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// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2004-2009 Synopsys, Inc.
// Copyright 2010-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
// Copyright 2010-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
// Copyright 2013 Semifore, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved Worldwide
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
// writing, software distributed under the License is
// distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
// the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
typedef class uvm_reg_cbs;
// CLASS: uvm_reg_field
// Field abstraction class
// A field represents a set of bits that behave consistently
// as a single entity.
// A field is contained within a single register, but may
// have different access policies depending on the address map
// use the access the register (thus the field).
class uvm_reg_field extends uvm_object;
// Variable: value
// Mirrored field value.
// This value can be sampled in a functional coverage model
// or constrained when randomized.
rand uvm_reg_data_t value; // Mirrored after randomize()
local uvm_reg_data_t m_mirrored; // What we think is in the HW
local uvm_reg_data_t m_desired; // Mirrored after set()
local string m_access;
local uvm_reg m_parent;
local int unsigned m_lsb;
local int unsigned m_size;
local bit m_volatile;
local uvm_reg_data_t m_reset[string];
local bit m_written;
local bit m_read_in_progress;
local bit m_write_in_progress;
local string m_fname;
local int m_lineno;
local int m_cover_on;
local bit m_individually_accessible;
local uvm_check_e m_check;
local static int m_max_size;
local static bit m_policy_names[string];
constraint uvm_reg_field_valid {
if (`UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH > m_size) {
value < (`UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH'h1 << m_size);
// Group: Initialization
// Function: new
// Create a new field instance
// This method should not be used directly.
// The ~uvm_reg_field::type_id::create()~ factory method
// should be used instead.
extern function new(string name = "uvm_reg_field");
// Function: configure
// Instance-specific configuration
// Specify the ~parent~ register of this field, its
// ~size~ in bits, the position of its least-significant bit
// within the register relative to the least-significant bit
// of the register, its ~access~ policy, volatility,
// "HARD" ~reset~ value,
// whether the field value is actually reset
// (the ~reset~ value is ignored if ~FALSE~),
// whether the field value may be randomized and
// whether the field is the only one to occupy a byte lane in the register.
// See <set_access> for a specification of the pre-defined
// field access policies.
// If the field access policy is a pre-defined policy and NOT one of
// "RW", "WRC", "WRS", "WO", "W1", or "WO1",
// the value of ~is_rand~ is ignored and the rand_mode() for the
// field instance is turned off since it cannot be written.
extern function void configure(uvm_reg parent,
int unsigned size,
int unsigned lsb_pos,
string access,
bit volatile,
uvm_reg_data_t reset,
bit has_reset,
bit is_rand,
bit individually_accessible);
// Group: Introspection
// Function: get_name
// Get the simple name
// Return the simple object name of this field
// Function: get_full_name
// Get the hierarchical name
// Return the hierarchal name of this field
// The base of the hierarchical name is the root block.
extern virtual function string get_full_name();
// Function: get_parent
// Get the parent register
extern virtual function uvm_reg get_parent();
extern virtual function uvm_reg get_register();
// Function: get_lsb_pos
// Return the position of the field
// Returns the index of the least significant bit of the field
// in the register that instantiates it.
// An offset of 0 indicates a field that is aligned with the
// least-significant bit of the register.
extern virtual function int unsigned get_lsb_pos();
// Function: get_n_bits
// Returns the width, in number of bits, of the field.
extern virtual function int unsigned get_n_bits();
// FUNCTION: get_max_size
// Returns the width, in number of bits, of the largest field.
extern static function int unsigned get_max_size();
// Function: set_access
// Modify the access policy of the field
// Modify the access policy of the field to the specified one and
// return the previous access policy.
// The pre-defined access policies are as follows.
// The effect of a read operation are applied after the current
// value of the field is sampled.
// The read operation will return the current value,
// not the value affected by the read operation (if any).
// "RO" - W: no effect, R: no effect
// "RW" - W: as-is, R: no effect
// "RC" - W: no effect, R: clears all bits
// "RS" - W: no effect, R: sets all bits
// "WRC" - W: as-is, R: clears all bits
// "WRS" - W: as-is, R: sets all bits
// "WC" - W: clears all bits, R: no effect
// "WS" - W: sets all bits, R: no effect
// "WSRC" - W: sets all bits, R: clears all bits
// "WCRS" - W: clears all bits, R: sets all bits
// "W1C" - W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
// "W1S" - W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
// "W1T" - W: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect
// "W0C" - W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: no effect
// "W0S" - W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: no effect
// "W0T" - W: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, R: no effect
// "W1SRC" - W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: clears all bits
// "W1CRS" - W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: sets all bits
// "W0SRC" - W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: clears all bits
// "W0CRS" - W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: sets all bits
// "WO" - W: as-is, R: error
// "WOC" - W: clears all bits, R: error
// "WOS" - W: sets all bits, R: error
// "W1" - W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: no effect
// "WO1" - W: first one after ~HARD~ reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: error
// "NOACCESS" - W: no effect, R: no effect
// It is important to remember that modifying the access of a field
// will make the register model diverge from the specification
// that was used to create it.
extern virtual function string set_access(string mode);
// Function: define_access
// Define a new access policy value
// Because field access policies are specified using string values,
// there is no way for SystemVerilog to verify if a specific access
// value is valid or not.
// To help catch typing errors, user-defined access values
// must be defined using this method to avoid begin reported as an
// invalid access policy.
// The name of field access policies are always converted to all uppercase.
// Returns TRUE if the new access policy was not previously
// defined.
