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[/] [uart2bus_testbench/] [trunk/] [tb/] [uvm_src/] [base/] [uvm_packer.svh] - Rev 19
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// Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
// Copyright 2007-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
// Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
// Copyright 2013 NVIDIA Corporation
// All Rights Reserved Worldwide
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
// writing, software distributed under the License is
// distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
// the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// CLASS: uvm_packer
// The uvm_packer class provides a policy object for packing and unpacking
// uvm_objects. The policies determine how packing and unpacking should be done.
// Packing an object causes the object to be placed into a bit (byte or int)
// array. If the `uvm_field_* macro are used to implement pack and unpack,
// by default no metadata information is stored for the packing of dynamic
// objects (strings, arrays, class objects).
typedef bit signed [(`UVM_PACKER_MAX_BYTES*8)-1:0] uvm_pack_bitstream_t;
class uvm_packer;
// Group: Packing //
// Function: pack_field
// Packs an integral value (less than or equal to 4096 bits) into the
// packed array. ~size~ is the number of bits of ~value~ to pack.
extern virtual function void pack_field (uvm_bitstream_t value, int size);
// Function: pack_field_int
// Packs the integral value (less than or equal to 64 bits) into the
// pack array. The ~size~ is the number of bits to pack, usually obtained by
// ~$bits~. This optimized version of <pack_field> is useful for sizes up
// to 64 bits.
extern virtual function void pack_field_int (uvm_integral_t value, int size);
// Function: pack_bits
// Packs bits from upacked array of bits into the pack array.
// See <pack_ints> for additional information.
extern virtual function void pack_bits(ref bit value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: pack_bytes
// Packs bits from an upacked array of bytes into the pack array.
// See <pack_ints> for additional information.
extern virtual function void pack_bytes(ref byte value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: pack_ints
// Packs bits from an unpacked array of ints into the pack array.
// The bits are appended to the internal pack array.
// This method allows for fields of arbitrary length to be
// passed in, using the SystemVerilog ~stream~ operator.
// For example
// | bit[511:0] my_field;
// | begin
// | int my_stream[];
// | { << int {my_stream}} = my_field;
// | packer.pack_ints(my_stream);
// | end
// When appending the stream to the internal pack array, the packer will obey
// the value of <big_endian> (appending the array from MSB to LSB if set).
// An optional ~size~ parameter is provided, which defaults to '-1'. If set
// to any value greater than '-1' (including 0), then the packer will use
// the size as the number of bits to pack, otherwise the packer will simply
// pack the entire stream.
// An error will be asserted if the ~size~ has been specified, and exceeds the
// size of the source array.
extern virtual function void pack_ints(ref int value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: pack_string
// Packs a string value into the pack array.
// When the metadata flag is set, the packed string is terminated by a ~null~
// character to mark the end of the string.
// This is useful for mixed language communication where unpacking may occur
// outside of SystemVerilog UVM.
extern virtual function void pack_string (string value);
// Function: pack_time
// Packs a time ~value~ as 64 bits into the pack array.
extern virtual function void pack_time (time value);
// Function: pack_real
// Packs a real ~value~ as 64 bits into the pack array.
// The real ~value~ is converted to a 6-bit scalar value using the function
// $real2bits before it is packed into the array.
extern virtual function void pack_real (real value);
// Function: pack_object
// Packs an object value into the pack array.
// A 4-bit header is inserted ahead of the string to indicate the number of
// bits that was packed. If a ~null~ object was packed, then this header will
// be 0.
// This is useful for mixed-language communication where unpacking may occur
// outside of SystemVerilog UVM.
extern virtual function void pack_object (uvm_object value);
// Group: Unpacking //
// Function: is_null
// This method is used during unpack operations to peek at the next 4-bit
// chunk of the pack data and determine if it is 0.
// If the next four bits are all 0, then the return value is a 1; otherwise
// it is 0.
// This is useful when unpacking objects, to decide whether a new object
// needs to be allocated or not.
extern virtual function bit is_null ();
// Function: unpack_field
// Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bit-stream that was
// unpacked. ~size~ is the number of bits to unpack; the maximum is 4096 bits.
extern virtual function uvm_bitstream_t unpack_field (int size);
// Function: unpack_field_int
// Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bit-stream that was
// unpacked.
// ~size~ is the number of bits to unpack; the maximum is 64 bits.
// This is a more efficient variant than unpack_field when unpacking into
// smaller vectors.
extern virtual function uvm_integral_t unpack_field_int (int size);
// Function: unpack_bits
// Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bits.
extern virtual function void unpack_bits(ref bit value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: unpack_bytes
// Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bytes.
extern virtual function void unpack_bytes(ref byte value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: unpack_ints
// Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of ints.
