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// Copyright 2007-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation
// Copyright 2007-2011 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
// Copyright 2010 Synopsys, Inc.
// All Rights Reserved Worldwide
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
// the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
// writing, software distributed under the License is
// distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
// the License for the specific language governing
// permissions and limitations under the License.
// Title: TLM Channel Classes
// This section defines built-in TLM channel classes.
// CLASS: uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP)
// The uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel contains a request FIFO of type ~REQ~ and a response
// FIFO of type ~RSP~. These FIFOs can be of any size. This channel is
// particularly useful for dealing with pipelined protocols where the request
// and response are not tightly coupled.
// Type parameters:
// REQ - Type of the request transactions conveyed by this channel.
// RSP - Type of the response transactions conveyed by this channel.
class uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(type REQ=int, type RSP=REQ) extends uvm_component;
typedef uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ, RSP) this_type;
const static string type_name = "uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP)";
// Port: put_request_export
// The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface
// methods to the request FIFO:
//| task put (input T t);
//| function bit can_put ();
//| function bit try_put (input T t);
// Any put port variant can connect and send transactions to the request FIFO
// via this export, provided the transaction types match.
uvm_put_export #(REQ) put_request_export;
// Port: get_peek_response_export
// The get_peek_response_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get
// and peek interface methods to the response FIFO:
//| task get (output T t);
//| function bit can_get ();
//| function bit try_get (output T t);
//| task peek (output T t);
//| function bit can_peek ();
//| function bit try_peek (output T t);
// Any get or peek port variant can connect to and retrieve transactions from
// the response FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match.
uvm_get_peek_export #(RSP) get_peek_response_export;
// Port: get_peek_request_export
// The get_peek_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek
// interface methods to the response FIFO:
//| task get (output T t);
//| function bit can_get ();
//| function bit try_get (output T t);
//| task peek (output T t);
//| function bit can_peek ();
//| function bit try_peek (output T t);
// Any get or peek port variant can connect to and retrieve transactions from
// the response FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match.
uvm_get_peek_export #(REQ) get_peek_request_export;
// Port: put_response_export
// The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface
// methods to the response FIFO:
//| task put (input T t);
//| function bit can_put ();
//| function bit try_put (input T t);
// Any put port variant can connect and send transactions to the response FIFO
// via this export, provided the transaction types match.
uvm_put_export #(RSP) put_response_export;
// Port: request_ap
// Transactions passed via ~put~ or ~try_put~ (via any port connected to the
// put_request_export) are sent out this port via its write method.
//| function void write (T t);
// All connected analysis exports and imps will receive these transactions.
uvm_analysis_port #(REQ) request_ap;
// Port: response_ap
// Transactions passed via ~put~ or ~try_put~ (via any port connected to the
// put_response_export) are sent out this port via its write method.
//| function void write (T t);
// All connected analysis exports and imps will receive these transactions.
uvm_analysis_port #(RSP) response_ap;
// Port: master_export
// Exports a single interface that allows a master to put requests and get or
// peek responses. It is a combination of the put_request_export and
// get_peek_response_export.
uvm_master_imp #(REQ, RSP, this_type, uvm_tlm_fifo #(REQ), uvm_tlm_fifo #(RSP)) master_export;
// Port: slave_export
// Exports a single interface that allows a slave to get or peek requests and
// to put responses. It is a combination of the get_peek_request_export
// and put_response_export.
uvm_slave_imp #(REQ, RSP, this_type, uvm_tlm_fifo #(REQ), uvm_tlm_fifo #(RSP)) slave_export;
// port aliases for backward compatibility
uvm_put_export #(REQ) blocking_put_request_export,
uvm_get_peek_export #(REQ) get_request_export,
uvm_put_export #(RSP) blocking_put_response_export,
uvm_get_peek_export #(RSP) get_response_export,
uvm_master_imp #(REQ, RSP, this_type, uvm_tlm_fifo #(REQ), uvm_tlm_fifo #(RSP))
uvm_slave_imp #(REQ, RSP, this_type, uvm_tlm_fifo #(REQ), uvm_tlm_fifo #(RSP))
// internal fifos
protected uvm_tlm_fifo #(REQ) m_request_fifo;
protected uvm_tlm_fifo #(RSP) m_response_fifo;
// Function: new
// The ~name~ and ~parent~ are the standard <uvm_component> constructor arguments.