// Returns FALSE otherwise but does not issue an error message.
extern static function bit define_access(string name);
local static bit m_predefined = m_predefine_policies();
extern local static function bit m_predefine_policies();
// Function: get_access
// Get the access policy of the field
// Returns the current access policy of the field
// when written and read through the specified address ~map~.
// If the register containing the field is mapped in multiple
// address map, an address map must be specified.
// The access policy of a field from a specific
// address map may be restricted by the register's access policy in that
// address map.
// For example, a RW field may only be writable through one of
// the address maps and read-only through all of the other maps.
// If the field access contradicts the map's access value
// (field access of WO, and map access value of RO, etc), the
// method's return value is NOACCESS.
extern virtual function string get_access(uvm_reg_map map = null);
// Function: is_known_access
// Check if access policy is a built-in one.
// Returns TRUE if the current access policy of the field,
// when written and read through the specified address ~map~,
// is a built-in access policy.
extern virtual function bit is_known_access(uvm_reg_map map = null);
// Function: set_volatility
// Modify the volatility of the field to the specified one.
// It is important to remember that modifying the volatility of a field
// will make the register model diverge from the specification
// that was used to create it.
extern virtual function void set_volatility(bit volatile);
// Function: is_volatile
// Indicates if the field value is volatile
// UVM uses the IEEE 1685-2009 IP-XACT definition of "volatility".
// If TRUE, the value of the register is not predictable because it
// may change between consecutive accesses.
// This typically indicates a field whose value is updated by the DUT.
// The nature or cause of the change is not specified.
// If FALSE, the value of the register is not modified between
// consecutive accesses.
extern virtual function bit is_volatile();
// Group: Access
// Function: set
// Set the desired value for this field
// It sets the desired value of the field to the specified ~value~
// modified by the field access policy.
// It does not actually set the value of the field in the design,
// only the desired value in the abstraction class.
// Use the <uvm_reg::update()> method to update the actual register
// with the desired value or the <uvm_reg_field::write()> method
// to actually write the field and update its mirrored value.
// The final desired value in the mirror is a function of the field access
// policy and the set value, just like a normal physical write operation
// to the corresponding bits in the hardware.
// As such, this method (when eventually followed by a call to
// <uvm_reg::update()>)
// is a zero-time functional replacement for the <uvm_reg_field::write()>
// method.
// For example, the desired value of a read-only field is not modified
// by this method and the desired value of a write-once field can only
// be set if the field has not yet been
// written to using a physical (for example, front-door) write operation.
// Use the <uvm_reg_field::predict()> to modify the mirrored value of
// the field.
extern virtual function void set(uvm_reg_data_t value,
string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
// Function: get
// Return the desired value of the field
// It does not actually read the value
// of the field in the design, only the desired value
// in the abstraction class. Unless set to a different value
// using the <uvm_reg_field::set()>, the desired value
// and the mirrored value are identical.
// Use the <uvm_reg_field::read()> or <uvm_reg_field::peek()>
// method to get the actual field value.
// If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored
// value is the value last written and assumed
// to reside in the bits implementing it.
// Although a physical read operation would something different,
// the returned value is the actual content.
extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get(string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
// Function: get_mirrored_value
// Return the mirrored value of the field
// It does not actually read the value of the field in the design, only the mirrored value
// in the abstraction class.
// If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored
// value is the value last written and assumed
// to reside in the bits implementing it.
// Although a physical read operation would something different,
// the returned value is the actual content.
extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_mirrored_value(string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
// Function: reset
// Reset the desired/mirrored value for this field.
// It sets the desired and mirror value of the field
// to the reset event specified by ~kind~.
// If the field does not have a reset value specified for the
// specified reset ~kind~ the field is unchanged.
// It does not actually reset the value of the field in the design,
// only the value mirrored in the field abstraction class.
// Write-once fields can be modified after
// a "HARD" reset operation.
extern virtual function void reset(string kind = "HARD");
// Function: get_reset
// Get the specified reset value for this field
// Return the reset value for this field
// for the specified reset ~kind~.
// Returns the current field value is no reset value has been
// specified for the specified reset event.
extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_reset(string kind = "HARD");
// Function: has_reset
// Check if the field has a reset value specified
// Return TRUE if this field has a reset value specified
// for the specified reset ~kind~.
// If ~delete~ is TRUE, removes the reset value, if any.
extern virtual function bit has_reset(string kind = "HARD",
bit delete = 0);
// Function: set_reset
// Specify or modify the reset value for this field
// Specify or modify the reset value for this field corresponding
// to the cause specified by ~kind~.
extern virtual function void set_reset(uvm_reg_data_t value,
string kind = "HARD");
// Function: needs_update
// Check if the abstract model contains different desired and mirrored values.
// If a desired field value has been modified in the abstraction class
// without actually updating the field in the DUT,
// the state of the DUT (more specifically what the abstraction class
// ~thinks~ the state of the DUT is) is outdated.
// This method returns TRUE
// if the state of the field in the DUT needs to be updated
// to match the desired value.
// The mirror values or actual content of DUT field are not modified.
// Use the <uvm_reg::update()> to actually update the DUT field.
extern virtual function bit needs_update();
// Task: write
// Write the specified value in this field
// Write ~value~ in the DUT field that corresponds to this
// abstraction class instance using the specified access
// ~path~.
// If the register containing this field is mapped in more
// than one address map,
// an address ~map~ must be
// specified if a physical access is used (front-door access).
// If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing
// the field through a physical access is mimicked. For
// example, read-only bits in the field will not be written.
// The mirrored value will be updated using the <uvm_reg_field::predict()>
// method.
// If a front-door access is used, and
// if the field is the only field in a byte lane and
// if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used
// to access the field support byte-enabling,
// then only the field is written.
// Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is written,
// and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register
// are used in a best-effort not to modify their value.
// If a backdoor access is used, a peek-modify-poke process is used.
// in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the
// register.
extern virtual task write (output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_reg_data_t value,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
// Task: read
// Read the current value from this field
// Read and return ~value~ from the DUT field that corresponds to this
// abstraction class instance using the specified access
// ~path~.
// If the register containing this field is mapped in more
// than one address map, an address ~map~ must be
// specified if a physical access is used (front-door access).
// If a back-door access path is used, the effect of reading
// the field through a physical access is mimicked. For
// example, clear-on-read bits in the field will be set to zero.
// The mirrored value will be updated using the <uvm_reg_field::predict()>
// method.
// If a front-door access is used, and
// if the field is the only field in a byte lane and
// if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used
// to access the field support byte-enabling,
// then only the field is read.
// Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is read,
// and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register
// are updated.
// If a backdoor access is used, the entire containing register is peeked
// and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register is updated.
extern virtual task read (output uvm_status_e status,
output uvm_reg_data_t value,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
// Task: poke
// Deposit the specified value in this field
// Deposit the value in the DUT field corresponding to this
// abstraction class instance, as-is, using a back-door access.
// A peek-modify-poke process is used
// in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the
// register.
// The mirrored value will be updated using the <uvm_reg_field::predict()>
// method.
extern virtual task poke (output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_reg_data_t value,
input string kind = "",
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
// Task: peek
// Read the current value from this field
// Sample the value in the DUT field corresponding to this
// abstraction class instance using a back-door access.
// The field value is sampled, not modified.
// Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by ~kind~.
// The entire containing register is peeked
// and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register
// are updated using the <uvm_reg_field::predict()> method.
extern virtual task peek (output uvm_status_e status,
output uvm_reg_data_t value,
input string kind = "",
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
// Task: mirror
// Read the field and update/check its mirror value
// Read the field and optionally compared the readback value
// with the current mirrored value if ~check~ is <UVM_CHECK>.
// The mirrored value will be updated using the <predict()>
// method based on the readback value.
// The ~path~ argument specifies whether to mirror using
// the <UVM_FRONTDOOR> (<read>) or
// <UVM_BACKDOOR> (<peek()>).
// If ~check~ is specified as <UVM_CHECK>,
// an error message is issued if the current mirrored value
// does not match the readback value, unless <set_compare> was used
// disable the check.
// If the containing register is mapped in multiple address maps and physical
// access is used (front-door access), an address ~map~ must be specified.
// For write-only fields, their content is mirrored and optionally
// checked only if a UVM_BACKDOOR
// access path is used to read the field.
extern virtual task mirror(output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
// Function: set_compare
// Sets the compare policy during a mirror update.
// The field value is checked against its mirror only when both the
// ~check~ argument in <uvm_reg_block::mirror>, <uvm_reg::mirror>,
// or <uvm_reg_field::mirror> and the compare policy for the
// field is <UVM_CHECK>.
extern function void set_compare(uvm_check_e check=UVM_CHECK);
// Function: get_compare
// Returns the compare policy for this field.
extern function uvm_check_e get_compare();
// Function: is_indv_accessible
// Check if this field can be written individually, i.e. without
// affecting other fields in the containing register.
extern function bit is_indv_accessible (uvm_path_e path,
uvm_reg_map local_map);
// Function: predict
// Update the mirrored and desired value for this field.
// Predict the mirror and desired value of the field based on the specified
// observed ~value~ on a bus using the specified address ~map~.
// If ~kind~ is specified as <UVM_PREDICT_READ>, the value
// was observed in a read transaction on the specified address ~map~ or
// backdoor (if ~path~ is <UVM_BACKDOOR>).
// If ~kind~ is specified as <UVM_PREDICT_WRITE>, the value
// was observed in a write transaction on the specified address ~map~ or
// backdoor (if ~path~ is <UVM_BACKDOOR>).
// If ~kind~ is specified as <UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT>, the value
// was computed and is updated as-is, without regard to any access policy.
// For example, the mirrored value of a read-only field is modified
// by this method if ~kind~ is specified as <UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT>.
// This method does not allow an update of the mirror (or desired)
// when the register containing this field is busy executing
// a transaction because the results are unpredictable and
// indicative of a race condition in the testbench.
// Returns TRUE if the prediction was successful.
extern function bit predict (uvm_reg_data_t value,
uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1,
uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT,
uvm_path_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR,
uvm_reg_map map = null,
string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t XpredictX (uvm_reg_data_t cur_val,
uvm_reg_data_t wr_val,
uvm_reg_map map);
extern virtual function uvm_reg_data_t XupdateX();
extern function bit Xcheck_accessX (input uvm_reg_item rw,
output uvm_reg_map_info map_info,
input string caller);
extern virtual task do_write(uvm_reg_item rw);
extern virtual task do_read(uvm_reg_item rw);
extern virtual function void do_predict
(uvm_reg_item rw,
uvm_predict_e kind=UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT,
uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1);
extern function void pre_randomize();
extern function void post_randomize();
// Group: Callbacks
`uvm_register_cb(uvm_reg_field, uvm_reg_cbs)
// Task: pre_write
// Called before field write.
// If the specified data value, access ~path~ or address ~map~ are modified,
// the updated data value, access path or address map will be used
// to perform the register operation.
// If the ~status~ is modified to anything other than <UVM_IS_OK>,
// the operation is aborted.
// The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods
// on the containing register.
// The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation
// of this method.
virtual task pre_write (uvm_reg_item rw); endtask
// Task: post_write
// Called after field write.