// The unpacked array is unpacked from the internal pack array.
// This method allows for fields of arbitrary length to be
// passed in without expanding into a pre-defined integral type first.
// For example
// | bit[511:0] my_field;
// | begin
// | int my_stream[] = new[16]; // 512/32 = 16
// | packer.unpack_ints(my_stream);
// | my_field = {<<{my_stream}};
// | end
// When unpacking the stream from the internal pack array, the packer will obey
// the value of <big_endian> (unpacking the array from MSB to LSB if set).
// An optional ~size~ parameter is provided, which defaults to '-1'. If set
// to any value greater than '-1' (including 0), then the packer will use
// the size as the number of bits to unpack, otherwise the packer will simply
// unpack the entire stream.
// An error will be asserted if the ~size~ has been specified, and
// exceeds the size of the target array.
extern virtual function void unpack_ints(ref int value[], input int size = -1);
// Function: unpack_string
// Unpacks a string.
// num_chars bytes are unpacked into a string. If num_chars is -1 then
// unpacking stops on at the first ~null~ character that is encountered.
extern virtual function string unpack_string (int num_chars=-1);
// Function: unpack_time
// Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a
// time variable.
extern virtual function time unpack_time ();
// Function: unpack_real
// Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a
// real variable.
// The 64 bits of packed data are converted to a real using the $bits2real
// system function.
extern virtual function real unpack_real ();
// Function: unpack_object
// Unpacks an object and stores the result into ~value~.
// ~value~ must be an allocated object that has enough space for the data
// being unpacked. The first four bits of packed data are used to determine
// if a ~null~ object was packed into the array.
// The <is_null> function can be used to peek at the next four bits in
// the pack array before calling this method.
extern virtual function void unpack_object (uvm_object value);
// Function: get_packed_size
// Returns the number of bits that were packed.
extern virtual function int get_packed_size();
// Group: Variables //
// Variable: physical
// This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields.
// The <abstract> and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between
// two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the
// <uvm_object::do_pack> and <uvm_object::do_unpack> methods, to test the
// setting of this field if you want to use it as a filter.
bit physical = 1;
// Variable: abstract
// This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields.
// The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between
// two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the
// <uvm_object::do_pack> and <uvm_object::do_unpack> routines, to test the
// setting of this field if you want to use it as a filter.
bit abstract;
// Variable: use_metadata
// This flag indicates whether to encode metadata when packing dynamic data,
// or to decode metadata when unpacking. Implementations of <uvm_object::do_pack>
// and <uvm_object::do_unpack> should regard this bit when performing their
// respective operation. When set, metadata should be encoded as follows:
// - For strings, pack an additional ~null~ byte after the string is packed.
// - For objects, pack 4 bits prior to packing the object itself. Use 4'b0000
// to indicate the object being packed is ~null~, otherwise pack 4'b0001 (the
// remaining 3 bits are reserved).
// - For queues, dynamic arrays, and associative arrays, pack 32 bits
// indicating the size of the array prior to packing individual elements.
bit use_metadata;
// Variable: big_endian
// This bit determines the order that integral data is packed (using
// <pack_field>, <pack_field_int>, <pack_time>, or <pack_real>) and how the
// data is unpacked from the pack array (using <unpack_field>,
// <unpack_field_int>, <unpack_time>, or <unpack_real>). When the bit is set,
// data is associated msb to lsb; otherwise, it is associated lsb to msb.
