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//   Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
//   Copyright 2007-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
//   Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
//   Copyright 2013 NVIDIA Corporation
//   All Rights Reserved Worldwide
//   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
//   "License"); you may not use this file except in
//   compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of
//   the License at
//   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
//   writing, software distributed under the License is
//   distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
//   CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
//   the License for the specific language governing
//   permissions and limitations under the License.

// File: Transaction Recording Streams

// class- m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg
// Undocumented helper class for storing stream
// initialization values.
class m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg;
   uvm_tr_database db;
   string scope;
   string stream_type_name;
endclass : m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg

typedef class uvm_set_before_get_dap;
typedef class uvm_text_recorder;
// CLASS: uvm_tr_stream
// The ~uvm_tr_stream~ base class is a representation of a stream of records
// within a <uvm_tr_database>.
// The record stream is intended to hide the underlying database implementation
// from the end user, as these details are often vendor or tool-specific.
// The ~uvm_tr_stream~ class is pure virtual, and must be extended with an
// implementation.  A default text-based implementation is provided via the
// <uvm_text_tr_stream> class.
virtual class uvm_tr_stream extends uvm_object;

   // Variable- m_cfg_dap
   // Data access protected reference to the DB
   local uvm_set_before_get_dap#(m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg) m_cfg_dap;

   // Variable- m_records
   // Active records in the stream (active == open or closed)
   local bit m_records[uvm_recorder];
   // Variable- m_warn_null_cfg
   // Used to limit the number of warnings
   local bit m_warn_null_cfg;

   // Variable- m_is_opened
   // Used to indicate stream is open
   local bit m_is_opened;

   // Variable- m_is_closed
   // Used to indicate stream is closed
   local bit m_is_closed;
   // !m_is_opened && !m_is_closed == m_is_freed
   // Function: new
   // Constructor
   // Parameters:
   // name - Stream instance name
   function new(string name="unnamed-uvm_tr_stream");;
      m_cfg_dap = new("cfg_dap");
   endfunction : new

   // Variable- m_ids_by_stream
   // An associative array of integers, indexed by uvm_tr_streams.  This
   // provides a unique 'id' or 'handle' for each stream, which can be
   // used to identify the stream.
   // By default, neither ~m_ids_by_stream~ or ~m_streams_by_id~ are
   // used.  Streams are only placed in the arrays when the user
   // attempts to determine the id for a stream.
   local static integer m_ids_by_stream[uvm_tr_stream];

   // Group: Configuration API
   // Function: get_db
   // Returns a reference to the database which contains this
   // stream.
   // A warning will be asserted if get_db is called prior to
   // the stream being initialized via <do_open>.
   function uvm_tr_database get_db();
      m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg m_cfg;
      if (!m_cfg_dap.try_get(m_cfg)) begin
         if (m_warn_null_cfg == 1)
                        $sformatf("attempt to retrieve DB from '%s' before it was set!",
         m_warn_null_cfg = 0;
         return null;
      return m_cfg.db;
   endfunction : get_db
   // Function: get_scope
   // Returns the ~scope~ supplied when opening this stream.
   // A warning will be asserted if get_scope is called prior to
   // the stream being initialized via <do_open>.
   function string get_scope();
      m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg m_cfg;
      if (!m_cfg_dap.try_get(m_cfg)) begin
         if (m_warn_null_cfg == 1)
                        $sformatf("attempt to retrieve scope from '%s' before it was set!",
         m_warn_null_cfg = 0;
         return "";
      return m_cfg.scope;
   endfunction : get_scope
   // Function: get_stream_type_name
   // Returns a reference to the database which contains this
   // stream.
   // A warning will be asserted if get_stream_type_name is called prior to
   // the stream being initialized via <do_open>.
   function string get_stream_type_name();
      m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg m_cfg;
      if (!m_cfg_dap.try_get(m_cfg)) begin
         if (m_warn_null_cfg == 1)
                        $sformatf("attempt to retrieve STREAM_TYPE_NAME from '%s' before it was set!",
         m_warn_null_cfg = 0;
         return "";
      return m_cfg.stream_type_name;
   endfunction : get_stream_type_name

   // Group: Stream API
   // Once a stream has been opened via <uvm_tr_database::open_stream>, the user
   // can ~close~ the stream.
   // Due to the fact that many database implementations will require crossing 
   // a language boundary, an additional step of ~freeing~ the stream is required.
   // A ~link~ can be established within the database any time between "Open" and
   // "Free", however it is illegal to establish a link after "Freeing" the stream.

