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--	File name : TimerOCD_testbench.vhd
--	Copyright (C) 2015 Donna Whisnant/Dewtronics.
--	Contact:
--	This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
--	version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing
--	in the files lgpl-3.0.txt/gpl-3.0.txt included in the packaging of this file.
--	Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General
--	Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
--	Attribution requested, but not required.
--	Target Device: Xilinx Spartan-6 XC6SLX9-2-TQG144
--		Using Numato Mimas Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board
--	Timer Output Compare Driver Test Bench
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use std.textio.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all;
entity TimerOCD_testbench is
end TimerOCD_testbench;
architecture behavior of TimerOCD_testbench is
	constant timerocd_numTimers : INTEGER := 64;		-- Number of Timers Supported
	constant timerocd_numTimerBits: INTEGER := 6;		-- Number of Timer Address Bits
	constant timerocd_numXferBits: INTEGER := 64;		-- Number of bits transmitted/received during SPI data exchange
	constant timerocd_numOutputs: INTEGER := 2;			-- Number of Outputs Supported
	signal timerocd_reset_n: STD_LOGIC := '0';			-- Master reset (Active Low)
	signal timerocd_SPI_SS_n: STD_LOGIC := '1';			-- SPI Slave Select In (Active Low)
	signal timerocd_SPI_CLK: STD_LOGIC := '0';			-- SPI Clock In
	signal timerocd_SPI_MOSI: STD_LOGIC := '0';			-- SPI Master Out, Slave In
	signal timerocd_SPI_MISO: STD_LOGIC;				-- SPI Master In, Slave Out
	signal timerocd_FiberOut: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(timerocd_numOutputs-1 downto 0);			-- Fiber Output Drive Outputs
	signal timerocd_GCLK_in: STD_LOGIC := '0';			-- Master System Clock (GCLK) on Numato Mimas Spartan6 Module
	signal timerocd_SW: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '1');	-- Push Buttons
	signal timerocd_LED: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);	-- LEDs
	subtype TTimerAddr is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(timerocd_numTimerBits-1 downto 0);
	subtype TNote is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
	subtype TPower is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);
	subtype TPitchBend is STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(13 downto 0);
	-- Constant Definitions for test:
	constant spiclk_period : time := 125 ns;			-- AVR will be using CK/2 or 16MHz/2 or 8MHz for the SPI clock (STM32F4 will likely use 5.25MHz or 10.5MHz)
	constant gclk_period : time := 10 ns;				-- Master System Clock (GCLK) on Numato Mimas Spartan6 Module is 100MHz
--	constant spiclk_period_hi : time := spiclk_period/5;	-- Used for simulation to provide non-symmetric clock pulses
--	constant spiclk_period_lo : time := (4*spiclk_period/5);
	constant spiclk_period_hi : time := spiclk_period/2;
	constant spiclk_period_lo : time := spiclk_period/2;
	constant spiclk_period_dly : time := 2 us;
	-- Conversion Functions:
	function mkTimer(constant nTimer : INTEGER) return TTimerAddr is
		return CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(nTimer, timerocd_numTimerBits);
	end function mkTimer;
	function mkNote(constant nNote : INTEGER) return TNote is
		return CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(nNote, 7);
	end function mkNote;
	function mkPower(constant nPower : INTEGER) return TPower is
		return CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(nPower, 7);
	end function mkPower;
	function mkPitchBend(constant nPitchBend : INTEGER)  return TPitchBend is
		return CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(nPitchBend, 14);
	end function mkPitchBend;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- printLED:
--	This procedure prints LED debug string
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure printLED(constant nLED : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0)) is
	variable lineTemp : line;
	write(lineTemp, string'("LEDs: "));
	write(lineTemp, nLED, LEFT, 8);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
end procedure printLED;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- printSW:
--	This procedure prints SW debug string
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure printSW(constant nSW : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)) is
	variable lineTemp : line;
	write(lineTemp, string'("Switches: "));
	write(lineTemp, nSW, LEFT, 4);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
end procedure printSW;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- writeSPI:
--	This procedure will write a single byte to the SPI port
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure writeSPI(	constant nByte : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
					signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
					signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	for i in 7 downto 0 loop
		MOSI <= nByte(i);
		wait for spiclk_period_lo/2;
		CLK <= '1';
		wait for spiclk_period_hi/2;
		CLK <= '0';
	end loop;
end procedure writeSPI;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- readSPI:
--	This procedure will read a single byte from the SPI port
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure readSPI(	variable nByte : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
					signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
					signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
					signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	MOSI <= '0';
	for i in 7 downto 0 loop
		wait for spiclk_period_lo/2;
		CLK <= '1';
		wait for spiclk_period_hi/2;
		CLK <= '0';
		nByte(i) := MISO;
	end loop;
end procedure readSPI;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- readWriteSPI:
--	This procedure will read a single byte from the SPI port while
--		writing a new byte
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure readWriteSPI(	constant nByteToWrite : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
						variable nByteRead : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
						signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
						signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	for i in 7 downto 0 loop
		MOSI <= nByteToWrite(i);
		wait for spiclk_period_lo/2;
		CLK <= '1';
		wait for spiclk_period_hi/2;
		CLK <= '0';
		nByteRead(i) := MISO;
	end loop;
end procedure readWriteSPI;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- writeCommand:
--	This procedure will write a command to the device
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure writeCommand(	constant nCommand : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
						variable nCmdData : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
						signal SS : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
						signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	variable nReceivedByte : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
	SS <= '0';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	readWriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "01" & nCommand,		-- Send Write Command
			nByteRead => nReceivedByte,
			MISO => MISO,
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	MOSI <= '0';
	SS <= '1';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	nCmdData := nReceivedByte(3 downto 0);
end procedure writeCommand;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- readCommand:
--	This procedure will send a readcommand to the device
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure readCommand(	constant nCommand : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
						variable nCmdData : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
						signal SS : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
						signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	variable nReceivedByte : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
	SS <= '0';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	readWriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "11" & nCommand,		-- Send Read Command
			nByteRead => nReceivedByte,
			MISO => MISO,
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	MOSI <= '0';
	SS <= '1';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	nCmdData := nReceivedByte(3 downto 0);
end procedure readCommand;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- writeTimerOC:
--	This procedure will write a Timer Note pair to the specified
--		Timer OC
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure writeTimerOC(	constant nTimer : in TTimerAddr;
						constant nNoteLeft : in TNote;
						constant nPowerLeft : in TPower;
						constant nPitchBendLeft : in TPitchBend;
						constant nNoteRight : in TNote;
						constant nPowerRight : in TPower;
						constant nPitchBendRight : in TPitchBend;
						signal SS : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	SS <= '0';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	writeSPI(nByte => "00" & nTimer,		-- Send Write Address for the specified output and timer
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "0" & nNoteLeft,		-- Send Left Note
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "0" & nPowerLeft,
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "00" & nPitchBendLeft(13 downto 8),
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => nPitchBendLeft(7 downto 0),
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "0" & nNoteRight,		-- Send Right Note
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "0" & nPowerRight,
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => "00" & nPitchBendRight(13 downto 8),
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	WriteSPI(nByte => nPitchBendRight(7 downto 0),