// The following code illustrates how data can be associated msb to lsb and
// lsb to msb:
//| class mydata extends uvm_object;
//| logic[15:0] value = 'h1234;
//| function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer);
//| packer.pack_field_int(value, 16);
//| endfunction
//| function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer);
//| value = packer.unpack_field_int(16);
//| endfunction
//| endclass
//| mydata d = new;
//| bit bits[];
//| initial begin
//| d.pack(bits); // 'b0001001000110100
//| uvm_default_packer.big_endian = 0;
//| d.pack(bits); // 'b0010110001001000
//| end
bit big_endian = 1;
// variables and methods primarily for internal use
static bit bitstream[]; // local bits for (un)pack_bytes
static bit fabitstream[]; // field automation bits for (un)pack_bytes
int count; // used to count the number of packed bits
uvm_scope_stack scope= new;
bit reverse_order; //flip the bit order around
byte byte_size = 8; //set up bytesize for endianess
int word_size = 16; //set up worksize for endianess
bit nopack; //only count packable bits
uvm_recursion_policy_enum policy = UVM_DEFAULT_POLICY;
uvm_pack_bitstream_t m_bits;
int m_packed_size;
extern virtual function void unpack_object_ext (inout uvm_object value);
extern virtual function uvm_pack_bitstream_t get_packed_bits ();
extern virtual function bit unsigned get_bit (int unsigned index);
extern virtual function byte unsigned get_byte (int unsigned index);
extern virtual function int unsigned get_int (int unsigned index);
extern virtual function void get_bits (ref bit unsigned bits[]);
extern virtual function void get_bytes(ref byte unsigned bytes[]);
extern virtual function void get_ints (ref int unsigned ints[]);
extern virtual function void put_bits (ref bit unsigned bitstream[]);
extern virtual function void put_bytes(ref byte unsigned bytestream[]);
extern virtual function void put_ints (ref int unsigned intstream[]);
extern virtual function void set_packed_size();
extern function void index_error(int index, string id, int sz);
extern function bit enough_bits(int needed, string id);
extern function void reset();
// NOTE- max size limited to BITSTREAM bits parameter (default: 4096)
// index_ok
// --------
function void uvm_packer::index_error(int index, string id, int sz);
$sformatf("index %0d for get_%0s too large; valid index range is 0-%0d.",
index,id,((m_packed_size+sz-1)/sz)-1), UVM_NONE);
// enough_bits
// -----------
function bit uvm_packer::enough_bits(int needed, string id);
if ((m_packed_size - count) < needed) begin
$sformatf("%0d bits needed to unpack %0s, yet only %0d available.",
needed, id, (m_packed_size - count)), UVM_NONE);
return 0;
return 1;
// get_packed_size
// ---------------
function int uvm_packer::get_packed_size();
return m_packed_size;
// set_packed_size
// ---------------
function void uvm_packer::set_packed_size();
m_packed_size = count;
count = 0;
// reset
// -----
function void uvm_packer::reset();
count = 0;
m_bits = 0;
m_packed_size = 0;
// get_packed_bits
// ---------------
function uvm_pack_bitstream_t uvm_packer::get_packed_bits();
//bits = m_bits;
return m_bits;
// get_bits
// --------
function void uvm_packer::get_bits(ref bit unsigned bits[]);
bits = new[m_packed_size];
for (int i=0;i<m_packed_size;i++)
bits[i] = m_bits[i];
// get_bytes
// ---------
function void uvm_packer::get_bytes(ref byte unsigned bytes[]);
int sz;
byte v;
sz = (m_packed_size+7) / 8;
bytes = new[sz];
for (int i=0;i<sz;i++) begin
if (i != sz-1 || (m_packed_size % 8) == 0)
v = m_bits[ i*8 +: 8 ];
v = m_bits[ i*8 +: 8 ] & ('hFF >> (8-(m_packed_size%8)));
if(big_endian) begin
byte tmp; tmp = v;
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) v[j] = tmp[7-j];
bytes[i] = v;
// get_ints
// --------
function void uvm_packer::get_ints(ref int unsigned ints[]);
int sz, v;
sz = (m_packed_size+31) / 32;
ints = new[sz];
for (int i=0;i<sz;i++) begin
if (i != sz-1 || (m_packed_size % 32) == 0)
v = m_bits[ i*32 +: 32 ];
v = m_bits[ i*32 +: 32 ] & ('hFFFFFFFF >> (32-(m_packed_size%32)));
if(big_endian) begin
int tmp; tmp = v;
for(int j=0; j<32; ++j) v[j] = tmp[31-j];
ints[i] = v;
// put_bits
// --------
function void uvm_packer::put_bits (ref bit bitstream []);
int bit_size;
bit_size = bitstream.size();
for (int i=bit_size-1;i>=0;i--)
m_bits[i] = bitstream[i];
for (int i=0;i<bit_size;i++)
m_bits[i] = bitstream[i];
m_packed_size = bit_size;
count = 0;
// put_bytes
// ---------
function void uvm_packer::put_bytes (ref byte unsigned bytestream []);
