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// $Id: uvm_report_catcher.svh,v 2010/04/09 15:03:25 janick Exp $
//   Copyright 2007-2010 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2007-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
//   writing, software distributed under the License is
//   distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
//   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
//   the License for the specific language governing
//   permissions and limitations under the License.


typedef class uvm_report_object;
typedef class uvm_report_handler;
typedef class uvm_report_server;
typedef class uvm_report_catcher;

typedef uvm_callbacks    #(uvm_report_object, uvm_report_catcher) uvm_report_cb;
typedef uvm_callback_iter#(uvm_report_object, uvm_report_catcher) uvm_report_cb_iter;

class sev_id_struct;
  bit sev_specified ;
  bit id_specified ;
  uvm_severity sev ;
  string  id ;
  bit is_on ;

// CLASS: uvm_report_catcher
// The uvm_report_catcher is used to catch messages issued by the uvm report
// server. Catchers are
// uvm_callbacks#(<uvm_report_object>,uvm_report_catcher) objects,
// so all facilities in the <uvm_callback> and <uvm_callbacks#(T,CB)>
// classes are available for registering catchers and controlling catcher
// state.
// The uvm_callbacks#(<uvm_report_object>,uvm_report_catcher) class is
// aliased to ~uvm_report_cb~ to make it easier to use.
// Multiple report catchers can be 
// registered with a report object. The catchers can be registered as default 
// catchers which catch all reports on all <uvm_report_object> reporters,
// or catchers can be attached to specific report objects (i.e. components). 
// User extensions of <uvm_report_catcher> must implement the <catch> method in 
// which the action to be taken on catching the report is specified. The catch 
// method can return ~CAUGHT~, in which case further processing of the report is 
// immediately stopped, or return ~THROW~ in which case the (possibly modified) report 
// is passed on to other registered catchers. The catchers are processed in the order 
// in which they are registered.
// On catching a report, the <catch> method can modify the severity, id, action,
// verbosity or the report string itself before the report is finally issued by
// the report server. The report can be immediately issued from within the catcher 
// class by calling the <issue> method.
// The catcher maintains a count of all reports with FATAL,ERROR or WARNING severity
// and a count of all reports with FATAL, ERROR or WARNING severity whose severity
// was lowered. These statistics are reported in the summary of the <uvm_report_server>.
// This example shows the basic concept of creating a report catching
// callback and attaching it to all messages that get emitted:
//| class my_error_demoter extends uvm_report_catcher;
//|   function new(string name="my_error_demoter");
//|   endfunction
//|   //This example demotes "MY_ID" errors to an info message
//|   function action_e catch();
//|     if(get_severity() == UVM_ERROR && get_id() == "MY_ID")
//|       set_severity(UVM_INFO);
//|     return THROW;
//|   endfunction
//| endclass
//| my_error_demoter demoter = new;
//| initial begin
//|  // Catchers are callbacks on report objects (components are report 
//|  // objects, so catchers can be attached to components).
//|  // To affect all reporters, use ~null~ for the object
//|  uvm_report_cb::add(null, demoter); 
//|  // To affect some specific object use the specific reporter
//|  uvm_report_cb::add(mytest.myenv.myagent.mydriver, demoter);
//|  // To affect some set of components (any "*driver" under mytest.myenv)
//|  // using the component name
//|  uvm_report_cb::add_by_name("*driver", demoter, mytest.myenv);
//| end

virtual class uvm_report_catcher extends uvm_callback;


  typedef enum { UNKNOWN_ACTION, THROW, CAUGHT} action_e;

  local static uvm_report_message m_modified_report_message;
  local static uvm_report_message m_orig_report_message;

  local static bit m_set_action_called;

  // Counts for the demoteds and caughts
  local static int m_demoted_fatal;
  local static int m_demoted_error;
  local static int m_demoted_warning;
  local static int m_caught_fatal;
  local static int m_caught_error;
  local static int m_caught_warning;

  // Flag counts
  const static int DO_NOT_CATCH      = 1; 
  const static int DO_NOT_MODIFY     = 2; 
  local static int m_debug_flags;

  local static  bit do_report;

  // Function: new
  // Create a new report catcher. The name argument is optional, but
  // should generally be provided to aid in debugging.

  function new(string name = "uvm_report_catcher");;
    do_report = 1;

  // Group: Current Message State

  // Function: get_client
  // Returns the <uvm_report_object> that has generated the message that
  // is currently being processed.

  function uvm_report_object get_client();
    return m_modified_report_message.get_report_object(); 

