / 1ps `include "aDefinitions.v" /********************************************************************************** Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit. Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (diego.valverde.g@gmail.com) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***********************************************************************************/ //---------------------------------------------------- module FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire Enable, input wire [SIZE-1:0] D, output reg [SIZE-1:0] Q ); always @ (posedge Clock) begin if ( Reset ) Q <= {SIZE{1'b0}}; else begin if (Enable) Q <= D; end end//always endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module PULSE ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire Enable, input wire D, output wire Q ); wire wDelay; FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (1) FFD (Clock,Reset,Enable,D,wDelay); assign Q = (Enable) ? (D ^ wDelay) & D: 1'b0; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module ADDER # (parameter SIZE=`WIDTH) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire iTrigger, input wire [SIZE-1:0] iA,iB, output wire [SIZE-1:0] oR, output wire oDone ); wire [SIZE-1:0] wR,wR_Delay; assign wR = iA + iB; FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (1) FFD0 (Clock,Reset,1'b1,iTrigger,oDone); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (SIZE) FFD (Clock,Reset,iTrigger,wR,wR_Delay); assign oR = wR_Delay; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module AND # (parameter SIZE=`WIDTH) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire iTrigger, input wire [SIZE-1:0] iA,iB, output wire [SIZE-1:0] oR, output wire oDone ); wire [SIZE-1:0] wR,wR_Delay; assign wR = iA & iB; FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (1) FFD0 (Clock,Reset,1'b1,iTrigger,oDone); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # (SIZE) FFD (Clock,Reset,iTrigger,wR,wR_Delay); assign oR = wR_Delay; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module UPCOUNTER_POSEDGE # (parameter SIZE=`WIDTH) ( input wire Clock, Reset, input wire [SIZE-1:0] Initial, input wire Enable, output reg [SIZE-1:0] Q ); always @(posedge Clock ) begin if (Reset) Q <= Initial; else begin if (Enable) Q <= Q + 1; end end endmodule //---------------------------------------------------------------------- module DECODER_ONEHOT_2_BINARY ( input wire [4:0] iIn, output reg[4:0] oOut ); always @ (*) begin case (iIn) 5'b00000: oOut = 0; 5'b00001: oOut = 1; 5'b00010: oOut = 2; 5'b00100: oOut = 3; 5'b01000: oOut = 4; 5'b10000: oOut = 5; default: oOut = 0; endcase end endmodule //---------------------------------------------------------------------- module SELECT_1_TO_N # ( parameter SEL_WIDTH=4, parameter OUTPUT_WIDTH=16 ) ( input wire [SEL_WIDTH-1:0] Sel, input wire En, output wire [OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] O ); reg[OUTPUT_WIDTH-1:0] shift; always @ ( * ) begin if (~En) shift = 1; else shift = (1 << Sel); end assign O = ( ~En ) ? 0 : shift ; //assign O = En & (1 << Sel); endmodule //---------------------------------------------------------------------- module MUXFULLPARALELL_GENERIC #(parameter WIDTH = `WIDTH, parameter CHANNELS = 4, parameter SELBITS = 2) ( input wire [(CHANNELS*WIDTH)-1:0] in_bus, input wire [SELBITS-1:0] sel, output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out ); genvar ig; wire [WIDTH-1:0] input_array [0:CHANNELS-1]; assign out = input_array[sel]; generate for(ig=0; ig<CHANNELS; ig=ig+1) begin: array_assignments assign input_array[ig] = in_bus[(ig*WIDTH)+:WIDTH]; end endgenerate endmodule //---------------------------------------------------------------------- module MUXFULLPARALELL_2SEL_GENERIC # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire [1:0] Sel, input wire [SIZE-1:0]I1, I2, I3,I4, output reg [SIZE-1:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 2'b00: O1 = I1; 2'b01: O1 = I2; 2'b10: O1 = I3; 2'b11: O1 = I4; default: O1 = SIZE; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_3SEL_GENERIC # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire [2:0] Sel, input wire [SIZE-1:0]I1, I2, I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8, output reg [SIZE-1:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 3'b000: O1 = I1; 3'b001: O1 = I2; 3'b010: O1 = I3; 3'b011: O1 = I4; 3'b100: O1 = I5; 3'b101: O1 = I6; 3'b110: O1 = I7; 