int byte_size;
int index;
byte unsigned b;
byte_size = bytestream.size();
index = 0;
for (int i=0;i<byte_size;i++) begin
b = bytestream[i];
if(big_endian) begin
byte unsigned tb; tb = b;
for(int j=0;j<8;++j) b[j] = tb[7-j];
m_bits[index +:8] = b;
index += 8;
m_packed_size = byte_size*8;
count = 0;
// put_ints
// --------
function void uvm_packer::put_ints (ref int unsigned intstream []);
int int_size;
int index;
int unsigned v;
int_size = intstream.size();
index = 0;
for (int i=0;i<int_size;i++) begin
v = intstream[i];
if(big_endian) begin
int unsigned tv; tv = v;
for(int j=0;j<32;++j) v[j] = tv[31-j];
m_bits[index +:32] = v;
index += 32;
m_packed_size = int_size*32;
count = 0;
// get_bit
// -------
function bit unsigned uvm_packer::get_bit(int unsigned index);
if (index >= m_packed_size)
index_error(index, "bit",1);
return m_bits[index];
// get_byte
// --------
function byte unsigned uvm_packer::get_byte(int unsigned index);
if (index >= (m_packed_size+7)/8)
index_error(index, "byte",8);
return m_bits[index*8 +: 8];
// get_int
// -------
function int unsigned uvm_packer::get_int(int unsigned index);
if (index >= (m_packed_size+31)/32)
index_error(index, "int",32);
return m_bits[(index*32) +: 32];
// pack_object
// ---------
function void uvm_packer::pack_object(uvm_object value);
if(value.__m_uvm_status_container.cycle_check.exists(value)) begin
uvm_report_warning("CYCFND", $sformatf("Cycle detected for object @%0d during pack", value.get_inst_id()), UVM_NONE);
value.__m_uvm_status_container.cycle_check[value] = 1;
if((policy != UVM_REFERENCE) && (value != null) ) begin
if(use_metadata == 1) begin
m_bits[count +: 4] = 1;
count += 4; // to better debug when display packed bits in hexadecimal
value.__m_uvm_field_automation(null, UVM_PACK,"");
else if(use_metadata == 1) begin
m_bits[count +: 4] = 0;
count += 4;
// pack_real
// ---------
function void uvm_packer::pack_real(real value);
pack_field_int($realtobits(value), 64);
// pack_time
// ---------
function void uvm_packer::pack_time(time value);
pack_field_int(value, 64);
//m_bits[count +: 64] = value; this overwrites endian adjustments
// pack_field
// ----------
function void uvm_packer::pack_field(uvm_bitstream_t value, int size);
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(big_endian == 1)
m_bits[count+i] = value[size-1-i];
m_bits[count+i] = value[i];
count += size;
// pack_field_int
// --------------
function void uvm_packer::pack_field_int(uvm_integral_t value, int size);
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(big_endian == 1)
m_bits[count+i] = value[size-1-i];
m_bits[count+i] = value[i];
count += size;
// pack_bits
// -----------------
function void uvm_packer::pack_bits(ref bit value[], input int size = -1);
if (size < 0)
size = value.size();
if (size > value.size()) begin
$sformatf("pack_bits called with size '%0d', which exceeds value.size() of '%0d'",
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (big_endian == 1)
m_bits[count+i] = value[size-1-i];
m_bits[count+i] = value[i];
count += size;
// pack_bytes
// -----------------
function void uvm_packer::pack_bytes(ref byte value[], input int size = -1);
int max_size = value.size() * $bits(byte);
if (size < 0)
size = max_size;
if (size > max_size) begin
$sformatf("pack_bytes called with size '%0d', which exceeds value size of '%0d'",
else begin
int idx_select;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) begin
if (big_endian == 1)
idx_select = size-1-i;
idx_select = i;
m_bits[count+i] = value[idx_select / $bits(byte)][idx_select % $bits(byte)];
count += size;
// pack_ints
// -----------------
function void uvm_packer::pack_ints(ref int value[], input int size = -1);
int max_size = value.size() * $bits(int);
if (size < 0)
size = max_size;
if (size > max_size) begin
$sformatf("pack_ints called with size '%0d', which exceeds value size of '%0d'",
else begin
int idx_select;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) begin
if (big_endian == 1)
idx_select = size-1-i;
idx_select = i;
m_bits[count+i] = value[idx_select / $bits(int)][idx_select % $bits(int)];
count += size;
// pack_string
// -----------
function void uvm_packer::pack_string(string value);
byte b;
foreach (value[index]) begin
if(big_endian == 0)
m_bits[count +: 8] = value[index];
else begin
b = value[index];
for(int i=0; i<8; ++i)
m_bits[count+i] = b[7-i];
count += 8;
if(use_metadata == 1) begin
m_bits[count +: 8] = 0;
count += 8;
// is_null