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	MOSI <= '0';
	SS <= '1';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
end procedure writeTimerOC;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- readTimerOC:
--	This procedure will read a Timer Note pair from the specified
--		Timer OC
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure readTimerOC(	constant nTimer : in TTimerAddr;
						variable nRetVal : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(timerocd_numXferBits-1 downto 0);
						signal SS : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
						signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
						signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	SS <= '0';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	writeSPI(nByte => "10" & nTimer,		-- Send Read Address for the specified output and timer
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	for i in ((timerocd_numXferBits-1)/8)+1 downto 1 loop
		readSPI(nRetVal((i*8-1) downto ((i-1)*8)),
				MISO => MISO,
				MOSI => MOSI,
				CLK => CLK);
	end loop;
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	SS <= '1';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
end procedure readTimerOC;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- readWriteTimerOC:
--	This procedure will read a Timer Note pair from the specified
--		Timer OC while writing a new Timer Note pair
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
procedure readWriteTimerOC(	constant nTimer : in TTimerAddr;
							constant nNoteLeft : in TNote;
							constant nPowerLeft : in TPower;
							constant nPitchBendLeft : in TPitchBend;
							constant nNoteRight : in TNote;
							constant nPowerRight : in TPower;
							constant nPitchBendRight : in TPitchBend;
							variable nRetVal : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(timerocd_numXferBits-1 downto 0);
							signal SS : out STD_LOGIC;
							signal MISO : in STD_LOGIC;
							signal MOSI : out STD_LOGIC;
							signal CLK : out STD_LOGIC) is
	SS <= '0';
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	writeSPI(nByte => "00" & nTimer,		-- Send Read/Write Address for the specified output and timer
			MOSI => MOSI,
			CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "0" & nNoteLeft,		-- Send Left Note
					nByteRead => nRetVal(63 downto 56),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "0" & nPowerLeft,
					nByteRead => nRetVal(55 downto 48),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "00" & nPitchBendLeft(13 downto 8),
					nByteRead => nRetVal(47 downto 40),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => nPitchBendLeft(7 downto 0),
					nByteRead => nRetVal(39 downto 32),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "0" & nNoteRight,		-- Send Right Note
					nByteRead => nRetVal(31 downto 24),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "0" & nPowerRight,
					nByteRead => nRetVal(23 downto 16),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => "00" & nPitchBendRight(13 downto 8),
					nByteRead => nRetVal(15 downto 8),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	readwriteSPI(nByteToWrite => nPitchBendRight(7 downto 0),
					nByteRead => nRetVal(7 downto 0),
					MISO => MISO,
					MOSI => MOSI,
					CLK => CLK);
	wait for spiclk_period_dly/2;
	MOSI <= '0';
	SS <= '1';
end procedure readWriteTimerOC;
	-- Instantiate TimerOCD UUT (Unit Under Test):
	uut : entity work.TimerOCD
	port map (
		reset_n => timerocd_reset_n,
		SPI_SS_n_in => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
		SPI_CLK_in => timerocd_SPI_CLK,
		SPI_MOSI_in => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
		SPI_MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
		FiberOut => timerocd_FiberOut,
		GCLK_in => timerocd_GCLK_in,
		SW0 => timerocd_SW(0),
		SW1 => timerocd_SW(1),
		SW2 => timerocd_SW(2),
		SW3 => timerocd_SW(3),
		LED => timerocd_LED
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- gclkproc:
--	This process generates the free-running master GCLK clock for
--		the FPGA
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
gclkproc : process
	timerocd_GCLK_in <= '0';
	wait for gclk_period/2;
	timerocd_GCLK_in <= '1';
	wait for gclk_period/2;
end process gclkproc;
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- stimproc:
--	Stimulus Process
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
stimproc : process
	variable nReceivedData : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(timerocd_numXferBits-1 downto 0) := (OTHERS => '0');
	variable nRcvCmdData : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
	variable lineTemp : line;
	-- System Reset:
	timerocd_reset_n <= '0';
	wait for 3 ms;
	timerocd_reset_n <= '1';
	wait for 30 us;							-- At 100MHz GCLK, TimerOCD takes about 20.5uS to complete reset processing after reset signal goes high.  Allow 30uS to be safe.
