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; ============================================================================
; __
; \\__/ o\ (C) 2015 Robert Finch, Stratford
; \ __ / All rights reserved.
; \/_// robfinch<remove>@finitron.ca
; ||
; This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
; by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
; KeyState1_
; 76543210
; + = keyup
; KeyState2_
; 76543210
; |||||||+ = shift
; ||||||+- = alt
; |||||+-- = control
; ||||+--- = numlock
; |||+---- = capslock
; ||+----- = scrolllock
; |+------ =
; +------- = extended
; ============================================================================
; Static Device Control Block for Keyboard
align 8
byte 8,"keyboard " ; DCB_Name string: first byte is length, 11 chars max
dh 0 ; DCB_Type 0 = character
dw 0 ; DCB_nBPB
dw 0 ; DCB_LastErc last error code
dw 0 ; DCB_StartBlock starting block number (partitioned devices)
dw 0 ; DCB_nBlocks number of blocks on device
dw KeybdCmdProc ; DCB_pCmdProc pointer to command processor routine
byte 1 ; DCB_ReentCount re-entrancy count (1 to 255)
byte 0 ; DCB_fSingleUser
fill.b 6,0
dw 0 ; DCB_hJob handle to associated job
dw 0 ; DCB_Mbx
dw 0 ; DCB_pSema pointer to device semaphore
dw 0 ; DCB_Resv1 reserved
dw 0 ; DCB_Resv2 reserved
align 8
jmp KeybdIRQ[c0]
addui sp,sp,#-8
sws c1,[sp]
lla r1,cs:kbd_jmp ; set interrupt vector
ldi r2,#194
bsr set_vector
lws c1,[sp]
addui sp,sp,#8
lw r29,zs:RunningJCB_
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeybdHead[r29] ; clear buffer pointers
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeybdTail[r29]
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeyState1[r29]
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeyState2[r29]
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeybdLEDs[r29]
ldi r1,#64
sb r1,zs:JCB_KeybdBufSz[r29]
; Check if a key is available
; Returns:
; r1 = non-zero if key is available, otherwise zero
public KeybdCheckForKey
addui sp,sp,#-8
sw r2,[sp]
lw r2,zs:RunningJCB_
lcu r1,zs:JCB_KeybdHead[r2]
shrui r2,r1,#8
zxb r1,r1
eor r1,r1,r2
lw r2,[sp]
addui sp,sp,#8
public KeybdGetCharWait:
ldi r1,#-1
lw r29,zs:RunningJCB_
sb r1,zs:JCB_KeybdWaitFlag[r29]
br KeybdGetChar
public KeybdGetCharNoWait:
lw r1,zs:RunningJCB_
sb r0,zs:JCB_KeybdWaitFlag[r1]
br KeybdGetChar
; Wait for a keyboard character to be available
; Returns (-1) if no key available
; Return key >= 0 if key is available
addui sp,sp,#-64
sw r2,[sp]
sws c1,8[sp] ; save off link register
sws hs,16[sp]
sws hs.lmt,24[sp]
sw r3,32[sp]
sws ds,40[sp]
sws ds.lmt,48[sp]
ldis hs,#$FFD00000
ldis hs.lmt,#$100000
lws ds,zs:RunningJCB_
ldis ds.lmt,#$10000
; Allow for some interruptible code to occur
nop nop nop nop
nop nop nop nop
nop nop nop nop
; Get head and tail pointers as a single load
; then separate
; sei
lcu r1,JCB_KeybdHead ; 1 memory op instead of 2
shrui r2,r1,#8 ; r2 = tail index
zxb r1,r1 ; r1 = head index
cmp p0,r1,r2 ; is there anything in the buffer ?
p0.ne br .0006 ; yes, branch
lb r1,JCB_KeybdWaitFlag ; are we waiting indefinitely for a key ?
tst p0,r1
p0.lt br .0003 ; if yes, branch
br .0008 ; otherwise exit no key available
ldi r1,#$300
sc r1,hs:LEDS
lbu r1,JCB_KeybdBuf[r2] ; get scan code from buffer
lbu r3,JCB_KeybdBufSz
addui r2,r2,#1 ; increment tail index
cmp p0,r2,r3
p0.geu mov r2,r0 ; take modulus
sb r2,JCB_KeybdTail ; and store it back
cmp p0,r1,#SC_KEYUP ; keyup scan code ?