// -------
function bit uvm_packer::is_null();
return (m_bits[count+:4]==0);
// unpack_object
// -------------
function void uvm_packer::unpack_object_ext(inout uvm_object value);
function void uvm_packer::unpack_object(uvm_object value);
byte is_non_null; is_non_null = 1;
if(value.__m_uvm_status_container.cycle_check.exists(value)) begin
uvm_report_warning("CYCFND", $sformatf("Cycle detected for object @%0d during unpack", value.get_inst_id()), UVM_NONE);
value.__m_uvm_status_container.cycle_check[value] = 1;
if(use_metadata == 1) begin
is_non_null = m_bits[count +: 4];
// NOTE- policy is a ~pack~ policy, not unpack policy;
// and you can't pack an object by REFERENCE
if (value != null)begin
if (is_non_null > 0) begin
value.__m_uvm_field_automation(null, UVM_UNPACK,"");
else begin
// TODO: help do_unpack know whether unpacked result would be null
// to avoid new'ing unnecessarily;
// this does not nullify argument; need to pass obj by ref
else if ((is_non_null != 0) && (value == null)) begin
uvm_report_error("UNPOBJ","cannot unpack into null object", UVM_NONE);
// unpack_real
// -----------
function real uvm_packer::unpack_real();
if (enough_bits(64,"real")) begin
return $bitstoreal(unpack_field_int(64));
// unpack_time
// -----------
function time uvm_packer::unpack_time();
if (enough_bits(64,"time")) begin
return unpack_field_int(64);
// unpack_field
// ------------
function uvm_bitstream_t uvm_packer::unpack_field(int size);
unpack_field = 'b0;
if (enough_bits(size,"integral")) begin
count += size;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(big_endian == 1)
unpack_field[i] = m_bits[count-i-1];
unpack_field[i] = m_bits[count-size+i];
// unpack_field_int
// ----------------
function uvm_integral_t uvm_packer::unpack_field_int(int size);
unpack_field_int = 'b0;
if (enough_bits(size,"integral")) begin
count += size;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if(big_endian == 1)
unpack_field_int[i] = m_bits[count-i-1];
unpack_field_int[i] = m_bits[count-size+i];
// unpack_bits
// -------------------
function void uvm_packer::unpack_bits(ref bit value[], input int size = -1);
if (size < 0)
size = value.size();
if (size > value.size()) begin
$sformatf("unpack_bits called with size '%0d', which exceeds value.size() of '%0d'",
if (enough_bits(size, "integral")) begin
count += size;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (big_endian == 1)
value[i] = m_bits[count-i-1];
value[i] = m_bits[count-size+i];
// unpack_bytes
// -------------------
function void uvm_packer::unpack_bytes(ref byte value[], input int size = -1);
int max_size = value.size() * $bits(byte);
if (size < 0)
size = max_size;
if (size > max_size) begin
$sformatf("unpack_bytes called with size '%0d', which exceeds value size of '%0d'",
else begin
if (enough_bits(size, "integral")) begin
count += size;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) begin
if (big_endian == 1)
value[ i / $bits(byte) ][ i % $bits(byte) ] = m_bits[count-i-1];
value[ i / $bits(byte) ][ i % $bits(byte) ] = m_bits[count-size+i];
end // if (enough_bits(size, "integral"))
// unpack_ints
// -------------------
function void uvm_packer::unpack_ints(ref int value[], input int size = -1);
int max_size = value.size() * $bits(int);
if (size < 0)
size = max_size;
if (size > max_size) begin
$sformatf("unpack_ints called with size '%0d', which exceeds value size of '%0d'",
else begin
if (enough_bits(size, "integral")) begin
count += size;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) begin
if (big_endian == 1)
value[ i / $bits(int) ][ i % $bits(int) ] = m_bits[count-i-1];
value[ i / $bits(int) ][ i % $bits(int) ] = m_bits[count-size+i];
// unpack_string
// -------------
// If num_chars is not -1, then the user only wants to unpack a
// specific number of bytes into the string.
function string uvm_packer::unpack_string(int num_chars=-1);
byte b;
bit is_null_term; // Assumes a ~null~ terminated string
int i; i=0;
if(num_chars == -1) is_null_term = 1;
else is_null_term = 0;
while(enough_bits(8,"string") &&
((m_bits[count+:8] != 0) || (is_null_term == 0)) &&
((i<num_chars)||(is_null_term==1)) )
// silly, because cannot append byte/char to string
unpack_string = {unpack_string," "};
if(big_endian == 0)
unpack_string[i] = m_bits[count +: 8];
else begin
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j)
b[7-j] = m_bits[count+j];
unpack_string[i] = b;
count += 8;
count += 8;
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