  // Function: get_severity
  // Returns the <uvm_severity> of the message that is currently being
  // processed. If the severity was modified by a previously executed
  // catcher object (which re-threw the message), then the returned 
  // severity is the modified value.

  function uvm_severity get_severity();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_severity();
  // Function: get_context
  // Returns the context name of the message that is currently being
  // processed. This is typically the full hierarchical name of the component
  // that issued the message. However, if user-defined context is set from
  // a uvm_report_message, the user-defined context will be returned.

  function string get_context();
    string context_str;
    context_str = this.m_modified_report_message.get_context();
    if (context_str == "") begin
      uvm_report_handler rh = this.m_modified_report_message.get_report_handler();
      context_str = rh.get_full_name();

    return context_str;
  // Function: get_verbosity
  // Returns the verbosity of the message that is currently being
  // processed. If the verbosity was modified by a previously executed
  // catcher (which re-threw the message), then the returned 
  // verbosity is the modified value.
  function int get_verbosity();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_verbosity();
  // Function: get_id
  // Returns the string id of the message that is currently being
  // processed. If the id was modified by a previously executed
  // catcher (which re-threw the message), then the returned 
  // id is the modified value.
  function string get_id();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_id();
  // Function: get_message
  // Returns the string message of the message that is currently being
  // processed. If the message was modified by a previously executed
  // catcher (which re-threw the message), then the returned 
  // message is the modified value.
  function string get_message();
     return this.m_modified_report_message.get_message();
  // Function: get_action
  // Returns the <uvm_action> of the message that is currently being
  // processed. If the action was modified by a previously executed
  // catcher (which re-threw the message), then the returned 
  // action is the modified value.
  function uvm_action get_action();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_action();
  // Function: get_fname
  // Returns the file name of the message.
  function string get_fname();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_filename();

  // Function: get_line
  // Returns the line number of the message.

  function int get_line();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_line();

  // Function: get_element_container
  // Returns the element container of the message.

  function uvm_report_message_element_container get_element_container();
    return this.m_modified_report_message.get_element_container();

  // Group: Change Message State

  // Function: set_severity
  // Change the severity of the message to ~severity~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.
  protected function void set_severity(uvm_severity severity);
  // Function: set_verbosity
  // Change the verbosity of the message to ~verbosity~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.

  protected function void set_verbosity(int verbosity);

  // Function: set_id
  // Change the id of the message to ~id~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.

  protected function void set_id(string id);
  // Function: set_message
  // Change the text of the message to ~message~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.

  protected function void set_message(string message);
  // Function: set_action
  // Change the action of the message to ~action~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.
  protected function void set_action(uvm_action action);
    this.m_set_action_called = 1;

  // Function: set_context
  // Change the context of the message to ~context_str~. Any other
  // report catchers will see the modified value.

  protected function void set_context(string context_str);

  // Function: add_int
  // Add an integral type of the name ~name~ and value ~value~ to
  // the message.  The required ~size~ field indicates the size of ~value~.
  // The required ~radix~ field determines how to display and
  // record the field. Any other report catchers will see the newly
  // added element.

  protected function void add_int(string name,
                                  uvm_bitstream_t value,
                                  int size,
                                  uvm_radix_enum radix,
                                  uvm_action action = (UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD));
    this.m_modified_report_message.add_int(name, value, size, radix, action);

  // Function: add_string
  // Adds a string of the name ~name~ and value ~value~ to the
  // message. Any other report catchers will see the newly
  // added element.

  protected function void add_string(string name,
                                     string value,
                                     uvm_action action = (UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD));
    this.m_modified_report_message.add_string(name, value, action);

  // Function: add_object
  // Adds a uvm_object of the name ~name~ and reference ~obj~ to
  // the message. Any other report catchers will see the newly
  // added element.

  protected function void add_object(string name,
                                     uvm_object obj,
                                     uvm_action action = (UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD));
    this.m_modified_report_message.add_object(name, obj, action);

  // Group: Debug
  // Function: get_report_catcher
  // Returns the first report catcher that has ~name~. 
  static function uvm_report_catcher get_report_catcher(string name);
    static uvm_report_cb_iter iter = new(null);
    get_report_catcher = iter.first();
    while(get_report_catcher != null) begin
      if(get_report_catcher.get_name() == name)
        return get_report_catcher;
      get_report_catcher =;
    return null;

