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// Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
// Copyright 2007-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
// Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
// Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved Worldwide
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
// of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
const string s_connection_error_id = "Connection Error";
const string s_connection_warning_id = "Connection Warning";
const string s_spaces = " ";
typedef class uvm_port_component_base;
typedef uvm_port_component_base uvm_port_list[string];
// TITLE: Port Base Classes
// CLASS: uvm_port_component_base
// This class defines an interface for obtaining a port's connectivity lists
// after or during the end_of_elaboration phase. The sub-class,
// <uvm_port_component #(PORT)>, implements this interface.
// The connectivity lists are returned in the form of handles to objects of this
// type. This allowing traversal of any port's fan-out and fan-in network
// through recursive calls to <get_connected_to> and <get_provided_to>. Each
// port's full name and type name can be retrieved using ~get_full_name~ and
// ~get_type_name~ methods inherited from <uvm_component>.
virtual class uvm_port_component_base extends uvm_component;
function new (string name, uvm_component parent);
// Function: get_connected_to
// For a port or export type, this function fills ~list~ with all
// of the ports, exports and implementations that this port is
// connected to.
pure virtual function void get_connected_to(ref uvm_port_list list);
// Function: get_provided_to
// For an implementation or export type, this function fills ~list~ with all
// of the ports, exports and implementations that this port is
// provides its implementation to.
pure virtual function void get_provided_to(ref uvm_port_list list);
// Function: is_port
pure virtual function bit is_port();
// Function: is_export
pure virtual function bit is_export();
// Function: is_imp
// These function determine the type of port. The functions are
// mutually exclusive; one will return 1 and the other two will
// return 0.
pure virtual function bit is_imp();
// Turn off auto config by not calling build_phase()
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
build(); //for backward compat
virtual task do_task_phase (uvm_phase phase);
// CLASS: uvm_port_component #(PORT)
// See description of <uvm_port_component_base> for information about this class
class uvm_port_component #(type PORT=uvm_object) extends uvm_port_component_base;
PORT m_port;
function new (string name, uvm_component parent, PORT port);
if (port == null)
uvm_report_fatal("Bad usage", "Null handle to port", UVM_NONE);
m_port = port;
virtual function string get_type_name();
if(m_port == null) return "uvm_port_component";
return m_port.get_type_name();
virtual function void resolve_bindings();
// Function: get_port
// Retrieve the actual port object that this proxy refers to.
function PORT get_port();
return m_port;
virtual function void get_connected_to(ref uvm_port_list list);
virtual function void get_provided_to(ref uvm_port_list list);
function bit is_port ();
return m_port.is_port();
function bit is_export ();
return m_port.is_export();
function bit is_imp ();
return m_port.is_imp();
// CLASS: uvm_port_base #(IF)
// Transaction-level communication between components is handled via its ports,
// exports, and imps, all of which derive from this class.
// The uvm_port_base extends IF, which is the type of the interface implemented
// by derived port, export, or implementation. IF is also a type parameter to
// uvm_port_base.
// IF - The interface type implemented by the subtype to this base port
// The UVM provides a complete set of ports, exports, and imps for the OSCI-
// standard TLM interfaces. They can be found in the ../src/tlm/ directory.
// For the TLM interfaces, the IF parameter is always <uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2)>.
// Just before <uvm_component::end_of_elaboration_phase>, an internal
// <uvm_component::resolve_bindings> process occurs, after which each port and
// export holds a list of all imps connected to it via hierarchical connections
// to other ports and exports. In effect, we are collapsing the port's fanout,
// which can span several levels up and down the component hierarchy, into a
// single array held local to the port. Once the list is determined, the port's
// min and max connection settings can be checked and enforced.