p0.eq br .doKeyup
cmp p0,r1,#SC_EXTEND; extended scan code ?
p0.eq br .doExtend
cmp p0,r1,#$14 ; control ?
p0.eq br .doCtrl
cmp p0,r1,#$12 ; left shift
p0.eq br .doShift
cmp p0,r1,#$59 ; right shift
p0.eq br .doShift
cmp p0,r1,#SC_NUMLOCK
p0.eq br .doNumLock
cmp p0,r1,#SC_CAPSLOCK
p0.eq br .doCapsLock
cmp p0,r1,#SC_SCROLLLOCK
p0.eq br .doScrollLock
cmp p0,r1,#SC_ALT
p0.eq br .doAlt
lb r2,JCB_KeyState1
sb r0,JCB_KeyState1
biti p0,r2,#1 ; was keyup set ?
p0.ne br .0003 ; if yes, ignore and branch back
lb r2,JCB_KeyState2 ; Is extended code ?
biti p0,r2,#$80
p0.eq br .0010
lb r2,JCB_KeyState2 ; clear extended bit
andi r2,r2,#$7F
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
sb r0,JCB_KeyState1 ; clear keyup
andi r1,r1,#$7F
lbu r1,cs:keybdExtendedCodes_[r1]
br .0008
biti p0,r2,#4 ; Is Cntrl down ?
p0.eq br .0009
andi r1,r1,#$7F
lbu r1,cs:keybdControlCodes_[r1]
br .0008
biti p0,r2,#33 ; Is shift or CAPS-Lock down ?
p0.ne lbu r1,cs:shiftedScanCodes_[r1]
p0.eq lbu r1,cs:unshiftedScanCodes_[r1]
lw r2,[sp]
lws c1,8[sp]
lws hs,16[sp]
lws hs.lmt,24[sp]
lw r3,32[sp]
lws ds,40[sp]
lws ds.lmt,48[sp]
addui sp,sp,#64
lb r2,JCB_KeyState1 ; set keyup flag
ori r2,r2,#1
sb r2,JCB_KeyState1
br .0003
lb r2,JCB_KeyState2
ori r2,r2,#$80
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
br .0003
lb r2,JCB_KeyState1
biti p0,r2,#1
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
p0.eq ori r2,r2,#4
p0.ne andi r2,r2,#~4
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
br .0003
lb r2,JCB_KeyState1
biti p0,r2,#1
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
p0.eq ori r2,r2,#2
p0.ne andi r2,r2,#~2
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
br .0003
lb r2,JCB_KeyState1
biti p0,r2,#1
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
p0.eq ori r2,r2,#1
p0.ne andi r2,r2,#~1
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
br .0003
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
eori r2,r2,#16
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
bsr KeybdSetLEDStatus
br .0003
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
eori r2,r2,#32
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
bsr KeybdSetLEDStatus
br .0003
lbu r2,JCB_KeyState2
eori r2,r2,#64
sb r2,JCB_KeyState2
bsr KeybdSetLEDStatus
br .0003
; Set the keyboard LED status leds.
; Trashes r1, p0
addui r27,r27,#-8
sws c1,[r27]
sb r0,KeybdLEDs
lb r1,JCB_KeyState2
biti p0,r1,#16
p0.ne lb r1,KeybdLEDs ; set bit 1 for Num lock, 0 for scrolllock , 2 for caps lock
p0.ne ori r1,r1,#2
p0.ne sb r1,KeybdLEDs
lb r1,JCB_KeyState2
biti p0,r1,#32
p0.ne lb r1,KeybdLEDs
p0.ne ori r1,r1,#4
p0.ne sb r1,KeybdLEDs
lb r1,JCB_KeyState2
biti p0,r1,#64
p0.ne lb r1,KeybdLEDs
p0.ne ori r1,r1,#1
p0.ne sb r1,KeybdLEDs
ldi r1,#$ED
sb r1,hs:KEYBD ; set status LEDs command
bsr KeybdWaitTx
bsr KeybdRecvByte
cmpi p0,r1,#$FA
lb r1,KeybdLEDs
sb r1,hs:KEYBD
bsr KeybdWaitTx
bsr KeybdRecvByte
lws c1,[r27]
addui r27,r27,#8
; Receive a byte from the keyboard, used after a command is sent to the
; keyboard in order to wait for a response.