// If the specified ~status~ is modified,
// the updated status will be
// returned by the register operation.
// The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods
// on the containing register.
// The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation
// of this method.
virtual task post_write (uvm_reg_item rw); endtask
// Task: pre_read
// Called before field read.
// If the access ~path~ or address ~map~ in the ~rw~ argument are modified,
// the updated access path or address map will be used to perform
// the register operation.
// If the ~status~ is modified to anything other than <UVM_IS_OK>,
// the operation is aborted.
// The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods
// on the containing register.
// The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation
// of this method.
virtual task pre_read (uvm_reg_item rw); endtask
// Task: post_read
// Called after field read.
// If the specified readback data or~status~ in the ~rw~ argument is
// modified, the updated readback data or status will be
// returned by the register operation.
// The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods
// on the containing register.
// The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation
// of this method.
virtual task post_read (uvm_reg_item rw); endtask
extern virtual function void do_print (uvm_printer printer);
extern virtual function string convert2string;
extern virtual function uvm_object clone();
extern virtual function void do_copy (uvm_object rhs);
extern virtual function bit do_compare (uvm_object rhs,
uvm_comparer comparer);
extern virtual function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer);
extern virtual function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer);
endclass: uvm_reg_field
// new
function uvm_reg_field::new(string name = "uvm_reg_field");
endfunction: new
// configure
function void uvm_reg_field::configure(uvm_reg parent,
int unsigned size,
int unsigned lsb_pos,
string access,
bit volatile,
uvm_reg_data_t reset,
bit has_reset,
bit is_rand,
bit individually_accessible);
m_parent = parent;
if (size == 0) begin
$sformatf("Field \"%s\" cannot have 0 bits", get_full_name()));
size = 1;
m_size = size;
m_volatile = volatile;
m_access = access.toupper();
m_lsb = lsb_pos;
m_cover_on = UVM_NO_COVERAGE;
m_written = 0;
m_check = volatile ? UVM_NO_CHECK : UVM_CHECK;
m_individually_accessible = individually_accessible;
if (has_reset)
uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::", get_full_name()},
if (!m_policy_names.exists(m_access)) begin
`uvm_error("RegModel", {"Access policy '",access,
"' for field '",get_full_name(),"' is not defined. Setting to RW"})
m_access = "RW";
if (size > m_max_size)
m_max_size = size;
// Ignore is_rand if the field is known not to be writeable
// i.e. not "RW", "WRC", "WRS", "WO", "W1", "WO1"
case (access)
"RO", "RC", "RS", "WC", "WS",
"W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W0C", "W0S", "W0T",
"W1SRC", "W1CRS", "W0SRC", "W0CRS", "WSRC", "WCRS",
"WOC", "WOS": is_rand = 0;
if (!is_rand)
endfunction: configure
// get_parent
function uvm_reg uvm_reg_field::get_parent();
return m_parent;
endfunction: get_parent
// get_full_name
function string uvm_reg_field::get_full_name();
return {m_parent.get_full_name(), ".", get_name()};
endfunction: get_full_name
// get_register
function uvm_reg uvm_reg_field::get_register();
return m_parent;
endfunction: get_register
// get_lsb_pos
function int unsigned uvm_reg_field::get_lsb_pos();
return m_lsb;
endfunction: get_lsb_pos
// get_n_bits
function int unsigned uvm_reg_field::get_n_bits();
return m_size;
endfunction: get_n_bits
// get_max_size
function int unsigned uvm_reg_field::get_max_size();
return m_max_size;
endfunction: get_max_size
// is_known_access
function bit uvm_reg_field::is_known_access(uvm_reg_map map = null);
string acc = get_access(map);
case (acc)
"RO", "RW", "RC", "RS", "WC", "WS",
"W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W0C", "W0S", "W0T",
"WRC", "WRS", "W1SRC", "W1CRS", "W0SRC", "W0CRS", "WSRC", "WCRS",
"WO", "WOC", "WOS", "W1", "WO1" : return 1;
return 0;
// get_access
function string uvm_reg_field::get_access(uvm_reg_map map = null);
string field_access = m_access;
if (map == uvm_reg_map::backdoor())
return field_access;
// Is the register restricted in this map?