3'b111: O1 = I8; default: O1 = SIZE; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------ module CIRCULAR_SHIFTLEFT_POSEDGE_EX # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire[SIZE-1:0] Initial, input wire Enable, output wire[SIZE-1:0] O ); reg [SIZE-1:0] tmp; always @(posedge Clock) begin if (Reset) tmp <= Initial; else begin if (Enable) begin if (tmp[SIZE-1]) begin tmp <= Initial; end else begin tmp <= tmp << 1; end end end end assign O = tmp; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_3SEL_WALKINGONE # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire [2:0] Sel, input wire [SIZE-1:0]I1, I2, I3, output reg [SIZE-1:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 3'b001: O1 = I1; 3'b010: O1 = I2; 3'b100: O1 = I3; default: O1 = SIZE; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_3SEL_EN # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire [1:0] SEL, input wire [SIZE-1:0]I1, I2, I3, input wire EN, output reg [SIZE-1:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin if (EN) begin case (SEL) 2'b00: O1 = I1; 2'b01: O1 = I2; 2'b10: O1 = I3; default: O1 = SIZE; endcase end else begin O1 = I1; end end endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_4SEL_WALKINGONE # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire [2:0] Sel, input wire [SIZE-1:0]I1, I2, I3, I4, output reg [SIZE-1:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 4'b0001: O1 = I1; 4'b0010: O1 = I2; 4'b0100: O1 = I3; 4'b1000: O1 = I4; default: O1 = SIZE; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module SHIFTLEFT_POSEDGE # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire[SIZE-1:0] Initial, input wire Enable, output wire[SIZE-1:0] O ); reg [SIZE-1:0] tmp; always @(posedge Clock) begin if (Reset) tmp <= Initial; else begin if (Enable) tmp <= tmp << 1; end end assign O = tmp; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------ module CIRCULAR_SHIFTLEFT_POSEDGE # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH ) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire[SIZE-1:0] Initial, input wire Enable, output wire[SIZE-1:0] O ); reg [SIZE-1:0] tmp; always @(posedge Clock) begin if (Reset || tmp[SIZE-1]) tmp <= Initial; else begin if (Enable) tmp <= tmp << 1; end end assign O = tmp; endmodule //----------------------------------------------------------- /* Sorry forgot how this flop is called. Any way Truth table is this Q S Q_next R 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 X X 0 1 The idea is that it toggles from 0 to 1 when S = 1, but if it gets another S = 1, it keeps the output to 1. */ module FFToggleOnce_1Bit ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire Enable, input wire S, output reg Q ); reg Q_next; always @ (negedge Clock) begin Q <= Q_next; end always @ ( posedge Clock ) begin if (Reset) Q_next <= 0; else if (Enable) Q_next <= (S && !Q) || Q; else Q_next <= Q; end endmodule //----------------------------------------------------------- module FFD32_POSEDGE ( input wire Clock, input wire[31:0] D, output reg[31:0] Q ); always @ (posedge Clock) Q <= D; endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_96bits_2SEL ( input wire Sel, input wire [95:0]I1, I2, output reg [95:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 1'b0: O1 = I1; 1'b1: O1 = I2; endcase end endmodule //------------------------------------------------ module MUXFULLPARALELL_16bits_2SEL ( input wire Sel, input wire [15:0]I1, I2, output reg [15:0] O1 ); always @( * ) begin case (Sel) 1'b0: O1 = I1; 1'b1: O1 = I2; endcase end endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------- module FFT1 ( input wire D, input wire Clock, input wire Reset , output reg Q ); always @ ( posedge Clock or posedge Reset ) begin if (Reset) begin Q <= 1'b0; end else begin if (D) Q <= ! Q; end end//always endmodule //-------------------------------------------------------------- /* module FIFO_SYNCHRNOUS_RESET # ( parameter SIZE=`WIDTH, parameter DEPTH=16 ) ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, wr_cs , // Write chip select rd_cs , // Read chipe select input wire iData, input wire iReadEnable, input wire[SIZE-1:0] iWriteEnable, output reg[SIZE-1:0] oData, output wire oEmpy, output wire oFull ); // FIFO constants parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8; parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 8; parameter RAM_DEPTH = (1 << ADDR_WIDTH); // Port Declarations input clk ; input rst ; input wr_cs ; input rd_cs ; input rd_en ; input wr_en ; input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in ; output full ; output empty ; output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out ; //-----------Internal variables------------------- reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_pointer; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_pointer; reg [ADDR_WIDTH :0] status_cnt; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out ; wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_ram ; //-----------Variable assignments--------------- assign full = (status_cnt == (RAM_DEPTH-1)); assign empty = (status_cnt == 0); //-----------Code Start--------------------------- always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin : WRITE_POINTER if (rst) begin wr_pointer <= 0; end else if (wr_cs && wr_en ) begin wr_pointer <= wr_pointer + 1; end end always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin : READ_POINTER if (rst) begin rd_pointer <= 0; end else if (rd_cs && rd_en ) begin rd_pointer <= rd_pointer + 1; end end always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin : READ_DATA if (rst) begin data_out <= 0; end else if (rd_cs && rd_en ) begin data_out <= data_ram; end end always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin : STATUS_COUNTER if (rst) begin status_cnt <= 0; // Read but no write. end else if ((rd_cs && rd_en) && !(wr_cs && wr_en) && (status_cnt != 0)) begin status_cnt <= status_cnt - 1; // Write but no read. end else if ((wr_cs && wr_en) && !(rd_cs && rd_en) && (status_cnt != RAM_DEPTH)) begin status_cnt <= status_cnt + 1; end end ram_dp_ar_aw #(DATA_WIDTH,ADDR_WIDTH)DP_RAM ( .address_0 (wr_pointer) , // address_0 input .data_0 (data_in) , // data_0 bi-directional .cs_0 (wr_cs) , // chip select .we_0 (wr_en) , // write enable .oe_0 (1'b0) , // output enable .address_1 (rd_pointer) , // address_q input .data_1 (data_ram) , // data_1 bi-directional .cs_1 (rd_cs) , // chip select .we_1 (1'b0) , // Read enable .oe_1 (rd_en) // output enable ); endmodule */ module sync_fifo #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter DEPTH = 8 ) ( input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] din, input wire wr_en, input wire rd_en, output wire[DATA_WIDTH-1:0] dout, output reg full, output reg empty, input wire clk, input wire reset ); function integer log2; input integer n; begin log2 = 0; while(2**log2 < n) begin log2=log2+1; end end endfunction parameter ADDR_WIDTH = log2(DEPTH); reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] rd_ptr; // note MSB is not really address reg [ADDR_WIDTH : 0] wr_ptr; // note MSB is not really address wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] wr_loc; wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0] rd_loc; reg [DATA_WIDTH-1 : 0] mem[DEPTH-1 : 0]; assign wr_loc = wr_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]; assign rd_loc = rd_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH-1 : 0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(reset) begin wr_ptr <= 'h0; rd_ptr <= 'h0; end // end if else begin if(wr_en & (~full))begin wr_ptr <= wr_ptr+1; end if(rd_en & (~empty)) rd_ptr <= rd_ptr+1; end //end else end//end always //empty if all the bits of rd_ptr and wr_ptr are the same. //full if all bits except the MSB are equal and MSB differes always @(rd_ptr or wr_ptr)begin //default catch-alls empty <= 1'b0; full <= 1'b0; if(rd_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]==wr_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0])begin if(rd_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH]==wr_ptr[ADDR_WIDTH]) empty <= 1'b1; else full <= 1'b1; end//end if end//end always always @(posedge clk) begin if (wr_en) mem[wr_loc] <= din; end //end always assign dout = mem[rd_loc];//rd_en ? mem[rd_loc]:'h0; endmodule //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Synchronous memory blocks have two independent address ports, allowing for operations on two unique addresses simultaneously. A read operation and a write operation can share the same port if they share the same address. In the synchronous RAM block architecture, there is no priority between the two ports. Therefore, if you write to the same location on both ports at the same time, the result is indeterminate in the device architecture. When a read and write operation occurs on the same port for the same