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[/] [usb11_sim_model/] [trunk/] [usb_FS_monitor.vhd] - Rev 9
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--==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2011 by Martin Neumann martin@neumanns-mail.de -- -- -- -- This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided that this copyright statement -- -- is not removed from the file and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice and -- -- the associated disclaimer. -- -- -- -- This software is provided ''as is'' and without any express or implied warranties, including, but not -- -- limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event -- -- shall the author or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or -- -- consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss -- -- of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, -- -- whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way -- -- out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. -- -- -- --==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- File name : usb_fs_monitor.vhd -- -- Author : Martin Neumann martin@neumanns-mail.de -- -- Description : USB bus monitor, logs all USB activities in result.out file. -- -- -- --==========================================================================================================-- -- -- -- Change history -- -- -- -- Version / date Description -- -- -- -- 01 05 Mar 2011 MN Initial version -- -- 02 01 Nov 2011 MN clk_60MHz now internally generated; next_state corrected -- -- 03 30 Jan 2012 MN fixed problems at transfer end, modified for protocol checking -- -- -- -- End change history -- --==========================================================================================================-- LIBRARY work, IEEE; USE work.usb_commands.ALL; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; USE std.textio.all; ENTITY usb_fs_monitor IS PORT( master_oe : IN STD_LOGIC; usb_Dp : IN STD_LOGIC; usb_Dn : IN STD_LOGIC); END usb_fs_monitor; ARCHITECTURE SIM OF usb_fs_monitor IS TYPE state_mode IS(idle, pid, token1, token2, frame1, frame2, data, eop, err); SIGNAL clk_en : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL clk_60MHz : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_state : state_mode; SIGNAL byte_valid : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dp_sync : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dn_sync : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_bit : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_byte : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); SIGNAL bit_cntr : NATURAL; SIGNAL dll_cntr : NATURAL; SIGNAL stuffing_det : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL edge_detect : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dp_s0 : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dp_s1 : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dn_s0 : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dn_s1 : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL usb_dp_last : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL se0 : BOOLEAN; BEGIN --==========================================================================================================-- -- Synchronize Inputs -- --==========================================================================================================-- p_clk_60MHz : PROCESS BEGIN clk_60MHz <= '0'; While true loop clk_60MHz <= '0'; WAIT FOR 8333 ps; clk_60MHz <= '1'; WAIT FOR 8334 ps; -- 60 MHz end loop; END PROCESS; p_usb_dp_sync: process (clk_60MHz) begin if rising_edge(clk_60MHz) then usb_dp_s0 <= usb_dp; usb_dp_s1 <= usb_dp_s0; if (usb_dp_s0 and usb_dp_s1) ='1' then usb_dp_sync <= '1'; elsif (usb_dp_s0 OR usb_dp_s1) ='0' then usb_dp_sync <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; p_usb_dn_sync: process (clk_60MHz) begin if rising_edge(clk_60MHz) then usb_dn_s0 <= usb_Dn; usb_dn_s1 <= usb_dn_s0; if (usb_dn_s0 and usb_dn_s1) ='1' then usb_dn_sync <= '1'; elsif (usb_dn_s0 OR usb_dn_s1) ='0' then usb_dn_sync <= '0'; end if; end if; end process; usb_bit <= usb_dp_sync AND NOT usb_dn_sync; p_usb_d_last: process (clk_60MHz) begin if rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN usb_dp_last <= usb_dp_sync; end