case (m_parent.get_rights(map))
// No restrictions
return field_access;
case (field_access)
"RW", "RO", "WC", "WS",
"W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W0C", "W0S", "W0T",
: field_access = "RO";
"RC", "WRC", "W1SRC", "W0SRC", "WSRC"
: field_access = "RC";
"RS", "WRS", "W1CRS", "W0CRS", "WCRS"
: field_access = "RS";
"WO", "WOC", "WOS", "WO1": begin
field_access = "NOACCESS";
// No change for the other modes
case (field_access)
"WO": field_access = "WO";
default: begin
field_access = "NOACCESS";
// No change for the other modes
field_access = "NOACCESS";
`uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Register '",m_parent.get_full_name(),
"' containing field '",get_name(),"' is mapped in map '",
map.get_full_name(),"' with unknown access right '", m_parent.get_rights(map), "'"})
return field_access;
endfunction: get_access
// set_access
function string uvm_reg_field::set_access(string mode);
set_access = m_access;
m_access = mode.toupper();
if (!m_policy_names.exists(m_access)) begin
`uvm_error("RegModel", {"Access policy '",m_access,
"' is not a defined field access policy"})
m_access = set_access;
endfunction: set_access
// define_access
function bit uvm_reg_field::define_access(string name);
if (!m_predefined) m_predefined = m_predefine_policies();
name = name.toupper();
if (m_policy_names.exists(name)) return 0;
m_policy_names[name] = 1;
return 1;
// m_predefined_policies
function bit uvm_reg_field::m_predefine_policies();
if (m_predefined) return 1;
m_predefined = 1;
return 1;
// set_volatility
function void uvm_reg_field::set_volatility(bit volatile);
m_volatile = volatile;
// is_volatile
function bit uvm_reg_field::is_volatile();
return m_volatile;
// XpredictX
function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_field::XpredictX (uvm_reg_data_t cur_val,
uvm_reg_data_t wr_val,
uvm_reg_map map);
uvm_reg_data_t mask = ('b1 << m_size)-1;
case (get_access(map))
"RO": return cur_val;
"RW": return wr_val;
"RC": return cur_val;
"RS": return cur_val;
"WC": return '0;
"WS": return mask;
"WRC": return wr_val;
"WRS": return wr_val;
"WSRC": return mask;
"WCRS": return '0;
"W1C": return cur_val & (~wr_val);
"W1S": return cur_val | wr_val;
"W1T": return cur_val ^ wr_val;
"W0C": return cur_val & wr_val;
"W0S": return cur_val | (~wr_val & mask);
"W0T": return cur_val ^ (~wr_val & mask);
"W1SRC": return cur_val | wr_val;
"W1CRS": return cur_val & (~wr_val);
"W0SRC": return cur_val | (~wr_val & mask);
"W0CRS": return cur_val & wr_val;
"WO": return wr_val;
"WOC": return '0;
"WOS": return mask;
"W1": return (m_written) ? cur_val : wr_val;
"WO1": return (m_written) ? cur_val : wr_val;
"NOACCESS": return cur_val;
default: return wr_val;
`uvm_fatal("RegModel", "uvm_reg_field::XpredictX(): Internal error");
return 0;
endfunction: XpredictX
// predict
function bit uvm_reg_field::predict (uvm_reg_data_t value,
uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1,
uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT,
uvm_path_e path = UVM_FRONTDOOR,
uvm_reg_map map = null,
string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_item rw = new;
rw.value[0] = value;
rw.path = path;
rw.map = map;
rw.fname = fname;
rw.lineno = lineno;
do_predict(rw, kind, be);
predict = (rw.status == UVM_NOT_OK) ? 0 : 1;
endfunction: predict
// do_predict
function void uvm_reg_field::do_predict(uvm_reg_item rw,
uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT,
uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1);
uvm_reg_data_t field_val = rw.value[0] & ((1 << m_size)-1);
if (rw.status != UVM_NOT_OK)
rw.status = UVM_IS_OK;
// Assume that the entire field is enabled
if (!be[0])
m_fname = rw.fname;
m_lineno = rw.lineno;
case (kind)
uvm_reg_field_cb_iter cbs = new(this);
if (rw.path == UVM_FRONTDOOR || rw.path == UVM_PREDICT)
field_val = XpredictX(m_mirrored, field_val, rw.map);
m_written = 1;
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb = cbs.first(); cb != null; cb = cbs.next())
cb.post_predict(this, m_mirrored, field_val,
UVM_PREDICT_WRITE, rw.path, rw.map);
field_val &= ('b1 << m_size)-1;
uvm_reg_field_cb_iter cbs = new(this);
if (rw.path == UVM_FRONTDOOR || rw.path == UVM_PREDICT) begin
string acc = get_access(rw.map);
if (acc == "RC" ||
acc == "WRC" ||
acc == "WSRC" ||
acc == "W1SRC" ||
acc == "W0SRC")
field_val = 0; // (clear)
else if (acc == "RS" ||
acc == "WRS" ||
acc == "WCRS" ||
acc == "W1CRS" ||
acc == "W0CRS")
field_val = ('b1 << m_size)-1; // all 1's (set)
else if (acc == "WO" ||
acc == "WOC" ||
acc == "WOS" ||
acc == "WO1" ||
acc == "NOACCESS")
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb = cbs.first(); cb != null; cb = cbs.next())
cb.post_predict(this, m_mirrored, field_val,
UVM_PREDICT_READ, rw.path, rw.map);
field_val &= ('b1 << m_size)-1;
if (m_parent.is_busy()) begin
`uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Trying to predict value of field '",
get_name(),"' while register '",m_parent.get_full_name(),
"' is being accessed"})
rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK;
// update the mirror with predicted value
m_mirrored = field_val;
m_desired = field_val;
this.value = field_val;
endfunction: do_predict
// XupdateX
function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_field::XupdateX();
// Figure out which value must be written to get the desired value
// given what we think is the current value in the hardware
XupdateX = 0;
case (m_access)
"RO": XupdateX = m_desired;
"RW": XupdateX = m_desired;
"RC": XupdateX = m_desired;
"RS": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WRC": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WRS": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WC": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 0
"WS": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 1
"WSRC": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 1
"WCRS": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 0