// The ~parent~ must be ~null~ if this component is defined within a static
// component such as a module, program block, or interface. The last two
// arguments specify the request and response FIFO sizes, which have default
// values of 1.
function new (string name, uvm_component parent=null,
int request_fifo_size=1,
int response_fifo_size=1);
super.new (name, parent);
m_request_fifo = new ("request_fifo", this, request_fifo_size);
m_response_fifo = new ("response_fifo", this, response_fifo_size);
request_ap = new ("request_ap", this);
response_ap = new ("response_ap", this);
put_request_export = new ("put_request_export", this);
get_peek_request_export = new ("get_peek_request_export", this);
put_response_export = new ("put_response_export", this);
get_peek_response_export = new ("get_peek_response_export", this);
master_export = new ("master_export", this, m_request_fifo, m_response_fifo);
slave_export = new ("slave_export", this, m_request_fifo, m_response_fifo);
set_report_id_action_hier(s_connection_error_id, UVM_NO_ACTION);
virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
put_request_export.connect (m_request_fifo.put_export);
get_peek_request_export.connect (m_request_fifo.get_peek_export);
m_request_fifo.put_ap.connect (request_ap);
put_response_export.connect (m_response_fifo.put_export);
get_peek_response_export.connect (m_response_fifo.get_peek_export);
m_response_fifo.put_ap.connect (response_ap);
function void create_aliased_exports();
// request
blocking_put_request_export = put_request_export;
nonblocking_put_request_export = put_request_export;
get_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
blocking_get_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
nonblocking_get_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
peek_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
blocking_peek_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
nonblocking_peek_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
blocking_get_peek_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
nonblocking_get_peek_request_export = get_peek_request_export;
// response
blocking_put_response_export = put_response_export;
nonblocking_put_response_export = put_response_export;
get_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
blocking_get_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
nonblocking_get_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
peek_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
blocking_peek_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
nonblocking_peek_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
blocking_get_peek_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
nonblocking_get_peek_response_export = get_peek_response_export;
// master/slave
blocking_master_export = master_export;
nonblocking_master_export = master_export;
blocking_slave_export = slave_export;
nonblocking_slave_export = slave_export;
// get_type_name
// -------------
function string get_type_name ();
return type_name;
// create
// ------
function uvm_object create (string name="");
this_type v;
return v;
// CLASS: uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(REQ,RSP)
// A uvm_tlm_transport_channel is a <uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP)> that implements
// the transport interface. It is useful when modeling a non-pipelined bus at
// the transaction level. Because the requests and responses have a tightly
// coupled one-to-one relationship, the request and response FIFO sizes are both
// set to one.
class uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(type REQ=int, type RSP=REQ)
extends uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ, RSP);
typedef uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(REQ, RSP) this_type;
// Port: transport_export
// The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking transport
// interface methods to the response FIFO:
//| task transport(REQ request, output RSP response);
//| function bit nb_transport(REQ request, output RSP response);
// Any transport port variant can connect to and send requests and retrieve
// responses via this export, provided the transaction types match. Upon
// return, the response argument carries the response to the request.
uvm_transport_imp #(REQ, RSP, this_type) transport_export;
// Function: new
// The ~name~ and ~parent~ are the standard <uvm_component> constructor
// arguments. The ~parent~ must be ~null~ if this component is defined within a
// statically elaborated construct such as a module, program block, or
// interface.
function new (string name, uvm_component parent=null);
super.new(name, parent, 1, 1);
transport_export = new("transport_export", this);
task transport (REQ request, output RSP response );
this.m_request_fifo.put( request );
this.m_response_fifo.get( response );
function bit nb_transport (REQ req, output RSP rsp );
return this.m_response_fifo.try_get(rsp);
return 0;
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