// uvm_port_base possesses the properties of components in that they have a
// hierarchical instance path and parent. Because SystemVerilog does not support
// multiple inheritance, uvm_port_base cannot extend both the interface it
// implements and <uvm_component>. Thus, uvm_port_base contains a local instance
// of uvm_component, to which it delegates such commands as get_name,
// get_full_name, and get_parent.
virtual class uvm_port_base #(type IF=uvm_void) extends IF;
typedef uvm_port_base #(IF) this_type;
// local, protected, and non-user properties
protected int unsigned m_if_mask;
protected this_type m_if; // REMOVE
protected int unsigned m_def_index;
uvm_port_component #(this_type) m_comp;
local this_type m_provided_by[string];
local this_type m_provided_to[string];
local uvm_port_type_e m_port_type;
local int m_min_size;
local int m_max_size;
local bit m_resolved;
local this_type m_imp_list[string];
// Function: new
// The first two arguments are the normal <uvm_component> constructor
// arguments.
// The ~port_type~ can be one of <UVM_PORT>, <UVM_EXPORT>, or
// The ~min_size~ and ~max_size~ specify the minimum and maximum number of
// implementation (imp) ports that must be connected to this port base by the
// end of elaboration. Setting ~max_size~ to ~UVM_UNBOUNDED_CONNECTIONS~ sets no
// maximum, i.e., an unlimited number of connections are allowed.
// By default, the parent/child relationship of any port being connected to
// this port is not checked. This can be overridden by configuring the
// port's ~check_connection_relationships~ bit via ~uvm_config_int::set()~. See
// <connect> for more information.
function new (string name,
uvm_component parent,
uvm_port_type_e port_type,
int min_size=0,
int max_size=1);
uvm_component comp;
int tmp;
m_port_type = port_type;
m_min_size = min_size;
m_max_size = max_size;
m_comp = new(name, parent, this);
if (!uvm_config_int::get(m_comp, "", "check_connection_relationships",tmp))
m_comp.set_report_id_action(s_connection_warning_id, UVM_NO_ACTION);
// Function: get_name
// Returns the leaf name of this port.
function string get_name();
return m_comp.get_name();
// Function: get_full_name
// Returns the full hierarchical name of this port.
virtual function string get_full_name();
return m_comp.get_full_name();
// Function: get_parent
// Returns the handle to this port's parent, or ~null~ if it has no parent.
virtual function uvm_component get_parent();
return m_comp.get_parent();
// Function: get_comp
// Returns a handle to the internal proxy component representing this port.
// Ports are considered components. However, they do not inherit
// <uvm_component>. Instead, they contain an instance of
// <uvm_port_component #(PORT)> that serves as a proxy to this port.
virtual function uvm_port_component_base get_comp();
return m_comp;
// Function: get_type_name
// Returns the type name to this port. Derived port classes must implement
// this method to return the concrete type. Otherwise, only a generic
// "uvm_port", "uvm_export" or "uvm_implementation" is returned.
virtual function string get_type_name();
case( m_port_type )
UVM_PORT : return "port";
UVM_EXPORT : return "export";
UVM_IMPLEMENTATION : return "implementation";
// Function: min_size
// Returns the minimum number of implementation ports that must
// be connected to this port by the end_of_elaboration phase.
function int max_size ();
return m_max_size;
// Function: max_size
// Returns the maximum number of implementation ports that must
// be connected to this port by the end_of_elaboration phase.
function int min_size ();
return m_min_size;
// Function: is_unbounded
// Returns 1 if this port has no maximum on the number of implementation
// ports this port can connect to. A port is unbounded when the ~max_size~
// argument in the constructor is specified as ~UVM_UNBOUNDED_CONNECTIONS~.
function bit is_unbounded ();
return (m_max_size == UVM_UNBOUNDED_CONNECTIONS);
// Function: is_port
function bit is_port ();
return m_port_type == UVM_PORT;
// Function: is_export
function bit is_export ();
return m_port_type == UVM_EXPORT;
// Function: is_imp
// Returns 1 if this port is of the type given by the method name,
// 0 otherwise.
