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[/] [usb11_sim_model/] [trunk/] [USB_FS_master.vhd] - Rev 9
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--==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011 by Martin Neumann martin@neumanns-mail.de -- -- -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided that this copyright statement -- -- is not removed from the file and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice and -- -- the associated disclaimer. -- -- -- -- This software is provided ''as is'' and without any express or implied warranties, including, but not -- -- limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event -- -- shall the author or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or -- -- consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss -- -- of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, -- -- whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way -- -- out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. -- -- -- --==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- File name : usb_fs_master.vhd -- -- Author : Martin Neumann martin@neumanns-mail.de -- -- Description : USB FS Master, used with usb_Stimuli.vhd data source and usb_fs_monitor.vhd. -- -- -- --==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- Change history -- -- -- -- Version / date Description -- -- -- -- 01 05 Mar 2011 MN Initial version -- -- 02 01 Nov 2011 MN Removed application specific interface, gererate 12 MHz clk internally -- -- -- -- End change history -- --==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus -- -- USB data is transmitted by toggling the data lines between the J state and the opposite K state. USB -- -- encodes data using the NRZI convention; a 0 bit is transmitted by toggling the data lines from J to K -- -- or vice-versa, while a 1 bit is transmitted by leaving the data lines as-is. -- -- To ensure a minimum density of signal transitions, USB uses bit stuffing - an extra 0 bit is inserted -- -- into the data stream after any appearance of six consecutive 1 bits. Seven consecutive '1's are always -- -- an error. -- -- A USB packet begins with an 8-bit synchronization sequence '00000001'. That is, after the initial idle -- -- state J, the data lines toggle KJKJKJKK. The final 1 bit (repeated K state) marks the end of the sync -- -- pattern and the beginning of the USB frame. For high bandwidth USB, the packet begins with a 32-bit -- -- synchronization sequence. -- -- A USB packet's end, called EOP (end-of-packet), is indicated by the transmitter driving 2 bit times of -- -- SE0 (D+ and D- both below max) and 1 bit time of J state. After this, the transmitter ceases to drive -- -- the D+/D- lines and the aforementioned pull up resistors hold it in the J (idle) state. Sometimes skew -- -- due to hubs can add as much as one bit time before the SE0 of the end of packet. -- -- This extra bit can result in a "bit stuff violation" if the six bits before it in the CRC are '1's. -- -- This bit should be ignored by receiver. -- -- A USB bus is reset using a prolonged (10 to 20 milliseconds) SE0 signal. -- -- -- --==========================================================================================================-- LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; USE std.textio.all; LIBRARY work; USE work.usb_commands.all; ENTITY usb_fs_master IS PORT( rst_neg_ext : OUT STD_LOGIC; usb_Dp : INOUT STD_LOGIC; usb_Dn : INOUT STD_LOGIC ); END usb_fs_master; ARCHITECTURE SIM OF usb_fs_master IS SIGNAL T_No : NATURAL; SIGNAL usb_clk : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL crc_16 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(15 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL crc_5 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR( 4 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL master_oe : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL stimuli_bit : STD_LOGIC := 'Z'; SIGNAL stuffing_requ : BOOLEAN; SIGNAL usb_request : usb_action; function next_CRC_5 (Data: std_logic; crc: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is -- Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Easics NV. http://www.easics.com/webtools/crctool variable d: std_logic; variable c: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); variable new_crc: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); begin d := Data; c := crc; new_crc(0) := d xor c(4); new_crc(1) := c(0); new_crc(2) := d xor c(1) xor c(4); new_crc(3) := c(2); new_crc(4) := c(3); return new_crc; end next_CRC_5; function next_CRC_16 (Data: std_logic; crc: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is -- Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Easics NV. http://www.easics.com/webtools/crctool variable d: std_logic; variable c: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); variable new_crc: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); begin d := Data; c := crc; new_crc(0) := d xor c(15); new_crc(1) := c(0); new_crc(2) := d xor c(1) xor c(15); new_crc(14 DOWNTO 3) := c(13 DOWNTO 2); new_crc(15) := d xor c(14) xor c(15); return new_crc; end next_CRC_16; FUNCTION nrzi(data_bit, last_level : std_logic) RETURN STD_LOGIC IS BEGIN IF data_bit = '0' THEN RETURN not last_level; ELSE RETURN last_level; END IF; END nrzi; --==========================================================================================================-- begin p_usb_clk : PROCESS BEGIN usb_clk <= '0'; WAIT FOR 20866 ps; usb_clk <= '1'; WAIT FOR 41600 ps; usb_clk <= '0'; WAIT FOR 20867 ps; END PROCESS; test_case : ENTITY work.usb_stimuli PORT MAP( usb => usb_request, rst_neg_ext => rst_neg_ext, T_No => T_No ); usb_fs_monitor : ENTITY work.usb_fs_monitor port map ( master_oe => master_oe, usb_Dp => usb_dp, usb_Dn => usb_dn ); master_oe <= '0' WHEN usb_request = idle OR usb_request = recv_eop ELSE '1'; p_usb_data : PROCESS VARIABLE d_new : STD_LOGIC; VARIABLE ones_cnt : NATURAL; BEGIN WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk); stuffing_requ <= FALSE; IF stimuli_bit = 'L' THEN usb_Dp <= '0'; usb_Dn <= '0'; ELSIF stimuli_bit = 'Z' THEN usb_Dp <= 'Z'; usb_Dn <= 'L'; ELSIF stimuli_bit = '1' THEN ones_cnt := ones_cnt +1; d_new := nrzi('1', usb_Dp); usb_Dp <= d_new; usb_Dn <= not d_new; IF ones_cnt = 6 THEN -- add stuffing bit stuffing_requ <= TRUE; ones_cnt := 0; WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk); stuffing_requ <= FALSE; d_new := nrzi('0', usb_Dp); usb_Dp <= d_new; usb_Dn <= not d_new; END IF; ELSE ones_cnt := 0; d_new := nrzi('0', usb_Dp); usb_Dp <= d_new; usb_Dn <= not d_new; END IF; END PROCESS; p_stimuli_bit : PROCESS --always transfer LSB first (exception crc) CONSTANT sync_data : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) := X"80"; --USB FS : sync patter is KJKJKJKK CONSTANT eop_data : std_logic_vector(3 DOWNTO 0) := "Z0LL"; --'L' forces both usb_up, usb_dn low !! BEGIN WAIT ON usb_request; IF usb_request = reset THEN usb_status <= usb_request; stimuli_bit <= 'L'; WAIT FOR 5 us; WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk); stimuli_bit <= 'Z'; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = sync THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 0 TO 7 LOOP -- Sync pattern WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk); stimuli_bit <= sync_data(i); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = pid THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 0 TO 7 LOOP WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= sv_usb_byte(i); END LOOP; crc_5 <= (others =>'1'); crc_16 <= (others =>'1'); usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = addr THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 0 TO 10 LOOP WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= sv_usb_addr(i); crc_5 <= next_crc_5(sv_usb_addr(i),crc_5); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = wr_odd OR usb_request = wr_even THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 0 TO 7 LOOP WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= sv_usb_byte(i); crc_16 <= next_crc_16(sv_usb_byte(i),crc_16); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; -- WAIT for 1 ns; ELSIF usb_request = wr_crc5 THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 4 DOWNTO 0 LOOP -- Token crc5, LSB last WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= NOT crc_5(i); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = wr_crc16 THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 15 DOWNTO 0 LOOP -- Data crc16, LSB last WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= NOT crc_16(i); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = send_eop THEN usb_status <= usb_request; FOR i IN 0 TO 3 LOOP WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND NOT stuffing_requ; stimuli_bit <= eop_data(i); END LOOP; usb_status <= idle; ELSIF usb_request = Recv_eop THEN usb_status <= usb_request; WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(usb_clk) AND usb_Dp ='0' AND usb_Dn ='0'; WAIT FOR 400 ns; usb_status <= idle; ELSE stimuli_bit <= 'Z'; usb_status <= idle; END IF; END PROCESS; END SIM; --======================================== END OF usb_fs_master.vhd ========================================--
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