; Returns:
; r1 >= 0 if a scancode is available
; r1 = -1 on timeout
addui r27,r27,#-16
sws c1,8[r27]
sw r3,[r27]
ldi r3,#20 ; wait up to .2s
bsr KeybdWaitBusy
lb r1,hs:KEYBD+1 ; wait for response from keyboard
biti p0,r1,#$80 ; is input buffer full ?
p0.ne br .0004 ; yes, branch
bsr Wait10ms ; wait a bit
addui r3,r3,#-1
tst p0,r3
p0.ne br .0003 ; go back and try again
lw r3,[r27] ; timeout
lws c1,8[r27]
addui r27,r27,#16
ldi r1,#-1
lvb r1,hs:KEYBD ; get scancode
zxb r1,r1 ; convert to unsigned char
sb r0,hs:KEYBD+1 ; clear recieve state
lw r3,[r27]
lws c1,8[r27]
addui r27,r27,#16
rts ; return char in r1
; Wait until the keyboard isn't busy anymore
; Wait until the keyboard transmit is complete
; Returns:
; r1 >= 0 if successful
; r1 < 0 if timed out
KeybdWaitBusy: ; alias for KeybdWaitTx
addui r27,r27,#-16
sws c1,8[r27]
sw r3,[r27]
ldi r3,#10 ; wait a max of .1s
lvb r1,hs:KEYBD+1
biti p0,r1,#$40 ; check for transmit busy bit
p0.eq br .0002 ; branch if bit clear
bsr Wait10ms ; delay a little bit
addui r3,r3,#-1 ; go back and try again
tst p0,r3
p0.ne br .0001
lw r3,[r27] ; timed out
lws c1,8[r27]
addui r27,r27,#16
ldi r1,#-1 ; return -1
lw r3,[r27] ; wait complete, return
lws c1,8[r27] ; restore return address
ldi r1,#0 ; return 0 for okay
addui r27,r27,#16
; Delay for about 10 ms.
addui r27,r27,#-16
sw r1,8[r27]
sw r2,[r27]
mfspr r1,tick
addui r1,r1,#250000 ; 10ms at 25 MHz
mfspr r2,tick
cmp p0,r2,r1
p0.lt br .0001
lw r2,[r27]
lw r1,8[r27]
addui r27,r27,#16
; KeybdIRQ:
; Store scancode in keyboard buffer. Also check for the special key
; sequences ALT-tab and CTRL-ALT-del. If the keyboard buffer is full then
; the newest keystrokes are lost.
addui r31,r31,#-80
sws p0,[r31]
sw r1,8[r31]
sw r2,16[r31]
sws hs,24[r32]
sw r3,32[r31]
sws ds,40[r31]
sws ds.lmt,48[r31]
sws hs.lmt,56[r31]
sw r4,64[r31]
sw r5,72[r31]
ldis hs,#$FFD00000
ldis hs.lmt,#$100000
lws ds,zs:IOFocusNdx_ ; set input to correct keyboard buffer
ldis ds.lmt,#$10000
lvb r1,hs:KEYBD ; get the scan code
sb r0,hs:KEYBD+1 ; clear interrupt status
lcu r2,JCB_KeybdHead ; get head/tail index (1 memory op)
shrui r3,r2,#8 ; r3 = tail
zxb r2,r2 ; r2 = head
mov r4,r2 ; make copy of old head index
addui r2,r2,#1 ; increment head index
lbu r5,JCB_KeybdBufSz
cmp p0,r2,r5
p0.geu mov r2,r0 ; modulus buffer size
cmp p0,r2,r3 ; is there room in buffer ?
p0.ne sb r1,JCB_KeybdBuf[r4] ; store scan code in buffer
p0.ne sb r2,JCB_KeybdHead ; save buffer index
lb r2,JCB_KeyState2 ; check for ALT
biti p0,r2,#2
p0.eq br .exit
cmpi p0,r1,#SC_TAB
p0.eq inc.b zs:iof_switch_ ; set IOF switch flag if ALT-Tab pressed.
p0.eq br .exit
cmpi p0,r1,#SC_DEL
p0.ne br .exit
biti p0,r2,#4 ; check for CTRL-ALT-DEL
p0.ne jmp cold_start
lws p0,[r31]
lw r1,8[r31]
lw r2,16[r31]
lws hs,24[r32]
lw r3,32[r31]
lws ds,40[r31]
lws ds.lmt,48[r31]
lws hs.lmt,56[r31]
lw r4,64[r31]
lw r5,72[r31]
addui r31,r31,#80
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