function bit is_imp ();
return m_port_type == UVM_IMPLEMENTATION;
// Function: size
// Gets the number of implementation ports connected to this port. The value
// is not valid before the end_of_elaboration phase, as port connections have
// not yet been resolved.
function int size ();
return m_imp_list.num();
function void set_if (int index=0);
m_if = get_if(index);
if (m_if != null)
m_def_index = index;
function int m_get_if_mask();
return m_if_mask;
// Function: set_default_index
// Sets the default implementation port to use when calling an interface
// method. This method should only be called on UVM_EXPORT types. The value
// must not be set before the end_of_elaboration phase, when port connections
// have not yet been resolved.
function void set_default_index (int index);
m_def_index = index;
// Function: connect
// Connects this port to the given ~provider~ port. The ports must be
// compatible in the following ways
// - Their type parameters must match
// - The ~provider~'s interface type (blocking, non-blocking, analysis, etc.)
// must be compatible. Each port has an interface mask that encodes the
// interface(s) it supports. If the bitwise AND of these masks is equal to
// the this port's mask, the requirement is met and the ports are
// compatible. For example, a uvm_blocking_put_port #(T) is compatible with
// a uvm_put_export #(T) and uvm_blocking_put_imp #(T) because the export
// and imp provide the interface required by the uvm_blocking_put_port.
// - Ports of type <UVM_EXPORT> can only connect to other exports or imps.
// - Ports of type <UVM_IMPLEMENTATION> cannot be connected, as they are
// bound to the component that implements the interface at time of
// construction.
// In addition to type-compatibility checks, the relationship between this
// port and the ~provider~ port will also be checked if the port's
// ~check_connection_relationships~ configuration has been set. (See <new>
// for more information.)
// Relationships, when enabled, are checked are as follows:
// - If this port is a UVM_PORT type, the ~provider~ can be a parent port,
// or a sibling export or implementation port.
// - If this port is a <UVM_EXPORT> type, the provider can be a child
// export or implementation port.
// If any relationship check is violated, a warning is issued.
// Note- the <uvm_component::connect_phase> method is related to but not the same
// as this method. The component's ~connect~ method is a phase callback where
// port's ~connect~ method calls are made.
virtual function void connect (this_type provider);
uvm_root top;
uvm_coreservice_t cs;
cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get();
top = cs.get_root();
if (end_of_elaboration_ph.get_state() == UVM_PHASE_EXECUTING || // TBD tidy
end_of_elaboration_ph.get_state() == UVM_PHASE_DONE ) begin
m_comp.uvm_report_warning("Late Connection",
{"Attempt to connect ",this.get_full_name()," (of type ",this.get_type_name(),
") at or after end_of_elaboration phase. Ignoring."});
if (provider == null) begin
"Cannot connect to null port handle", UVM_NONE);
if (provider == this) begin
"Cannot connect a port instance to itself", UVM_NONE);
if ((provider.m_if_mask & m_if_mask) != m_if_mask) begin
" (of type ",provider.get_type_name(),
") does not provide the complete interface required of this port (type ",
get_type_name(),")"}, UVM_NONE);
// IMP.connect(anything) is illegal
if (is_imp()) begin
"Cannot call an imp port's connect method. An imp is connected only to the component passed in its constructor. (You attempted to bind this imp to %s)", provider.get_full_name()), UVM_NONE);
// EXPORT.connect(PORT) are illegal
if (is_export() && provider.is_port()) begin
"Cannot connect exports to ports Try calling port.connect(export) instead. (You attempted to bind this export to %s).", provider.get_full_name()), UVM_NONE);
m_provided_by[provider.get_full_name()] = provider;
provider.m_provided_to[get_full_name()] = this;
// Function: debug_connected_to
// The ~debug_connected_to~ method outputs a visual text display of the
// port/export/imp network to which this port connects (i.e., the port's
// fanout).