   // Function: close
   // Closes this stream.
   // Closing a stream closes all open recorders in the stream.
   // This method will trigger a <do_close> call, followed by
   // <uvm_recorder::close> on all open recorders within the
   // stream.
   function void close();
      if (!is_open())


      foreach (m_records[idx])
        if (idx.is_open())

      m_is_opened = 0;
      m_is_closed = 1;
   endfunction : close

   // Function: free
   // Frees this stream.
   // Freeing a stream indicates that the database can free any
   // references to the stream (including references to records
   // within the stream).
   // This method will trigger a <do_free> call, followed by
   // <uvm_recorder::free> on all recorders within the stream.
   function void free();
           process p;
           string s;
      uvm_tr_database db;
      if (!is_open() && !is_closed())

      if (is_open())

      foreach (m_records[idx]);

      // Clear out internal state
      db = get_db();
      m_is_closed = 0;
      p = process::self();
      if(p != null)
        s = p.get_randstate();
      m_cfg_dap = new("cfg_dap");
      if(p != null)
      m_warn_null_cfg = 1;
      if (m_ids_by_stream.exists(this))

      // Clear out DB state
      if (db != null)
   endfunction : free
   // Function- m_do_open
   // Initializes the state of the stream
   // Parameters-
   // db - Database which the stream belongs to
   // scope - Optional scope
   // stream_type_name - Optional type name for the stream
   // This method will trigger a <do_open> call.
   // An error will be asserted if-
   // - m_do_open is called more than once without the stream
   //   being ~freed~ between.
   // - m_do_open is passed a ~null~ db
   function void m_do_open(uvm_tr_database db,
                           string scope="",
                           string stream_type_name="");
      m_uvm_tr_stream_cfg m_cfg;
      uvm_tr_database m_db;
      if (db == null) begin
                    $sformatf("Illegal attempt to set DB for '%s' to '<null>'",

      if (m_cfg_dap.try_get(m_cfg)) begin
                    $sformatf("Illegal attempt to re-open '%s'",
      else begin
         // Never set before
         m_cfg = new();
         m_cfg.db = db;
         m_cfg.scope = scope;
         m_cfg.stream_type_name = stream_type_name;
         m_is_opened = 1;

         do_open(db, scope, stream_type_name);
   endfunction : m_do_open

   // Function: is_open
   // Returns true if this ~uvm_tr_stream~ was opened on the database,
   // but has not yet been closed.
   function bit is_open();
      return m_is_opened;
   endfunction : is_open

   // Function: is_closed
   // Returns true if this ~uvm_tr_stream~ was closed on the database,
   // but has not yet been freed.
   function bit is_closed();
      return m_is_closed;
   endfunction : is_closed

   // Group: Transaction Recorder API
   // New recorders can be opened prior to the stream being ~closed~.
   // Once a stream has been closed, requests to open a new recorder
   // will be ignored (<open_recorder> will return ~null~).
   // Function: open_recorder
   // Marks the opening of a new transaction recorder on the stream.
   // Parameters:
   // name - A name for the new transaction
   // open_time - Optional time to record as the opening of this transaction
   // type_name - Optional type name for the transaction
   // If ~open_time~ is omitted (or set to 0), then the stream will use
   // the current time.
   // This method will trigger a <do_open_recorder> call.  If ~do_open_recorder~
   // returns a non-~null~ value, then the <uvm_recorder::do_open> method will
   // be called in the recorder.
   // Transaction recorders can only be opened if the stream is
   // ~open~ on the database (per <is_open>).  Otherwise the
   // request will be ignored, and ~null~ will be returned.
   function uvm_recorder open_recorder(string name,
                                      time   open_time = 0,
                                      string type_name="");
      time m_time = (open_time == 0) ? $time : open_time;

      // Check to make sure we're open
      if (!is_open())
        return null;
      else begin
         process p = process::self();
         string s;

         if (p != null)
           s = p.get_randstate();
         open_recorder = do_open_recorder(name,

         if (open_recorder != null) begin
            m_records[open_recorder] = 1;
            open_recorder.m_do_open(this, m_time, type_name);
         if (p != null)
   endfunction : open_recorder

   // Function- m_free_recorder
   // Removes recorder from the internal array
   function void m_free_recorder(uvm_recorder recorder);
      if (m_records.exists(recorder))
   endfunction : m_free_recorder

   // Function: get_recorders
   // Provides a queue of all transactions within the stream.
   // Parameters:
   // q - A reference to the queue of <uvm_recorder>s
   // The <get_recorders> method returns the size of the queue,
   // such that the user can conditionally process the elements.
   // | uvm_recorder tr_q[$];
   // | if (my_stream.get_recorders(tr_q)) begin
   // |   // Process the queue...
   // | end
   function unsigned get_recorders(ref uvm_recorder q[$]);
      // Clear out the queue first...
      // Fill in the values
      foreach (m_records[idx])
      // Finally return the size of the queue
      return q.size();
   endfunction : get_recorders
   // Group: Handles

   // Variable- m_streams_by_id
   // A corollary to ~m_ids_by_stream~, this indexes the streams by their
   // unique ids.
   local static uvm_tr_stream m_streams_by_id[integer];