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(0),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(21),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(1),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 0 = 15012000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	report "Switching to Bank 2";
	writeCommand(nCommand => "000110",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0000") report "Expected Current Data: 0000" severity warning;
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 2 Timer 2 = 6A553000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(2),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(106),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(85),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#3000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	wait for 5 ms;
	report "Switching to Bank 3";
	writeCommand(nCommand => "000111",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0010") report "Expected Current Data: 0010" severity warning;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(102),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(119),
				nPitchBendright => mkPitchBend(16#1000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 3 Timer 27 = 00002000 | 66771000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "100001",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0000") report "Expected OLD LED Status xxxx 0000" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0001") report "Expected LED Status xxxx 0001" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "100010",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0001") report "Expected OLD LED Status xxxx 0001" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0010") report "Expected LED Status xxxx 0010" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "100100",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0010") report "Expected OLD LED Status xxxx 0010" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0100") report "Expected LED Status xxxx 0100" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "110101",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0000") report "Expected OLD LED Status 0000 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "110000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0101") report "Expected LED Status 0101 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "101000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0100") report "Expected OLD LED Status xxxx 0100" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1000") report "Expected LED Status xxxx 1000" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "111010",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0101") report "Expected OLD LED Status 0101 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "110000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1010") report "Expected LED Status 1010 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1000") report "Expected OLD LED Status xxxx 1000" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "100000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0000") report "Expected LED Status xxxx 0000" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	writeCommand(nCommand => "110000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1010") report "Expected OLD LED Status 1010 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "110000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printLED(nLED => timerocd_LED);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0000") report "Expected LED Status 0000 xxxx" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	readCommand(nCommand => "010000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printSW(nSW => nRcvCmdData(3 downto 0));
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1111") report "Expected Switch Status 1111" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	timerocd_SW(3 downto 0) <= "0110";
	readCommand(nCommand => "010000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printSW(nSW => nRcvCmdData(3 downto 0));
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0110") report "Expected Switch Status 0110" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	timerocd_SW(3 downto 0) <= "1001";
	readCommand(nCommand => "010000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printSW(nSW => nRcvCmdData(3 downto 0));
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1001") report "Expected Switch Status 1001" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	timerocd_SW(3 downto 0) <= "1111";
	readCommand(nCommand => "010000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	printSW(nSW => nRcvCmdData(3 downto 0));
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "1111") report "Expected Switch Status 1111" severity warning;
	wait for 50 us;
	wait for 5 ms;
	report "Switching to Bank 0";
	writeCommand(nCommand => "000100",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	assert (nRcvCmdData = "0011") report "Expected Current Data: 0011" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(108),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(127),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 1 = 6C7F2000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(101),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(127),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 3 = 00002000 | 657F2000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 3 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"00002000_657F2000") report "Expected: 00002000 | 657F2000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 0 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"15012000_00002000") report "Expected: 15012000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 1 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"6C7F2000_00002000") report "Expected: 6C7F2000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 0 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"15012000_00002000") report "Expected: 15012000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 1 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"6C7F2000_00002000") report "Expected: 6C7F2000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 3 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"00002000_657F2000") report "Expected: 00002000 | 657F2000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readWriteTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(56),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(29),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read/Write>>  Rewriting Bank 0 Timer 1 : OLD = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	write(lineTemp, string'("  NEW = 381D2000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"6C7F2000_00002000") report "Expected: 6C7F2000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 0 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"15012000_00002000") report "Expected: 15012000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 1 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"381D2000_00002000") report "Expected: 381D2000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(0),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 0 = 00002000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 3 = 00002000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 1 = 00002000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	report "Testing Reset Logic";
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(0),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(21),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(1),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 0 = 15012000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 10 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(1),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(108),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(127),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(0),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 1 = 6C7F2000 | 00002000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 5 ms;
	writeTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nNoteLeft => mkNote(0),
				nPowerLeft => mkPower(0),
				nPitchBendLeft => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				nNoteRight => mkNote(101),
				nPowerRight => mkPower(127),
				nPitchBendRight => mkPitchBend(16#2000#),
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Writing Bank 0 Timer 3 = 00002000 | 657F2000"));
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	wait for 10 ms;
	report "Sending Reset";
	writeCommand(nCommand => "000000",
				nCmdData => nRcvCmdData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(0),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 0 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"00002000_00002000") report "Expected: 00002000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 1 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"00002000_00002000") report "Expected: 00002000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	readTimerOC(nTimer => mkTimer(3),
				nRetVal => nReceivedData,
				SS => timerocd_SPI_SS_n,
				MISO => timerocd_SPI_MISO,
				MOSI => timerocd_SPI_MOSI,
				CLK => timerocd_SPI_CLK);
	write(lineTemp, string'("Read>>  Bank 0 Timer 3 = "));
	hwrite(lineTemp, nReceivedData);
	writeline(output, lineTemp);
	assert (nReceivedData = X"00002000_00002000") report "Expected: 00002000 | 00002000" severity warning;
	wait for 5 ms;
	-- Add more tests here
end process stimproc;
end behavior;

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