// This method must not be called before the end_of_elaboration phase, as port
// connections are not resolved until then.
function void debug_connected_to (int level=0, int max_level=-1);
int sz, num, curr_num;
string s_sz;
static string indent, save;
this_type port;
if (level < 0) level = 0;
if (level == 0) begin save = ""; indent=" "; end
if (max_level != -1 && level >= max_level)
num = m_provided_by.num();
if (m_provided_by.num() != 0) begin
foreach (m_provided_by[nm]) begin
port = m_provided_by[nm];
save = {save, indent, " | \n"};
save = {save, indent, " |_",nm," (",port.get_type_name(),")\n"};
indent = (num > 1 && curr_num != num) ? {indent," | "}:{indent, " "};
port.debug_connected_to(level+1, max_level);
indent = indent.substr(0,indent.len()-4-1);
if (level == 0) begin
if (save != "")
save = {"This port's fanout network:\n\n ",
get_full_name()," (",get_type_name(),")\n",save,"\n"};
if (m_imp_list.num() == 0) begin
uvm_root top;
uvm_coreservice_t cs;
cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get();
top = cs.get_root();
if (end_of_elaboration_ph.get_state() == UVM_PHASE_EXECUTING ||
end_of_elaboration_ph.get_state() == UVM_PHASE_DONE ) // TBD tidy
save = {save," Connected implementations: none\n"};
save = {save,
" Connected implementations: not resolved until end-of-elab\n"};
else begin
save = {save," Resolved implementation list:\n"};
foreach (m_imp_list[nm]) begin
port = m_imp_list[nm];
save = {save, indent, s_sz, ": ",nm," (",port.get_type_name(),")\n"};
m_comp.uvm_report_info("debug_connected_to", save);
// Function: debug_provided_to
// The ~debug_provided_to~ method outputs a visual display of the port/export
// network that ultimately connect to this port (i.e., the port's fanin).
// This method must not be called before the end_of_elaboration phase, as port
// connections are not resolved until then.
function void debug_provided_to (int level=0, int max_level=-1);
string nm;
int num,curr_num;
this_type port;
static string indent, save;
if (level < 0) level = 0;
if (level == 0) begin save = ""; indent = " "; end
if (max_level != -1 && level > max_level)
num = m_provided_to.num();
if (num != 0) begin
foreach (m_provided_to[nm]) begin
port = m_provided_to[nm];
save = {save, indent, " | \n"};
save = {save, indent, " |_",nm," (",port.get_type_name(),")\n"};
indent = (num > 1 && curr_num != num) ? {indent," | "}:{indent, " "};
port.debug_provided_to(level+1, max_level);
indent = indent.substr(0,indent.len()-4-1);
if (level == 0) begin
if (save != "")
save = {"This port's fanin network:\n\n ",
get_full_name()," (",get_type_name(),")\n",save,"\n"};
if (m_provided_to.num() == 0)
save = {save,indent,"This port has not been bound\n"};
m_comp.uvm_report_info("debug_provided_to", save);
// get_connected_to
// ----------------
function void get_connected_to (ref uvm_port_list list);
this_type port;
foreach (m_provided_by[name]) begin
port = m_provided_by[name];
list[name] = port.get_comp();
// get_provided_to
// ---------------
function void get_provided_to (ref uvm_port_list list);
this_type port;
foreach (m_provided_to[name]) begin
port = m_provided_to[name];
list[name] = port.get_comp();
// m_check_relationship
// --------------------
local function bit m_check_relationship (this_type provider);
string s;
this_type from;
uvm_component from_parent;
uvm_component to_parent;
uvm_component from_gparent;
uvm_component to_gparent;
// Checks that the connection is between ports that are hierarchically
// adjacent (up or down one level max, or are siblings),
// and check for legal direction, requirer.connect(provider).
