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[/] [threeaesc/] [trunk/] [aes_c_2/] [src/] [aes_enc.vhd] - Rev 2
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-- Copyright (c) 2011 Antonio de la Piedra -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL; use work.aes_lib.all; entity aes_enc is port( clk: in std_logic; block_in : in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); sub_key : in std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); last : in std_logic; block_out : out std_logic_vector(127 downto 0)); end aes_enc; architecture Behavioral of aes_enc is signal sub_tmp_s : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); signal sub_tmp_mix : std_logic_vector(127 downto 0); begin S_BOX_DUAL_1: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(7 downto 0), block_in(47 downto 40), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(7 downto 0), sub_tmp_s(15 downto 8)); S_BOX_DUAL_2: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(87 downto 80), block_in(127 downto 120), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(23 downto 16), sub_tmp_s(31 downto 24)); S_BOX_DUAL_3: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(39 downto 32), block_in(79 downto 72), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(39 downto 32), sub_tmp_s(47 downto 40)); S_BOX_DUAL_4: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(119 downto 112), block_in(31 downto 24), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(55 downto 48), sub_tmp_s(63 downto 56)); S_BOX_DUAL_5: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(71 downto 64), block_in(111 downto 104), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(71 downto 64), sub_tmp_s(79 downto 72)); S_BOX_DUAL_6: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(23 downto 16), block_in(63 downto 56), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(87 downto 80), sub_tmp_s(95 downto 88)); S_BOX_DUAL_7: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(103 downto 96), block_in(15 downto 8), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(103 downto 96), sub_tmp_s(111 downto 104)); S_BOX_DUAL_8: entity work.dual_mem(rtl) port map (clk, '0', block_in(55 downto 48), block_in(95 downto 88), (others=>'0'), sub_tmp_s(119 downto 112), sub_tmp_s(127 downto 120)); MIX_COL: process(sub_tmp_s, last) begin if last = '0' then sub_tmp_mix(7 downto 0) <= gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(7 downto 0)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(15 downto 8)) xor sub_tmp_s(23 downto 16) xor sub_tmp_s(31 downto 24); sub_tmp_mix(15 downto 8) <= sub_tmp_s(7 downto 0) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(15 downto 8)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(23 downto 16)) xor sub_tmp_s(31 downto 24); sub_tmp_mix(23 downto 16) <= sub_tmp_s(7 downto 0) xor sub_tmp_s(15 downto 8) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(23 downto 16)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(31 downto 24)); sub_tmp_mix(31 downto 24) <= gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(7 downto 0)) xor sub_tmp_s(15 downto 8) xor sub_tmp_s(23 downto 16) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(31 downto 24)); sub_tmp_mix(39 downto 32) <= gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(39 downto 32)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(47 downto 40)) xor sub_tmp_s(55 downto 48) xor sub_tmp_s(63 downto 56); sub_tmp_mix(47 downto 40) <= sub_tmp_s(39 downto 32) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(47 downto 40)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(55 downto 48)) xor sub_tmp_s(63 downto 56); sub_tmp_mix(55 downto 48) <= sub_tmp_s(39 downto 32) xor sub_tmp_s(47 downto 40) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(55 downto 48)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(63 downto 56)); sub_tmp_mix(63 downto 56) <= gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(39 downto 32)) xor sub_tmp_s(47 downto 40) xor sub_tmp_s(55 downto 48) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(63 downto 56)); sub_tmp_mix(71 downto 64) <= gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(71 downto 64)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(79 downto 72)) xor sub_tmp_s(87 downto 80) xor sub_tmp_s(95 downto 88); sub_tmp_mix(79 downto 72) <= sub_tmp_s(71 downto 64) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(79 downto 72)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(87 downto 80)) xor sub_tmp_s(95 downto 88); sub_tmp_mix(87 downto 80) <= sub_tmp_s(71 downto 64) xor sub_tmp_s(79 downto 72) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(87 downto 80)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(95 downto 88)); sub_tmp_mix(95 downto 88) <= gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(71 downto 64)) xor sub_tmp_s(79 downto 72) xor sub_tmp_s(87 downto 80) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(95 downto 88)); sub_tmp_mix(103 downto 96) <= gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(103 downto 96)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(111 downto 104)) xor sub_tmp_s(119 downto 112) xor sub_tmp_s(127 downto 120); sub_tmp_mix(111 downto 104) <= sub_tmp_s(103 downto 96) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(111 downto 104)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(119 downto 112)) xor sub_tmp_s(127 downto 120); sub_tmp_mix(119 downto 112) <= sub_tmp_s(103 downto 96) xor sub_tmp_s(111 downto 104) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(119 downto 112)) xor gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(127 downto 120)); sub_tmp_mix(127 downto 120) <= gfmult3(sub_tmp_s(103 downto 96)) xor sub_tmp_s(111 downto 104) xor sub_tmp_s(119 downto 112) xor gfmult2(sub_tmp_s(127 downto 120)); else sub_tmp_mix <= sub_tmp_s; end if; end process; block_out <= sub_tmp_mix xor sub_key; end Behavioral;