if; end process; edge_detect <= usb_dp_last XOR usb_dp_sync; p_dll_cntr: PROCESS (clk_60MHz) BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN IF edge_detect ='1' THEN IF dll_cntr >= 8 THEN dll_cntr <= 2; -- clk_en to be centered in next count sequence ELSE dll_cntr <= 7; -- clk_en is now centered END IF; ELSIF dll_cntr >= 8 THEN -- normal count sequence is 8->4->5->6->7->8->4... dll_cntr <= 4; ELSE dll_cntr <= dll_cntr +1; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; clk_en <= '1' WHEN dll_cntr >= 8 ELSE '0'; --==========================================================================================================-- -- Analyse USB Inputs -- --==========================================================================================================-- --se0 <= usb_Dp_sync='0' AND usb_Dn_sync='0'; p_se0 : PROCESS(clk_60MHz) BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN IF clk_en ='1' THEN se0 <= usb_Dp_sync='0' AND usb_Dn_sync='0'; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; p_reset_det : PROCESS(clk_60MHz) VARIABLE se0_lev : BOOLEAN; VARIABLE se0_time : Time := 0 ns; VARIABLE v_LineWr : line := NULL; BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN IF clk_en ='1' THEN IF se0 THEN IF NOT se0_lev THEN se0_lev := TRUE; se0_time := now; END IF; ELSE IF se0_lev THEN se0_time := now - se0_time; IF se0_time >= 200 ns THEN write (v_LineWr, now, right,15); IF se0_time >= 2500 ns THEN write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" USB Reset detected for ")); ELSE write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" USB lines at SE0 for ")); END IF; write (v_LineWr, se0_time, right,15); PrintLine(v_LineWr); END IF; END IF; se0_lev := FALSE; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; p_usb_byte : PROCESS(usb_state, clk_60MHz) VARIABLE hold, usb_last : STD_LOGIC; VARIABLE ones_cnt : NATURAL; BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN IF usb_state = idle OR usb_state = eop THEN usb_last := usb_bit; bit_cntr <= 0; ones_cnt := 0; byte_valid <= '0'; usb_byte <= (OTHERS => 'H'); ELSIF clk_en ='1' THEN IF usb_bit = usb_last THEN usb_byte <= '1' & usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 1); bit_cntr <= (bit_cntr +1) MOD 8; ones_cnt := (ones_cnt +1); IF ones_cnt > 6 THEN ASSERT FALSE REPORT"Stuffing error" SEVERITY ERROR; END IF; hold := '0'; ELSE IF ones_cnt /= 6 THEN usb_byte <= '0' & usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 1); bit_cntr <= (bit_cntr +1) MOD 8; hold := '0'; ELSE hold := '1'; END IF; ones_cnt := 0; END IF; IF bit_cntr=7 THEN byte_valid <= NOT hold; ELSE byte_valid <= '0'; END IF; usb_last := usb_bit; END IF; stuffing_det <= hold; END IF; END PROCESS; p_usb_state : PROCESS(clk_60MHz) VARIABLE address : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE endpoint : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE frame_no : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(10 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE byte_cnt : NATURAL; VARIABLE sync_pattern : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE v_LineWr : line := NULL; BEGIN IF rising_edge(clk_60MHz) THEN IF clk_en ='1' THEN IF se0 THEN sync_pattern := (OTHERS => '0'); ELSE sync_pattern := sync_pattern(6 DOWNTO 0) & usb_bit; END IF; CASE usb_state IS WHEN idle => IF sync_pattern = "01010100" THEN usb_state <= pid; ELSE usb_state <= idle; END IF; WHEN pid => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN IF usb_byte(3 DOWNTO 0) /= NOT usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 4) THEN --+------+------+-------------+ ASSERT FALSE REPORT"PID error" SEVERITY ERROR; --| PID | usb- | String | END IF; --|Bit3:0|state | | write (v_LineWr, now, right,15); --|------|------|-------------| IF master_oe ='1' THEN --| x"1" | token| "OUT-Token" | write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" Send ")); --| x"2" | idle | "ACK" | ELSE --| x"3" | data | "Data0" | write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" Recv ")); --| x"4" | N/A | "Ping" | END IF; --| x"5" | frame| "SOF-Token" | byte_cnt := 0; --| x"6" | idle | "NYET" | ASSERT usb_byte(3 DOWNTO 0) = NOT usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 4) --| x"7" | data | "Data2" | REPORT"PID error detected" SEVERITY ERROR; --| x"8" | N/A | "Split" | CASE usb_byte(3 DOWNTO 0) IS --| x"9" | token| "IN-Token" | WHEN x"1" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("OUT-Token")); --| x"A" | idle | "NAK" | WHEN x"9" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("IN-Token")); --| x"B" | data | "Data1" | WHEN x"5" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("SOF-Token")); --| x"C" | N/A | "Preamble" | WHEN x"D" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Setup")); --| x"D" | token| "Setup" | WHEN x"3" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Data0")); --| x"E" | idle | "STALL" | WHEN x"B" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Data1")); --| x"F" | data | "MData" | WHEN x"7" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Data2")); --| x"0" | idle | "Error" | WHEN x"F" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("MData")); --+------+------+-------------+ WHEN x"2" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("ACK")); WHEN x"A" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("NAK")); WHEN x"E" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("STALL")); WHEN x"6" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("NYET")); WHEN x"C" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Preamble")); -- WHEN x"C" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("SPLIT-ERR")); WHEN x"8" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Split")); WHEN x"4" => write (v_LineWr, STRING'("Ping")); WHEN OTHERS => ASSERT FALSE REPORT"PID is zero" SEVERITY ERROR; END CASE; CASE usb_byte(3 DOWNTO 0) IS WHEN x"1" | x"9" | x"D" => usb_state <= token1; WHEN x"5" => usb_state <= frame1; WHEN x"3" | x"B" | x"7" | x"F" => usb_state <= data; WHEN x"2" | x"A" | x"E" | x"6" => usb_state <= eop; PrintLine(v_LineWr); -- print as soon as possible WHEN others => usb_state <= idle; ASSERT FALSE REPORT "FS-Monitor: This PID is not impemented" SEVERITY WARNING; END CASE; END IF; IF se0 THEN usb_state <= err; END IF; WHEN token1 => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN address := usb_byte(6 DOWNTO 0); endpoint(0) := usb_byte(7); usb_state <= token2; END IF; IF se0 THEN usb_state <= err; END IF; WHEN token2 => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN endpoint(3 DOWNTO 1) := usb_byte(2 DOWNTO 0); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(": Address 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, address); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(", Endpoint 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, endpoint); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(", CRC5 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 3)); usb_state <= eop; PrintLine(v_LineWr); END IF; WHEN frame1 => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN frame_no(7 DOWNTO 0) := usb_byte; usb_state <= frame2; END IF; IF se0 THEN usb_state <= err; END IF; WHEN frame2 => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN frame_no(10 DOWNTO 8) := usb_byte(2 DOWNTO 0); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(": Frame No 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, frame_no); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(", CRC5 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, usb_byte(7 DOWNTO 3)); usb_state <= err; usb_state <= eop; PrintLine(v_LineWr); END IF; WHEN data => IF byte_valid ='1' THEN byte_cnt := byte_cnt +1; IF byte_cnt = 17 THEN PrintLine(v_LineWr); write (v_LineWr, now, right,15); write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" .....")); byte_cnt := 1; END IF; write (v_LineWr, STRING'(" 0x")); HexWrite (v_LineWr, usb_byte); ELSIF se0 THEN PrintLine(v_LineWr); IF bit_cntr <= 1 THEN usb_state <= idle; ELSE usb_state <= err; END IF; END IF; WHEN eop => IF se0 THEN usb_state <= idle; ELSIF stuffing_det = '0' THEN usb_state <= err; END IF; WHEN OTHERS => PrintLine(v_LineWr); -- CASE err ASSERT FALSE REPORT "FS monitor: protocol error" SEVERITY ERROR; usb_state <= idle; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; usb_busy <= NOT(usb_state = idle OR usb_state = eop); -- global signal, defiened and used in usb_commands -- END SIM; --======================================== END OF usb_fs_monitor.vhd =======================================--
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