// if we're an analysis port, allow connection to anywhere
if (get_type_name() == "uvm_analysis_port")
return 1;
from = this;
from_parent = get_parent();
to_parent = provider.get_parent();
// skip check if we have a parentless port
if (from_parent == null || to_parent == null)
return 1;
from_gparent = from_parent.get_parent();
to_gparent = to_parent.get_parent();
// Connecting port-to-port: CHILD.port.connect(PARENT.port)
if (from.is_port() && provider.is_port() && from_gparent != to_parent) begin
s = {provider.get_full_name(),
" (of type ",provider.get_type_name(),
") is not up one level of hierarchy from this port. ",
"A port-to-port connection takes the form ",
m_comp.uvm_report_warning(s_connection_warning_id, s, UVM_NONE);
return 0;
// Connecting port-to-export: SIBLING.port.connect(SIBLING.export)
// Connecting port-to-imp: SIBLING.port.connect(SIBLING.imp)
else if (from.is_port() && (provider.is_export() || provider.is_imp()) &&
from_gparent != to_gparent) begin
s = {provider.get_full_name(),
" (of type ",provider.get_type_name(),
") is not at the same level of hierarchy as this port. ",
"A port-to-export connection takes the form ",
m_comp.uvm_report_warning(s_connection_warning_id, s, UVM_NONE);
return 0;
// Connecting export-to-export: PARENT.export.connect(CHILD.export)
// Connecting export-to-imp: PARENT.export.connect(CHILD.imp)
else if (from.is_export() && (provider.is_export() || provider.is_imp()) &&
from_parent != to_gparent) begin
s = {provider.get_full_name(),
" (of type ",provider.get_type_name(),
") is not down one level of hierarchy from this export. ",
"An export-to-export or export-to-imp connection takes the form ",
m_comp.uvm_report_warning(s_connection_warning_id, s, UVM_NONE);
return 0;
return 1;
// m_add_list
// Internal method.
local function void m_add_list (this_type provider);
string sz;
this_type imp;
for (int i = 0; i < provider.size(); i++) begin
imp = provider.get_if(i);
if (!m_imp_list.exists(imp.get_full_name()))
m_imp_list[imp.get_full_name()] = imp;
// Function: resolve_bindings
// This callback is called just before entering the end_of_elaboration phase.
// It recurses through each port's fanout to determine all the imp
// destinations. It then checks against the required min and max connections.
// After resolution, <size> returns a valid value and <get_if>
// can be used to access a particular imp.
// This method is automatically called just before the start of the
// end_of_elaboration phase. Users should not need to call it directly.
virtual function void resolve_bindings();
if (m_resolved) // don't repeat ourselves
if (is_imp()) begin
m_imp_list[get_full_name()] = this;
else begin
foreach (m_provided_by[nm]) begin
this_type port;
port = m_provided_by[nm];
m_resolved = 1;
if (size() < min_size() ) begin
$sformatf("connection count of %0d does not meet required minimum of %0d",
size(), min_size()), UVM_NONE);
if (max_size() != UVM_UNBOUNDED_CONNECTIONS && size() > max_size() ) begin
$sformatf("connection count of %0d exceeds maximum of %0d",
size(), max_size()), UVM_NONE);
if (size())
// Function: get_if
// Returns the implementation (imp) port at the given index from the array of
// imps this port is connected to. Use <size> to get the valid range for index.
// This method can only be called at the end_of_elaboration phase or after, as
// port connections are not resolved before then.
function uvm_port_base #(IF) get_if(int index=0);
string s;
if (size()==0) begin
"Port size is zero; cannot get interface at any index", UVM_NONE);
return null;
if (index < 0 || index >= size()) begin
$sformat(s, "Index %0d out of range [0,%0d]", index, size()-1);
m_comp.uvm_report_warning(s_connection_error_id, s, UVM_NONE);
return null;
foreach (m_imp_list[nm]) begin
if (index == 0)
return m_imp_list[nm];
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