  // Function: print_catcher
  // Prints information about all of the report catchers that are 
  // registered. For finer grained detail, the <uvm_callbacks #(T,CB)::display>
  // method can be used by calling uvm_report_cb::display(<uvm_report_object>).

  static function void print_catcher(UVM_FILE file = 0);
          string msg;
          string enabled;
          uvm_report_catcher catcher;
          static uvm_report_cb_iter iter = new(null);
          string q[$];

          q.push_back("-------------UVM REPORT CATCHERS----------------------------\n");

          catcher = iter.first();
          while(catcher != null) begin
                          enabled = "ON";        
                          enabled = "OFF";        

                  q.push_back($sformatf("%20s : %s\n", catcher.get_name(),enabled));
                  catcher =;

  // Funciton: debug_report_catcher
  // Turn on report catching debug information. ~what~ is a bitwise AND of
  // * DO_NOT_CATCH  -- forces catch to be ignored so that all catchers see the
  //   the reports.
  // * DO_NOT_MODIFY -- forces the message to remain unchanged

  static function void debug_report_catcher(int what= 0);
    m_debug_flags = what;
  // Group: Callback Interface
  // Function: catch
  // This is the method that is called for each registered report catcher.
  // There are no arguments to this function. The <Current Message State>
  // interface methods can be used to access information about the 
  // current message being processed.

  pure virtual function action_e catch();

  // Group: Reporting

   // Function: uvm_report_fatal
   // Issues a fatal message using the current message's report object.
   // This message will bypass any message catching callbacks.
   protected function void uvm_report_fatal(string id,
                                            string message, 
                                            int verbosity,
                                            string fname = "",
                                            int line = 0,
                                            string context_name = "",
                                            bit report_enabled_checked = 0);

     this.uvm_report(UVM_FATAL, id, message, UVM_NONE, fname, line,
                     context_name, report_enabled_checked);

   // Function: uvm_report_error
   // Issues an error message using the current message's report object.
   // This message will bypass any message catching callbacks.
   protected function void uvm_report_error(string id,
                                            string message, 
                                            int verbosity,
                                            string fname = "",
                                            int line = 0,
                                            string context_name = "",
                                            bit report_enabled_checked = 0);

     this.uvm_report(UVM_ERROR, id, message, UVM_NONE, fname, line,
                     context_name, report_enabled_checked);

   // Function: uvm_report_warning
   // Issues a warning message using the current message's report object.
   // This message will bypass any message catching callbacks.
   protected function void uvm_report_warning(string id,
                                              string message,
                                              int verbosity,
                                              string fname = "",
                                              int line = 0, 
                                              string context_name = "",
                                              bit report_enabled_checked = 0);

     this.uvm_report(UVM_WARNING, id, message, UVM_NONE, fname, line,
                     context_name, report_enabled_checked);

   // Function: uvm_report_info
   // Issues a info message using the current message's report object.
   // This message will bypass any message catching callbacks.
   protected function void uvm_report_info(string id,
                                           string message, 
                                           int verbosity,
                                           string fname = "",
                                           int line = 0,
                                           string context_name = "",
                                           bit report_enabled_checked = 0);

     this.uvm_report(UVM_INFO, id, message, verbosity, fname, line,
                     context_name, report_enabled_checked);

   // Function: uvm_report
   // Issues a message using the current message's report object.
   // This message will bypass any message catching callbacks.

   protected function void uvm_report(uvm_severity severity,
                                      string id,
                                      string message,
                                      int verbosity,
                                      string fname = "",
                                      int line = 0,
                                      string context_name = "",
                                      bit report_enabled_checked = 0);

     uvm_report_message l_report_message;
     if (report_enabled_checked == 0) begin
       if (!uvm_report_enabled(verbosity, severity, id))

     l_report_message = uvm_report_message::new_report_message();
     l_report_message.set_report_message(severity, id, message, 
                                         verbosity, fname, line, context_name);

   protected function void uvm_process_report_message(uvm_report_message msg);
     uvm_report_object ro = m_modified_report_message.get_report_object();
     uvm_action a = ro.get_report_action(msg.get_severity(), msg.get_id());

     if(a) begin
       string composed_message;
       uvm_report_server rs = m_modified_report_message.get_report_server();

       msg.set_file(ro.get_report_file_handle(msg.get_severity(), msg.get_id()));

       // no need to compose when neither UVM_DISPLAY nor UVM_LOG is set
       if (a & (UVM_LOG|UVM_DISPLAY))
         composed_message = rs.compose_report_message(msg);
       rs.execute_report_message(msg, composed_message);