"W1C": XupdateX = ~m_desired;
"W1S": XupdateX = m_desired;
"W1T": XupdateX = m_desired ^ m_mirrored;
"W0C": XupdateX = m_desired;
"W0S": XupdateX = ~m_desired;
"W0T": XupdateX = ~(m_desired ^ m_mirrored);
"W1SRC": XupdateX = m_desired;
"W1CRS": XupdateX = ~m_desired;
"W0SRC": XupdateX = ~m_desired;
"W0CRS": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WO": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WOC": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 0
"WOS": XupdateX = m_desired; // Warn if != 1
"W1": XupdateX = m_desired;
"WO1": XupdateX = m_desired;
default: XupdateX = m_desired;
XupdateX &= (1 << m_size) - 1;
endfunction: XupdateX
// set
function void uvm_reg_field::set(uvm_reg_data_t value,
string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_data_t mask = ('b1 << m_size)-1;
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
if (value >> m_size) begin
$sformatf("Specified value (0x%h) greater than field \"%s\" size (%0d bits)",
value, get_name(), m_size));
value &= mask;
if (m_parent.is_busy()) begin
$sformatf("Setting the value of field \"%s\" while containing register \"%s\" is being accessed may result in loss of desired field value. A race condition between threads concurrently accessing the register model is the likely cause of the problem.",
get_name(), m_parent.get_full_name()))
case (m_access)
"RO": m_desired = m_desired;
"RW": m_desired = value;
"RC": m_desired = m_desired;
"RS": m_desired = m_desired;
"WC": m_desired = '0;
"WS": m_desired = mask;
"WRC": m_desired = value;
"WRS": m_desired = value;
"WSRC": m_desired = mask;
"WCRS": m_desired = '0;
"W1C": m_desired = m_desired & (~value);
"W1S": m_desired = m_desired | value;
"W1T": m_desired = m_desired ^ value;
"W0C": m_desired = m_desired & value;
"W0S": m_desired = m_desired | (~value & mask);
"W0T": m_desired = m_desired ^ (~value & mask);
"W1SRC": m_desired = m_desired | value;
"W1CRS": m_desired = m_desired & (~value);
"W0SRC": m_desired = m_desired | (~value & mask);
"W0CRS": m_desired = m_desired & value;
"WO": m_desired = value;
"WOC": m_desired = '0;
"WOS": m_desired = mask;
"W1": m_desired = (m_written) ? m_desired : value;
"WO1": m_desired = (m_written) ? m_desired : value;
default: m_desired = value;
this.value = m_desired;
endfunction: set
// get
function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_field::get(string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
get = m_desired;
endfunction: get
// get_mirrored_value
function uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_field::get_mirrored_value(string fname = "",
int lineno = 0);
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
get_mirrored_value = m_mirrored;
endfunction: get_mirrored_value
// reset
function void uvm_reg_field::reset(string kind = "HARD");
if (!m_reset.exists(kind))
m_mirrored = m_reset[kind];
m_desired = m_mirrored;
value = m_mirrored;
if (kind == "HARD")
m_written = 0;
endfunction: reset
// has_reset
function bit uvm_reg_field::has_reset(string kind = "HARD",
bit delete = 0);
if (!m_reset.exists(kind)) return 0;
if (delete) m_reset.delete(kind);
return 1;
endfunction: has_reset
// get_reset
function uvm_reg_data_t
uvm_reg_field::get_reset(string kind = "HARD");
if (!m_reset.exists(kind))
return m_desired;
return m_reset[kind];
endfunction: get_reset
// set_reset
function void uvm_reg_field::set_reset(uvm_reg_data_t value,
string kind = "HARD");
m_reset[kind] = value & ((1<<m_size) - 1);
endfunction: set_reset
// needs_update
function bit uvm_reg_field::needs_update();
needs_update = (m_mirrored != m_desired) | m_volatile;
endfunction: needs_update
typedef class uvm_reg_map_info;
// Xcheck_accessX
function bit uvm_reg_field::Xcheck_accessX(input uvm_reg_item rw,
output uvm_reg_map_info map_info,
input string caller);
if (rw.path == UVM_DEFAULT_PATH) begin
uvm_reg_block blk = m_parent.get_block();
rw.path = blk.get_default_path();
if (rw.path == UVM_BACKDOOR) begin
if (m_parent.get_backdoor() == null && !m_parent.has_hdl_path()) begin
{"No backdoor access available for field '",get_full_name(),
"' . Using frontdoor instead."})
rw.path = UVM_FRONTDOOR;
rw.map = uvm_reg_map::backdoor();
if (rw.path != UVM_BACKDOOR) begin
rw.local_map = m_parent.get_local_map(rw.map,caller);
if (rw.local_map == null) begin
{"No transactor available to physically access memory from map '",
rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK;
return 0;
map_info = rw.local_map.get_reg_map_info(m_parent);
if (map_info.frontdoor == null && map_info.unmapped) begin
`uvm_error("RegModel", {"Field '",get_full_name(),
"' in register that is unmapped in map '",
"' and does not have a user-defined frontdoor"})
rw.status = UVM_NOT_OK;
return 0;
if (rw.map == null)
rw.map = rw.local_map;
return 1;
// write
task uvm_reg_field::write(output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_reg_data_t value,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_item rw;
rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("field_write_item",,get_full_name());
rw.element = this;
rw.element_kind = UVM_FIELD;
rw.kind = UVM_WRITE;
rw.value[0] = value;
rw.path = path;
rw.map = map;
rw.parent = parent;
rw.prior = prior;
rw.extension = extension;
rw.fname = fname;
rw.lineno = lineno;
status = rw.status;
// do_write
task uvm_reg_field::do_write(uvm_reg_item rw);
uvm_reg_data_t value_adjust;
uvm_reg_map_info map_info;
uvm_reg_field fields[$];
bit bad_side_effect;
m_fname = rw.fname;
m_lineno = rw.lineno;
if (!Xcheck_accessX(rw,map_info,"write()"))
m_write_in_progress = 1'b1;
if (rw.value[0] >> m_size) begin
`uvm_warning("RegModel", {"uvm_reg_field::write(): Value greater than field '",
rw.value[0] &= ((1<<m_size)-1);
// Get values to write to the other fields in register
foreach (fields[i]) begin
if (fields[i] == this) begin
value_adjust |= rw.value[0] << m_lsb;
// It depends on what kind of bits they are made of...
case (fields[i].get_access(rw.local_map))
// These...