address, the new data being written to the memory is read. When a read and write operation occurs on different ports for the same address, the old data in the memory is read. Simultaneous writes to the same location on both ports results in indeterminate behavior. */ module RAM_DUAL_READ_DUAL_WRITE_PORT # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 6 ) ( input wire [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] data_a, data_b, input wire [(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] addr_a, addr_b, input wire we_a, we_b, clk, output reg [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] q_a, q_b ); // Declare the RAM variable reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[2**ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin // Port A if (we_a) begin ram[addr_a] <= data_a; q_a <= data_a; end else q_a <= ram[addr_a]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin // Port b if (we_b) begin ram[addr_b] <= data_b; q_b <= data_b; end else q_b <= ram[addr_b]; end endmodule module RAM_QUAD_PORT # ( parameter DATA_WIDTH = 8, parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 6 ) ( input wire [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] data_a, data_b, input wire [(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] waddr_a, waddr_b, input wire [(ADDR_WIDTH-1):0] raddr_a, raddr_b, input wire we_a, we_b, clk, output reg [(DATA_WIDTH-1):0] q_a, q_b ); // Declare the RAM variable reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] ram[2**ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]; always @ (posedge clk) begin // Port A if (we_a) begin ram[waddr_a] <= data_a; q_a <= data_a; end else q_a <= ram[waddr_a]; end always @ (posedge clk) begin // Port B if (we_b) begin ram[waddr_b] <= data_b; q_b <= data_b; end else q_b <= ram[waddr_b]; end endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------- // A four level, round-robin arbiter. This was // orginally coded by WD Peterson in VHDL. //---------------------------------------------------- module ROUND_ROBIN_ARBITER ( clk, rst, req4, req3, req2, req1, req0, gnt4, gnt3, gnt2, gnt1, gnt0 ); // --------------Port Declaration----------------------- input clk; input rst; input req4; input req3; input req2; input req1; input req0; output gnt4; output gnt3; output gnt2; output gnt1; output gnt0; //--------------Internal Registers---------------------- wire [2:0] gnt ; wire comreq ; wire beg ; wire [2:0] lgnt ; wire lcomreq ; reg lgnt0 ; reg lgnt1 ; reg lgnt2 ; reg lgnt3 ; reg lgnt4 ; reg lasmask ; reg lmask0 ; reg lmask1 ; reg lmask2 ; reg ledge ; //--------------Code Starts Here----------------------- always @ (posedge clk) if (rst) begin lgnt0 <= 0; lgnt1 <= 0; lgnt2 <= 0; lgnt3 <= 0; lgnt4 <= 0; end else begin lgnt0 <=(~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 & ~req1 & req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 & req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & req0 ) | (~lcomreq & lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req0 ) | ( lcomreq & lgnt0 ); lgnt1 <=(~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req1) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 & req1 & ~req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & req1 & ~req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & req1 & ~req0) | (~lcomreq & lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req1 & ~req0) | ( lcomreq & lgnt1); lgnt2 <=(~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req2 & ~req1) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & lmask0 & req2) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & ~req3 & req2 & ~req1 & ~req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & req2 & ~req1 & ~req0) | ( lcomreq & lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req2 & ~req1 & ~req0) | ( lcomreq & lgnt2); lgnt3 <=(~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & req3 & ~req2 & ~req1) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & lmask0 & ~req4 & req3 & ~req2) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & req3) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & lmask0 & req3) | ( lcomreq & lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & ~req4 & req3 & ~req2 & ~req1 & ~req0) | ( lcomreq & lgnt3); lgnt4 <=(~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 & ~req1 & ~req0) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & ~lmask1 & lmask0 & req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 & ~req1 ) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req4 & ~req3 & ~req2 ) | (~lcomreq & ~lmask2 & lmask1 & lmask0 & req4 & ~req3 ) | ( lcomreq & lmask2 & ~lmask1 & ~lmask0 & req4 ) | ( lcomreq & lgnt3); end //---------------------------------------------------- // lasmask state machine. //---------------------------------------------------- assign beg = (req4 | req3 | req2 | req1 | req0) & ~lcomreq; always @ (posedge clk) begin lasmask <= (beg & ~ledge & ~lasmask); ledge <= (beg & ~ledge & lasmask) | (beg & ledge & ~lasmask); end //---------------------------------------------------- // comreq logic. //---------------------------------------------------- assign lcomreq = ( req4 & lgnt4 ) | ( req3 & lgnt3 ) | ( req2 & lgnt2 ) | ( req1 & lgnt1 ) | ( req0 & lgnt0 ); //---------------------------------------------------- // Encoder logic. //---------------------------------------------------- assign lgnt = {lgnt4,(lgnt3 | lgnt2),(lgnt3 | lgnt1)}; //---------------------------------------------------- // lmask register. //---------------------------------------------------- always @ (posedge clk ) if( rst ) begin lmask2 <= 0; lmask1 <= 0; lmask0 <= 0; end else if(lasmask) begin lmask2 <= lgnt[2]; lmask1 <= lgnt[1]; lmask0 <= lgnt[0]; end else begin lmask2 <= lmask2; lmask1 <= lmask1; lmask0 <= lmask0; end assign comreq = lcomreq; assign gnt = lgnt; //---------------------------------------------------- // Drive the outputs //---------------------------------------------------- assign gnt4 = lgnt4; assign gnt3 = lgnt3; assign gnt2 = lgnt2; assign gnt1 = lgnt1; assign gnt0 = lgnt0; endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module ROUND_ROBIN_5_ENTRIES ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire iRequest0, input wire iRequest1, input wire iRequest2, input wire iRequest3, input wire iRequest4, output wire oGrant0, output wire oGrant1, output wire oGrant2, output wire oGrant3, output wire oGrant4, output wire oPriorityGrant ); wire wMaks2,wMaks1,wMaks0; wire wGrant0,wGrant1,wGrant2,wGrant3,wGrant4; assign wGrant0 = (wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest0 ); assign wGrant1 = (wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest1 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest1 & ~iRequest0); assign wGrant2 = (wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest2 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 ); assign wGrant3 = (wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 & ~iRequest4 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest3 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 ); assign wGrant4 = ( wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest4 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 ) |(~wMaks2 & wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & wMaks0 & iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 ) |(~wMaks2 & ~wMaks1 & ~wMaks0 & iRequest4 & ~iRequest3 & ~iRequest2 & ~iRequest1 & ~iRequest0 ); assign oPriorityGrant = wGrant0; FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( 1 ) FFD0 ( Clock, Reset, 1'b1 , wGrant0, oGrant0); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( 1 ) FFD1 ( Clock, Reset, 1'b1 , wGrant1, oGrant1 ); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( 1 ) FFD2 ( Clock, Reset, 1'b1 , wGrant2, oGrant2 ); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( 1 ) FFD3 ( Clock, Reset, 1'b1 , wGrant3, oGrant3 ); FFD_POSEDGE_SYNCRONOUS_RESET # ( 1 ) FFD4 ( Clock, Reset, 1'b1 , wGrant4, oGrant4 ); reg [4:0] rCurrentState, rNextState; //Next states logic and Reset sequence always @(posedge Clock ) begin if (Reset ) rCurrentState <= 0; else rCurrentState <= rNextState; end reg[2:0] rMask; assign wMaks0 = rMask[0]; assign wMaks1 = rMask[1]; assign wMaks2 = rMask[2]; always @ ( * ) begin case (rCurrentState) //-------------------------------------- 0: begin rMask = 3'd0; rNextState = 1; end 1: begin rMask = 3'd1; rNextState = 2; end 2: begin rMask = 3'd2; rNextState = 3; end 3: begin rMask = 3'd3; rNextState = 4; end 4: begin rMask = 3'd4; rNextState = 0; end endcase end /* UPCOUNTER_POSEDGE # (3) UP1 ( .Clock( Clock ), .Reset( Reset ), .Initial( 3'b0 ), .Enable( 1'b1 ), .Q({wMaks2,wMaks1,wMaks0}) ); */ endmodule //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `endif
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