  // Function: issue
  // Immediately issues the message which is currently being processed. This
  // is useful if the message is being ~CAUGHT~ but should still be emitted.
  // Issuing a message will update the report_server stats, possibly multiple 
  // times if the message is not ~CAUGHT~.

  protected function void issue();
     string composed_message;
     uvm_report_server rs = m_modified_report_message.get_report_server();

     if(uvm_action_type'(m_modified_report_message.get_action()) != UVM_NO_ACTION)
       // no need to compose when neither UVM_DISPLAY nor UVM_LOG is set
       if (m_modified_report_message.get_action() & (UVM_LOG|UVM_DISPLAY))
         composed_message = rs.compose_report_message(m_modified_report_message);
       rs.execute_report_message(m_modified_report_message, composed_message);

  //method called by to process catchers

  static function int process_all_report_catchers(uvm_report_message rm);
    int iter;
    uvm_report_catcher catcher;
    int thrown = 1;
    uvm_severity orig_severity;
    static bit in_catcher;
    uvm_report_object l_report_object = rm.get_report_object();

    if(in_catcher == 1) begin
        return 1;
    in_catcher = 1;    
    uvm_callbacks_base::m_tracing = 0;  //turn off cb tracing so catcher stuff doesn't print

    orig_severity = uvm_severity'(rm.get_severity());
    m_modified_report_message = rm;

    catcher = uvm_report_cb::get_first(iter,l_report_object);
    if (catcher != null) begin
      if(m_debug_flags & DO_NOT_MODIFY) begin
        process p = process::self(); // Keep random stability
        string randstate;
        if (p != null)
          randstate = p.get_randstate();
        $cast(m_orig_report_message, rm.clone()); //have to clone, rm can be extended type
        if (p != null)
    while(catcher != null) begin
      uvm_severity prev_sev;

      if (!catcher.callback_mode()) begin
        catcher = uvm_report_cb::get_next(iter,l_report_object);

      prev_sev = m_modified_report_message.get_severity();
      m_set_action_called = 0;
      thrown = catcher.process_report_catcher();

      // Set the action to the default action for the new severity
      // if it is still at the default for the previous severity,
      // unless it was explicitly set.
      if (!m_set_action_called && 
          m_modified_report_message.get_severity() != prev_sev && 
          m_modified_report_message.get_action() == 
            l_report_object.get_report_action(prev_sev, "*@&*^*^*#")) begin

           l_report_object.get_report_action(m_modified_report_message.get_severity(), "*@&*^*^*#"));

      if(thrown == 0) begin 
          UVM_FATAL:   m_caught_fatal++;
          UVM_ERROR:   m_caught_error++;
          UVM_WARNING: m_caught_warning++;
      catcher = uvm_report_cb::get_next(iter,l_report_object);
    end //while

    //update counters if message was returned with demoted severity
        if(m_modified_report_message.get_severity() < orig_severity)
        if(m_modified_report_message.get_severity() < orig_severity)
        if(m_modified_report_message.get_severity() < orig_severity)

    in_catcher = 0;
    uvm_callbacks_base::m_tracing = 1;  //turn tracing stuff back on

    return thrown; 

  //internal method to call user <catch()> method

  local function int process_report_catcher();

    action_e act;

    act = this.catch();

    if(act == UNKNOWN_ACTION)
      this.uvm_report_error("RPTCTHR", {"uvm_report_this.catch() in catcher instance ",
        this.get_name(), " must return THROW or CAUGHT"}, UVM_NONE, `uvm_file, `uvm_line);

    if(m_debug_flags & DO_NOT_MODIFY) begin

    if(act == CAUGHT  && !(m_debug_flags & DO_NOT_CATCH)) begin
      return 0;

    return 1;


  // Function: summarize
  // This function is called automatically by <uvm_report_server::report_summarize()>.
  // It prints the statistics for the active catchers.

  static function void summarize();
    string s;
    string q[$];
    if(do_report) begin
      q.push_back("\n--- UVM Report catcher Summary ---\n\n\n");
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of demoted UVM_FATAL reports  :%5d\n", m_demoted_fatal));
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of demoted UVM_ERROR reports  :%5d\n", m_demoted_error));
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of demoted UVM_WARNING reports:%5d\n", m_demoted_warning));
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of caught UVM_FATAL reports   :%5d\n", m_caught_fatal));
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of caught UVM_ERROR reports   :%5d\n", m_caught_error));
      q.push_back($sformatf("Number of caught UVM_WARNING reports :%5d\n", m_caught_warning));




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