"RO", "RC", "RS", "W1C", "W1S", "W1T", "W1SRC", "W1CRC":
// Use all 0's
value_adjust |= 0;
// These...
"W0C", "W0S", "W0T", "W0SRC", "W0CRS":
// Use all 1's
value_adjust |= ((1<<fields[i].get_n_bits())-1) << fields[i].get_lsb_pos();
// These might have side effects! Bad!
"WC", "WS", "WCRS", "WSRC", "WOC", "WOS":
bad_side_effect = 1;
value_adjust |= fields[i].m_mirrored << fields[i].get_lsb_pos();
rw.element_kind = UVM_REG;
rw.element = m_parent;
rw.value[0] = value_adjust;
if (!is_indv_accessible(rw.path,rw.local_map)) begin
rw.element_kind = UVM_REG;
rw.element = m_parent;
rw.value[0] = value_adjust;
if (bad_side_effect) begin
`uvm_warning("RegModel", $sformatf("Writing field \"%s\" will cause unintended side effects in adjoining Write-to-Clear or Write-to-Set fields in the same register", this.get_full_name()));
else begin
uvm_reg_map system_map = rw.local_map.get_root_map();
uvm_reg_field_cb_iter cbs = new(this);
rw.status = UVM_IS_OK;
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; cb=cbs.next())
if (rw.status != UVM_IS_OK) begin
m_write_in_progress = 1'b0;
if (system_map.get_auto_predict())
// ToDo: Call parent.XsampleX();
do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_WRITE);
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; cb=cbs.next())
m_write_in_progress = 1'b0;
endtask: do_write
// read
task uvm_reg_field::read(output uvm_status_e status,
output uvm_reg_data_t value,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_item rw;
rw = uvm_reg_item::type_id::create("field_read_item",,get_full_name());
rw.element = this;
rw.element_kind = UVM_FIELD;
rw.kind = UVM_READ;
rw.value[0] = 0;
rw.path = path;
rw.map = map;
rw.parent = parent;
rw.prior = prior;
rw.extension = extension;
rw.fname = fname;
rw.lineno = lineno;
value = rw.value[0];
status = rw.status;
endtask: read
// do_read
task uvm_reg_field::do_read(uvm_reg_item rw);
uvm_reg_map_info map_info;
bit bad_side_effect;
m_fname = rw.fname;
m_lineno = rw.lineno;
m_read_in_progress = 1'b1;
if (!Xcheck_accessX(rw,map_info,"read()"))
rw.element_kind = UVM_REG;
rw.element = m_parent;
rw.value[0] = (rw.value[0] >> m_lsb) & ((1<<m_size))-1;
bad_side_effect = 1;
if (!is_indv_accessible(rw.path,rw.local_map)) begin
rw.element_kind = UVM_REG;
rw.element = m_parent;
bad_side_effect = 1;
rw.value[0] = (rw.value[0] >> m_lsb) & ((1<<m_size))-1;
else begin
uvm_reg_map system_map = rw.local_map.get_root_map();
uvm_reg_field_cb_iter cbs = new(this);
rw.status = UVM_IS_OK;
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb = cbs.first(); cb != null; cb = cbs.next())
if (rw.status != UVM_IS_OK) begin
m_read_in_progress = 1'b0;
if (system_map.get_auto_predict())
// ToDo: Call parent.XsampleX();
do_predict(rw, UVM_PREDICT_READ);
for (uvm_reg_cbs cb=cbs.first(); cb!=null; cb=cbs.next())
m_read_in_progress = 1'b0;
if (bad_side_effect) begin
uvm_reg_field fields[$];
foreach (fields[i]) begin
string mode;
if (fields[i] == this)
mode = fields[i].get_access();
if (mode == "RC" ||
mode == "RS" ||
mode == "WRC" ||
mode == "WRS" ||
mode == "WSRC" ||
mode == "WCRS" ||
mode == "W1SRC" ||
mode == "W1CRS" ||
mode == "W0SRC" ||
mode == "W0CRS") begin
`uvm_warning("RegModel", {"Reading field '",get_full_name(),
"' will cause unintended side effects in adjoining ",
"Read-to-Clear or Read-to-Set fields in the same register"})
endtask: do_read
// is_indv_accessible
function bit uvm_reg_field::is_indv_accessible(uvm_path_e path,
uvm_reg_map local_map);
if (path == UVM_BACKDOOR) begin
{"Individual BACKDOOR field access not available for field '",
get_full_name(), "'. Accessing complete register instead."})
return 0;
if (!m_individually_accessible) begin
{"Individual field access not available for field '",
get_full_name(), "'. Accessing complete register instead."})
return 0;
// Cannot access individual fields if the container register
// has a user-defined front-door
if (m_parent.get_frontdoor(local_map) != null) begin
{"Individual field access not available for field '",
get_name(), "' because register '", m_parent.get_full_name(), "' has a user-defined front-door. Accessing complete register instead."})
return 0;
uvm_reg_map system_map = local_map.get_root_map();
uvm_reg_adapter adapter = system_map.get_adapter();
if (adapter.supports_byte_enable)
return 1;
int fld_idx;
int bus_width = local_map.get_n_bytes();
uvm_reg_field fields[$];
bit sole_field;
if (fields.size() == 1) begin
sole_field = 1;
else begin
int prev_lsb,this_lsb,next_lsb;
int prev_sz,this_sz,next_sz;
int bus_sz = bus_width*8;
foreach (fields[i]) begin
if (fields[i] == this) begin
fld_idx = i;
this_lsb = fields[fld_idx].get_lsb_pos();
this_sz = fields[fld_idx].get_n_bits();
if (fld_idx>0) begin
prev_lsb = fields[fld_idx-1].get_lsb_pos();
prev_sz = fields[fld_idx-1].get_n_bits();
if (fld_idx < fields.size()-1) begin
next_lsb = fields[fld_idx+1].get_lsb_pos();
next_sz = fields[fld_idx+1].get_n_bits();
// if first field in register
if (fld_idx == 0 &&
((next_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 ||
(next_lsb - this_sz) > (next_lsb % bus_sz)))
return 1;
// if last field in register
else if (fld_idx == (fields.size()-1) &&