   // Function: get_handle
   // Returns a unique ID for this stream.
   // A value of ~0~ indicates that the recorder has been ~freed~,
   // and no longer has a valid ID.
   function integer get_handle();
      if (!is_open() && !is_closed()) begin
        return 0;
      else begin
         integer handle = get_inst_id();
         // Check for the weird case where our handle changed.
         if (m_ids_by_stream.exists(this) && m_ids_by_stream[this] != handle)

         m_streams_by_id[handle] = this;
         m_ids_by_stream[this] = handle;

         return handle;
   endfunction : get_handle
   // Function- m_get_handle
   // Provided to allow implementation-specific handles which are not
   // identical to the built-in handles.
   // This is an implementation detail of the UVM library, which allows
   // for vendors to (optionally) put vendor-specific methods into the library.
   virtual function integer m_get_handle();
      return get_handle();
   endfunction : m_get_handle
   // Function: get_stream_from_handle
   // Static accessor, returns a stream reference for a given unique id.
   // If no stream exists with the given ~id~, or if the
   // stream with that ~id~ has been freed, then ~null~ is
   // returned.
   static function uvm_tr_stream get_stream_from_handle(integer id);
      if (id == 0)
        return null;

      if ($isunknown(id) || !m_streams_by_id.exists(id))
        return null;

      return m_streams_by_id[id];
   endfunction : get_stream_from_handle
   // Function- m_free_id
   // Frees the id/stream link (memory cleanup)
   static function void m_free_id(integer id);
      uvm_tr_stream stream;
      if (!$isunknown(id) && m_streams_by_id.exists(id))
        stream = m_streams_by_id[id];

      if (stream != null) begin
   endfunction : m_free_id

   // Group: Implementation Agnostic API

   // Function: do_open
   // Callback triggered via <uvm_tr_database::open_stream>.
   // Parameters:
   // db - Database which the stream belongs to
   // scope - Optional scope
   // stream_type_name - Optional type name for the stream
   // The ~do_open~ callback can be used to initialize any internal
   // state within the stream, as well as providing a location to
   // record any initial information about the stream.
   protected virtual function void do_open(uvm_tr_database db,
                                           string scope,
                                           string stream_type_name);
   endfunction : do_open

   // Function: do_close
   // Callback triggered via <close>.
   // The ~do_close~ callback can be used to set internal state
   // within the stream, as well as providing a location to
   // record any closing information.
   protected virtual function void do_close();
   endfunction : do_close
   // Function: do_free
   // Callback triggered via <free>.
   // The ~do_free~ callback can be used to release the internal
   // state within the stream, as well as providing a location
   // to record any "freeing" information.
   protected virtual function void do_free();
   endfunction : do_free

   // Function: do_open_recorder
   // Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream.
   // Backend implementation of <open_recorder>
   protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(string name,
                                                            time   open_time,
                                                            string type_name);
      return null;
   endfunction : do_open_recorder

endclass : uvm_tr_stream

// CLASS: uvm_text_tr_stream
// The ~uvm_text_tr_stream~ is the default stream implementation for the
// <uvm_text_tr_database>.  

class uvm_text_tr_stream extends uvm_tr_stream;

   // Variable- m_text_db
   // Internal reference to the text-based backend
   local uvm_text_tr_database m_text_db;

   // Function: new
   // Constructor
   // Parameters:
   // name - Instance name
   function new(string name="unnamed-uvm_text_tr_stream");;
   endfunction : new

   // Group: Implementation Agnostic API

   // Function: do_open
   // Callback triggered via <uvm_tr_database::open_stream>.
   protected virtual function void do_open(uvm_tr_database db,
                                           string scope,
                                           string stream_type_name);
      $cast(m_text_db, db);
      if (m_text_db.open_db())
                  "  CREATE_STREAM @%0t {NAME:%s T:%s SCOPE:%s STREAM:%0d}",
   endfunction : do_open

   // Function: do_close
   // Callback triggered via <uvm_tr_stream::close>.
   protected virtual function void do_close();
      if (m_text_db.open_db())
                  "  CLOSE_STREAM @%0t {NAME:%s T:%s SCOPE:%s STREAM:%0d}",
   endfunction : do_close
   // Function: do_free
   // Callback triggered via <uvm_tr_stream::free>.
   protected virtual function void do_free();
      if (m_text_db.open_db())
                  "  FREE_STREAM @%0t {NAME:%s T:%s SCOPE:%s STREAM:%0d}",
      m_text_db = null;
   endfunction : do_free
   // Function: do_open_recorder
   // Marks the beginning of a new record in the stream
   // Text-backend specific implementation.
   protected virtual function uvm_recorder do_open_recorder(string name,
                                                           time   open_time,
                                                           string type_name);
      if (m_text_db.open_db()) begin
         return uvm_text_recorder::type_id::create(name);

      return null;
   endfunction : do_open_recorder

endclass : uvm_text_tr_stream

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