((this_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 ||
(this_lsb - (prev_lsb + prev_sz)) >= (this_lsb % bus_sz)))
return 1;
// if somewhere in between
else begin
if ((this_lsb % bus_sz) == 0) begin
if ((next_lsb % bus_sz) == 0 ||
(next_lsb - (this_lsb + this_sz)) >= (next_lsb % bus_sz))
return 1;
else begin
if ( (next_lsb - (this_lsb + this_sz)) >= (next_lsb % bus_sz) &&
((this_lsb - (prev_lsb + prev_sz)) >= (this_lsb % bus_sz)) )
return 1;
{"Target bus does not support byte enabling, and the field '",
get_full_name(),"' is not the only field within the entire bus width. ",
"Individual field access will not be available. ",
"Accessing complete register instead."})
return 0;
// poke
task uvm_reg_field::poke(output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_reg_data_t value,
input string kind = "",
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_data_t tmp;
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
if (value >> m_size) begin
{"uvm_reg_field::poke(): Value exceeds size of field '",
value &= value & ((1<<m_size)-1);
m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b1;
tmp = 0;
// What is the current values of the other fields???
m_parent.peek(status, tmp, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno);
if (status == UVM_NOT_OK) begin
`uvm_error("RegModel", {"uvm_reg_field::poke(): Peek of register '",
m_parent.get_full_name(),"' returned status ",status.name()})
m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b0;
// Force the value for this field then poke the resulting value
tmp &= ~(((1<<m_size)-1) << m_lsb);
tmp |= value << m_lsb;
m_parent.poke(status, tmp, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno);
m_parent.m_is_locked_by_field = 1'b0;
endtask: poke
// peek
task uvm_reg_field::peek(output uvm_status_e status,
output uvm_reg_data_t value,
input string kind = "",
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
uvm_reg_data_t reg_value;
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
m_parent.peek(status, reg_value, kind, parent, extension, fname, lineno);
value = (reg_value >> m_lsb) & ((1<<m_size))-1;
endtask: peek
// mirror
task uvm_reg_field::mirror(output uvm_status_e status,
input uvm_check_e check = UVM_NO_CHECK,
input uvm_path_e path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH,
input uvm_reg_map map = null,
input uvm_sequence_base parent = null,
input int prior = -1,
input uvm_object extension = null,
input string fname = "",
input int lineno = 0);
m_fname = fname;
m_lineno = lineno;
m_parent.mirror(status, check, path, map, parent, prior, extension,
fname, lineno);
endtask: mirror
// set_compare
function void uvm_reg_field::set_compare(uvm_check_e check=UVM_CHECK);
m_check = check;
// get_compare
function uvm_check_e uvm_reg_field::get_compare();
return m_check;
// pre_randomize
function void uvm_reg_field::pre_randomize();
// Update the only publicly known property with the current
// desired value so it can be used as a state variable should
// the rand_mode of the field be turned off.
value = m_desired;
endfunction: pre_randomize
// post_randomize
function void uvm_reg_field::post_randomize();
m_desired = value;
endfunction: post_randomize
// do_print
function void uvm_reg_field::do_print (uvm_printer printer);
printer.print_generic(get_name(), get_type_name(), -1, convert2string());
// convert2string
function string uvm_reg_field::convert2string();
string fmt;
string res_str;
string t_str;
bit with_debug_info;
string prefix;
uvm_reg reg_=get_register();
$sformat(fmt, "%0d'h%%%0dh", get_n_bits(),
(get_n_bits()-1)/4 + 1);
$sformat(convert2string, {"%s %s %s[%0d:%0d]=",fmt,"%s"}, prefix,
get_lsb_pos() + get_n_bits() - 1,
get_lsb_pos(), m_desired,
(m_desired != m_mirrored) ? $sformatf({" (Mirror: ",fmt,")"},
m_mirrored) : "");
if (m_read_in_progress == 1'b1) begin
if (m_fname != "" && m_lineno != 0)
$sformat(res_str, " from %s:%0d",m_fname, m_lineno);
convert2string = {convert2string, "\n", "currently being read", res_str};
if (m_write_in_progress == 1'b1) begin
if (m_fname != "" && m_lineno != 0)
$sformat(res_str, " from %s:%0d",m_fname, m_lineno);
convert2string = {convert2string, "\n", res_str, "currently being written"};
endfunction: convert2string
// clone
function uvm_object uvm_reg_field::clone();
`uvm_fatal("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be cloned")
return null;
// do_copy
function void uvm_reg_field::do_copy(uvm_object rhs);
`uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field copy not yet implemented")
// just a set(rhs.get()) ?
// do_compare
function bit uvm_reg_field::do_compare (uvm_object rhs,
uvm_comparer comparer);
`uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field compare not yet implemented")
// just a return (get() == rhs.get()) ?
return 0;
// do_pack
function void uvm_reg_field::do_pack (uvm_packer packer);
`uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be packed")
// do_unpack
function void uvm_reg_field::do_unpack (uvm_packer packer);
`uvm_warning("RegModel","RegModel field cannot be unpacked")
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